Help DeskPediatric Spinal Cord Injury & DiseasePediatric Spinal Cord Injury Care FacilitiesCARF Accredited Pediatric (family centered programs)

1.3. CARF Accredited Pediatric (family centered programs)

A Spinal Cord System of Care (SCSC) that focus on services for children or adolescents is called a Pediatric Specialty Program.  Family-centered care is the essence of these programs. Members of the families/support systems of the children participate in all aspects of the program and decisions made about the care of their children.


Jackson Memorial Hospital Rehabilitation Center at Jackson Health System

1611 Northwest 12th Avenue, Rehabilitation Building, Suite 310

Miami, FL 33136


Three-year Accreditation   Exp. 12/31/2010

Spinal Cord System of Care (Pediatric Family Centered)


Mayo Clinic Rehabilitation Unit

1216 Second Street SW

Rochester, MN 55902


Three-year Accreditation   Exp. 2/28/2010

Spinal Cord System of Care (Pediatric Family Centered)


PSE&G Children's Specialized Hospital

200 Somerset Street

New Brunswick, NJ 08901


Three-year Accreditation   Exp. 6/30/2011

Spinal Cord System of Care (Pediatric Family Centered)



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