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6.3. Clinic Appointment with Prescribing Clinician
Clinic Appointment with Prescribing Clinician
- Clinic Appointment with Prescribing Clinician Overview
- Details of a Fit Assessment
- Additional Information and Education to Expect at the Appointment
- Downloadable Overview Available Below
Clinic Appointment with Prescribing Clinician Overview
The length of time needed to perform the Fit Assessment of a new wheelchair will vary based on the complexity of the wheelchair. It could an hour to several hours, depending on the complexity of your wheelchair and seaing equipment. Ideally, everyone who participated in the original assessment should be present for delivery of complicated equipment.
Fit Assessment
During the appointment the clinician and supplier should assess the following areas together:
- Seat width and depth
- Pelvic position/Support
- Cushion: Appropriate support. Pressure map when necessary
- Leg support (footrest angle, legrest length, foot strapping)
- Appropriate trunk support
- Back support (height, contact area)
- Lateral supports, chest harness (appropriate location and support)
- Other positioning devices
- Headrest (appropriate height and location, provides appropriate amount of support)
- Hip Guides/Adductor Pads (appropriate location and support)
- Specific considerations for Manual Wheelchairs
- Wheel position (Forward, Backward, Vertical position)
- Specific considerations for Power Wheelchairs
- Joystick or specialty control position for access
- Ability to access controls when tilted or reclined
- Ability to manage pressure, edema, and other medical issues with power features
- Pressure Relief (ability to achieve pressure relief using planned method)
Operational Information
Both the clinician and the supplier will assist you in how to use your equipment within your individual environments and circumstances to get the maximum benefit from your mobility device. Your supplier should instruct you on the proper care and maintenance required for your equipment based on the manufacturer's recommendations.
Additional Education and Information
During your appointment you should receive education about pressure management when using your wheelchair, maintenance, safety information and more. Your clinician and supplier should also let you know what to do if you have a problem with your wheelchair. The general responses to issues faced with your wheelchair are listed below, however, be sure to ask questions specific to your wheelchair and needs at this time as well.
What to do if I develop a problem with my wheelchair?
When problems occur with a wheelchair, the first call should be to the supplier.
Equipment Issues
If the problem is mechanical, it should be able to be addressed by the supplier. Many payer sources require a prescription from a physician prior to providing the repairs or adjustments.
Clinical Issues
If new equipment needs to be ordered, because the equipment is not working, a clinician or therapist should be consulted to work with you and the supplier to decide the most appropriate equipment to be ordered.