Help Desk → Success Stories - Living with SCI/D → Stories of Success After SCI/D → Greg Harry-musician living with quadriplegia
3.17. Greg Harry-musician living with quadriplegia
Greg uses a sip & puff controlled power wheelchair for mobility while composing, recording and performing in the Christian Rock genre.
Bio: "I played guitar for 15 years until September 14, 1991, when an accident left me paralyzed from the shoulders down. As you can imagine, it took some adjusting but in November 1996, I wrote the first lyrics since the accident and started singing at a monthly jam session at Shepherd Spinal Center here in Atlanta.
Two years later I got my first recording software and started learning composing on the computer. I was involved in a compilation project in 2000 that involved 9 people and 7 of us in wheelchairs so we called it "Rock-N-Chair". I finished my first solo cd in September, 2001 called "The Web" and my second cd in December, 2003 called "Troubled Times, Troubled Soul". Since then, I had a technical set back and several health setbacks but I hope to have a way overdue cd finished by the end of 2012 / beginning of 2013. I look forward to any comments and just thanks for lending your ear my way and listening, blessings!"
Visit: Greg Harry