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5.2. C-5-A Wife's Memoir-Judy Pachino
C-5- A Wife's Memoir
On May 3, 2013, my husband, Mel, took a ride on his bicycle. Less than a mile from our home, he hit his stride as he approached the intersection of Smith Avenue and Carla Road. Coming up Smith Avenue from the opposite direction was a black sedan. Visibility was optimum on that temperate spring day, and the driver reported that he clearly saw the cyclist coming toward him. Grossly misjudging the speed Mel was traveling and the distance, the driver turned left effectively cutting Mel off. Bike met car with enough force to send my husband and his bike into the air. The driver walked away from the collision. My husband did not. In one moment, our lives were changed forever. The next months were the stuff of nightmares. I have learned that there is much in life that is out of our control. The only thing truly in our control is how we choose to handle what comes our way. My husband is an amazing role model for this. His story of faith and determination is one that we felt was worth sharing.
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