Help Desk → Wheelchairs → Wheelchair Maintenance and Repairs → Wheelchair Maintenance Online Training Courses and Infographics for Consumers
5.1. Wheelchair Maintenance Online Training Courses and Infographics for Consumers
These courses were developed by the University of Pittsburgh Spinal Cord Injury Model System and the American Institute for Research in collaboration with the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center. Their self-paced direct-to-user training programs on independent transfers and wheelchair maintenance are now available.
Wheelchair maintenance can reduce wheelchair breakdowns, injury, and related consequences, as well as costs for repairs and replacement. Do you know how to maintain your wheelchair? Check out these free resources to keep your wheelchair rolling:
- Power Wheelchair Maintenance Training: This training will teach you how to identify issues with your power wheelchair so you can keep yourself safe and better manage the cost of wheelchair repairs.
- Manual Wheelchair Maintenance Training: This training will teach you how to identify issues with your manual wheelchair so you can keep yourself safe and better manage the cost of wheelchair repairs.
The following related infographics were also created by the teams mentioned above:
- Know and Maintain Your Folding Manual Wheelchair
- Know and Maintain Your Rigid Manual Wheelchair
- Know and Maintain Your Power Wheelchair