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8.4. Bowel Care

Bowel Care streaming video presentation from UAB:

Bowel Management (25 minutes)
This video stresses management and its importance on QOL, predicting bowel movements, avoiding bowel accidents, Bowel care procedures, Anatomical model demonstrations. Impact of nutrition, water, medications on bowel management, and colostomy management. 37 mb download or watch on streaming real media.


SCI Forum presented on October 8, 2013 at the University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, WA. Most people with spinal cord injuries have changes in bowel function and are not able to empty their bowels normally. Newly injured individuals must learn how to use medications, diet, timing and other means to avoid incontinence or constipation, empty their bowels predictably, prevent medical complications, and feel confident out in the community. Since each person is unique, often some trial and error is part of this process. While most people eventually find a bowel program that works for them, some have ongoing problems, and others develop new complications as they age. Learn about bowel problems and solutions at this Forum featuring an overview by Beth Hall, RN, rehab nurse at Harborview Medical Center, followed by a panel of individuals with SCI discussing their different bowel management situations.

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