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3.1. Conversations about advocacy
'Conversations about advocacy...making a difference for yourself, your community and the world' from the Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System
Presented on October 12, 2010 at the University of Washington Medical Center.
Advocacy: the act or process of advocating or supporting a cause or proposal. Sometimes you need to take care of yourself. Sometimes you look out for people in your own backyard. And sometimes the issue affects the
global community. This is a panel discussion with four individuals with spinal cord injuries who are advocates on a number of levels: from individual accommodations to health care, civic issues and spinal cord injury research.
(Mac users: to watch the video, you may have to download a program, which you can find at the following site: Microsoft Windows Media Components for QuickTime.)
- Click here to view the streaming video. (64 minutes)
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