Help DeskVideo ResourcesGrowing to Adulthood with SCI/DGrowing to Adulthood with Spinal Cord Injury or Disorder

7.1. Growing to Adulthood with Spinal Cord Injury or Disorder

Growing to Adulthood with Spinal Cord Injury or Disorder was produced by the NW Regional SCI System.

The SCI Forum 'Growing into Adulthood with a Spinal Cord Injury', which took place on November 10, 2009 at Seattle Children's Hospital, is available for viewing on our website as streaming video.

Everyone faces challenges when transitioning from the teen years into adulthood. Making this transition with a spinal cord injury can be even more complicated. In this first ever SCI Forum at Seattle Children's Hospital, we invited a panel of individuals who were injured as children or teens to talk about their experiences growing up with SCI -- leaving the family home after high school, pursuing higher education or job training, negotiating the world of work, and developing personal relationships.

Please give the NW Regional SCI System your feedback after watching the video. Just click the "two-minute survey" link on the forum page, or go to survey here.


Please refer to the Pediatric SCI/D Knowledge Book for additional Pediatric resources.

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