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International Spinal Cord Injury Resources

List of disability-related organizations/groups by geographical region.

1. International Spinal Cord Injury Organizations

1.1. Advocacy groups

Access Exchange International
Access Exchange International (AEI) is a non-governmental organization promoting accessible public transport for persons with disabilities and seniors in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and eastern Europe. 

Africa Spinal Cord Injury Network
ASCIN is composed of consumers and health care workers with an interest in the enhancement of spinal cord injury care in Africa.

Australia/New Zealand Spinal Cord Society (ANZSCoS)
The Australian and New Zealand Spinal Cord Society, ANZSCoS has been formed in order to promote the high quality management of people with spinal cord lesions throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Center for International Rehabilitation (CIR)
The Center for International Rehabilitation (CIR) is a Chicago-based not-for-profit organization that develops research, education and advocacy programs to improve the lives of people with disabilities internationally.

Disabled Peoples International
Disabled Peoples' International is a network of national organizations or assemblies of disabled people, established to promote human rights of disabled people through full participation, equalization of opportunity and development.

Independent Living Institute
The Independent Living Institute is a policy development center specializing in consumer-driven policies for disabled peoples' self-determination, self-respect and dignity. We run a virtual library and interactive services for persons with extensive disabilities.

International Spinal Cord Society (ISCOS)
The International Spinal Cord Society shall work in collaboration with national and international bodies, thereby encouraging the most efficient use of available resources worldwide.

Rehabilitation International
RI and its members develop and promote initiatives to protect the rights of people with disabilities and improve rehabilitation and other crucial services for disabled people and their families. RI also works toward increasing international collaboration and advocates for policies and legislation recognizing the rights of people with disabilities and their families, including the establishment of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

World Association of Persons with Disabilities
WAPD advances the interests of persons with disAbilities at national, state, local and home levels. WAPD links the "disAbled" and supporters to current "leading edge" disAbility information via the various mediums of communication.

World Rehabilitation Fund, Inc.
mission is to enable people with disabilities in developing and war torn countries to achieve community and social integration through medical, physical, and socio-economic rehabilitation programs.

1.2. Aid Organizations


Action on Disability and Development
ADD International is a UK-based development agency working as an ally to the disability movements in Africa and Asia. ADD works in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Cambodia, Ghana, India, Mali, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia with disabled people's organisations ranging from small village groups to large national federations.

Handicap International UK
Handicap International is an independent international aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside disabled and vulnerable people in over 60 countries worldwide.

International Medical Corps
Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.

Leonard Cheshire Disability
Leonard Cheshire Disability is a UK-based global organisation working with independent Cheshire partner organisations in 54 countries in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe. Together we support 250 independently managed disability organisations that, in turn, support people with disabilities in their efforts to secure education, livelihoods, health care, rehabilitation and a voice in their society. We also campaign to change attitudes and improve services.

Motivation - the international disability charity
Motivation is an international disability and development charity working in low-income countries to enhance the quality of life of people with mobility disabilities.Sue Ryder Foundation
Sue Ryder has had a commitment to international projects since 1953. We are currently working in Albania, Czech Republic and Malawi. Our international work delivers a range of healthcare services from providing home based palliative care to physical rehabilitation for children and empowering people with disabilities. We prioritise working with the most vulnerable in local communities.

1.3. Wheelchair and equipment providers

Crosslink International
CrossLink International supplies medical materials to relieve suffering in the world's most troubled areas. CrossLink provides medicines, medical supplies and equipment, and eyeglasses directly to free clinics, mission hospitals, and medical mission teams that treat the sick and injured regardless of race, creed or religion. As of January 2015, projects are underway in Tanzania, Niger, Peru, India, Dominican Republic and Guatemala.
Free Wheelchair Mission
Dispense inexpensive wheelchairs at no cost to the physically disabled poor in developing countries on a non-discriminatory basis. FWM has sent more than 822,000 wheelchairs to people in 91 countries
Motivation is an international development charity supporting people with mobility disabilities. Our high-quality, low-cost wheelchairs are designed specifically for use in developing countries. Since 1991, we've worked in and distributed low-cost, appropriate wheelchairs and products to 107 countries around the world.
Push International is a non-profit humanitarian organization whose mission is to provide mobility and facilitate sustainable development in the disabled community inside the countries where we work. Collection points are scattered across several US states and service includes Mexico.
Reach Out and Care Wheels
Providing wheelchairs and other mobility products for people in developing countries without regard to political affiliation, religious beliefs or ethnic identity, ROC Wheels has put special emphasis on developing wheelchairs for children up to age 15.
Walkabout Foundation is a non-profit organization that focuses on funding research to find a cure for paralysis and donating wheelchairs to people in need around the world.
Wheelchair Foundation
A program of JAF ministries created to meet some of the practical needs of the over 500 million disabled persons around the world. They provide a means for used but serviceable wheelchairs to be passed to those in need.
Wheels For Humanity
The Wheelchair Foundation is a nonprofit organization leading an international effort to deliver a wheelchair to every man, woman and child in the world who needs one. 

Whirlwind Wheelchair International
Whirlwind Wheelchair International works to make it possible for every person in the developing world who needs a wheelchair to obtain one that will lead to maximum personal independence and integration into society


1.4. Miscellaneous informational sites


Disability World web-zine
DisabilityWorld is a unique international online magazine (e-zine), dedicated to advancing an exchange of information and expertise about the international independent living movement of people with disabilities.

Financial Aid for Non-US Residents
A list of information for people with disabilities from outside the United States to find scholarships, grants, loans and other funding sources to participate in an international exchange program to the United States

Mobility International USA
Mobility International USA's mission is to empower people with disabilities around the world to achieve their human rights through international exchange and international development. MIUSA  is a cross-disability organization serving those with cognitive, hearing, learning, mental health, physical, systemic, vision and other disabilities.


2. Spinal Cord Injury Resources by Country or Region

2.1. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in AFGHANISTAN


Handicap International Afghanistan
In Afghanistan, where Handicap International has worked since 1987, the organization focuses on helping victims of landmines, preventing future mine accidents, and promoting disability-inclusive development. Currently, 159 Afghans and three expatriates carry out this mission.

Accessibility Organization for Afghan Disabled:
AOAD’s a non-governmental, nonprofits and non-political organization established by Person with Disability and working for persons with disabilities along with their immediate family members as a peer-supporter advocate agent of change organization, founded in 2007 in Kabul, Afghanistan.

2.2. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in AFRICA

AbleChildAfrica works with local partner NGOs in Africa to change the lives of young disabled people. They champion the rights of young disabled people and work to improve their access to healthcare, education and employment opportunities.

Community Based Rehabilitation Africa Network
CAN is an NGO which aims at facilitating the sharing of information about community based services for Persons with Disabilities and their families in African countries.

FOCOS (The Foundation of Orthopedics and Complex Spine)
The mission of FOCOS is to provide comprehensive, affordable orthopedic and spine care to underserved communities in Ghana and throughout West Africa.

Africa Surgery
Africa Surgery, Inc., is a ecumenical, non-profit organization dedicated to bringing healing, giving health, and offering hope to ill and suffering African people, especially to those in Sierra Leone, one of the continents poorest countries.   To accomplish this mission, Africa Surgery Inc. facilitates the diagnosis and treatment of those afflicted with Potts Disease (Tuberculosis of the spine) as well as those needing surgical, medical, and other health related assistance.  Africa Surgery Inc. works collaboratively with programs and facilities which can provide these life-giving services; it includes material, logistical, educational, and other support services needed to enhance local medical and health initiatives and institution.  

2.3. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in ALBANIA

Albanian Disability Rights Foundation
ADRF programs target the increase of opportunities for people with disability to get integrated in the country's social and economic life, through promoting and protecting their rights.

Albanian Para & Tetraplegic Association
Telephone: +355 4 251398
Fax: +355 4 251398

Albanian Paraplegic Association
Telephone: (355) 42-632-87
Fax: (355) 42-632-87
The Albanian Paraplegic Association (APA) works with people with a wide variety of disabilities. Its membership base is comprised of 600 organizations and individuals of all ages. The activities of APA include: participation in round table discussions with government officials, workshops for producing low-cost wheelchairs, participation in seminars and conferences; the publication of information sheets and brochures on disability.


2.4. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in ALGERIA

National Office of Equipment and Accessories for Handicapped People
tries to ensure the availability and manufacture of equipment for disabled people in order to facilitate their independence

2.5. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in ANTIGUA & BARBUDA

Antigua & Barbuda Association of Persons with Disabilities
ABAPD aims to provide access, equality, empowerment and opportunity for disabled persons.

2.6. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in ARGENTINA

Asociacion de Personas y Familiares de Discapacitados Motores
Nonprofit organization for the physically disabled and their families (in Catamarca)

ACCaDi (Common Activities to Different Capabilities)
ACCaDi Foundation (Argentina) aims at integrating handicapped people (mainly children and youngsters) and stimulating therapeutic and rehabilitating processes through non-competitive sports -usually in contact with nature-, as well as sociocultural activities.

Acceso Ya. - Por la Integración y Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad
A nonprofit organization that advocates for accessibility for people with disabilities in Argentina
Assistive technology site offering free downloads of software for people with physical disabilities

Areneros Argentinos
Cuatriciclos con rampa para personas en sillas de ruedas -- ATVs with ramps for wheelchair users

Centro de Asistencia y Rehabilitación Especial (C.A.R.E).
Promotes assistive technology for people with disabilities in Argentina

Chiari Argentina para toda Hispanoamérica
Syringomielia information, peer support, and advocacy

Comandos Ortopedicos
Adaptive driving products and free assessments

Comisión Nacional Asesora para la Integración de personas con Discapacidad
Argentine National Commission on the Integration Of People with Disabilities
Argentine disability information web site

Fundacion Par
Focus on employment , education, Civil Rights equality for the disabled

Fundación Rumbos
Work towards universal accessibility in an inclusive environment
Nonprofit organization whose mission it is to provide educational, employment, And social opportunities for people with physical disabilities

Fundación Turismo para Todos
A nonprofit organization dedicated to accessible Travel in Argentina

La Usina
Advocate for change in society's attitude towards people with disabilities

2.7. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in ARMENIA

Armenian Association for the Disabled PYUNIC (Phoenix)
Established in 1989 after the 1988 earthquake, Pyunic only united disabled children, but has since expanded its efforts to support adults as well. Included among the encouraged disciplines are skiing, basketball, archery, arm-wrestling, table tennis, wheelchair marathons and sailing. PYUNIC's mission is to assist and educate disabled children and adults to become fully integrated members of society, to protect the rights and legal interests of the disabled, to assist solution of medical, social, physical and psychological rehabilitation issues for handicapped people, to promote sports for disabled, to provide financial, moral, and other assistance to the needy and disabled.

Bridge of Hope NGO
The NGO " Bridge of Hope " was established in 1996 to help children with disabilities and their parents to overcome their isolation and to help them participate in community life on an equal basis with others. While " Bridge of Hope " has long been a mainstreaming placement for children with disabilities, today the focus is on inclusion

Unison NGO for Support of People with Special Needs
With the goal of allowing people with disabilities to lead an independent and productive life, Unison provides the following services: Art and computer training, legal advice and psychological aid. The organization also assists people with disabilities by providing job training and placement services.

2.8. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in AUSTRALIA

Moorong Spinal Unit, Royal Rehabilitation Centre, Sydney
The Spinal Injury Unit offers a state-wide service to clients who have sustained traumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injuries. It is a 18-bed unit, which offers individually tailored, multi-disciplinary rehabilitation programs. The aim of these specific programs is to restore as much function and independence as possible, while at the same time facilitating adjustment to disability, promoting self determination and enhancing quality of life.

Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
SCI Australia's Mission: To be Australia's leading charitable enterprise in the PREVENTION of spinal cord injuries, CARE for those who have spinal cord injury and the support of research to find a CURE for spinal cord injury.

Spinal Cure Australia
SpinalCure Australia (formerly Australasian Spinal Research Trust) was founded in 1994 with the aim of ending the permanence of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) through: Promoting and funding research; Fostering cooperation between disciplines engaged in central nervous system and regeneration research; Monitoring of progress of research projects funded through the SCA and the cooperation of international efforts in the field.
Spinal Life Australia
Their mission is to enable those living with a disability to live an accessible, equitable and empowered life. They offer support services, advocacy and peer support services. 

2.9. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in AUSTRIA

Austrian Spine Society

Verband der Querschnittgelähmten Österreichs
Austrian Paraplegic Federation

2.10. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in BAHAMAS

The National Commission for Persons with Disabilities
(242) 397-8600 or 397-8614
The purpose of the present Convention is “to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity. Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.”

Major Changes Rehab Centre
Phone: (242) 601-5145
Mobile: (242) 544-5740
Major Changes Rehab Centre is dedicated to being the most patient-focused, result-oriented rehabilitation facility in The Bahamas. Through the application of highly skilled manual therapy, prescribed therapeutic exercise, and patient education, we form a team with our patients and are committed to returning them to an active lifestyle.

2.11. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in BANGLADESH

Access Bangladesh
The Mission of the Access Bangladesh Foundation is to advocate and promote equality for disabled, underprivileged and extremely poor people in all spheres of life, through education, health care, appropriate training, employment, communication, and barrier free environment.

Bangladesh Protibandhi Kallyan Somity
The Bangladesh Protibandhi Kallyan Somity (BPKS) is a non-governmental, cross disability organization run by and for people with disabilities. BPKS vision is to see that all people with disabilities live independently, with dignity, in a barrier-free community and equitable society where they can contribute as equals to the nations and their own development.

Center for Services & Information on Disability (CSID)
Reducing discrimination against marginalized people including persons with disabilities in all aspects of life including gender disparity; creating a Physical and Socio-economic barrier free environment; Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and marginalised people through capacity building; Resource and information networking; Promoting opportunities and access to education, information and socio- economic activities in order to mainstreaming them into society with equal rights and dignity following Inclusive, Participatory, Community and Rights based approach.

crp-bangladesh : Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed
CRP focuses on a holistic approach to rehabilitation, recognising that all aspects of the rehabilitation process are vital for its success

Social Assistance and Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulnerable (SARPV)
SARPV adopted Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) strategy for main streaming the persons with disability in the society. Over the years we have changed our approaches from CBR and develop self help group consist of peoples with disabilities so that they can raise their voice strongly and claim their rights from the service providers.


2.12. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in BELGIUM


Agence Wallonne pour I'Integration des Personnes Handicapées
Agency for the Integration of Disabled People --works in the areas of employment, advocacy, and assistive technology

disability information portal

Belgian Neurosurgical Spine Society

Centre neurologique et de réadaptation fonctionnelle
The Centre supports the rehabilitation of patients with neurological diseases: stroke, traumatic brain and spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, acute or chronic polyneuropathy

Piekernie VZW
The main idea behind the organisation is that disabled people are the true experts about their disability and their own life: experienced wheelchair users help 'newbie' paras & quads to reintegrate into society. Today the organisation has about 300 members – most of them wheelchair-users – and organizes lots of activities, such as: daytrips, sports-related activities, peer counselling sessions, parties and lots more...

2.13. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA


Saveza paraplegičara i oboljelih od dječije paralize

2.14. Spinal Cord Injury Resouces in Botswana

Botswana Federation of the Disabled (BOFOD) facilitates Organisation Development and management interventions with a view to improving the performance, effectiveness and sustainability of DPOs in Botswana. Specifically the organisation facilitates demand-driven interventions.

Botswana Federation of the Disabled (BOFOD) facilitates Organisation Development and management interventions with a view to improving the performance, effectiveness and sustainability of DPOs in Botswana.

Specifically the organisation facilitates demand-driven interventions geared towards improving such organisational aspects as structures, systems and procedures, computerization of accounts, operational manuals; mainstreaming disability, monitoring and evaluation systems. The organisation also seeks to equip member DPOs with resource mobilization skills.

Wheelchair donation program-Rotary of Great Britian & Ireland through the Wheelchair Foundation of the UK 
Chosen as a preferred charity in 2006 by Rotarians all over Great Britain and Ireland and then being regularly recognised in Rotary’s 'Opportunities to Serve' projects has ensured that a sustainable delivery of all terrain brand new wheelchairs are regularly delivered to the needy in the developing countries.

From the humble beginning in District 1040, Yorkshire with the goal to send one 40 foot container of 280 wheelchairs to Lesotho all 29 districts have been supportive in the sending, to date in excess of 33,000 wheelchairs to 30 countries.

The Lady Khama Charitable Trust was founded in 2002 by her eldest son and current Patron of the Trust, His Excellency Lieutenant General Dr Seretse Khama Ian Khama. The aim is to continue the community work that Lady K. spent so much of her time pursuing.

Lady Khama Charitable Trust raises funds for existing Botswana based charities that focus on improving the lives of vulnerable women, children, and people living with disabilities within Botswana. Often these organisations are in remote communities that otherwise struggle to procure support. Our strength is in local fund raising, identifying the beneficiaries most in need of our help, and then providing this support.

To date we’ve provided support of over P 16 million ($ 1.6 Million USD) to our beneficiaries. ​See the list of LKCT Trust Programs

2.15. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in BRAZIL

Associação de Assisténcia á Criança Deficiente
Association for Assistance for Children with Disabilities

Brazilian Spine Society
Sociedade Brasileira de Coluna

Hospital Santa Lucia

Niteroi Disabled Association
Founded and run by people with disabilities, ANDEF offers employment and marketing programs for workers and businesses to increase access to the workplace for people with disabilities. In addition, ANDEF provides leadership development programs, sends representatives to disability councils around the country and maintains rehabilitation facilities for disabled athletes. ANDEF operates a wheelchair and crutches factory, employing people with disabilities.

SARAH Network Of Rehabilitation Hospitals
The SARAH Network is an institution dedicated to rehabilitation and treatment of malformations, traumas, locomotor system diseases and neurodevelopmental problems. Its purpose, then, is to provide specialized rehabilitation services to every strata of the population, regardless of class, race, socio-economic background, religion or gender.

2.16. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in CAMBODIA

Cambodian Disabled People Organization
The Cambodian Disabled People Organization is a non-profit membership organization advocating for the rights of people with disabilities in Cambodia.

Children's Surgical Centre
The Children's Surgical Centre (CSC) is a NGO registered in Alaska, USA. CSC is non-profit, non-political, and non-religious, and is widely recognised in Cambodia for supporting the people of Cambodia. CSC aims to improve the quality of life for disabled poor people by providing free rehabilitation surgery. Integral to this mission is a program of training local surgeons and health workers, focusing on the development of sustainable surgical services for Cambodians.

National Center of Disabled Persons
The National Center of Disabled Persons (NCDP) provides people with disabilities access to information, resources and services in order to promote full participation in social and economic activities.

2.17. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in CAMEROON

Promhandicam Association Cameroon
promote initiatives of and for disabled people in Cameroon, to enable them to be reintegrated socially, economically, culturally, and also in sports. In addition to all of this, another way that Promhandicam promotes people with disabilities is to employ them. Over half of our staff are disabled, which we believe clearly demonstrates that disability is not inability.

Saint Joseph's Children and Adult Home (SAJOCAH) is a rehabilitation centre located in Bafut, a village approximately 30 miles north of Bamenda.  SAJOCAH is operated by the Tertiary Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi (the Catholic Church) and works in collaboration with Mambu Health Centre and Njinikom Hospital.  SAJOCAH provides rehabilitation in the form of physiotherapy and vocational training to individuals with neurological and orthopaedic impairment from all over Cameroon. The centre has an onsite orthopaedic workshop as well as cane, shoe and dress-making workshops run by people with disabilities. 

Strategic Humanitarian Services - SHUMAS - Cameroon is a not-for-profit development non-governmental organisation that promotes integrated, holistic, and participatory rural development. It operates in all ten regions of Cameroon. SHUMAS assists poor rural and urban communities in realizing their development objectives through eight different program areas

2.18. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in CANADA


The Canadian Spine Society is a collaborative organization of spine surgeons and healthcare professionals with a primary interest in advancing excellence in spine patient care, research and education.
DAWN-RAFH Canada is a national organization controlled by and comprised of women who self-identify as Women with disAbilities. We are from all backgrounds and all disAbilities. We are a feminist organization working to achieve control over our lives and end the stereotype that labels us dependent burdens on society.
Serves people with spinal cord injuries within the province of British Columbia and the Yukon. This includes traumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injuries and adults with Spina Bifida.
Hamilton Health Sciences
The program has three components: Inpatient Rehabilitation, Specialized Outpatient Rehabilitation Services and an Outpatient Clinic. In addition, there is access to the Rehabilitation Resource Centre which provides, print, audio, and video materials on spinal cord injury, healthy lifestyle after injury, and a wide variety of disability related topics, as well as links to peer support groups and community services.

Kickstart's mission is to produce and present works by artists with disabilities and to promote artistic excellence among artists with disabilities working in a variety of disciplines.
The National Educational Association of Disabled Students is a consumer organization, with a mandate to encourage the self-empowerment of post-secondary students with disabilities. NEADS advocates for increased accessibility at all levels so that disabled students may gain equal access to college or university education, which is their right. The Association provides information on services and programs for students with disabilities nationwide, publishes a regular newsletter, and conducts research on issues of importance to its members.
Praxis Spinal Cord Institute
Praxis advances SCI research and innovation worldwide through networks of international researchers, health care professionals, clinical trials, entrepreneurs, investors, and people with lived experience of SCI (PLEX). Praxis also funds SCI research, innovation and care projects.

Individual grants provide direct funding to Canadian individuals with disabilities including spinal cord injury and other injuries, diseases and birth conditions, including (but not limited to) stroke, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) who have specific needs that cannot be met by existing programs, services or funding sources.

The Neurospinal Service (N.S.S.) provides rehabilitation for people with spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis and other neurological conditions. The Neurospinal Service's interdisciplinary team is dedicated to bringing patients to their full potential, with the ultimate goal of returning patients to family or community living.
Government services for people with disabilities

Spinal Cord Injury Canada
Assist persons with spinal cord injuries and other physical disabilities to achieve independence, self-reliance and full community participation.

Theraputix The Wellness Centre
Theraputix is a Wellness Centre that helps with people with Neurological disorders.
Therapy First, based in Winnipeg, Manitoba provides community based rehabilitation services in Winnipeg and surrounding areas. We work together with you to find ways to improve the way you function. Our goal is to assist our clients through the transition from illness/injury to restoration. If you have any questions about our services please contact us at (204) 612-0399. Click Here for more information about our company.
Toronto Rehab has the largest spinal cord rehabilitation program in Canada. We provide a full range of inpatient, outpatient and follow-up care, including a large number of specialized services and clinics.
Accessible travel is tough, but I think having a physical disability or a child with special needs should not exclude anyone from traveling. However, you may have to spend some extra time planning to have the trip of a lifetime. I’m a certified special needs travel advocate. I know my clients need someone who will pay attention to details for their travel. I’ve had some of the same experiences that many travelers with disabilities have.

Vancouver Adapted Music Society
Vancouver Adapted Music Society (VAMS) was founded in the late 1980s to support and promote musicians with physical disabilities in the Metro Vancouver area. Our programs involve people with a wide range of musical abilities, from first-timers to professionals.
The Wascana Rehabilitation Centre provides comprehensive medical rehabilitation programs for adults and children, as well as specialized long-term care. A wide variety of programming, including Functional Rehabilitation, Amputee Services, Spinal Cord Injury Services and Orthopedics, Children's Services, Adult Rehabilitation, Extended Care and Veteran's Services, are available to meet the particular needs of clients. The Centre serves the population of southern Saskatchewan.

2.19. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in CHILE

Clínica Los Coihues
Dedicada a la rehabilitación de personas con problemas neurológicos, traumatológicos y reumatológicos.
Rehabilitation center that treat spinal cord injuries
Fundación Nacional de Discapacitados
National Disability Foundation -- nonprofit advocacy organization
Disability information from the Chilean government

2.20. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in CHINA

Established in 1988, the China Disabled Persons' Federation (CDPF) is a unified organization of/for the 83 million persons with various categories of disabilities in China. Headquartered in Beijing, it has a nationwide umbrella network reaching every part of China with about 80 thousand full-time workers.
China Rehabilitation Research Center
China Rehabilitation Research Center(CRRC), a state owned institution affiliated with the China Disabled Persons' Federation, provides comprehensive rehabilitation and social services to the disabled, carries out scientific research, offers professional training, conducts information exchange and serves as a technical resource of Chinese rehabilitation network.
China Spinal Cord Injury Network
China Spinal Cord Injury Network is one of the largest spinal cord injury clinical trial networks in the world. It has been established to develop and test the most promising therapies for spinal cord injury and aims at accelerating movement of therapies from laboratory to people.

2.21. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in COLOMBIA

Colombia Accesible
Advocate for accessibility in social, economic, cultural, and labor aspects for those with disabilities
Discapacidad Colombia
Disability issues and information for Colombia

2.22. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in CROATIA

Croatian Paraplegic and Tetraplegic Association
Croatian Paraplegic and Tetraplegic Association (Hrvatska udruga paraplegičara i tetraplegičara) is independent, non-profit, non-government, and humanitarian association of persons with spinal cord injury and their close relatives and persons professionally and morally united by the same tasks and goals.

2.23. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in CUBA

Asociación Cubana de Limitados Físico - Motores (ACLIFIM)
Nonprofit group made up of people withphysical disabilities dedicated to the removal of barriers in the areas of education, employment, recreation, access, and civic life.

Centro Internacional de Restauración Neorológica, (CIREN)
International Center of Neurologic Restoration (CIREN) founded on February 26th, 1989, Improving the quality of life of patients with neurological disorders, using innovative, multifaceted and intensive scientific methods


2.24. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in CYPRUS

Cyprus Paraplegics Association (OPAK)
Τel. +357 249649

2.25. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in THE CZECH REPUBLIC

Para CENTRUM Fenix

2.26. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO

Gabkul Foundation

501 (c) (3) non-profit Organization registered in the U.S.A and in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Our Mission is to serve the physically disabled people, and improve the quality of livelihood for Rural and Urban vulnerable groups such as; Orphans, households headed by women, street children, teen mothers, women victims of rape, war and domestic violence; kids and soldiers victims of war, widows, elderly who are often forgotten in the midst of violence and poverty, people with any pathological condition and those who are infected with the AIDS virus.

The Spine Africa Project
The Spine Africa Project is a non-profit organisation that provides spinal surgery to under-served areas of Africa. Its current focus is the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The mission of The Spine Africa Project focuses on three objectives: the treatment of those afflicted with spinal conditions, the education of local medical personnel, and social change.

2.27. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in DENMARK

Rigshospitalet:  Department of Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
The Department of Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries treats and rehabilitates patients with severe brain injuries and/or spinal cord injuries.

RYK - Rygmarvsskadede i Danmark
RYK - Danish Spinal Cord Injuries Association

Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society

2.28. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in ECUADOR

Fundación General Ecuatoriana (FGE) (General Ecuadorian Foundation)

NG0 working towards the inclusion of people with disabilities in education and the workplace

2.29. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in EGYPT

Alhassan FDN is a registered developmental organization under the Ministry of Social Solidarity with registration number 711, also it’s a Disabled People’s Organization (DPO), as more than 50% of the board members are wheelchair users, in addition to 80% of the foundation’s employees are permanent wheelchair

2.30. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in EL SALVADOR

El Centro del Aparato Locomotor
Physical rehabilitation center in El Salvador
Fundacion Red de Sobrevivientes y Personas con Discapacidad (Survivors Network Foundation and People with Disabilities)
The mission of Red de Sobrevivientes is to improve the quality of life of survivors of armed conflict and people with disabilities through the avenues of health, economic opportunity and human rights.
>Fundacion Sendas
Fundacion Sendas is an organization run by and for people with disabilities. Fundasendas has the goal of improving the life quality of people with disabilities.

Instituto Salvadoreño de Rehabilitación de Inválidos
Salvadorian Rehabilitation Institute

2.31. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in ESTONIA

The Estonian Union of Persons with Mobility
The main objective of the foundation through collecting and distribution of financial resources is to support and contribute to the integration of disabled people into the society, the enhancement of their social activity, the creation of equal opportunities in acquiring education, finding jobs, lodging and the requisite.

2.32. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in ETHOPIA

The CURE Ethiopia Children's Hospital (CECH) is a pediatric orthopedic teaching hospital in Addis Ababa. Established in 2008, the hospital is a state-of-the-art 35 bed hospital complex that provides modern medical and surgical care to the physically disabled children of Ethiopia. In addition, CECH fills a critical need for an orthopedic residency program in Ethiopia, providing training in pediatric and advanced orthopaedic techniques, and is an international COSECSA accredited training facility.
Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development
The Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD) promotes and facilitates inclusive development - the inclusion of disability issues and people with disabilities in mainstream development programs and projects in Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian Federation of Persons with Disabilities (FENAPD) is non-profit,non-governmental cross disability umbrella association of the four single disability focused national associations that are found in the country. Founded in December 1996 with the aim of raising the awearness of the public about issues of dissability.
Rainbows4children is an independent foundation set up in memory of Nicolas Robinson (son of the founder) and provides education for disadvantaged children in Ethiopia – primarily the children of adults with disabilities such as loss of limbs and blindness.

2.33. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in FINLAND

Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities
Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities (FPD) is a diversified nationwide organization representing the interests of, and providing services for, people with musculoskeletal disabilities. The FPD functions within the community in such a way as to enable everyday life to be independent and fulfilling for people with musculoskeletal disabilities.

Finnish Spinal Injury Foundation

Kynnys ry - Threshold
Independent Living Center in Helsinki

2.34. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in FRANCE

Aide aux Personnes A Handicap Moteur (France)
Aide aux Personnes A Handicap Moteur (APAHM) works to socially integrate people with physical and mobility related disabilities into mainstream society. The services provided by APAHM include: tele-training at their tele-working centers in the fields of office automation and computer graphics for people with motor disabilities; a driving school adapted to people with motor disabilities; professional and social integration for disabled people through counseling and housing assistance.

Association des Paralyses de France
The Association des Paralyss de France (APF) is an organization of and for people with mobility disabilities. With delegations across France, APF may be able to help find a personal attendant or other resources.

IRME - Institut pour la Recherche sur la Moelle épinière et l'Encéphale
Institute for Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Research

2.35. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in GABON

Association Nationale des Personnes Handicapees du Gabon
Assn. Nationale des Personnes Handicapees du Gabon is a National Assembly Member of DPI. DPI and its individual country members advocate for the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities in all aspects of life worldwide.
The Hunt Foundation was born out of a desire to help bring the best Western medicine has to offer to third world countries that lack the experience and resources to provide it. The Hunt Team provided the education, training and resources necessary to equip a team of Gabonese physicians to provide critical care and therapy to individuals suffering with brain tumors, spinal cord injuries, and other complex medical ailments.

2.36. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in GEORGIA

Anika - Association
Anika is a disability organization working throughout Georgia with the overall goal of protecting the rights of persons with disabilities and ensuring their integration into society.

2.37. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in GERMANY

Deutscher Rollstuhl-Sportverband
German Wheelchair Sports Federation

Fördergemeinschaft der Querschnittgelähmten in Deutschland
German Paraplegia Foundation

German Spine Society

Politische Interessenvertretung behinderter Frauen
Political Protection of Interests of Handicapped Women

Zentrum für selbstbestimmtes Leben behinderter Menschen
We are a nonprofit organization by and for people with disabilities. We provide support and counseling in the following areas: Employment, housing and community living, starting a business, personal assistance and Computer access for people with disabilities. We speak Polish, Turkish, Spanish, Swedish, Arabic and English.

SCI Rehabilitation Facilities
BG-Kliniken Bergmannstrost - Zentrum für Rückenmarksverletzte, Halle
Berufsgenossenschaftlichen Unfallkrankenhaus Hamburg
Fachklinik Hohenstücken - Neurologisches Rehabilitationszentrum für Kinder und Jugendliche, Brandenburg
Gesundheitszentrum Evangelisches Stift St. Martin, Koblenz
Klinik Bavaria
Neurologisches Rehabilitationszentrum "Godeshöhe e. V.", Bonn
Neurologisches Rehabilitationszentrum Greifswald Reha Zentrum Gyhum, Gyhum
Rehabilitationskrankenhaus Ulm
Stiftung Orthopädische Universitätsklinik - Zentrum für Querschnittgelähmte, Heidelberg
Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin - Behandlungszentrum für Rückenmarksverletzte
Werner-Wicker-Klinik - Zentrum für Rückenmarksverletzte, Bad Wildungen

2.38. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in GHANA

Care and Concern Action Group
A disability focused organization located in the Volta region of Ghana. Care and Concern Action Group oversees the giving of wheelchairs, white canes, braille materials and used clothing to people with disabilities.

FOCOS (The Foundation of Orthopedics and Complex Spine)
The mission of FOCOS is to provide comprehensive, affordable orthopedic and spine care to underserved communities in Ghana and throughout West Africa.

Ghana Federation of Disability Organizations
GFD's broad area of focus is Advocacy to influence national policies and programmes for full inclusion and active participation of people with disabilities. Several activities and programmes take place in this regard. These include: Awareness creation/sensitization, Capacity building of its members, and networking with relevant organizations.
Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled
The Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled (GSPD) is a non-profit organization working to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities in Ghana.

2.39. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in GREECE

Disability NOW

Disability NOW is a supportive Non-Profit, Non-Governmental organisation in Greece, with an established European profile, and is mostly managed by people with severe disabilities. The aim of Disability NOW is to produce and distribute all available disability related information, in respect of fundamental rights to independence and social participation. It constitutes a major source of peer support and counselling, empowering people with disabilities with the appropriate knowledge and skills to self-advocate and exercise their civil rights, to manage their needs and to establish their own terms and choices in their lives. Peer support, information and advice are provided continuously through the telephone, email, online disability community and forum, newsletters and the print magazine, on a professional and voluntary basis.

The Hellenic Society for Disabled Children (ELEPAP), a rehabilitation centre with 6 branches throughout the country and more than 70 years of history, supports the development of children with physical disabilities and developmental difficulties and at the same time provides support to their families.

2.40. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in GUATEMALA

Colectivo Vida Independiente de Guatemala
 Independent living collective of Guatemala

Transitions Foundation
Transitions is a Guatemalan Disability Association with a goal to provide rehabilitation, vocational, and educational training to disabled children, youth, and adults in Guatemala. Transitions operates a small manufacturing facility for all-terrain, technologically appropriate manual wheelchairs and other therapeutic equipment

2.41. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in HAITI

PAZAPA's mission is to support the treatment, education, and development of children with disabilities, and to integrate them into the community at large. PAZAPA means "step by step" in Haitian Creole, and step by step PAZAPA has been making a difference in the lives of Haiti's disabled children since 1987.
Healing Hands for Haiti International Foundation, Inc.
Healing Hands for Haiti International Foundation, Inc. is dedicated to fostering the expansion and quality of rehabilitation services for the benefit of adults and children who are physically disabled in Haiti.
Partnering Organisation Hope Health Action (UK based NGO)
20-bed in patient rehab center for people with SCI that offers in- and out-patient physical therapy and vocational therapy for in-patients. The only rehab center in the North of Haiti was opend in 2011. An all-inclusive sports center was added in 2012. The rehab facility is supported by the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation as well. 
Mirbalais, Haiti (Centre Department)
10-bed in-patient rehab center for people with SCI, offering physical therapy to their patients. One of the largest hospital in the country, also offering CT scans. 
Fond des Blancs, Haiti (Sud Department)
14-bed in-patient rehab center for people with SCI, offering physical therapy to their patients. They run a large CBR follow up program in the southern half of the country. 
St. Vincent's Center for Handicapped Children is a school and medical facility located in the capital city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The center is the major facility in Haiti that services handicapped children.

2.42. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in HONDURAS


CAMO provides more than 160,000 life-saving services each year to impoverished people who otherwise would not have access to aid

Thanks to CAMO, Honduran people with disabilities are able to receive aid and services in the forms of audiometry, prosthetics, orthotics and wheelchair assistance.


2.43. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in HUNGARY

De juRe Alapitvany (Disability Rights Advocates Hungary)
De juRe Alapitvany (Disability Rights Advocates Hungary) is an organization that works to advance the situation of people with disabilities in Hungary.


National Federation of Disabled Persons' Associations
National Federation of Disabled Persons' Associations is a disability-led NGO that advocates for the rights of people with physical disabilities and assists in developing accessible facilities and services in Hungary.

2.44. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in ICELAND

Organization of Disabled in Iceland
The Organization of Disabled in Iceland (abbreviated as ODI) was founded in 1961. There are 32 member associations representing people with physical and mental disabled people of all ages in Iceland.

2.45. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in INDIA

Ability Foundation
Ability Foundation is a national cross disability organisation established in 1995 as a public charitable trust for the empowerment and mainstreaming of persons with disabilities. Based in Chennai, India, Ability Foundation is involved in pioneering activities, ranging from publishing and media, counselling and referral services, advocacy, and training and employment. Over the years, the Foundation has organized several events all of which aim at dispelling stereotypes and changing public attitudes/perceptions towards disabled persons. The organization works towards an inclusive society and equal opportunities and a level playing field for persons with disabilities stressing on the need to have the right opportunities at the right time.

All India Institute Of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
This pioneer Institute is committed to providing rehabilitation services to persons in all categories of locomotor and associated disabilities.

Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust
Amar Jyoti is a voluntary organization rendering rehabilitative services to persons with disabilities through inclusive and integrated education, medical care, vocational training, child guidance and self-employment since 1981.

Association for People with Disability
The Association for People with Disability (APD) is a Bangalore based organization working since 1959 for children, youth and adults with various types of disabilities – primarily those with physical disability, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, development delay, and speech and multiple disability.

Association of Spine Surgeons of India

Community Outreach Programme (CORP)
CORP has a centre for the handicapped and caters to the educational and medical needs of the deaf and orthopaedically handicapped. A physiotherapist visits community based rehabilitation centres once a week and local health workers have been trained to conduct regular exercise sessions

Helping Hand India
Helping Hand India NGO working National level for Education, Rehabilitation/shelter
and food to economically backward, old ages & Persons with Disabilities & special focus 
on Educational Empowerment for Underprivileged Children, Women & Persons with Disabilities 
as education is a basic human right, similar to food and shelter.

Indian Spinal Injuries Centre
Indian Spinal Injuries Centre provides state of the art facilities for the management of all types of spinal ailments. It has a team of dedicated, internationally trained & acclaimed spine surgeons providing cutting edge medical & surgical technology. The spine service provides comprehensive management of spinal injury, back pain, spinal deformities, tumors, osteoporosis etc.

Institute for the Physically Handicapped
Institute provides the care and clinical treatment to the outpatients in physical therapy with modern electrotherapy and excercise therapy equipment. Occupational therapy outpatient department also provides treatment & rehabilitation to the persons with neurological and skeletal disorders etc.
Kolkata Anjali Foundation for Spinal Cord Injury

MI : Mobility India
Wheelchair users are often forced to remain at home and their independence is curtailed due to inaccessible public transport. Mobility India has launched Wheelchair TAXI service & Wheelchair Bank with the belief that mobility is a basic human right.

National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People India
N.C.P.E.D.P. stresses the need to move away from traditionally held views of charity and welfare to those of productivity and empowerment of disabled people.

Pain & Stroke Rehab Center
Anand Shree Apts
6/32, Hindi Prachar Sabha street
Near: Krishnaswami Kalyana Mandapam.
T.Nagar, Chennai - 6000 17
Phone : 9444138742, 91-044-2432 1998
E-mail :
Timings: Monday through Saturday 10 AM to 8 PM
At the Pain & Stroke Rehab Center we believe that anyone who had to go through a debilitating disease has the right to get back to the community, be a productive or less dependent member of the family, and should achieve it all at the earliest possible time frame.

Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled
Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled's mission is to provide and equip visually, physically and economically challenged individuals with education, technology and knowledge as well as develop an environment to nurture and enhance their talents in sports and cultural activities to enhance their confidence as human beings.
The Spinal Cord Society in West Bengal is a time – proved organizational venture for developing the whole science, inspiring doctors and people for their services, encouraging newer initiatives and scientific discussion and interaction to spread the modern updates of surgery, medicine and rehabilitation.
Spinal Injured Persons Association
We are a registered self-help group working towards the empowerment of persons with spinal cord injury. We are on a mission to spread awareness and support fellow spinal cord injured persons. Towards this cause, we have been organizing peer support meetings across cities in Tamil Nadu. These peer support meetings usually provide annual free health camps including ultra sound scans, blood, eye and dental tests along with free doctor & physiotherapist consultation. We also host peer discussion groups.

2.46. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in INDONESIA

Bandung Independent Living Center
Bandung Independent Living Center (BILIC) aims to serve the wide range of needs for people with disabilities including the right to live independently.

Indonesian Association for Disabled Women (Himpunan Wanita Penyandang Cacat Indonesia)
Advocacy and empowerment of disabled women

Indonesian Society for the Care of Disabled Children
Indonesian Society for the Care of Disabled Children works for the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities in society.

Handicap International Indonesia & Timor-Leste Program
Handicap International acts not only on behalf of people with disabilities, but also for their family and direct support, their community and society. In promoting an inclusive approach, Handicap International seeks not only to develop services for people with disabilities, but also to ensure that people with disabilities have access to those services intended for everybody.

2.47. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in IRAN

Ra’ad Rehabilitation Goodwill Complex was established under the laws of Islamic Republic of Iran in 1984 (Reg. No.2811).

RRGC is a private charity institution, dedicated solely to promote the cause of the physically disabled community.

2.48. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in IRAQ

Wheelchairs for Iraqi Kids
Wheelchairs for Iraqi Kids helps needy disabled children of Iraq by providing high quality pediatric wheelchairs, each sponsored by individual and corporate donors.

2.49. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in IRELAND

Association for Higher Education Access and Disability
AHEAD, Association for Higher Education Access and Disability is an independent non-profit organisation working to promote full access to and participation in further and higher education for students with disabilities and to enhance their employment prospects on graduation.

Centers for Independent Living
The Centers for Independent Living in Ireland, are user-led organisations working in partnership with others, committed to all people with disabilities being recognised as equal citizens and achieving equal membership of society, to make informed decisions about our own lives in accordance with individual needs and lifestyle choices, to design and develop our own services, to achieve equality of experience: through consensus, respect and value for all.

Irish WheelChair Association
The Irish Wheelchair Association is a national organisation dedicated to the achievement of full social, economic and educational integration of people with disability as equal, independent and participative members of the community.

National Medical Rehabilitation Hospital, Dublin
The National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH) provides a comprehensive range of specialist rehabilitation services to patients from throughout Ireland who, as a result of an accident, illness or injury have acquired a physical or cognitive disability and who require specialist medical rehabilitation.

Spinal Injuries Ireland
Spinal Injuries Ireland (SII) was founded to promote welfare and provide a resource facility for people who have sustained spinal cord injuries and for their families. SII deals on a daily basis with both the emotional and practical issues facing the individual with the spinal injury, as well as providing support for their families.

2.50. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in ISRAEL

Access Israel, a non-profit organization dedicated to making Israel an accessible place for all its citizens, including those living with an array of disabilities.
Aleh is Israel's largest network of residential facilities for children with severe physical and cognitive disabilities. We provide 650 children in Israel with high-level medical and rehabilitative care in four residential facilities.


ALYN Woldenberg Family Hospital

ALYN Woldenberg Family Hospital is Israel's only pediatric and adolescent rehabilitation facility. ALYN treats children with a wide range of congenital and acquired conditions including cerebral palsy, neuromuscular diseases, and spinal cord injuries.

Israel Center for Technology and Accessibility
Israel's Center for Technology and Accessibility provides an information and resource service for people with disabilities.
Jerusalem Princess Basma Center for Disabled Children
The Jerusalem Princess Basma Center for Disabled Children offers vocational training and rehabilitation for children with disabilities and their mothers.
Yad Sarah
Yad Sarah offers in-home care along with a variety of other services to make like easier for families with sick, disabled or elderly members.

2.51. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in ITALY

Avitoscana Independent Living Association

Centro Informazione Disabilitá
Disability information center for the province of Torino

Cooperativa Sim-patia - Abili a Vivere
Sim-patia is a healthcare and day-care centre for the disabled. Sim-patia was founded in 1989. Its purpose was realizing an appropriate place aimed to accommodate and assist people with severe physical disability.

Federazione Associazioni Italiane Para-tetraplegic
Italian Para-tetraplegic Association

Italian Society of Spine Surgery

Montecatone Rehabilitation Instiitute S.p.A., Imola

Unità Spinale Unipolare

2.52. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in JAMAICA

Jamaica Council for Persons with Disability
The Jamaica Council for Persons with Disabilities is the Government Agency responsible for rehabilitations, vocational training and placement of persons with disabilities in Jamaica. Under the Ministry of Labour & Social Security, it has as its objective the Equality of Opportunities between the disabled and the able-bodied. It seeks through its services, to establish social and economic independence for Persons with Disabilities through their own efforts and labour

Nathan Ebanks Foundation® (NEF)
The Nathan Ebanks Foundation works for the inclusion, participation, empowerment and equalization of opportunities for children ages 0-18 years, with disabilities and special educational needs. Programmes and project initiatives promoted by the Foundation are designed to address inclusively, the physical, cognitive, emotional, social, mental and learning disabilities experienced by children as well as providing information, educational resources and parental guidance for dealing with behavioural disorders.

2.53. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in JAPAN

Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities
Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (JSRPD) was founded to promote the activities of persons with disabilities in every way possible both within and outside Japan. Via international exchange,we strive to strengthen all relationships devoted to the promotion of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.
The purpose of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research is to promote research on spine and spinal cord disorders, to encourage exchanges of information among researchers, and to contribute to the enhancement of human health by disclosing and spreading the results of our research and knowledge to the general public
National Rehabilitation Center for Persons With Disabilities
The National Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled was established by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 1979 to contribute to the promotion of the welfare of persons with physical disabilities by providing comprehensive rehabilitation services and by developing rehabilitation techniques.

2.54. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in JORDAN

Jordanian Association for Spinal Cord Injury Care
At (JASCIC) we work side by side to grant patients the best possible social, psychological and medical care to enable them get over their injuries and merge in their society effectively, have equal rights and commit to the same duties as we believe that disability should never be an obstacle but a motive to work and hope.

2.55. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in KENYA

AIC Cure International
CURE International transforms the lives of children with disabilities and their families in the developing world through medical and spiritual healing, serving all by establishing specialty teaching hospitals, building partnerships, and advocating for these children.

Association for the Physically Disabled of Kenya
The APDK sees its mission as that of enabling people with disability to overcome their physical limitations and empowering them to socially and economically become self reliant and fully integrated members of their communities.
Kenya Disability Services
  • Enhance access to information by persons with disabilities.
  • Provide to the public information on available services for persons with disabilities.
  • Create awareness about disability as a human rights issue

Kenyan Paraplegic Organization
KPO's major role is to assist persons with spinal cord injuries and other physical disabilities to achieve independence, self-reliance and full community participation.

Women Challenged to Challenge (WCC) is a national organization which brings together women with different disabilities in Kenya. WCC was registered in the year 2001 with the main aim of giving a collective voice on matters touching the lives of WwDs in Kenya.

2.56. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in KOREA

Eden Welfare Foundation
The purpose of Eden Welfare Foundation is to contribute to increasing the welfare of the disabled and improving the quality of life by operating medical treatment, rehabilitation, the special education for the people with disabilities, the child the old welfare work, the bringing up of infants business, etc.
National Rehabilitation Center
NRC is the Korea's one and only national central rehabilitation institute specialized for disability rehabilitation. It is playing leading role in the nation to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities in such services as rehabilitation medicine specialized according to disability types, custom-made rehabilitation education & training, and practical rehabilitation research.
Research Institute of the Differently Abled Persons Rights in Korea
The Research Institute of the Differently Abled Person's Right in Korea (RIDRIK) researches and investigates problems associated with differently abled person's. We use the research to increase the social welfare and rights of the differently abled. Furthermore, we aim to establish and protect their human rights.

2.57. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in LAOS

Founded in 1997, COPE is a local organization that works with the National Rehabilitation Center (NRC), Lao Ministry of Health and five provincial rehabilitatoin centres in an innovative partnership developing rehabilitation services across Lao PDR. COPE provides prosthetics and mobility devices for people who require them, free of charge if they cannot afford to pay for them.
Lao Disabled Women Development Center
The Lao Disabled Women Development Center (LDWDC) is a vocational training facility that develops handicraft work for people with disabilities. The work created is used to fund other services and training for people with disabilities.

2.58. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in LATVIA

Apeirons,Centre for Independent Living
Our main goal is the integration of people with disabilities in the society as well as creating more accepting attitude towards them from the general public.


Latvian Disabled Children's and Youth Sports Federation
The Latvian Disabled Children's and Youth Sports Federation is to organizes sports and adapted physical activities for children and young people with disabilities.
The aim of our organisation is to promote opportunity of equal participation for all members of the society, to enable protection of rights of people with disabilities in order to provide inclusion of them in to society.

2.59. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in LEBANON


Al-Kafaat Foundation
Al-Kafaat (read 'Abilities' in Arabic) is a development non-profit organization providing medical, rehabilitation, educational, and employment services to individuals with special needs throughout 7 centers scattered in and around Beirut.

Goodwill Sports Club
The Goodwill Sports Club was established in 1992 in Jbeil, Lebanon, and has since carried out certain sports activities such as forming a wheelchair basketball team during the first year of being launched; thus, becoming the first of its kind in Lebanon. also participate in NYC Marathon, table tennis, archery, and shooting events.

National Rehabilitation and Development Center
National Rehabilitation and Development Center works for the prevention of disabilities and the rehabilitation of people with disabilities in Lebanon.

2.60. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in LIBERIA

Movement for the Promotion of Gender Equality in Liberia
Movement for the Promotion of Gender Equality in Liberian (MOPGEL) is an independent, not for profit and non-governmental organization. Its aim primarily is to combat all forms of discrimination and violence against women; children and people with disabilities and create a Gender balance Liberia.

2.61. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in LITHUANIA

Lithuanian Paraplegic Association
lt aims at helping people with acquired and congenital disabilities lead an active life style and adapt themselves to it, find a job, new friends, ways of self- expression. The individual approach to the problems is applied.

2.62. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in LUXEMBOURG

Info-Handicap's main mission is to coordinate collaboration between its member organizations in order to improve the general situation of disabled persons in Luxembourg , mainly in the field of awareness raising.

2.63. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in MACEDONIA

National Council of Organizations of People With Disabilities of Macedonia
The Council, with all its member organizations is fighting for achievement of the rights of persons with disabilities, on an organized and continual manner, for 50 years already. Through its network of 136 municipal, inter-municipal and regional organizations with 90.000 disabled participating members, the organization has a significant role in organizing these persons on a local, regional and country level.

Open the Windows
OtW is a service center for persons with disabilities. We believe that technology should be adapted to the user, not the other way around. The services we provide include our e-Access program, Capacity Building, e-Innovation and Resource Center. These services are intended to help better our users' education, increase employment opportunities and allow them easier integration into their communities. We are the only known organization in Macedonia that provides these services.

Polio Plus
Polio Plus is an internationally recognized human rights and disability organization based in Skopje, Macedonia.

2.64. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in MALAYSIA

Beautiful Gate Foundation For The Disabled
Our goal is to enhance the quality of life of people with disabilities, and assist in their total integration into mainstream Malaysian society. Beautiful Gate has established 6 centres throughout Malaysia to provide different services to disabled community locally.

Damai Disabled Persons Association of Sel & F.T. Malaysia
DAMAI is a non-profit organization started by the disabled for the disabled in 1998. Our primary objective is to provide people with disabilities with the necessary skills to be independent.

Double Blessing Independent Living Center
Shuang Fu aims to help disabled persons and former drug addicts to achieve a breakthrough in their lives by teaching them suitable vocational skills to enable them to have better job opportunities. To achieve optimum results, Shuang Fu has provided services such as vocational training including handicraft, recycling, computer skills, job placement, and counseling without any charge to the disabled and underprivileged.
The main aim of the ILTC is to train and provide residents with all the necessary assistance to develop abilities and to maximize their level of independence so that they are able to achieve as full and as possible no matter what their physical disabilities. This is a centre for people with disabilities run by people with disabilities themselves.
The Kiwanis Disability Information and Support Centre is a One-Stop Disability Resource Centre providing information, support and assistance to persons with disabilities, their families and the disability community in Malaysia . KDISC acts as a comprehensive database of disability information, a referral centre for disability services and a centralized body in the Malaysian Disability Network.
The wide spectrum of information provided here is related to health-care, rehabilitation, education, employment, assistive technology, equipment, transportation, barrier-free environment and possible social-assistance services which are available in Malaysia.

Society of the Disabled Persons Penang Malaysia
Over the years, SDPP has been striving hard to fight for the rights of disabled people as well as guiding and encouraging many disabled people, particularly those staying in Penang, Malaysia to live up to their life as to enjoy the rights and the freedom that they should gain in all aspects of life. We are also committed to make Penang accessible to the elderly and the disabled.
POCAM, the Society of the Orthopaedically Handicapped, Malaysia, was formed in 1976 by the disabled themselves, and is dedicated to promoting the interests and general well-being of its members and other disabled people in Malaysia.
Yayasan Sultan Idris Shah
Yayasan Sultan Idris Shah is a foundation that caters for people and children with physical disabilities in Perak for the purpose of an 'awareness in rehabilitation services' at the foundation. The Foundation seeks to reach out to every person with a disability and provide the state of the art facilities and services to them, so that they may have a better quality of life and to bring new meaning to living again. The Foundation practices an 'Open Door Policy'. It provides services free of all costs irrespective of race, religion, culture or age. The Foundation strives to achieve love, peace ad hope through its services, especially to the rurally poor.

2.65. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in MALDIVES

Maldives Association of Physical Disables (MAPD) is a a Non-profit Organization, NGO, registered in Ministry of Home Affairs, working for the betterment of those with Physical Disabilities in Maldives. (Specially for Spinal Muscular Atrophy patients).

See Maldives Association of Physical Disables on Facebook

2.66. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in MALTA

Arka Foundation Malta
The Arka Foundation is a voluntary, non-profit making and non-governmental organization that promotes the welfare of people with special needs and of their families, irrespective of their creed or nationality.
Physically Handicapped Rehabilitation Fund
PHRF is a non-profit organization offering rehabilitation services to people with disabilities in Malta. PHRF advocates for the full integration of people with disabilities in all aspects of society. They provided vocational rehabilitation programs and work to increase accessibility in Malta.

2.67. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in MEXICO

KUXTAL is a DME company located in Mexico City and serves all of Mexico. Contact Page: Contact - Kuxtal (
Garcia Ramos has been using a wheelchair since she was 14 due to a neurological disorder that damaged her spine. The founder of a nonprofit called Mexican Women With Disabilities, she advocates for policy and legislation that advance rights for women with disabilities. In 2017, she represented Mexico at the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
PROJIMO (Coyotitan) is a community based rehabilitation and education project run by and for disabled people. Its main objective is work with disabled persons and their families to increase their abilities and opportunities as well as help raise the consciousness of non-disabled persons and school children to include disabled person in the life of the community, and to "look at their strengths, not their weaknesses." 

World Access Project
World Access Project donates used wheelchairs from the United States to the indigenous disabled of Mexico, one person at a time.

2.68. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in THE MIDDLE EAST

The Middle East Spine Society

The Middle East Spine Society (MESpine), founded in 2010, is a scientific and educational association with worldwide members. The main objects of the Society are the study and advancement of the art and science of spine surgery and research into the cause, prevention and cure of disease in human beings in the field of spine surgery. By promoting the advancement and dissemination of spine surgery through the publication of the theory and application of spine surgery, the exchange of knowledge, and both cooperation between the members and with related academic societies in Turkey and worldwide, MESpine aimed to gain strong leadership and high professionalism.
MESpine will hold congresses, as well as many symposia, courses and hands-on workshops annually. MESpine will also provide scholarships for young neurosurgeons, which will allow the applicants to become proficient in the management of patients with spine disorders.

2.69. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in MOROCCO

Amicale Marocaine des Handicapés

* The AMH is an association of service: it assists persons with disabilities To live their lives, by providing the necessary material support, aid techniques, advice, guidance, support for education, training, employment, sport, recreation....
* Advocacy: it works for the protection and promotion of human rights of persons with disabilities, the change in attitude and awareness of society, to their specific needs
* Development: it contributes to the building of infrastructure needed for the rehabilitation and reintegration of persons with disabilities: construction of rehabilitation centres, training structures and professional integration...
Association Marocaine des Déficients Moteurs
AMDM focuses its activities on problems faced by people with disabilities in their everyday lives. To this end they work directly with people with disabilities in obtaining first order necessities, such as wheelchairs and crutches, and advocates proper medical care, legal and administrative assistance.

2.70. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in NEPAL

Accessible Nepal Travel — Kathmandu, Nepal
Email:  Connect@AccessibleNepal.Com
Accessible Nepal specializes in accessible tours in Nepal. Their mission is to empower their community by bringing people with reduced mobility closer to the beauties of Nepal. Accessible Nepal offers different tour activities planned in detail for people with physical disabilities, depending on each traveler’s needs.

National Association of the Physical Disabled Nepal
NAPD-Nepal has been effectively carrying out several activities for the development of PwPDs since a decade. It has been proactively working in various developmental sectors to ensure and promote the rights PwPDs. The major activities, it has been doing, are awareness raising, advocacy, lobby, networking, providing skill based trainings, capacity buildings, research and study to explore the disabilities issues, leadership development.

National Disabled and Helpless Upliftment Association
NDHUA has the mission to provide the disabled and helpless people with education, nutrition, medical care, vocational trainings and physiotherapy so that they can rehabilitate in the community.

Nepal Disabled Women Association
Nepal Disabled Women Association (NDWA) is a non-government organization (NGO) established in 1998 adopting the values of the fundamental rights and responsibilities provided by the constitution of Nepal. It supports Women With Disabilities (WWDs) to pursue their human rights through advocacy and a right based approach (RBA).

Nepal Society of the Disabled
A non-profitable, non-governmental, advocacy and service oriented organization of the people with physical disabilities and people with special needs in Nepal

Spinal Cord Injury Association, Nepal 
SCIAN is an organization run by disabled people who advocates for disabled people.  It is a non-governmental, non-profit making organization, which serves a community of disabled people in Nepal with both spinal cord injuries and other physical disabilities. 

Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Centre, Nepal
The Center offers rehabilitation services to patients so that they are able to rebuild their lives within the limits of their ability.

Volunteers' Association for Disabled, Nepal
VAD Nepal's mission is to carry out activities and programmes to help disabled and older people become mobile, independent and trained in skills that can lead to employment... and so achieve dignity in their communities.

2.71. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in NETHERLANDS

Dutch Spine Society

Dwarslaesie Organisatie Nederland
Dutch Spinal Cord Injury Organization -- information and peer support available online and through toll-free help line

SCI Rehabilitation Facilities
Revalidatiecentrum Amsterdam
Revalidatiecentrum De Hoogstraat, Utrecht
Revalidatiecentrum St. Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen
Revalidatiecentrum Beatrixoord, Haren
Revalidatiecentrum Hoensbroeck
Revalidatiecentrum Heliomare, Wijk aan Zee
Revalidatiecentrum Rijndam, Rotterdam
Revalidatiecentrum Het Roessingh, Enschede
Revalidatiecentrum Den Haag

2.72. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in NEW ZEALAND

The principal goal of CatWalk is to increase funding to support pioneering research and discovery that points the way to repairing damage to the spinal cord.
Enable New Zealand delivers a range of services for older people and disabled people. These services are contracted by the Ministry of Health, ACC and for some other District Health Boards.
National Assembly of People with Disabilities (New Zealand)
DPA (New Zealand) is an umbrella organisation representing people with disabilities, the organisations involved in advocacy on their behalf, and service providers.
The New Zealand Spinal Trust is a registered charity providing information, education, research, advocacy and support for people who have spinal cord impairment (SCI). The trust specialises in Vocational Rehabilitation for people with SCI, provides a specialised Peer & Family Support program as well as a comprehensive information service based around our established Library which houses the largest collection of rehabilitation material in the country. The New Zealand Spinal Trust is firmly focused on supporting independent living and improving the quality of rehabilitation through initiatives, projects and programmes that directly benefit people with spinal cord injuries.

Parafed Auckland
Parafed Auckland (Auckland Paraplegic & Physically Disabled Association Inc.), is a non–profit organisation which acts as an umbrella organisation for individuals with physical disabilities in the greater Auckland region.
The Spinal Cord Society of NZ has been working to find a cure for people with spinal cord injuries for over 20 years. It is our mission to research, develop and put into practice strategies for the treatment and reversal of chronic spinal cord injury. Our research is completely devoted to the restoration of function in humans.

2.73. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in NICARAGUA

La Asociación de Padres de Familia con Hijos Discapacitados

Nonprofit family association for children with disabilities

2.74. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in NIGERIA

Physical Therapy Center in Lagos, Nigeria. Physical Therapy Centre (PTC) is an interdisciplinary musculoskeletal clinic offering best practice physiotherapy care in a private and serene environment. Alongside our sister company Ronke Eso & Company we have been providers of physiotherapy care for fifteen (15) years. We have a team of skilled physiotherapists and distinguished consultants who operate in a warm and friendly environment and are trained to modify pain, improve movement and recover optimum function as well as provide preventative advice, through the use of techniques ranging from soft tissue therapy, manual manipulation and mobilization with the use of modalities such as cryotherapy, ultrasonic therapy, iontophoresis and various electrotherapeutic devices.

Joint National Association of Persons with Disability
JONAPWDis an umbrella organization of persons with disability established in Nigeria to promote the rights and development of Nigerians with disabilities. The organization was established in 1992, to represent the interests of the teeming population of persons with disabilities at the local and international level.

Rebuilding Hope on Wheels Initiatives  
This is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of persons with disabilities particularly wheelchair users and those affected by Spinal Cord Injury /Dysfunction. RHOWI is committed to fostering an inclusive society that enables people with disabilities to live fully engaged lives like any other citizen. At present, RHOWI is at the forefront of disability rights movement, removing barriers to people with disabilities so they live a future they envision. RHOWI staff and volunteers combine knowledge and personal experiences to deliver programs and services to towards producing fully integrated and empowered participants in our society by rebuilding lives.

Joy in Africa Foundation  
Joy in Africa Foundation (JAF) is a  Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), serving young people and vulnerable children in Nigeria. This organisation was founded in 2007, in Delta State Nigeria. With the help of medical volunteers, we offer free medical services to people living in rural areas, especially young people and also donate humanitarian aids including food and clothing to the less privileged families. Promote the independence in young people with Special Needs and children with disabilities by providing rehabilitation Centre for these vulnerable young group of people.



2.75. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in NIGER

Action for Handicapped Women and Children (Action pour Femmes et Enfants Handicaps)
Action pour Femmes et Enfants Handicaps works to empower and embetter the situation for women and children with disabilities on a local, national, and international level.

2.76. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in NORWAY

Haukeland University Hospital - Spinal Unit, Bergen

Sunnaas Hospital - Department for Spinal Cord Injuries, Nesoddtangen

The Norwegian Association of Disabled
The Norwegian Association of Disabled (NAD) is an independent advocacy organization working for equal rights and social participation for the disabled. Our main target group is people with physical impairments.

The Norwegian Spinal Cord Injuries Association
The Norwegian Spinal Cord Injuries Association is an organisation of and for people with spinal cord injuries, their relatives, professionals and others. The Association is based on empowerment and run voluntarily by members with spinal cord injuries. There are some 1000 members from the whole of Norway, and the Association is part of The Norwegian Association of Disabled (NHF).

2.77. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in PAKISTAN

mission is to empower Persons with Disabilities and Deafness (PWDD), so they can live better and independent lives. And our ultimate goal is """ inclusive, barrier-free, and right based society
FOP is a registered non profit Organization, striving for an inclusive environment, supporting people with disabilities live and perform to their full capacity – individually, socially, politically, economically, and inspiringly.
Pakistan Disabled Foundation
Pakistan Disabled Foundation is an organization of the peoples with disabilities of all categories, working actively in all walks of life to the maximum possible extent.

Paraplegic Center Hayatabad, Peshawar, is the only state of the art facility, providing free of cost, Medical/Surgical and Nursing Care, along with Physical, Occupational, Vocational and Psycho-social rehabilitation services to patients with Spinal cord injuries from all over the country as well as Afghanistan.
SWO is a community based, charitable and a non profit Registered organization, to fulfill the basic needs of the low income category, and establish a prosperous society filled with moral values, dignity and self respect. Poverty alleviation, Early Education, Environment development and conservation. Human Rights, Community Health Care, youth and Women Empowerment, and Rehabilitation of the differently baled are the key components in our mandate.
Special Attention Towards Handicapped (SATH)
Special Attention towards Handicapped (SATH) is a non-profit organisation working with disabled children who live in marginalized communities in rural and suburban area through community based rehabilitation program. Handicapped children are often neglected in Pakistani society.

Special Talent Exchange Program
STEP is a cross disability organization, with a prime objective of empowerment of disabled persons through capacity building and advocacy. STEP is engaged in Leadership, ICT and Independent Living training of disabled persons.

2.78. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in PALESTINE

Al-Bureij Rehabilitation Society
Palestine- Gaza Strip- Bureij camp
Telephone: (970) 82 561 616 Fax: (970) 82 553 280
Contact person: Mr. Ahed al-khatib 
The Al-Bureij Rehabilitation Society (BRS) is an organization committed to rehabilitating people with disabilities and reintegrating them into the community and improving their access to medical services, support, and vocational training. The BRS works to empower families and communities better meet the needs of people with disabilities through increasing public awareness

Medical Aid for Palestinians
Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) is a UK charity providing support to the health and medical needs of Palestinians living under occupation in Gaza and the West Bank, to refugees in Lebanon and to other vulnerable communities in the region.

Palestine Save the Children Medical Emergency Project
The project aims at improving the quality of disabled life in the Gaza Strip by providing them with comprehensive psychological and physiotherapy sessions. A series of the rehabilitation sessions will be conducted in addition to the distribution of medical supplies and technical aids such as (electric scooters, wheelchairs, diapers, air bed mattresses and eye glasses). .

2.79. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in PANAMA

Instituto Panameño de Habilitación Especial

Panamanian Rehabilitation Institute -- treats a variety of diagnoses and disabilities

2.80. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in PERU

Confederación Nacional de Discapacitados de Perú

 National disability rights and advocacy organization

2.81. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in THE PHILIPPINES

Leonard Cheshire Disability Philippines Foundation
The Leonard Cheshire Disability Philippines Foundation, Inc. (LCDPFI) is a national disability and development organization operating in Quezon City. It is a non-stock, non-profit, NGO that promotes and protects the rights of persons with disabilities in the Philippines, working towards the attainment of educational equality, economic independence and their active participation in social, cultural, political and civil life.
Life Haven Independent Living Center (Philippines)
It is our mission to lead the establishment of Independent Living centers in the Philippines as its vehicle towards full empowerment, integration and participation in the community
Tahanang Walang Hagdanan, Inc. is a non-stock, non-profit and non-government organization that aims to uplift the lives of the Orthopedically handicapped persons. It is a rehabilitation and skills training center with sheltered workshops where the people with disabilities are trained to be productive and self-reliant member of the society.

Wheelchair and Disabled Foundation of the Philippines-WDFP had established three social projects which may be considered as an Outreach Project, designed to help as any persons with disability as well as college students with disability who are intellectually capable of pursuing tertiary education at the University of the Philippines. These special projects are Wheelers On The Go, Showcase For Products of PWD'S and WDFP Scholarship Endowment Fund.

              * Wheelers On the Go This is a wheelchair rental project started in 1992 to provide wheelchair service to shoppers at SM Megamall who are physically                  weak to shop around the length and breath of the vast shopping center complex. Customers include not only those with physical disability but also                    pregnant women, the elderly and those with cardiac problem.

               * Showcase For Products of PWD's Along side with Wheeler On the Go, WDFP also opened a Showcase For Products of PWD's at the ground floor of                    Building B of SM Megamall shopping center.

               * WDFP Scholarship Endowment Fund. For PWD's who are intellectually capable of pursuing tertiary education especially those coming from families                 without adequate financial resources, WDFP has set-up in 1991 a Scholarship Endowment Fund at the University of the Philippines where it has                           established a scholarship program since 1976.

               * Operation Wheelchair Operation Wheelchair is a strategy to drum-up public support and sympathy for physically handicapped school children                           needing a wheelchair especially those in the rural areas of the country. It is a vision to provide every physcilly handicapped school child with a                             wheelchair, so he/she may have access to education.

ALAY SA MAY MGA KAPANSANAN ASSOCIATION, INC. Is a non-government and non-stock organization  designed to encourage and help people with physical and mental disability gain a sense of self-worth and hope that would enable them improve their lives and their future. True to its ideals, the association has been conducting a variety of seminars and workshops to help those with disability develop their skills that may enable them to earn a living despite their condition. The association has also given out wheelchairs, crutches, hearing aids and other assistive devices, and conducted free medical and dental services and livelihood training program to men, women and children with disability in many depressed areas, institutions and schools.

2.82. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in POLAND

Achilles Track Club
The Achilles Track Club is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that promotes sports, especially marathon running, for people with disabilities.
Contact: Staron Stanislaw
Address: Laski ul.Glowna 11, 32-329 Boleslaw
Telephone: 011-48-32 642-47-28
The aim of the Foundation is to equalize the opportunities of persons with disabilities  and help their families.
Polish Association of Disabled People (PADP)
30-018 Krakow, Poland
Tel: +48-12-6338675
Fax: +48-12-6341502

2.83. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in PORTUGAL

Associação Portuguesa de Deficientes
Portuguese Disability Association

Cooperativa Nacional de Apoio a Deficientes
National Cooperative of Support for People with Disabilities

Portuguese Society of Spinal Pathology

2.84. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in PUERTO RICO

Futuros, Inc.
Futuros, Incorporated in Puerto Rico is an organization geared to integrate the citizens with disabilities into the work-place by providing to employers a referral network of persons with disabilities who are qualified to work.

SER de Puerto Rico
la Sociedad de Educación y Rehabilitación (SER) de Puerto Rico -- The Association for Education and Rehabilitation of Puerto Rico

2.85. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in QATAR

MADA Qatar Assistive Technology Center
Mada (Qatar Assistive Technology Center) is a non-profit organization that is empowering and enabling people with disabilities through the greater use of Information and Communication Technologies. Located on the seventh floor of Al Nasr Tower B on Al Corniche Road, West Bay area, Doha, Mada provides Assistive Technology solutions including assessment and training for people with all types of disabilities, parents and professionals throughout Qatar.

Shafallah Center for Children with Special Needs
The Shafallah Center for Children with Special Needs is a non-profit, private institution providing special education, therapeutic, and health care support services for children with disabilities from birth to age 21.

2.86. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in ROMANIA

Association for the Physically Disabled Lugoj
The Association of the Persons with Physical Handicap Lugoj advocates for the rights people with disabilities as well as their full integration in Romanian society.
Society of People with Locomotion Handicap from Romania
Society of People with Locomotion Handicap From Romania (SHLR) is a disability organization with a mission for social reintegration of adults with mobility impairments.

2.87. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in RUSSIA

Ravenstvo: Municipal Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled, Samara
Ravensto: Municipal Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled, Samara is a cross-disability organization that brings together ideas, opportunities and resources to promote independence and professional abilities of people with disabilities.

Regional Society of Disabled People PERSPEKTIVA
Perspektiva aims to promote independence and an improved quality of life for disabled people in the Russian community

2.88. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in SAUDI ARABIA

offering valuable services for the rehabilitation of disabled children in addition to its endless services for the adult disabled persons in the field of Physical Therapy, occupational therapy, prosthesis and splints.
A project of the Medical and Rehabilitation Consultancy House (MRCH), the ICDR was founded in 1996 for the purpose of working out ways for meeting disability needs across the Arab and Islamic worlds. It had a host of humanitarian goals set for preventing disabilities, ensuring early intervention, providing social rehabilitation, improving all the aspects to do with the living standards of the disabled, codifying their rights, and backing up their issues in all areas.
Medical and Rehabilitation Consultancy House
Medical and Rehabilitation Consultancy House (MRCH) is gives executive, medical, health, and rehabilitation counseling concerned with the issues of people who are ill, disabled or elderly.

Prince Salman Center for Disability Research
Prince Salman Center for Disability Research (PSCDR) is a research center for disability research in Saudi Arabia.

2.89. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in SCOTLAND

Centre for Independent Living in Glasgow
Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living (GCIL) is a user-controlled organisation committed to promoting inclusive living by assisting disabled people to challenge barriers and make informed choices.  We work closely with a variety of other organisations – public, voluntary, and private – providing information, advice, training and consultancy. We also provide accessible and barrier free premises, fully equipped and serviced for conferences, meetings and training sessions.
Facilitating Access Breaking Barriers Scotland
Facilitating Access Breaking Barriers Scotland Scotland (FABB) works for the integration of physically disabled people into mainstream social, leisure and educational activities with particular focus on those ages 14 to 25.

Spinal Injury Scotland
SIS provides immediate support through the office based Information Service and our Area Representative Network who contact all those who request assistance. SIS have a Legal and Welfare Rights Advisory service and also run a self-referral support line. Our representatives, who are able to discuss all aspects of living with a spinal cord injury, undertake weekly visits to the Queen Elizabeth National Spinal Injuries Unit.

The Thistle Foundation
Our individually tailored services are designed to support disabled people and those with long term health conditions to lead full and active lives. Services are flexible to meet individual's requirements; we will develop services that are appropriate to their needs.

2.90. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in SENEGAL

Association Nationale des Handicapes Moteurs du Senegal
ANHMS is a National Assembly Member of DPI. DPI and its individual country members advocate for the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities in all aspects of life worldwide.

Dakar Community Outreach is a nonprofit organization. It was formulated to assist all less privileged in Senegal with health care, capacity building, and organizing cultural events among different nationalities.

2.91. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in SERBIA


Association of the Handicapped Persons "Fenix"
Association of the Handicapped Persons "Fenix" gives support to the handicapped persons in informing them about their rights, and in the areas of education, labour, access to the public institutions, in removing the architectural barriers for more efficient integration in the wide social community.
Center for Independent Living Serbia
The Center has based its work on the familiar principle known as cross-disability, meaning that it gathers people with different types of physical disability, primarily, connected by common needs and interests.
Iz Kruga - Out of Circle
Out of Circle (Iz Kruga) works to 'support women and children with disabilities subjected to any form of violence and discrimination,' to protect the rights of women with disabilities and to raise awareness about women's status and needs.

2.92. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in SIERRA LEONE

Africa Surgery 
Africa Surgery, Inc., is a ecumenical, non-profit organization dedicated to bringing healing, giving health, and offering hope to ill and suffering African people, especially to those in Sierra Leone, one of the continents poorest countries.   To accomplish this mission, Africa Surgery Inc. facilitates the diagnosis and treatment of those afflicted with Potts Disease (Tuberculosis of the spine) as well as those needing surgical, medical, and other health related assistance.  Africa Surgery Inc. works collaboratively with programs and facilities which can provide these life-giving services; it includes material, logistical, educational, and other support services needed to enhance local medical and health initiatives and institution.

Medical Assistance Sierra Leone
Medical Assistance Sierra Leone was established in 2003 with the aim of supporting access to health care and urgent medical treatment for communities and individuals in Sierra Leone.

2.93. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in SINGAPORE

Handicaps Welfare Association - Singapore
Handicaps Welfare Association (HWA), founded in 1969 by a group of 23 persons to promote self-help and provide mutual support among the disabled in Singapore, is an organization run by people with disabilities, for people with disabilities. Handicaps Welfare Association is determined to break down barriers and ensure the physically challenged advance towards Equal Opportunity that we would all enjoy.

Singapore Society for the Physically Disabled
At the Society for the Physically Disabled, we work towards the integration of people with physical disabilities into mainstream society. Through programmes that encompass rehabilitation, employment, training, education, consultation and assessment in assistive technology, day care, and social service support, we work in partnership with people with physical disabilities to maximise their potential and to help them to be self-reliant and independent.

The Disabled People's Association Singapore
We are a Resource and Research, Information and Communications Centre for the Handicapped (RRICCH).

2.94. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in SLOVAKIA

Slovak Union of Physically Disabled People
The Slovak Union of Physically Disabled People (SUPDP) provides a variety of social and rehabilitation services to people disabilities. The main services provided by the SUPDP include: rehabilitation, social integration, transportation services, and sports and recreation with cultural activities.

Union of Physically Handicapped Youth Slovakia
To integrate handicapped people into mainstream society, to campaign for equality in job prospects for handicapped and non-handicapped people, prepare and organise sport, cultural and social events for physically and mentally handicapped young people, to advise how to find employment as well as how to create a safe working environment.

2.95. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in SLOVENIA

Association of Paraplegics of Slovenia
Our organization represents, safeguards and asserts the rights and interests of paraplegics and tetraplegics at the local, national and international level.
Association for Theory and Culture of Handicap (YHD)
Inštitut Republike Slovenije za Rehabilitacijo, Ljubliana
Department for rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord lesions operates within the Clinic for physical medicine and rehabilitation (CPMR) . The department offers comprehensive medical rehabilitation to patients with severe neural impairments and consequential complete or partial muscular paralysis and sensibility disorders, disorders of sacral functions as well as patients who require individually adapted technical devices.

2.96. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in SOUTH AFRICA

Disabled People South Africa
DPSA ensures a special focus on the development of women and youth in all its programmes. Creates opportunity for disabled people to access education and training. Advocates for Government to adopt policies to advance the rights of disabled people. Lobbies and campaigns for integration of disability into national socio-economic development strategy. Supports business development services for entrepreneurs with disabilities. Deploys disabled people in rural communities to inform other disabled people and the communities about their rights.

National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in South Africa
The National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in South Africa (NCPPDSA) is a non-government organization for persons with physical disabilities that provides services to persons with mobility impairments.

QuadPara Association of South Africa
The Association strives to prevent spinal cord injury, as well as protect and promote the interests of people with mobility impairments by formulating a national policy and strategy, to develop and ensure the full potential and quality of their lives.


Southern African Spinal Cord Association
The Southern African Spinal Cord Association (SASCA) provides information to health care professionals and policy makers, promotes the treatment and rehabilitation of the spinal cord injured, and networks with governmental and non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and other service providers.
The Society strives to achieve and maintain the highest standard of excellence and ethical practice in the treatment of patients with spinal disorders. It supports proper scientific research and the sharing of such knowledge through publications, congresses, courses and interaction with other similar international organisations.

The Chaeli Campaign
The Chaeli Campaign mobilises the minds and bodies of children with disabilities by providing assistive devices and therapies, as well as running educational and advocacy programmes and events - all with inclusion as the driving passion. We are active in six provinces of South Africa (Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Gauteng, KZN, Free State and Mpumulanga) as well as supporting a group of 16 families with children with disabilities in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe.
A new SMS information service for disabled people in South Africa. Disabled people, especially those living in rural parts of South Africa, often find it difficult to get information about the rehabilitation services that are available to them from government departments and NGOs in their area. This initiative was created for this purpose.
Uhambo Foundation
Uhambo Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with disabilities in less-resourced settings by establishing a safe and effective network and sustainable model of distribution and support of assistive devices.
CO-FOUNDER abdikader
TELL +27731627220, 0840579291
Cape town sa

2.97. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in SPAIN

Confederacin Coordinadora Estatal de Minusvalidos Fisicos de Espaa
Confederacion Coordinadora Estatal de Minusvalidos Fisicos de Espana is a non-governmental organization working for the full integration of people with physical disabilities in Spain. They offer a variety of serivices.

Discapnet: Portal de los discapacitados
Disability information portal

Federacin de Asociaciones de Minusvlidos de Madrid
Federacin de Asociaciones de Minusvlidos de Madrid (FAMMA) advocates and provides a variety of services for people with physical disabilities in Madrid, Spain and surrounding area.


Federacion ECOM
Federacion ECOM can assist in planning visits for people with disabilities or serve as a resource for disabled foreigners in Spain.

Fundación ONCE
Disability-related employment information, programs, and services

Fundación También
Adapted sports for the inclusion of people with disabilities

Hospital Juan Canalejo - Unidad de Lesionades Medulares, La Coruña

Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos
National Hospital for Paraplegics -- web site has SCI videos, forum, and FAQs

Institut Guttmann, Badalona
This is a leading hospital in the medical treatment, surgery and full rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury, acquired brain damage or any other serious neurological disability.

La Asociación de Parapléjicos y Grandes Grandes Discapacitados Físicos
Spanish Spinal Cord Injury Association -- Empowerment, education, advocacy. Has local chapters

Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad
Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad works on disability policy issues, has a library of accessibility guides and maps for Spain and produces a book listing many state and nongovernmental disability agencies.

2.98. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in SRI LANKA

Central Council of Disabled Persons (CCoDP) - Sri Lanka
Contact :
work together with all stakeholders to improve the quality of life of Persons with Disabilities through integrated rehabilitation activities.

Hill Country Disabled Group assists handicapped people of the Hill Country of Sri Lanka in terms of improving their living conditions, health, education, employment opportunities, and general well being so they may enjoy full rewarding lives.

Prithipura Communities of Sri Lanka
The Prithipura Communities of
Sri Lanka is an organisation dedicated to the care and assistance of children with disabilities.

The Shivan Foundation
The Shivan Velautham Foundation is building health and education facilities in Sri Lanka for the benefit of disabled children, their parents and carers. Children will be able to enjoy a wide range of supervised educational and therapeutic activities whilst their parents live nearby. The retreat will welcome disabled children from the local community as well as from further afield, both nationally and internationally, on a temporary or permanent basis.

Sri Lanka Foundation for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled
assist the disabled community in Sri Lanka to live in confidence and dignity.



2.99. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in SWEDEN

Ågrenska provides programs for children, teenagers and adults with disabilities, their families and professionals supporting the family. Striving to be a progressive and creative meeting place between needs and knowledge, our aim is to contribute to people´s coping with everyday life and empower them to become as independent as possible.

Forum - Women and Disability in Sweden
Forum Women and Disability in Sweden (FWDS) is a disability-rights and resource organization for women in Sweden


Independent Living Institute
The Independent Living Institute (ILI) is a policy development center specializing in consumer-driven policies for disabled peoples' freedom of choice, self-determination, self-respect and dignity. Our ultimate goal is to promote disabled people's personal and political power. Towards this end we provide information, training materials and develop solutions for services for persons with extensive disabilities in Sweden and internationally. We are experts in designing and implementing direct payment schemes for personal assistance, mainstream taxi and assistive technology.

Spinalis Foundation
Spinalis is a charitable foundation whose mission is to promote research and treatment development in the field of spinal cord injuries.

Swedish Independent Living Center

Swedish Association of Persons with Neurological Disabilities
The main services provided by NHR are social, service and solidarity activities; rehabilitation and other support services; information and referral; and courses in different fields (education, labor market issues and rehabilitation).

Swedish Institute of Assistive Technology - SIAT
The Swedish Institute of Assistive Technology (SIAT) is a national resource centre for assistive technology and accessibility for persons with disabilities. SIAT works for full participation and equality for persons with disabilities by ensuring access to high-quality and secure assistive technology, an effective provision of assistive devices and an accessible environment.

The Swedish Association for Survivors of Accident and Injury (RTP)
The Swedish Association for Survivors of Accident and Injury works to promote participation and accessibility in society for the survivors of road traffic accidents, other accidents and polio. We work mainly with empowering our members in such a way that they can take charge of their own life situations.

2.100. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in SWITZERLAND

Association Suisse des Paralyses
Association Suisse des Paralyses (Swiss Association of the Paralyzed) or ASPr/SVG is a disability organization that promotes economic and social integration of people with disabilities, independence, and public awareness.

Mobility International Switzerland
Mobility International Switzerland is an organization which assists travelers with disabilities in Switzerland.
 Orthopädische Universitätsklinik Balgrist - Paraplegikerzentrum, Zürich
Balgrist University Hospitals Paraplegic Centre provides comprehensive care for people with spinal paralysis, from acute treatment to long-term rehabilitation.
REHAB Basel - Zentrum für Querschnittgelähmte und Hirnverletzte, Basel
REHAB Basel is a highly specialised clinic for treatment and rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury or head injuries. Our Clinic is also specialised in the treatment of patients with combined injuries (spinal and craniocerebral injury). After the clinical treatment, REHAB Basel also offers ambulatory treatment or continued treatment at our day hospital.

Swiss Paraplegic Association
The Swiss Paraplegics Association is the national umbrella organisation for spinal cord injuries (SCI) and has over 10'000 members. Our 26 Wheelchair Clubs carry our foundational principles and focus of solidarity throughout entire Switzerland.

Swiss Paraplegics Group
The vision of holistic rehabilitation comprises the lifelong care and support of people with spinal paralysis. To meet the challenges of ensuring that patients lead a self-determined life with as much independence as possible, the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation today operates a comprehensive and integrated network of services comprising the rescue, medical primary care, initial rehabilitation and primary aftercare, as well as lifelong support in all the relevant areas, such as work, family life, society, leisure, and sport, or advice on matters ranging from obstacle-free building to financial support for patients, as well as the development and distribution of orthopaedics technology, aids or vehicles.

2.101. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in TAIWAN

HsinChu City Spinal Cord Injury Association, Taiwan
Develop programs and services and act as community advocates for improved access, housing, transportation, employment, and leisure time activities for disabled people. Peer support and other services are also provided. These are fundamental aspects of living that our friends with spinal cord injuries must cope with after they have been rehabilitated and have returned to community life.

2.102. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in TANZANIA

Kupona Foundation
Kupona Foundation is improving access to high-quality healthcare for people and communities living in poverty in Tanzania.

2.103. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in THAILAND

Christian Care Foundation: for Children with Disabilities in Thailand
CCD Thailand: charity providing care and support for abandoned special needs children in Thailand
Foundation To Encourage The Potential Of Disabled Persons Thailand
The Foundation provides free services to poor and needy disabled persons and their families across six northern provinces of Thailand - providing free wheelchairs, mobility aids, home visits, residential care and compassionate love.
Kiiran Care Foundation is a legally registered non-profit based in Bangkok.
It works for the welfare of underprivileged people in society .It also has office in India which works for socially deprived people there.
Its activities are focused on food and clothes distribution, building homes for homeless,education for underprivileged children, providing medical assistance etc. Kiiran Care Foundation also provide artificial limps and wheel chairs to people who are unable to walk, it also provides blood pressure and gluco meter,

2.104. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO

National Center for Persons with Disabilities
The National Centre for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) is a non-governmental agency (NGO) which promotes equalization for persons with disabilities through training, information, research and consultative services.

2.105. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in TURKEY

Turkish Association of Neuromuscular Disorders
The Turkish Association of Neuromuscular Disorders (TAMD) {Turkiye Kas Hastaliklari Dernegi} is a non-profit organization working to improve the quality of life for people with neuromuscular disorders in Turkey.

Turkish Spinal Cord Injury Association
TOFD (Turkish Spinal Cord Injury Association) was established in 1998 with the purpose of assisting those with spinal cord injury not only medically but also for their careers, social life and financial independence.

To allow travelers with disabilities to enjoy the Turkish Riviera Antalya and the historic city Istanbul

ACCESSIBLE TURKEY offers a great variety of possibilities with 13 main hotels in Antalya and Istanbul with which we cooperate at present.

The services regarding accommodation make not only the visitors with special needs, feel satisfied and safe (but also their families and careers) to fully participate in community life to enjoy the incomparable scenery, natural beauties, shopping facilities and historical sites in both cities. All the services crucial to visitors with varying disabilities are met with great care and the universally required standards by trained staff at the 5* hotels.


Congresses and conferences can also be organized to fit the needs of the disabled people on demand at our cooperating hotels.

Transfer Services

ACCESSIBLE TURKEY disability transport section covers all the businesses and services offering transport for visitors with disabilities and the elderly passengers in specially adapted and equipped vehicles which can carry wheelchairs and other related aids to enable mobility;


  • From Airport to Hotel and Hotel to Airport
  • For City Tours In Shopping Centers, Malls
  • For all the other destinations, venues and door to door pick-ups when demanded.


Reconstruction Consultancy

As ACCESSIBLE TURKEY, we can provide consultancy on all matters regarding Accessible Tourism what we mainly offer is to reconstruct, renovate and adapt Hotels,,Restaurants, Cafe-Bars, Beach Clubs and similar facilities to meet the needs of the people with varying disabilities by maintaining universal standards with minimum costs.


Equipment Rental

We hire wheelchairs, hoists, mobility scooters, commodes, bath lifts, shower chairs, walkers, standing electric hoists, adjustable beds, standing aids and many more items.

2.106. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in UGANDA

Action Disability Development
ADDs vision of a world where all disabled people are able to enjoy their rights, fulfill their responsibilities and obligations and participate as fully as they choose at every level of society.
Katalemwa Cheshire Home for Rehabilitation Services
Katalemwa Cheshire Home for Rehabilitation Services (KCH) is a non-governmental development organization involved in the rehabilitation of children with disabilities.
Mobility Appliances by Women with Disabilities
MADE works with people with disabilities coming from all over the nation and from neighboring countries. It trains women on how to build wheelchairs and also empowers them to mobilize and achieve full participation in society.

The National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU), is an indegenous umbrella NGO of Persons With Disabilities (PWDs), formed in November 1987. It brings together all categories of disabilities including the physically, sensory and mentally impaired people. The coalition has always worked to break the tradition that tended to treat PWDs as objects of charity and medical care.

Special Children Special People (SCSP) was registered in 2013 as a grass-root community based organization to rehabilitate, advocate for and empower people with disabilities with a focus on children to prepare them for inclusive education. Special Children Uganda™ in its agenda seeks to advance the well-being, competence and integration of persons with disabilities into communities with a focus on self-independence to children with special needs and empowerment to their families. Special Children Special People currently operates in Kampala and Mpigi districts. Our secondary beneficiaries are the family/caretakers of special needs children and community.

Uganda Charitable Spine Surgery Mission
The Uganda Charitable Spine Surgery Mission exists; to provide the best possible spine care to Ugandan patients afflicted by infectious, degenerative, traumatic and congenital spinal ailments. In addition the Mission will strive to provide a fertile environment for the education of those serve these patients.

Uganda National Action on Physical Disability
The Uganda National Action of Physical Disability (UNAPD) works to remove barriers that prevent people with physical disabilities from enjoying, on equal basis, all the rights enjoyed by the citizens of Uganda
Uganda Society for Disabled Children
Uganda Society for Disabled Childrens mission is to help children with disabilities and their families to access resources and opportunities to enable them to achieve their full potential.

2.107. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in THE UKRAINE

Fight For Right 
Support Ukrainians with disabilities during the war
How to protect yourself in case of emergencies?

Fight For Right works to let all Ukrainians with disabilities 
know the answer to this question. Our team has a clear 
position: #IStayInUkraine and we do everything to make it safe 
for Ukrainians with disabilities to stay here.

Volyn Regional Charitable Foundation
Christian charitable organization involved in projects helping people with disabilities

National Assembly of Persons with Disabilities


The NAU NGO was established on September 22, 2001 to unite public 
organizations whose members are people with disabilities, coordinate 
actions and consolidate their efforts aimed at improving the situation 
of persons with disabilities in Ukraine, promoting the protection of 
their constitutional rights, enhancing their role and social status in society.

2.108. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services
Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services pursues humanitarian work in the fields of care, training, education, rehabilitation and integration of persons with disabilities in society.
AccessAbilities Expo is the region’s largest annual exhibition that provides access to the newest products, latest technologies and services showcased by region’s biggest distributors, international manufacturers, government entities and medical and education centres. The exhibition is a hub to learn, explore and have fun for everyone. From over 300 companies and brands across the world, the Expo visitors get a unique opportunity to discover the advanced technologies and solutions and learn about the emerging trends and innovations designed to enhance the lives of People with Disabilities

2.109. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in THE UNITED KINGDOM

Ability Today on line
Disability News sourced from around the world

The Accessible Property Register
'The Accessible Property Register website specialises in promoting accessible and adapted residential property for sale and rent. Property is advertised across the UK and the website is entirely free of charge to members of the public. For those with property to sell, adverts can be placed directly onto the APR website, or we can recommend an approved local estate agent from our network.

a UK charity that provides practical help to people who have been paralysed by spinal cord injury. Their core services, including Aspire Housing, Assistive Technology, Independent Living Advice and Aspire Grants, support hundreds of people every year in their return to independence.

Back Up
a UK charity that has helped thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds rebuild their confidence and independence after paralysis. Their wheelchair skills training, mentoring service and rehabilitative activity courses are all run by people affected by spinal cord injury themselves. They also support people to overcome the challenges of returning to work or school.

The Complete Group
enable people with severe disabilities to live an independent life within the community by providing them with the highest quality services that fully meet the needs of their chosen lifestyle

Welcome to DIAL UK, a national organisation for a network of approximately 120 local Disability Information and Advice Line services (DIALs) run by and for disabled people. Last year DIALs helped over a quarter of a million disabled people. DIAL information and advice services are based throughout the UK and provide information and advice to disabled people and others on all aspects of living with a disability

A UK public interest website focused on planning the finance and care of the elderly and the disabled

Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People
Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People (GMCDP) was established in 1985 and is an organisation of disabled people; that is, run and controlled by disabled people.GMCDP aims to: promote the independence and integration of disabled people in society; identify and challenge the discrimination faced by disabled people in society today; and encourage and support the self-organisation of disabled people.

Independent Living Alternatives
ILA aims to enable people who need personal assistance, to be able to live independently in the community and take full control of their lives and thereby have individuality and spontaneity.

List of Charities that Help to get Powerchairs in the UK- Provided by the Research Institute for Consumer Affairs. Helpline
Helpline: 0300 102 0079 | Monday to Friday 12:00PM – 1:45PM
Offers free, confidential emotional support and reliable information to those affected by Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy (DCM). 

Skill: National Bureau for Students with Disabilities
Promoting equality in education, training and employment for disabled people

Spinal Injuries Association
We are the national organisation of spinal cord injured people. We represent all of their interests, regardless of how the impairment occurred, or whether paralysis is full or partial. We support all those who are affected by spinal cord injury, including the family and friends of the individual. We promote and encourage spinal cord injured people to fully participate in society by taking back control of their lives.

Spinal Research
the UK's leading charity funding groundbreaking medical research around the world to develop reliable treatments for paralysis caused by a broken back or neck. Our vision is a world where spinal cord injury no longer means a lifetime of paralysis.

United Kingdom Spine Societies Board (UKSSB)
The object of UKSSB is to promote the development of treatment of spinal disorders through education, study and research for the benefit of the public and the United Kingdom.
SCI Rehabilitation Facilities

2.110. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in URUGUAY

Discapacidad en Uruguay
Uruguayan disability organization

2.111. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in VENEZUELA

Paso a Paso (Step by Step)
Paso a Paso (Step by Step) is a nonprofit organization assisting people with disabilities and their families in Venezuela. They provide several resources for children with disabilities and professionals working with them.

2.112. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in VIETNAM

Children's Hope in Action
Children's Hope in Action (CHIA) is a grassroots non government organisation founded by an Australian woman, Robyn Morley, to especially care for some of the most disadvantaged children in Quang Nam province, central Vietnam. At CHIA, we focus our efforts and resources in three key areas – health, disability and education services.

Vietnam Assistance for the Handicapped
Viet-Nam Assistance for the Handicapped (VNAH) is a nonprofit, nonpolitical, tax-exempt charitable organization founded in 1991 to assist the war amputees and other disabled in Viet-Nam. Its overall purpose is to assist the disabled in Viet-Nam to overcome their disability and to lead a richer and fuller life.

2.113. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in WALES

Carers Wales
Carers Wales is the leading campaigning, policy and information organisation for carers in Wales.

Disability Arts Cymru
Works throughout Wales to promote equal opportunities in the arts for disabled people, providing training, information and advice.

Disability Wales
The national association of disability groups striving to achieve rights, equality and choice for all disabled people in Wales.

2.114. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in ZAMBIA

Zambia Federation of the Disabled
Zambia Federation of the Disabled works to facilitate the unification, capacity building and efficient networking of Disabled Peoples Organisations as vehicles of change in the lives of persons with disabilities in Zambia.

Zambia National Association of the Physically Handicapped
ZNAPH is national non governmental membership based organization working to empower people with disabilities and raise awareness in the community to attain the economic and social integration of people with disabilities.

2.115. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in ZIMBABWE

National Association of Societies for the Care of the Handicapped
National Association of Societies for the Care of the Handicapped is the official umbrella body for 53 organizations working with and for people with disabilities in Zimbabwe.