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2.100. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in SWITZERLAND
Association Suisse des Paralyses
Association Suisse des Paralyses (Swiss Association of the Paralyzed) or ASPr/SVG is a disability organization that promotes economic and social integration of people with disabilities, independence, and public awareness.
Mobility International Switzerland is an organization which assists travelers with disabilities in Switzerland.
Balgrist University Hospitals Paraplegic Centre provides comprehensive care for people with spinal paralysis, from acute treatment to long-term rehabilitation.
REHAB Basel is a highly specialised clinic for treatment and rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury or head injuries. Our Clinic is also specialised in the treatment of patients with combined injuries (spinal and craniocerebral injury). After the clinical treatment, REHAB Basel also offers ambulatory treatment or continued treatment at our day hospital.
Swiss Paraplegic Association
The Swiss Paraplegics Association is the national umbrella organisation for spinal cord injuries (SCI) and has over 10'000 members. Our 26 Wheelchair Clubs carry our foundational principles and focus of solidarity throughout entire Switzerland.
Swiss Paraplegics Group
The vision of holistic rehabilitation comprises the lifelong care and support of people with spinal paralysis. To meet the challenges of ensuring that patients lead a self-determined life with as much independence as possible, the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation today operates a comprehensive and integrated network of services comprising the rescue, medical primary care, initial rehabilitation and primary aftercare, as well as lifelong support in all the relevant areas, such as work, family life, society, leisure, and sport, or advice on matters ranging from obstacle-free building to financial support for patients, as well as the development and distribution of orthopaedics technology, aids or vehicles.