Help Desk → International Spinal Cord Injury Resources → Spinal Cord Injury Resources by Country or Region → Spinal Cord Injury Resources in BELGIUM
2.12. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in BELGIUM
Agence Wallonne pour I'Integration des Personnes Handicapées
Agency for the Integration of Disabled People --works in the areas of employment, advocacy, and assistive technology
disability information portal
Belgian Neurosurgical Spine Society
Centre neurologique et de réadaptation fonctionnelle
The Centre supports the rehabilitation of patients with neurological diseases: stroke, traumatic brain and spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, acute or chronic polyneuropathy
Piekernie VZW
The main idea behind the organisation is that disabled people are the true experts about their disability and their own life: experienced wheelchair users help 'newbie' paras & quads to reintegrate into society. Today the organisation has about 300 members most of them wheelchair-users and organizes lots of activities, such as: daytrips, sports-related activities, peer counselling sessions, parties and lots more...