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8.12. Secondary Conditions of Spinal Cord Injury
Education is the foundation for improved health, independence, and quality of life of individuals with spinal cord impairments (SCI), which includes individuals with spinal cord injuries, diseases and dysfunctions. This is the Secondary Conditions of Spinal Cord Impairment Health Education Video Series. This 11-part video series is intended to be equally useful for persons with spinal cord impairments at home or by health and rehabilitation centers for education and training activities.
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This video offers a basic understanding of the normal function of the spinal cord and the impact of impairment at different types and levels of injury. In addition, functional goals are addressed for levels of impairment. 39.1 mb download or watch now in streaming Real Media.
Adjustment to life with SCI is best understood by those who experience it. This video is an open discussion of 5 individuals with SCI and their experiences on short- and long-term adjustment-related issues such as healthy grief, education, Impact on relationships (self and partners), children, depression, and substance abuse. 56.2 mb download or watch now in streaming Real Media.
The first part of this video explores psychological aspects of sexuality such as expressing sexuality, sexual adjustment, managing personal care issues, confronting issues with body image issues, and working through relationship issues. The second part explores physical aspects of sex following SCI for both men and women. This includes arousal, sexual function and dysfunction, sexual activities, and fertility 106 mb download or watch on streaming real media.
This video stresses management and its importance on QOL, predicting bowel movements, avoiding bowel accidents, Bowel care procedures, Anatomical model demonstrations. Impact of nutrition, water, medications on bowel management, and colostomy management. 37 mb download or watch on streaming real media.
This video outlines the importance of bladder management on QOL. The types of bladder management programs and techniques are illustrated (Male and female anatomical models utilized to demonstrate proper techniques). Prevention and treatment of UTI Risks for stone formation are also discussed. 55.2 mb download or watch on streaming real media.
- Male condom application demonstration (1.5 minutes). 1.9 mb download or watch on streaming real media.
- Male Foley application demonstration (3 minutes). 6.35 mb download or watch on streaming real media.
- Female Foley application demonstration (3 minutes). 6.37 mb download or watch on streaming real media.
- Male intermittent catheterization demonstration (1.5 minutes). 2.67 mb download or watch on streaming real media.
- Female intermittent catheterization demonstration (2.5 minutes). 4.6 mb download or watch on streaming real media.
Part 1 of this 41 minute video reviews describes skin functions & risk factors for pressure sores, prevention of pressure sores such as proper seating, weight shifts, and nutrition. The impact of a pressure sore on QOL is explored. 56.2 mb download or watch on streaming real media. Part 2 is a 10 minute video that utilizes an anatomical model to demonstrate techniques for general care and treatment options for the four stages and unstageable pressure sores and tunneling wounds. Please note that the pressure ulcer stages were updated for 2007. See our SCI Infosheet on Prevention of Pressure Ulcers for the updated stages. 10 mb download or watch on streaming real media.
This video stresses the importance on QOL. It covers Pain subtypes (Neuropathic, Musculoskeletal, Visceral) and offers general medical and psychosocial management techniques. 40.8 mb download or watch on streaming real media.
This video defines Spastic Hypertonia (aka spasticity), explaining the advantages vs disadvantages of spasticity, and general treatment options if desired. Also offers a general understanding of sensation and reflex. 40.7 mb download or watch on streaming real media.
This video covers signs, symptoms and general treatment options of a potentially life-threatening conditions such as Atelectasis, Influenza, pneumonia, Pulmonary embolisms, Sleep apnea and Ventilator use. Discusses Self-Care issues such as Smoking cessation, Congestion, Vaccinations (influenza and pneumonia), and Weight Management. 23.9 mb download or watch on streaming real media.
This video examines the signs, symptoms and general treatment options of potentially life-threatening conditions such as Autonomic Dysreflexia, Hypotension, and Deep Vein Thrombosis. Also discusses Self-Care and General recommendations on maintaining heart health, including emergency treatment responses. 58.2 mb download or watch on streaming real media.
Bone Health (19 minutes)
This video discusses aspects of Heterotopic Ossification (Classifications, Etiology, Diagnosis, Prevention and treatment options) and Osteoporosis (Initial bone loss after traumatic injury, Impact of aging, Impact of menopause, Prevention and treatment options). 58.2 mb download or watch on streaming real media.