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Rehabilitation, New Injury & Recovery Programs

Information about finding the right rehabilitation facility for you, learn about the SCI Model System Centers, and rehab resources.

1. Choosing a Rehabilitation Setting

1.1. A Guide to Inpatient Rehabilitation Services for People With Spinal Cord Injury

A Guide to Inpatient Rehabilitation Services for People With Spinal Cord Injury (2023)
This factsheet discusses inpatient rehabilitation services, various inpatient health care settings, and how to find an appropriate inpatient rehabilitation facility. This factsheet was developed by members of United Spinal Association’s Maximizing Rehabilitation Outcomes Special Interest Group, in collaboration with the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center. 


1.2. Arbitrairy Therapy Caps Removed

Congress Lifts Limits on Therapy

Nearly 6 million Medicare beneficiaries used outpatient therapy services in 2015, allowing many of them to maintain their independence.

En español |  Millions of Medicare beneficiaries will be able to afford the physical, speech or occupational therapy they need because the payment caps on those services were permanently repealed as part of the budget deal the president signed into law Friday morning.

Since January, older adults have lived with uncertainty about whether Medicare would cover all the therapy they need to recover from falls or strokes, or to manage chronic illnesses. It’s common for someone who has had a stroke, hip fracture or other injury to need intensive therapy to learn how to speak and walk again or feed themselves. Patients who suffer from conditions such as arthritis, Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis also often need therapy to handle the tasks of everyday living.

For two decades, payments for these treatments have been capped, with Congress periodically passing bills that provided automatic exceptions for the reimbursement limits when the treatments were deemed medically necessary. Congress did not act in 2017 and, as of January, Medicare beneficiaries who reached the caps — $2,010 for physical and speech language therapy combined, and $2,010 for occupational therapy — worried they might not be able to afford to continue to get the treatments they need.

“Millions of vulnerable patients who need occupational, physical and speech-language therapy will now be protected from an arbitrary limit on how much Medicare will pay for needed therapy,” said Nancy LeaMond, AARP’s executive vice president and chief advocacy and engagement officer. LeaMond applauded the inclusion of the therapy cap repeal, which AARP has long supported, in the budget bill.

An analysis commissioned by the American Occupational Therapy Association found that nearly 6 million Medicare beneficiaries used outpatient therapy services in 2015. Rehabilitative care often allows older Americans to maintain their independence and remain at home rather than go to a nursing home or other long-term care facility.

1.3. What to expect in inpatient rehabilitation and rehabilitation experiences (streaming video presentations)

Rehabilitation Experiences:

1.4. The importance of rehabilitation

In his autobiography, A World to Care For (Random House, 1977), the father of rehabilitation, Dr. Howard Rusk wrote: "...once a person overcomes a disability through his own courage, determination and hard work, he has a depth of spirit you and I know little about.....[this] is a branch of medicine in which the patient has more power than the doctor in setting the limits and possibilities......"

Following the acute trauma care that medically stabilizes the person who has sustained a spinal cord injury/disorder (SCI/D), the individual is transferred to acute rehabilitation. A rehabilitation program may be in the same or a different facility or a free-standing facility.

The goal of rehabilitation is to help persons learn how to care for a body that now works differently, maintain a high level of health that avoids the secondary complications of SCI and reintegrate oneself into the community.

In acute (intense) rehabilitation, the SCI/D person (and his family/significant other) becomes an important member of a team of SCI professionals that include physical medicine, nursing, occupational and physical therapy, social work, psychology and recreation. A SCI team of experts has the skill to provide a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, lifetime approach that is so essential to the care of the person who is newly injured.

United Spinal Association encourages all persons to seek their acute rehabilitation in a facility that provides a dedicated SCI program that can address the unique, life-long needs of these persons. [Insurance, location and individual circumstances will affect a final placement decision.]Appropriate rehabilitation begins the journey to an improved quality of life for each person who has experienced this life-changing event.

There are two programs that designate/accredit a facility as a SCI program of rehabilitation. The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Administration for Community Living, designates the Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems centers. The Model Systems provide comprehensive care from the time of admission, following an acute injury, through rehabilitation to discharge and reintegration into the community.

The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) accredits facilities that provide rehabilitation services and programs, both inpatient and outpatient, that are specific for SCI/D. Please access the lists of these specialized facilities; Spinal Cord Injury Systems of Care.

1.5. Choosing a High-Quality Rehabilitation Program

Choosing a High-Quality Rehabilitation Program
An NRH Field Guide for People with Disabilities

This guidebook was developed to help consumers choose a high-quality rehabilitation program. It covers the different types of rehabilitation programs available and offers assistance with understanding your insurance coverage. It also includes a glossary of terms as well as checklists and additional resources.

1.6. Telehealth

Tele-Health providers


Hospital system-based providers

VA System telehealth SCI-telehealth at home, in the clinic or in the hospital including tele-rehabilitation

                                              -VA Telehealth fact sheet

Quality Living Inc (QLI) based in Omaha, NE provides targeted SCI-based tele-rehab services for both former inpatients and others across the country in need of SCI tele-rehab services with state-by-state certified clinicians in PT, OT and Mental Health

Payment/reimbursement- Workers comp and some limited health insurers reimburse; affordable private pay is also available after free intake assessment

Specialties available nationally: SCI-specific PT, OT, Speech & Psyche


Cleveland Clinic Specialties with some secondary SCI conditions addressed

Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, Reno, NV


               Specialties Available


Commercial providers

Teledoc (no SCI-specific care)

Doctors On Demand (No SCI-specific care, secondary specialty consults possible)

2. SCI Model Care Systems

2.1. What are SCI Model Care Systems?

Learn about the SCI Model Care Systems

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports innovative projects and research in the delivery, demonstration, and evaluation of medical, rehabilitation, vocational and other services to meet the needs of individuals with SCI. 

NIDILRR awards SCI Model Systems Center grants to institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care and provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life. 

Each SCI Model Systems Center contributes to the SCI Model Systems Data Center, participates in independent and collaborative research, and provides information and resources to individuals with SCI, their family and care givers, health care professionals and the general public.

2.2. SCI Model Systems list

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model Systems: Please visit the previous link to see the full contact information for each of the Spinal Cord Injury Model System centers. In this directory, you can explore each SCI Model System center’s website for additional information or resources by clicking Visit Website and learn more about the research projects by clicking View Additional Info.

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports innovative projects and research in the delivery, demonstration, and evaluation of medical, rehabilitation, vocational and other services to meet the needs of individuals with SCI. 

NIDILRR awards SCI Model Systems Center grants to institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care and provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life. 

Each SCI Model Systems Center contributes to the SCI Model Systems Data Center, participates in independent and collaborative research, and provides information and resources to individuals with SCI, their family and care givers, health care professionals and the general public.



3. Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)

3.1. What does CARF mean?

Learn more about spinal cord injury care in a CARF-accredited facility CARF Accreditation  

"Consumers like you have choices in directing your services. Carefully researching and selecting your options are essential steps to finding the services you need and achieving the results you desire.

Accreditation demonstrates a provider's commitment to continuously improve service quality and to focus on the satisfaction of the persons served.

CARF International is an independent, accrediting body of health and human services. Examples of the types of services are rehabilitation for a disability, treatment for addiction and substance abuse, home and community services, and retirement living. CARF-accredited service providers have applied CARF's comprehensive set of standards for quality to their business and service delivery practices. This means that they have demonstrated conformance to proven standards for business practices and are committed to continuous quality improvement. Each provider's commitment to excellence is periodically evaluated on site and reconfirmed annually." (CARF) 

3.2. Finding a SCI CARF-accredited facility

You can search for an alphabetical listing of accredited CARF facilities

To search for a spinal cord system of care, use the "Advanced Search" feature and select "Spinal Cord Specialty Program" in the "Program Focus" field. Do not select a program in the "Program" field that starts with the words Spinal Cord.

4. Rehabilitation Resources

4.1. Medicare Covers Maintenance Therapy / Skilled Nursing

For Immediate Release
August 28, 2017

As ordered by the federal judge in Jimmo v. Sebelius, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published a new webpage containing important information about the Jimmo Settlement on its website. The Jimmo webpage is the final step in a court-ordered Corrective Action Plan, designed to reinforce the fact that Medicare does cover skilled nursing and skilled therapy services needed to maintain a patient's function or to prevent or slow decline. Improvement or progress is not necessary as long as skilled care is required. The Jimmo standards apply to home health care, nursing home care, outpatient therapies, and, to a certain extent, for care in Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities/Hospitals.

The Jimmo webpage and other elements of the Correction Action Plan should help ensure that the Jimmo Settlement is implemented correctly and that it opens doors to Medicare coverage and necessary care for beneficiaries who require maintenance care, including people with long-term, progressive, or debilitating conditions. As required by the Court, CMS also provided additional training for Medicare decision-makers.

Judith A. Stein, Executive Director of the Center for Medicare Advocacy, which is lead counsel for the nationwide class of Medicare beneficiaries said, "People living with MS, Parkinson's Alzheimer's, paralysis and other long-term conditions have waited long enough for this relief. We hope that the new CMS education and information, which can be found at and printed out with the CMS logo, will help convince providers that Medicare really is available for people who need this critical maintenance care."

"After years of fighting over this standard in court, we are hopeful that Medicare has finally acknowledged that beneficiaries with long-standing and chronic problems are entitled to maintenance skilled care to prevent or slow decline in their overall condition," said Michael Benvenuto, of Vermont Legal Aid, co-counsel for the Jimmo plaintiffs.

The new webpage contains an "Important Message About the Jimmo Settlement," in which court-approved language emphasizes that the Settlement "may reflect a change in practice" for providers and Medicare decision-makers who erroneously believed that the Medicare program covers nursing and therapy services only when a beneficiary is expected to improve.  Indeed, the new education and Jimmo webpage are important because many health care providers still operate under this misconception, leading beneficiaries to be wrongly denied needed services such as physical and occupational therapy.

This was the case, for example, for Mrs. B, who was denied necessary on-going physical therapy, needed to maintain her condition after spinal surgery. While she had begun to walk again independently after nursing home care, and out-patient PT, when the PT ended because it was "maintenance only," Mrs. B declined and was no longer able to ambulate independently.

One of the "Frequently Asked Questions" posted on the Jimmo page clarifies that this should not happen: "The Medicare program does not require a patient to decline before covering medically necessary skilled nursing or skilled therapy."

The Jimmo webpage contains fifteen such "Frequently Asked Questions," which dispel other mistaken beliefs.  One answer, confirms: "Skilled services would be covered where such skilled services are necessary to maintain the patient's current condition or prevent or slow further deterioration so long as the beneficiary requires skilled care to the services to be safely and effectively provided."

Judge Christina Reiss of the U.S. District Court in Vermont ordered the corrective action plan in February 2017 after finding that CMS was in breach of the original Jimmo settlement agreement, which was reached in 2013. In addition to the webpage, the Corrective Action Plan required CMS to offer additional training about coverage for skilled maintenance care for Medicare's contractors and adjudicators who decide whether coverage will be granted.

Under the original Jimmo Settlement, CMS revised several chapters of its policy manuals (including those for Skilled Nursing Facility, Home Health, Out Therapy and Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility.) CMS also held an educational campaign to clarify that improvement is not required for coverage of skilled care. Lawyers for the Jimmo plaintiff class requested further action from the court when it became clear that too many people were still being wrongfully denied Medicare coverage – in part because many medical providers had not been adequately educated, and in part because many providers were still skeptical that Medicare would alter its coverage practices. The new webpage offers CMS's official imprimatur on the correct legal standard that improvement is not required when there is a need for skilled care.

4.2. Other rehabilitation Resources

For additional SCI rehabilitation information, visit:

Courage Center ( Minnesota) Inpatient Transitional Rehabilitation Program, CARF-accredited

Winning Wheels Rehabilitation Center (Prophetstown, IL) Continuum of Care rehabilitation program, CARF-accredited

Case Management Resource Guide on line with 150,000 diverse listings

4.3. Yes You Can-A Guide to Self Care for SCI from PVA

Yes You Can

I Guide to Self Care for People Living with Spinal Cord Injury

Free PDF Download from PVA

5. Activity-Based Therapy (ABT) Programs

5.1. Spinal Moves-ABT Therapy Podcast

Spinal Moves-ABT Therapy Podcast Series

The Activity Based Therapy Community of Practice (ABT CoP) is excited to announce the launch of Spinal Moves, a Canadian podcast conversation about activity-based therapy, a novel intervention used to improve recovery for people with spinal cord injury. Our hosts Hope Jervis Rademeyer and Anita Kaiser chat with people living with spinal cord injury, clinicians who work in neurological settings, and researchers who study activity-based therapy. 

5.2. NextStep Fitness- Locations: CA, GA, FL, MO, NC, NV-Out of US

NextStep Fitness  is an internationally recognized non-profit organization that makes life-changing rehab accessible and affordable to those living with paralysis. NextStep's paralysis recovery centers are located in Los Angeles (HQ), Atlanta, Orlando, Kansas City, Raleigh, Las Vegas, the Ukraine and New Zealand. Our centers are affordable, state-of-the-art, and community-based providing hope after paralysis. By offering standardized activity-based therapy programs and interventions, based on research; our center provides the best chance for recovery, independence, and health.


5.3. NeuroRecovery Network-Locations: CO, KY, PA, NJ, OH

NeuroRecovery Network

The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, NeuroRecovery Network® (NRN) is a cooperative network of cutting- edge rehabilitation centers and community fitness and wellness gyms designed to provide and develop evidence-based interventions that promote functional recovery and improve the health and quality of life for people living with paralysis. Each of the NRN clinical centers, pediatric clinical centers, and community fitness and wellness facilities are staffed with professionals who have received specialized training to deliver the NRN’s activity-based therapies.

5 participating Clinical Sites:  NRN clinical centers offer intensive activity-based therapies for people living with paralysis. You can locate the contact information for the clinical sites (listed below) at this link: 

Craig Hospital, Englewood, CO

Frazier Rehab Institute, Louisville, KY

Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, Philadelphia, PA

Kessler Institute For Rehabilitation, West Orange, NJ

Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH

Community Fitness and Wellness Facilities

Community Fitness and Wellness Facilities (CFWF) deliver standardized activity-based exercises based on current scientific and clinical evidence. CFWs create a complete fitness and wellness program that incorporates Locomotor Training, electrical stimulation with cycling, cardiovascular conditioning and strength training.

You can locate the contact information for the participating CFWF facilities at the following link:

5.4. Walk it Off: Newmarket, Ontario, Canada

Walk it Off: Newmarket, Ontario, Canada

Neuro-Recovery and Physiotherapy

The focus is on stimulating response in the paralyzed or weak areas of the body through core strengthening and repetitive, load bearing exercise. You will be out of your chair for the majority of your session while our Trainers assist you in exercise that moves your body through all planes.

Health Maintenance and Para-Sport Specific Conditioning

Our program will assist you in improving cardiovascular fitness while maintaining muscle mass and bone density to provide the physical foundation to compliment other therapy programs and to coincide with future medical advances.

If you are involved or interested in para-sports/activities, our Trainers can develop a conditioning program to help you enhance your performance.

5.5. Abilities Recovery Center, CA

Abilities Recovery Center works with people who have become paralyzed following a severe injury or illness, by enhancing the connection to their nervous system, so that they may move, feel, function and walk again.

Our facility, The Abilities Recovery Center, in Los Angeles California, offers specialized fitness programs combined with cutting edge equipment that allows our clients access to the essential standing exercises, and to safely learn how to walk again.

Activity Based Exercise
Activity Based Exercise is a one-on-one session with a specialist ranging from one to three hours. These sessions are physically demanding and combine many modalities devised from the functional goals determined between the client and specialist.

Functional Electrical Stimulation
Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is a well established technique that uses pulses of electrical current to stimulate peripheral nerves (the “lower motor neurons” that connect the spinal cord muscles) generating muscle contractions and patterned muscle activity.

Gait Training
For ambulating clients a more conventional gait analysis and re-training will be completed with a focus on returning to a natural and efficient gait.

5.6. Challenge Center: La Mesa, CA

Challenge Center

Challenge Center is an exceptional not-for-profit 501(c)(3) restoring health, hope, and lives.  The Center provides skilled physical therapy, specialized fitness, and wellness programs to rehabilitate, increase independence, and improve the quality of life for individuals with severe physical disabilities, their families, and caregivers. With its licensed staff, physical therapy and assisted fitness programs, and state-of-the-art equipment; Challenge Center surpasses every goal by providing the continuum of care often missed by other limited resources.  

Challenge Center Scholarship Fund

Many of the Center's clients had reached their insurance coverage limit before coming to Challenge Center and thought they had no options to continue improving their function.  The Center's Scholarship Fund restores hope - up to $15,000 a year - to those with disabilities who have been financially decimated by their circumstances. 


Challenge Center Services

Challenge Center provides opportunities for people to regain independence and maintain their health.  Services address

  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Brain Injury
  • Stroke
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Down Syndrome
  • Arthritis
  • Amputation
  • Paralysis
  • Age-related
  • and more

5.7. C.O.R.E.-Northridge, CA

C.O.R.E. Centers – SCI Networking Group
Center of Restorative Exercise (C.O.R.E.)
9667 Reseda Blvd. Northridge, CA 91324
(818) 718-2673

5.8. Precision Rehabilitation-Long Beach, CA

Precision Rehabilitationis a physical therapy clinic specializing in neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation also providing speech pathology and acupuncture treatments.

3294 East Spring Street Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 988-3570 d Wednesday of every month

Christy Malonzo

5.9. The Perfect Step - Pomona, CA

The Perfect Step helps people with paralysis live healthier lives through exercise-based therapy, research initiatives, and a passionate supportive community.

The Perfect Step began in a small converted racquetball court in 2007 to provide therapy to Hal Hargrave after a tragic automobile accident. The local paralysis community took notice which sparked the creation of what is now known as The Perfect Step – a 7000 square-foot facility that treats paralysis along with many different neurological ailments and illnesses.




5.10. NeuAbility - Denver, CO

NeuAbility is a comprehensive rehabilitative wellness center in Denver, CO. We offer a suite of progressive, adaptive movement-based programs for individuals living with paralysis. NeuAbility serves the broad paralysis community. Communities served include: Paraplegia, Quadriplegia, Spinal Cord Injury, Spina Bifida, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, Cerebral Palsy, Auto Immune Disease, NMO and TBI.

Program Participation

To participate in any of our programs listed below, individuals must complete an application which includes a physician’s approval and disclosure of any complications.

Programs & Services

Adaptive Exercise
NeuAbility offers a safe, high-intensity program designed to promote overall wellness & quality of life for individuals affected by paralysis. Our Adaptive Exercise Specialists provide one-on-one, exercise-based program tailored to meet individual needs for participants of any age, appropriate during any stage of rehabilitation. This comprehensive, total-body program empowers participants to maximize their strength, confidence, and independence.

Open Gym
Open Gym offers members the use of our state-of-the-art facility and adaptive exercise equipment to use at their own pace. The Open Gym program is open during regular business hours and gives individuals access to weight-bearing equipment, weight and cardio equipment and can be combined with one-on-one sessions (at no additional charge) to maximize value. Participants can choose to sign up for a comprehensive package which includes our accessory programs: such as yoga, circuit courses and professional-led group discussions.

Integrative Therapies
Through Medicaid and the HCBS-SCI waiver, we offer alternative therapies that include acupuncture, chiropractic, and massage therapy. To verify your eligibility and enroll, visit: State of Colorado Healthcare Policy and Finance for SCI Waiver. These services are also available on a private pay basis, for individuals who don’t qualify under the given criteria.

5.11. PEAK Center at Craig Hospital-Englewood, CO

The PEAK Center at Craig Hospital is an adaptive health and wellness center serving individuals with neurologic disabilities in order to optimize their recovery and to create a lifelong plan for their health and wellness. 

5.12. Brooks Neuro Recovery Center: Jacksonville, FL

Brooks Neuro Recovery Centers (NRC) are a state-of-the art rehabilitation center offering specialized equipment for customized rehabilitation during and after traditional therapy has been completed. This unique gym allows you to continue ongoing exercise and conditioning to maintain and improve functional movement and abilities. Members receive access to our cutting edge technology and can utilize the gym up to six days per week.

Physical Therapy technology utilized:

  • Zero G
  • Body weight supported treadmill
  • FES elliptical
  • Motorized elliptical
  • Bioness L300
  • Aquatic therapy
  • Wheelchair evaluations

Independent Program Equipment and Services offered:

  • FES cycle
  • Armeo spring
  • Bioness H200
  • Sabeo glove
  • Diego
  • Amadeo
  • Circuit training
  • Personal training
  • Aquatics

5.13. CORE-Center of Recovery & Exercise: Altamonte Springs, FL

CORE-Center of Recovery & Exercise: Altamonte Springs, FL

CORE was founded to give those living with spinal cord injury or other neurological conditions a place to challenge devastating diagnoses and Move Beyond Paralysis. The CORE culture emphasize goal setting in a high energy, positive environment with a training team dedicated to helping clients reach their highest potential. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology and groundbreaking neurorehabilitation techniques, CORE brings hope and hard work together to achieve more.

Every neurological injury is unique and CORE can easily adapt our program to meet the needs of the individual regardless of age, ability and the years post injury. The CORE program is designed to restore strength, regain endurance and recover neuromuscular function in individuals with the following neurological conditions:

  • Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
  • Stroke
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Parkinson’s
  • Transverse Myelitis
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Cerebral Palsy (CP)
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Pediatrics
  • Other

5.14. Miami Physical Therapy Associates, Inc. FL

Miami Physical Therapy Associates, Inc. is an outpatient physical therapy clinic specialized in the rehabilitation of neurological and spinal cord injuries. We are changing the way people view physical therapy. We establish long-lasting compassionate relationships with our clients.

Our expert team uses state of the art equipment and treatment techniques to stimulate, facilitate and rehabilitate complex spine injuries.

We are committed to helping you maximize your independence by working together with you to set individualized goals. We hope to optimize the quality of your movements and improve your performance and function

5.15. Neurofit 360: 3 Locations

Neurofit 360: 2 Locations in Florida (Boynton Beach and Cooper City) and Atlanta, GA

NeuroFit 360’s mission is to challenge you and push the boundaries of traditional rehab in a way that no other therapy has before. We welcome all abilities with a focus on neurological injuries. Our only requirements during our intensive therapy program are your hard work and commitment. Regardless of the level and severity of your injury, we firmly believe that through the combination of our innovative technology, cutting-edge treatment plans, skilled staff, and your hard work, anything is possible.


5.16. StayInStep: Tampa, FL

StayInStep: Tampa, FL

The Stay In Step SCI Recovery Center (SIS) is a non-profit veteran founded rehabilitation facility that provides activity-based exercise programs for patients with Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) and other neurological disorders. SIS is a unique long-term rehabilitation center that also provides a supportive family environment. The caring staff of SIS have worked tirelessly to create a motivating environment that utilizes advanced therapeutic techniques, modern equipment and “out of the box” thinking to challenge those suffering from a spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury and/or paralysis to increase their functionality as well as quality of life.

5.17. Beyond Therapy-Atlanta, GA

The Beyond Therapy program at Shepherd Center in Atlanta. GA is a rigorous, activity-based therapy program designed to help people with a variety of neurological disorders, including spinal cord injury, improve their lifelong health, minimize secondary complications and get the most out of any new neural links to their muscles.

5.18. Movement Revolution – Chicago and Deerfield, IL

Movement Revolution provides specialized personal training services for people with chronic and neurological conditions at any stage of their disease or diagnosis. The earlier we can intervene with symptom-specific exercises, the more we can help our clients manage their condition. Our diverse team of Exercise Physiologist’s have vast experience with chronic diseases and neurological conditions including but not limited to: Parkinson’s disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, chronic spinal conditions, and orthopedic conditions. This is where we bridge the gap between clinical rehabilitation and continued exercise.

Ideally, we see clients immediately following their diagnosis. This allows us to address movement asymmetries and symptoms, big and small, so they don’t become larger problems later in life. For those more seasoned with their condition, we are confident that we have the equipment and knowledge to support each client in reaching a higher functional level. Transitioning into exercise immediately following outpatient therapy is incredibly important. Our program offers a complimentary session to transition patients seamlessly from outpatient therapies to continued exercise. Our exercise physiologist will attend a regularly scheduled therapy session, meet the therapist and client, establish discharge goals, and note any contraindications or assisted needs. We also work with clients in conjunction with their outpatient therapies under the guidance of their therapist. This is a great way to extend Medicare and insurance benefits.

Movement Revolution’s services are exercise based, all personal training and group exercise classes are private pay. We may provide financial assistance for those in need and will help seek grant/scholarship opportunities. Participation in our exercise program does not interfere with clinical visits or reimbursement for physical, occupational, or speech therapies.

Personal training sessions are held at our Neuro Intensive Training Centers in Chicago and Deerfield. In-home sessions are also available.

5.19. Next Steps Chicago: Willow Springs, IL

Next Steps Chicago: Willow Springs, IL

NextSteps offers a unique fusion of physical therapists, physical therapist assistants and personal trainers working closely together to provide activity-based locomotor therapy for people with neurological conditions. We are the first non-profit physical therapy and exercise facility devoted to the rehabilitation and overall wellness of people living with neurological conditions such as spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, Multiple Sclerosis, and more. NextSteps is devoted to offering patients an exercise/rehabilitation facility that will aid them in taking their next step towards a more functional, independent, and healthy lifestyle. Not only is NextSteps committed to helping patients regain a higher quality of life, but also to support the advancement of scientific research that will aid in the treatment of spinal cord injury.

5.20. TryAbilityRehab: Downers Grove, IL

Try Ability Neurorecovery Center

That is what we believe at TRYAbility. No matter what your injury or illness; at TRYAbility our mission is to help our patients reach their goals and continually stretch their abilities. We understand what it is like to have your life completely changed, sometimes in an instant, by an illness or injury, and how difficult it can be to get up and try to better yourself everyday.

An injury, disease, or illness can rid you of control in your life. TRYAbility is here to help you take it back. Our unique brand of rehabilitation incorporates the best technology with unmatched expertise of licensed, certified, and registered clinicians. Our therapeutic environment is second to none and our outcomes speak for themselves.

Come to the next level of rehabilitation at TRYAbility.

5.21. Gathering Strength: Louisville, KY

 Gathering Strength: Louisville, KY

The mission of Gathering Strength, Inc. is to: Empower people with physically disabling conditions to maintain and improve their health and wellness by ensuring access to therapeutic physical activity.

Gathering Strength’s goals are to help people:

  • Improve quality of life.
  • Maximize function regardless of disabling condition.
  • Improve cardiometabolic factors, such as risk factors for heart disease and diabetes.
  • Improve endurance and strength.
  • Increase knowledge about how to improve fitness and wellness.
  • Increase a sense of belonging and wellbeing.

Gathering Strength works to assure that people with disabling conditions have:

  • physically accessible locations for therapeutic exercise.
  • accessible equipment for fitness and wellness activities.
  • Improved access, regardless of income, to therapeutic physical activity.
  • Access to specialized therapeutic exercise interventions such as neuromuscular electrical stimulation.
  • Access to activity-based techniques that engage the whole body, regardless of impairment.
  • Access to specially trained professionals to assist with therapeutic exercise.
  • Information about improving health and wellness, including resources about nutrition, stress reduction, and fitness.

5.22. AccesSportAmerica - Acton, MA

AccesSportAmerica adapts sports that the most agile of athletes can find challenging and brings these sports to children and adults living with disabilities. The exhilaration inherent in each sport fosters positive change in function and fitness as well as attitude, and the expectation for a life lived with a disability.

Athletes, through individually developed programs, experience a series of unparalleled accomplishments. Over 2,000 athletes participate annually year round.


Gait Training Program
We’ve specialized in gait training for close to 15 years. Nothing we’ve done or seen makes similar progress in training and retraining people to walk with gait issues. Our Gait Trainer was developed over the past five years with to provide a low cost means for high repetition of perfect gait patterns.

In-School Program
AccesSportAmerica has been working with the Boston Public Schools, providing them with an extensive soccer and conditioning program, for nearly 15 years. We generally work with the high school population, as they attend for seven years (until age 22).

Hi Challenge Sports Programs

Windsurfing – Hawaiian Outrigger Canoeing – Rowing/ Sculling – Stand Up Paddling/Surfing – Kayaking – Cycling – Soccer – Tennis – Personal Training

5.23. Journey Forward-Canton, MA

Journey Forward is a not-for-profit recovery-based exercise therapy program for individuals with spinal cord injury or disease in Massachusetts.

5.24. Project Walk Boston MA

Project Walk Boston

After realizing that traditional PT was not as efficient as it could have been for Victoria, Jacqueline and Larry Arlen took their daughter to the Project Walk Headquarters in San Diego. During their three month stay they could see that Victoria was making progress in her recovery, but they knew that they could not stay forever.   Jacqueline understood that Victoria was going to need to keep going with this training in order to recover, but also realized that there are a number of people on the east coast who would benefit from this type of activity-based recovery training.

Prior to opening the doors of their own facility, Jacqueline was tasked with hiring trainers.  She knew that not just any employee would do.  She was looking for people with large hearts; people with a desire to make a difference in the world. John, Daniele, and Stephanie were chosen to help Jacqueline’s vision take flight.  The three trainers packed their bags and headed west to San Diego for a month’s worth of education that included classroom training, detailed exams, practical exams, and countless hours of real-life, hands-on training.

The three trainers returned home just in time to get to work in the new facility.  No, not with training clients, but with painting, debris removal, and even table building.  It was all hands-on deck as the whole team worked diligently to get the facility ready for their grand opening.  After a few weeks’ worth of “dirty work” the facility was almost ready for sharing with the world.  With a few final touches and a snowy grand opening in January 2015, clients were able to begin training and become a part of our Project Walk Boston family.

A little over a year later, the staff had doubled in size.  Clients continued to come not just from the east coast, but from all over the world.  Locally, Project Walk Boston has established thriving relationships with Spaulding Hospital, Northeast Rehabilitation, and many other local physical therapy facilities.  Clients have come in from as far as India, Singapore, and Austria to be trained by the best.

Also in 2016, Project Walk Boston established an amazing relationship with the University of Massachusetts Lowell and their Exercise Science program. Having had two trainers go through the exercise science program, it was an easy decision to create a Senior Practicum site at Project Walk Boston.  Shortly after, it became the most sought-after site that the program had to offer. The Senior Practicum program has paid its dividends for both Project Walk and the students, as they get to have some hands-on time with some clients, and two of them have been hired on full time after their the completion of their senior year.

Victoria was able to continue her training at the facility that her mother runs.  She trained hard and she trained often.  She became a beacon of hope to other clients and her other followers throughout the social media world.  Her hard work would soon pay off as she progressed past every obstacle that was thrown her way.  She was able to take her first unassisted steps, and then eventually learn to walk again.  She really started to find her way.  She accepted a job working with ESPN, and later was featured on ABC’s Dancing with the Stars, making it to the semi-finals.  It was quite a whirlwind.

Since its opening, Project Walk has been able to add much needed equipment to aid with recovery.  The biggest equipment acquisition was the G-EO Revolution by REHA Technology.  This state-of-the-art robotic assisted gait training machine has changed the way our staff can gait train with clients.  The machine has also allowed us to have more of an impact with our pediatric clients, helped us to establish our pediatric program, and even lead us to change part of the facility to a more child-friendly training space.

Starting fresh in 2019, Project Walk Boston now has 7 trainers, nearly 30 consistent pediatric clients, and over 90 adult clients that train throughout the month. Thanks to hard work and dedication by the entire staff, Project Walk Boston is now recognized throughout the world.  They have been featured in newspapers, magazines, and national television.  The training staff members continue to go above and beyond for all of their clients and strive to reinforce the family feeling that was already present from the first time the doors were opened.

Project Walk Boston

20 Portsmouth Ave
Stratham, NH 03885

Phone: (603) 583-5119

Opening Hours

Monday ……………. 9 am – 6 pm
Tuesday ……………. 9 am – 6 pm
Wednesday ………. 9 am – 6 pm
Thursday ………….. 9 am – 6 pm
Friday ……………….. 9 am – 6 pm
Saturday …………… By Appointment Only
Sunday ……………… Closed

5.25. Kennedy Krieger-Baltimore, MD

Kennedy Krieger's Activity Based Restorative Therapies (ABRT) help patients with spinal cord injuries perform activities that prompt your nervous system to “remember” how to move.

Here at the International Center for Spinal Cord Injury, doctors and physical therapists use innovative rehabilitation programs to help people with paralysis gain improved health and quality of life. Many of them recover some degree of sensation, movement and independence.

Activity Based Restorative Therapies (ABRT)

For many years, it was assumed that recovery was only possible within the first year after injury. Therapy solely focused on teaching the newly injured how to live in a wheelchair and compensate for your paralysis. The goal of ABRT at the International Center for Spinal Cord Injury is to increase mobility by activating the nervous system above and below the level of your injury, encouraging your brain and nervous system to form new connections, even after many years with paralysis. These therapies can also help you avoid common complications of paralysis such as osteoporosis, skin breakdown, infection, cardiovascular decline, and other signs of premature aging, which are costly to treat and detrimental to your overall quality of life.

ABRT at the Center includes a variety of therapeutic activities, including functional electrical stimulation, repetitive intensive practice of functional activities, weight-bearing, locomotor training, and gait training.

In addition to working with our patients, we also offer training to professionals who want to learn more about ABRT.

Functional electrical stimulation (FES)

Functional electrical stimulation (FES) works by having a computer send electrical messages to your muscle, causing it to contract in a way that can be used for purposeful movement, such as grasping an object. Functional eletrical stimulation is often used in combination with other therapies.

Riding an FES bike simulates the physical activity that a person normally experiences during an average day. Cycling for one hour is equivalent to walking 6,000 steps.

Aquatic therapy

Water supports about 90% of a person’s weight and provides a unique therapeutic environment. People with paralysis can perform activities in water that would be impossible for them on land. This therapy, like cycling an FES bike, can provide the patterned stimulation needed to promote activation of the nervous system.

See the benefits of aquatic therapy in action

Partial weight supported walking (PWSW)

In partial weight supported walking therapy, the patient is suspended in a harness, which allows you to walk over an electric treadmill at a very low speed.

If you are not able to start stepping on your own, two therapists help move your legs to ensure an efficient and technically correct gait. Gait training allows you to relearn natural walking while recovering mobility.

You'll bear progressively more weight as their gait patterns are established. If you have an incomplete spinal cord injury, the PWSW is followed or complemented by traditional over-ground walking.

Strengthening and Practicing Activities

You will also spend therapy time working on strengthening the core muscles of your trunk and abdomen, which you use to sit and stand. In addition, we will spend time on standing activities to prepare for more patterned activities that simulate walking. Our therapy center is equipped with state-of-the-art rehabilitative equipment that is often incorporated into these therapy activities.

Depending on your individual goals, therapy will also include practicing specific tasks that will help promote your recovery and work towards your objectives. For some patients, this may include practicing grasping, so they can achieve independence in dressing themselves. For other patients, this may be improving grip strength, in order to complete transfers more safely.

What to Expect from Therapy at Kennedy Krieger Institute

Your doctor and therapy team will evaluate your medical history and conduct a thorough physical exam before your first therapy session. This lets them adapt therapy to your capabilities. They will regularly re-evaluate you throughout your therapy to ensure your treatment remains safe and effective. 

Your therapy is focused on you and the goals you set with your physician and therapist; therapy sessions typically last three to four hours.

In addition to medical services, physical therapy, and occupational therapy, we offer a variety of additional services to help you achieve your goals, both in therapy and in your community.

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Spine Center Clinic Hours

Monday & Thursday: 8 am – 7 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 8 am - 6 pm
Saturday: as needed (no medical appointments)

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5.26. TheraFit Gym: Westminster, MD; Lutherville, MD

TheraFit Gym: Westminster, MD; Lutherville, MD

TheraFit Rehab offers physical therapy in Westminster Md,  Timonium Md, Woodlawn Md, and Middletown Nj. We are dedicated to providing specialized, activity-based rehabilitation & fitness programs to children, adults, and seniors with disabilities. We strive to rehabilitate our patients and restore their quality of life. Our specialized facility offers fully accessible and adaptive equipment including the Quadriciser®.

We serve people of all ages with disabilities including Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, Paraplegia, Muscular Dystrophy, Spina Bifida, Quadriplegia, Parkinson’s, Developmental Delays, Autism, movement disorders, dystonia, and other debilitating ailments. We also serve seniors with conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, heart and lung disease, and other age-related problems.

Our programs include physical therapy, occupational therapy, aquatic therapy, and fitness therapy. We are in network with most insurance companies including Medicare and Medicaid.

5.27. Center for Spinal Cord Injury Recovery: Detroit, MI; Rockford, MI

Center for Spinal Cord Injury Recovery: Detroit, MI; Rockford, MI

The Center for Spinal Cord Injury Recovery (CSCIR) is a unique, state-of-art clinical facility, offering an intensive physical therapy program focused on maximizing recovery. Our experienced staff treats clients from around the world, using a full array of specialized equipment and techniques, in a program tailored to each person’s needs.

The CSCIR is one of the first hospital-based programs of its kind in the U.S. to provide long-term, high-intensity, activity-based therapy, to optimize health and function in persons with spinal cord injury .

The program incorporates the latest scientific research and innovative therapeutic techniques, in our quest to make recovery from spinal cord injury a reality.

Program highlights include:

  • State-of-the-art neurorecovery equipment
  • Exoskeleton robotic technology
  • SCI trained staff, including physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, athletic trainers, rehab trainers, social workers, and psychologists
  • Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) bicycles and elliptical
  • Body weight-supported treadmill training
  • Whole Body Vibration (WBV)
  • Neuromuscular re-education
  • Closed chain/weight-bearing/ambulation activities with or without bracing
  • Posture and balance training
  • Onsite fitness center with personal training
  • Board-certified SCI Medicine physician available

Clients work with a variety of rehabilitation professionals including physical therapists, occupational therapists and athletic trainers. Clients participate in the exercise program for 3-hour sessions, 2-5 times per week. The program hours are from 8:20 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

If you are interested in learning more about this program and how you can participate, please call the Center for SCI Recovery® at 1-866-SCI-CENTER

5.28. The Recovery Project-Two Locations in MI

The Recovery Project Livonia, MI

We, along with the rest of the world, hope for a cure for paralysis in our lifetime. Regardless of whether the cure comes in 5, 10 or 50 years, we believe that individuals with spinal cord and other neurological injuries should pursue increased physical functionality and fitness. While researchers seek the remedy, our mission is to improve the lives and functionality of individuals with these injuries by providing an environment in which to rehabilitate, recover and stay fit.

The Parkhill Foundation Bloomfield Hills, MI

The Parkhill Foundation may be able to provide financial assistance for therapy participants without health insurance coverage nor other means to access therapy programs of The Recovery Project.  

5.29. Walk The Line Recovery Therapy-Southfield, MI

Walk The Line- Recovery Therapy in Southfield, MI

"Walk The Line" combines the expertise of physician directed training programs with experienced, knowledgeable certified trainers to help each client reach their goals for RECOVERY.

5.30. Back to Independence Rehab, LLC, NC

Back to Independence Rehab, LLC

BTI Rehab offers specialized, post-hospitalization neuro fitness training and aquatic exercise sessions with our exercise physiologists to continue improvement after, between, or in conjunction with occupational and physical therapy. Our program incorporates postural correction, weight-bearing/gravitational loading, motor control training, patterned gait training, and much more!  Our recovery team is comprised of specialized trainers that know how to get every one out of their wheelchair, promote neuroplasticity, and exercise for paralysis recovery and health benefits.   BTI rehab has a wide variety of equipment to perform activity based therapies. We also offers monthly peer support groups, group workouts, aquatic therapy and occupational therapy.

Back to Independence Rehab, LLC
4801 Chastain Ave, Suite 194
Charlotte, NC 28217
Phone (980) 272-7105
Fax 800-974-4542

5.31. Wheelchair Health In Motion – Program For Increasing Quality Of Life, South Sutton, NH

Wheelchair Health In Motion (WHIM) is a free, peer-driven program that provides the tools for increasing quality of life and promoting wellness in individuals living with physical disability or low mobility through innovative upper-body aerobic exercise and positive peer support within their own community.

Quality of life has a different definition for each person, however, reoccurring themes are: independence, power to cope, enjoying life activities, good health, good social support and feelings of accomplishment. This program focuses on helping each individual reach their optimal goals regarding their quality of life. WHIM also strives to be a toolbox full of ongoing support resources that individuals with disability can utilize for increasing their quality of life, for example: vocational rehabilitation contacts, informational webcast alerts, advocacy alerts, and recreational opportunities and contacts


  • upper-body exercise;
  • positive peer support;
  • leadership opportunities;
  • career development;
  • job skill-building;
  • advocacy awareness;
  • and adaptive recreational opportunities.

Weekly exercise programs are held in:
Concord, Dover, Laconia, Goffstown, Manchester, Portsmouth

5.32. Project Walk New Jersey NJ

Project Walk New Jersey

Leslie and Daniel were looking for an opportunity to help people and make a positive contribution to the community when they were introduced to Project Walk. After many months of research and a visit to Project Walk Headquarters, they decided to bring a Project Walk facility to the Southern New Jersey-Philadelphia Metro area, only the second of its kind on the east coast. Just 15 miles east of Philadelphia and 80 miles south of New York City, the facility is ideally located near a major connection to the New Jersey Turnpike.

Leslie and Daniel have been active supporters and involved with fundraising for Special Olympics, Veterans and Habitat for Humanity. For more information about the New Jersey program please contact us at

Project Walk New Jersey

521 Fellowship Road, Suite 155

Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054



Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday: 10 AM to 6 pm

Saturday: By Appointment

Sunday: Closed

5.33. Push to Walk - Oakland, NJ

Push to Walk offers specialized one-on-one workouts for people with spinal cord injuries and paralysis who want to regain strength, function and independence. Using the principles of weight bearing, whole body exercises and repetitions, we design individualized workouts to help each person reach his or her goals. Our gym is a very positive yet challenging environment, offering information, resources and camaraderie in addition to exercise workouts.

Push To Walk is a non-profit organization that provides individualized workouts and resources to people with spinal cord injuries, paralysis, and other neurological conditions including, but not limited to Multiple Sclerosis, traumatic brain injuries, and stroke. Our approach is a cutting edge technique encompassing what the medical community terms Activity Based Training. Our focus is on helping clients maintain and improve their physical and mental health allowing them to regain their independence.

Push to Walk is passionate about inspiring and motivating people with spinal cord injuries and other forms of paralysis to realize their individual potential.

5.34. Neurological Recovery Center: Fort Worth, TX

Neurological Recovery Center: Fort Worth, TX

 The Neurological Recovery Center is a unique PT practice whose professionals are dedicated to serving a clientele seeking the highest level of personalized one-on-one care. We have some of the most advanced robotics systems for intensive Gait therapy as well us upper extremity functional rehabilitation.

Through our customized clinical process we seek to identify individual needs, evaluate functional deficits and deliver the highest standards of care to help patient’s achieve their goals.

5.35. Project Walk Houston TX

Project Walk Houston

Project Walk Houston offers two different programs. These options range from a one-week visit to a reoccurring schedule for clients who live within driving distance.

No matter what program a client chooses, our certified staff will create a customized exercise prescription that meets the individual’s exact needs based on their injury and resources. 

Apply Today

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Determining the program: 

First steps of determining whether you are a visiting client / local client is the distance that you're able to travel comfortably and how consistently. Find where Project Walk Houston is using Google Maps link below or typing our address into your search.

3281 Rocky Creek Dr. #200

Missouri City, TX 77459​ (map)

5.36. REACT: Addison, TX

REACT: Addison, TX

REACT is a state-of-the-art community fitness and paralysis recovery center offering programs specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of people living with

Spinal Cord Injury


Traumatic Brain Injury

Transverse Myeletis

Multiple Sclerosis


Cerebral Palsy

Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Other neurologically-based conditions

5.37. Neuroworx: South Jordan, UT

 Neuroworx: South Jordan, UT

Neuroworx is a nonprofit, community-based, outpatient physical therapy clinic focusing on neurological rehabilitation for individuals experiencing paralysis from spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, stroke, and other neurological conditions.

We also offer a pediatric therapy program for children with neurological conditions requiring specialized care and equipment.

5.38. Ability Fitness - Leesburg, VA

The Ability Fitness Center is a therapeutic fitness and wellness center for people with disabilities. The center offers specialized equipment providing access to innovative, customized, and activity-based interventions that increase functional ability for individuals with spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, balance disorders, developmental disabilities, and other neurological conditions.


Ability Fitness Center
Leesburg, Virginia 



5.39. Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System: Seattle, WA

Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System: Seattle, WA

The Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System (NWRSCIS) is a regional center of spinal cord injury care, research and education in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Washington. Programs and services are provided at both the University of Washington Medical Center and Harborview Medical Center. 

The mission of the NWRSCIS is to improve the lives of people with SCI through excellent patient care, research and education. We provide specialized care to persons with SCI, conduct clinically relevant research and disseminate the most useful, evidence-based information to people with SCI, their families and professionals.

5.40. Pushing Boundaries: Redmond, WA

Pushing Boundaries: Redmond, WA

Our nationally certified Exercise Therapists specialize in intensive, exercise-based recovery therapy. Together we will design an individually tailored exercise program intended to encourage motor responses and promote neural connections. Our team utilizes a wide range of specialized therapy equipment and cutting-edge technology such as robotic gait-training to help clients work towards their goals.

6. Telehealth & Alternative Rehab Services

6.1. Rehab Without Walls

Rehab Without Walls has locations in 15 states plus Canada. (as of 14 January 2020)).

From the beginning, we thought differently about neuro rehab.

When Rehab Without Walls® started over 30 years ago, we imagined helping brain injury, spinal cord injury and stroke patients in a new way: blending scientifically backed rehab protocols with the patient’s real-life activities. It’s a combination that delivers better results during the recovery journey and into the future.

Today, our rehab services are still removing walls, breaking barriers and rebuilding lives. But in addition to our groundbreaking home and community rehab, we’re also providing services in residential facilities and outpatient clinics.

6.2. Quality Living Inc (QLI)

Quality Living Incorporated (QLI)  

Unrivaled rehabilitation expertise
Relentlessly inspired team
Real-world setting

There are scores of rehabilitation centers across the United States. So why have families like yours, at their most difficult moment, chosen to travel from over 40 states and three countries to Omaha, Nebraska, to QLI?

QLI specializes in neurological injury diagnoses. But your loved one is more than a diagnosis.We treat injuries. We strive to restore function. Most importantly, we understand that true recovery is more than the science of intensive therapy delivered by a team of specially trained clinicians. It is also the art of rebuilding a life. This means anchoring the rehabilitation to identity – who a person is and who that individual can still be. We forge innovative ways to harness that identity to not only guide recovery, but to define life beyond.