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State / Local Resources

State resource pages include United Spinal Association Chapters, local SCI/D support groups. Model System and CARF-accredited rehab facilities, Centers for Independent Living, State programs and much more!

1. Alabama

1.1. Centers for Independent Living

Alabama Centers for Indepentent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

1.2. Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems Center

University of Alabama at Birmingham Model Spinal Cord Injury Care System, at Spain Rehabilitation Center
Phone: (205) 934-3283


Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports innovative projects and research in the delivery, demonstration, and evaluation of medical, rehabilitation, vocational and other services to meet the needs of individuals with SCI.

NIDRR awards SCI Model Systems Center grants to institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care and provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life. Grants are awarded in five-year cycles.

Each SCI Model Systems Center contributes to the SCI Model Systems Data Center, participates in independent and collaborative research, and provides information and resources to individuals with SCI, their family and care givers, health care professionals and the general public.

1.3. State Disability Resources

State disability service programs include:

Alabama Cares
Phone: 1-877-425-2243
Alabama Cares is a program designed to support family caregivers by providing training, assistance, and resources to help them take care of their aging loved ones and themselves.

Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services (ADRS)
Phone: (800) 441-7607
Phone: (334) 293-7500

Alabama Head and Spinal Cord Injury Registry ( AHSCIR )
Phone: (888) 879-4607
The Alabama Head and Spinal Cord Injury Registry is a service linkage system containing all head and spinal cord trauma reported by hospitals statewide.

Alabama Work Incentives Network
Phone: (866) 259-1745
ALA-WIN (Alabama Work Incentives Network) is a statewide program that helps Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries, between the ages of 14 and 64, understand their work options so that they may make more informed choices regarding employment.

Statewide Technology Access and Response System for Alabamians with Disabilities (STAR)
Phone: (800) 441-7607
Contact: Rosalyn Glover
Phone: (334) 281-8780
STAR is administered through the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services (ADRS) whose mission is to enable all of Alabama’s children and adults with disabilities to achieve their maximum potential. Through a variety of statewide comprehensive services and programs, STAR strives to enhance independence, productivity and quality of life of Alabamians with disabilities by improving access to and the acquisition of assistive technology.


Alabama Protection and Advocacy
Toll Free: 800-826-1675
The Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (ADAP) is part of the nation's federally-funded protection and advocacy (P&A) system. ADAP provides legal services to Alabamians with disabilities to protect, promote and expand their rights.  

1.4. Additional Programs or Resources

Additional programs or resources located in this state include:

Adaptive Aquatics 
Phone: (205) 807-7519
Adaptive Aquatics is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the introduction, teaching and advancement of adapted water skiing for children and adults with physical disabilities.

Alabama Association for Persons in Supported Employment
Phone: (334) 613-3527
The mission of the Alabama Chapter of the Association for Persons in Supported Employment is to enhance innovative individualized employment opportunities, promote careers, and improve the quality of life for individual with significant disabilities by providing education, technical assistance and training, advocacy and support to people, family members, employers, and employment specialists.

Alabama Head Injury Foundation
3100 Lorna Road, Suite 200, Hoover, Alabama, 35216
Phone: (800) 433-8002
AHIF helps access available resources and provides services and programs which meet the unique needs of individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) as well as spinal cord injury (SCI) in certain programs.

Angel Flight
Phone: (877) 426-2643
Phone: (770) 452-7958
Angel Flight arranges free air transportation for people that have a medical need that can't be filled in their local area. Angel Flight serves primarily patients who are traveling from, to or through the states of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and the Carolinas. Our organization believes that the cost of travel should never stand in the way of receiving medical care.

Phone: (256) 825-9226
The Camp ASCCA Mission is to help children and adults with disabilities achieve equality, dignity, and maximum independence. This is to be accomplished through a safe and quality program of camping, recreation, and education in a year-round barrier-free environment.

Lakeshore Foundation
Phone: (205) 313-7400
Lakeshore Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that promotes independence for persons with physically disabling conditions and opportunities to pursue active healthy lifestyles.

Special Equestrians, Inc.
Phone: (205) 987-9462
Special Equestrians, Inc. was created to offer therapeutic horseback riding to the physically, emotionally or mentally challenged.

The Southern Disability Foundation
Phone: (334) 759-0918 
The Southern Disability Foundation helps Alabama citizens with physical ,mental, intellectual, or emotional obstacles by offering financial loans to purchase needed Assistive Technology devices, products, or services to maximize the individuals independence at home, on the job, getting to the job, at play, or in school. A parent, a son or daughter, a caregiver, or a guardian can apply for a loan on behalf of the person they are trying to assist.



2. Alaska

2.1. Centers for Independent Living

Alaska Centers for Indepentent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

2.2. State Disability Resources

Access Alaska
Phone: 800-770-4488
Access Alaska encourages and promotes the total integration of people who experience a disability and senior Alaskans to live independently in the community of their choice.

Phone: (907) 343-6543
The system is a shared ride service providing curb-to-curb trips in compliance with various funding sources to provide transportation service to people with disabilities that prevent them from using our fixed route system and senior citizens. The Municipality and its contractor provide the service as part of the Anchorage public transportation system.

Assistive Technology Program

Phone:  (907) 563-2599

The purpose of the AT Project is to ensure all Alaskans have the assistive technology and related services needed to live, work and participate in their community.

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: (800) 478-2815
Their mission is to assist individuals with disabilities to obtain and maintain employment.

Personal Care Services Program
Phone: (907) 269-3666
Contact: Rodney George, Program Manager
Phone: (800) 478-9996
Personal Care Services (formerly Personal Care Assistance) provides support for about 4,000 Alaskan seniors and individuals with disabilities. PCS provide support related to an individual’s activities of daily living (i.e. bathing, dressing, eating) as well as instrumental activities of daily living (i.e. shopping, laundry, light housework).

Senior and Disabilities Services, State of Alaska
Phone: (866) 465-3165
Services promote personal dignity and respect and provide an opportunity for individuals to receive services that further their physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health.


2.3. Additional Programs or Resources

ACCA Medical Equipment Loan Closet
Phone: (907) 456-4003
The ACCA Medical Equipment Loan Closet is open to anyone from the Fairbanks Community as well as those visiting the community.

ATLA | Assistive Technology for Alaskans
Phone: (907) 563-2599
ATLA is a nonprofit organization specializing in assessments, assistive technology, and technology training services.

Challenge Alaska
Phone: (907) 344-7399
Challenge Alaska (CA) is a non-profit organization that provides sports and therapeutic recreation opportunities for those with disabilities.

Disability Law Center of Alaska
Phone: (800) 478-1234
Disability Law Center (DLC) is an independent non-profit organization that provides legal advocacy services for people with disabilities anywhere in Alaska. DLC is designated under federal law as the State of Alaska's "Protection and Advocacy" (P & A) agency.

Hope Community Resources Inc
Phone: (907) 561-5335
The mission of Hope Community Resources is to provide services and supports, requested and designed by individuals and families who experience disabilities, resulting in choice, control, family preservation and community inclusion.

The Last Frontiersman - Professional Guide and Outfitter
Phone: (907) 232-8057
Has wheelchair-accessible boat available for scenic tours and fishing trips.

3. Arizona

3.1. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center/Barrow Neurological Institute (SJHMC/BNI)

350 West Thomas Road
Rehabilitation Services
Phoenix, AZ 85013-4409
Phone: 602-406-8060

3.2. Centers for Independent Living

Arizona Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

3.3. State Disability Resources

Arizona Center For Disability Law
Phone: (800) 922-1447
Phone: (800) 927-2260

The Arizona Center for Disability Law is a not for profit public interest law firm, dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals with a wide range of physical, mental, psychiatric, sensory and cognitive disabilities.

Arizona Governor's Council on Spinal and Head Injuries
Phone: (602) 774-9147
The Arizona Governor's Council on Spinal and Head Injuries provides information, services and support for individuals with spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries, their families, and the professionals who serve them.

Arizona Office for Americans with Disabilities
Phone: (602) 542-6276
Provides resources and information. Provides training first to employees of the State of Arizona and secondly to public and private sector organizations. Functions as the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) coordinator for the State of Arizona. Provides an open door for people with disabilities.

Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration
Phone: (800) 563-1221
Our mission is to work with individuals with disabilities to achieve increased independence and/or gainful employment through the provision of comprehensive rehabilitative and employment support services in a partnership with all stakeholders.

Az Links
AZ Links is Arizona's Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC), created to help Arizona Seniors, People with Disabilities, Caregivers and Family Members locate resources and services that meet their needs.

Disability Benefits 101 
Disability Benefits 101
gives you tools and information on health coverage, benefits, and employment. You can plan ahead and learn how work and benefits go together.

3.4. Additional Programs or Resources

Ability360 Center
Phone: 602.386.4566 
Location: Phoenix, AZ
The Ability360 Sports & Fitness Center features wheelchair accessible weight machines, an aquatic area equipped with lifts and elevators, accessible locker rooms, and more.

 Accessing Arizona
This page is designed to give people with disabilities some realistic information about wheelchair accessible places to visit in Arizona.

Arizona Assistive Technology Exchange
The goal of the Arizona Assistive Technology Exchange hosted by AzTAP is to put AT equipment that is not currently being used into the hands of someone who can benefit from it. The Arizona Assistive Technology Exchange is primarily for residents of Arizona, although they do accept entries from other states. The program is designed to facilitate equipment exchange between individuals and is not for the use of vendors or distributors.

Arizona Caregiver Coalition
The mission of the Arizona Caregiver Coalition is to create awareness of caregiving issues and improve the quality of life for caregivers and care recipients through advocacy, information and education, support, and access to resources.

 Arizona Center for Disability Law
The Arizona Center for Disability Law (the Center) is a federally-designated Protection and Advocacy System for the State of Arizona.  Protection and Advocacy Systems (P&As) throughout the United States assure that the human and civil rights of persons with disabilities are protected.

Arizona Disabled Sports
a non-profit organization dedicated to providing sports and recreation opportunities to individuals with all types of disability. This could include but not be limited to developmental disabilities, orthopedic impairment, sensory deficit and/or neurological involvement.

Arizona Spinal Cord Injury Association
Phone: (602) 507-4209
Contact via email
Phone: (888) 889-2185
The Arizona Spinal Cord Injury Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals with spinal cord injuries. We also offer support and education to family members, professionals, and community members.

Arizona Technology Access Program
The mission of the AzTAP is to (a) increase access to assistive technology (AT) devices and services for individuals with disabilities and their families, and (b) facilitate the development of a consumer-responsive AT service delivery system.

Community Information & Referral
Phone: (602) 263-8856
Phone: (800) 352-3792
Community Information & Referral is the key source of integrated information that brings people and services together to meet vital needs in central and northern Arizona.

The Fans Across America Charitable Foundation
Phone: (480) 821-3013
Committed to helping families with seriously ill and special needs children. The Fans Across America Assist-A-Family Registry features families and their specific life needs (i.e. gas, groceries, utilities) and encourages the Fans Across America community as well as the family and friends of the designated family to make tax-deductible contributions to help fulfill their specific needs. Please note that due to limited resources, we are currently only able to provide assistance to families residing in the greater Phoenix area.

Raising Special Kids
Phone: (602) 242-4366
Raising Special Kids is a non-profit organization serving families of children with disabilities and special health care needs in central and northern Arizona.

Rebuilding Together Valley of the Sun
Phone: (480) 774-0236
Our mission at Rebuilding Together Valley of the Sun is to spread the spirit of volunteerism by helping low-income elderly and disabled homeowners through home renovation and repair.

Rewarding Work
The Rewarding Work website gives older people and individuals with disabilities the choice of hiring staff directly and allows them control of the process of hiring personal assistants. The site also provides private agencies a resource to assist in recruitment of direct support professionals and other staff. You can get names, contact information, and availability of direct care workers and agencies that provide respite services or personal care, review their experience, and learn if they are available to work mornings, days, evenings, overnight, or weekends.

Southern Arizona Adaptive Sports
Phone: 520-370-0588
The mission of Southern Arizona Adaptive Sports is to provide and promote fitness, recreation and competitive sports opportunities for people with physical disabilities. They offer wheelchair basketball, tennis, softball, adaptive cycling and other recreational activities. They also offer peer mentoring, wheelchair refurbishment & redistribution, leadership development, and resource referral 

Sun Devil Power Soccer Club
The Sun Devil Power Soccer Club was established in 2010. The goal of the club is to be a part of the USPSA and promote the sport of power soccer on campus and in the surrounding communities. Our club is sponsored by Arizona Disabled Sports and provides us with numerous resources and support to help promote the sport of power soccer.

The Neuro Institute
Phone: (888) 226-3876
Neuro Institute has a specialized "Immersion Therapy Philosophy" "Immersion Therapy" is a scientifically proven method for producing permanent neurological changes. The Neuro Institute's "Immersion" program provides an opportunity for success by patients challenged with traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis and all forms of paralysis.

Therapeutic Riding of Tucson
Phone: (520) 749-2360
Equine-related programs for people with special needs.

VSA arts of Arizona
Phone: (520) 795-6502
Contact via email
The mission of VSA arts of Arizona (VSAA) is to provide inclusive opportunities for participation in the arts for persons with and without disabilities, and/or persons who are disadvantaged or at-risk.

4. Arkansas

4.1. Centers for Independent Living

Arkansas Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

4.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

BAPTIST HEALTH Rehabilitation Institute
9601 Interstate 630, Exit 7, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72205
Phone: (501) 202-7008

4.3. State Disability Resources

Alternatives for Adults with Physical Disabilities
Phone: (800) 981-4457
AAPD is a Medicaid Waiver program that provides home and community-based services to adults with physical disabilities.

Arkansas Rehabilitation Services
Phone: (501) 296-1600
Providing opportunities for individuals with disabilities to work and lead productive and independent lives.

Arkansas Spinal Cord Commission
1501 N University, Ste 470, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72207
Phone: (800) 459-1517
Phone: (501) 296-1788
It is the goal of the Arkansas Spinal Cord Commission (ASCC) to ensure that all persons with spinal cord disabilities in our state are provided every opportunity to live as independently and productively as possible.

Choices in Living Resource Center
Phone: (866) 801-3435
Information and referrals provided by the Choices in Living Resource Center are directed to seniors, caregivers and people with disabilities.

Increasing Capabilities Access Network
Phone: (800) 828-2799
Increasing Capabilities Access Network, a federally funded program of Arkansas Rehabilitation Services, is designed to make technology available and accessible for all who need it. ICAN is a funding information resource and provides information on new and existing technology free to any person regardless of age or disability.

4.4. Additional Programs or Resources

Arkansas Disability Coalition
Phone: (501) 614-7020 
Our Mission is to work for equal rights and opportunity for Arkansans with disabilities through public policy change, cross-disability collaboration, and the empowerment of people with disabilities and their families.

Arkansas Support Network
Phone: (479) 927-4100
Arkansas Support Network, Inc. is an organization dedicated to providing the highest quality services and supports possible for individuals who have disabilities.

Arkansas's Parent Training & Information Centers
Parent Training & Information Centers provide education and training for parents of children with disabilities, and for professionals who work with those children.

Camp Aldersgate
Phone: (501) 225-1444
Camp Aldersgate offers summer medical camps, respite camps and camps for children with disabilities.

Disability Rights Center
Phone: (800) 482-1174
Phone: (501) 296-1775
DRC operates federally-funded programs to advocate for and protect the rights of Arkansans with disabilities.

Midwest Special Needs Trust
Phone: (887) 239-8055
Midwest Special Needs Trust (MSNT) provides trust services for persons with disabilities. Special needs trusts are a type of trust specifically designed for individuals with disabilities. If properly structured and administered, special needs trusts do not affect an individual's eligibility for benefits such as SSI or Medicaid. In addition, MSNT administers the Charitable Trust. Funds of the Charitable Trust are used to provide assistance to individuals with disabilities who meet eligibility and income criteria.


5. California

5.1. Centers for Independent Living

California Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

5.2. Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems Centers

There are currently two Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems Centers (SCIMS) in California:

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports innovative projects and rese, supports innovative projects and research in the delivery, demonstration, and evaluation of medical, rehabilitation, vocational and other services to meet the needs of individuals with SCI.

NIDILRR awards SCI Model Systems Center grants to institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care and provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life. Grants are awarded in five-year cycles.

Each SCI Model Systems Center contributes to the SCI Model Systems Data Center, participates in independent and collaborative research, and provides information and resources to individuals with SCI, their family and care givers, health care professionals and the general public. 

5.3. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Alta Bates Summit Medical Center - Acute Rehabilitation Center
350 Hawthorne Avenue
Summit Campus, Merritt Pavilion, Patient Care Unit
Oakland, CA 94609
Phone: 510-869-6325

California Pacific Regional Rehabilitation Center
601 Duboce Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94117
Phone: 415-600-6153

California Rehabilitation Institute
2070 Century Park East
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Phone: 424-522-7100

Cottage Rehabilitation Hospital of Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital
2415 De la Vina Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
Phone: 805-687-7444

Kaiser Foundation Hospital and Rehabilitation
975 Sereno Drive, Vallejo, California, 94589
Phone: (707) 651-1000

Providence St. Jude Medical Center
101 East Valencia Mesa Drive
Fullerton, CA 92835
Phone:  714-871-3280

Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 
751 South Bascom Avenue, San Jose, California, 95128 
Phone: (408) 885-5000

Sharp Memorial Hospital Rehabilitation Services (SMH)
2999 Health Center Drive
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: 858-939-3085

Spinal Cord Injury Center, VA San Diego Healthcare System (SCI/VASDHS)
3350 La Jolla Village Drive
SCI Center (128), VASDHS
San Diego, CA 92161
Phone: 858-552-8585

Spinal Cord Injury/Disorders Health Care Group Veterans Affairs Long Beach Healthcare System
5901 East Seventh Street, Long Beach, California, 90822
Phone: (562) 826-8000

St. Jude Continuing Rehabilitation Center
2767 East Imperial Highway, Brea, California, 92821
Phone: (714) 578-8720

Sutter Rehabilitation Institute (SRI)
Six Medical Plaza
Roseville, CA 95661
Phone: 916-878-2588

VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Spinal Cord Injury Service
3801 Miranda Avenue, Mail Code 128, Palo Alto, California, 94304
Phone: (650) 493-5000

5.4. State Disability Resources

Access Leisure
Phone: (916) 808-3809
Sports and Leisure Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in Sacramento

Berkeley Commission on Disability
Phone: (510) 981-6418
Charged with actively promoting the total integration and participation of persons with disabilities into all areas of economic, political, and community life. Membership shall be made up primarily of persons who have disabilities.

Berkeley Paratransit Services
Phone: (510) 981-7269
Berkeley Paratransit Services assists persons with disabilities and those 70 years of age or over by providing four programs that enhance their access to different transportation services.

California Department of Rehabilitation
Phone: 1-916-324-1313
The California Department of Rehabilitation works in partnership with consumers and other stakeholders to provide services and advocacy resulting in employment, independent living and equality for individuals with disabilities.

Citizens Advisory Commission on Disabilities
Phone: (562) 570-6257
CACOD's purpose is to advise the Mayor and City Council of Long Beach on the concerns and issues affecting people with disabilities in the community.

California Connect Communicate Your Way
Phone: (800) 806-1191
The California Telephone Access Program (CTAP) distributes telecommunications equipment and services for individuals certified as having functional limitations of hearing, vision, mobility, speech and/or interpretation of information.

Disability Rights California California's Protection and Advocacy System has a mission to: 'Advance the rights of Californians with disabilities.'

Fair Employment and Housing Commission
Phone: (800)-884-1684
The Fair Employment and Housing Commission promotes and enforces the civil rights of the people of California to be free from unlawful discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations, and to be free from hate violence and threats of violence.


5.5. Additional Programs or Resources

Access Northern California
Phone: (510) 524-2026
Access Northern California (ANC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to facilitating greater access to travel and recreational opportunities in Northern California for people with physical disabilities. ANC provides both informational and educational services to consumers and businesses.

Alameda County Computer Resource Center
Phone: (415) 883-1428
The Computer and Technology Resource Center (CATRC) is a non-profit computer recycling and training organization. We are dedicated to providing technical training and refurbished computer equipment to schools, non-profit organizations, and economically and/or physically disadvantaged individuals. In addition, we serve the community and the environment by recycling donated electronic equipment, components and materials for reuse.

Andre Sobel River of Life Foundation
Phone: (310) 276-7111
The Andre Sobel River of Life Foundation enables single parents of children with life-threatening illnesses to care for their children full time by relieving financial burdens when other resources are exhausted or unavailable.

Assistive Technology Network
Information about assistive technology and resources including links to other web sites related to assistive technology

AXIS Dance Company
Phone: (510) 625-0110
AXIS' extensive community education/outreach program, Dance Access and its youth component Dance Access/KIDS! offers classes and workshops for adults and youth of all abilities, school assemblies, presentations, lecture demonstrations, and residencies locally and abroad. 

Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors
Phone: 415-281-0212
Location: San Francisco, CA
The Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors strive to make all aspects of sailing accessible. Their fleet is rigged and equipped with adaptive features to make sailing the San Francisco Bay possible for people with disabilities.

Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program (BORP)
Phone: (510) 849-4663
BORP was founded in 1976 by people with disabilities to create access to the outdoors, to fitness, to sports, and to recreation for a population who'd been left out.

Beach Wheelchair access points along the California coastline

California AgrAbility Project
Phone: (800)-477-6129
our mission at CalAgrAbility is to help individuals working in agriculture who have permanent conditions or injuries that hinder their efforts to continue working on farms.

Californians for Disability Rights
Phone: (949) 979-6850
Contact via email
Californians for Disability Rights is the oldest and largest membership organization of persons with disabilities in California.

Phone: (202) 817-3264
CalTASH supports the inclusion and full participation of children and adults with disabilities in all aspects of their communities as determined by personalized visions of quality of life.

Phone: (800) 743-6802
CareMeridian is the innovative leader in providing personalized care and proactive health management to the catastrophically ill and injured in an environment that is responsive to clients and rewarding to employees.

Center for Accessible Technology
Phone: (510) 841-3224
We provide access to assistive technology that gives people with disabilities access to computers; provide art programs to provide access to artistic expression; and offer ongoing consultation and support to assist people with disabilities in maintaining and enhancing access.

Disability Benefits 101: Working with a Disability in California
Disability Benefits 101 (DB101) helps workers, job seekers, and service providers understand the connections between work and benefits.

Disability Rights Advocates
Phone: (510) 665-8644
DRA is a non-profit law firm dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities. DRA advocates for disability rights through high-impact litigation, as well as research and education. We do not charge our clients for our services.

Disability Rights California
Phone: 800-776-5746
Disability Rights California provides a variety of legal services to persons with disabilities including: information and referral, technical assistance and direct representation. DRC considers several factors in determining whether to represent an individual directly including: the merits of the claim; the persons ability to advocate for him/herself; availability of other resources and availability of DRC resources. DRC works in partnership with persons with disabilities. English, Spanish and Vietnamese Languages spoken/understood.

Easter Seals Northern California
Phone: (925) 226-8400
Easter Seals Bay Area creates solutions that change the lives of children and adults with disabilities and special needs; and provides support to family-members.

Easter Seals Central California
Phone: (559) 241-7233
Easter Seals Central California provides services for children and adults with disabilities or other special needs and their families so they may actively participate in the community with the freedom to choose how they live, learn, work and play.

Easter Seals Southern California
Phone: (714) 834-1111
Easter Seals provides exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities or other special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities.

Easter Seals Superior California
Phone: (916) 485-6711
Teams of therapists, teachers and other health professionals help each person overcome obstacles to independence and reach his or her personal goals. Easter Seals also includes families as active members of any therapy program, and offers the support families need.

Easy Does It Services
Phone: (510) 704-2111
Easy Does It Emergency Services provides non-medical emergency assistance to seniors and people with disabilities including: accessible transportation, in-home attendant care, case management, and equipment repair for wheelchairs and other mobility devices in the Berkeley, CA area.

EmpowerTech is Los Angeles County's only non-profit organization devoted to bringing the latest in assistive technology to children and adults living with disabilities. EmpowerTech relies on its devoted staff, stellar board of directors – and donations from generous foundations, corporations and individuals – to open a true door to the world for people with disabilities. It is proud to also serve as a national resource for individuals, families and caregivers seeking information about AT products and uses.

Family Voices of California
Phone: (415) 282-7494
Family Voices of California (FVCA) is a statewide grassroots clearinghouse for information and education about ways to assure and improve health care for children with disabilities and chronic conditions.

Fiesta Educativa
Phone: (323) 221-6696
Fiesta Educativa was founded in California in 1978 to inform and assist Latino families in obtaining services and in caring for their children with special needs.

Kristina Wiley, DDS
805 North Lincoln Street, Dixon, California, 95620
Phone: (707) 678-9248
Contact via email
Kristina Wiley, DDS graduated from University of Southern California School of Dentistry in 1993. She received awards of excellence for her work with pediatric and special needs patients while in dental school. Post graduation, she did residency training in Pediatric dentistry at the University of Texas, Houston Medical Center. In 2005, she began Linde Lane which promotes KIDS TEA to aid in the reduction of tooth decay. She currently has a private general practice in Dixon, California and is on staff at Northbay Hospital, where she performs dental surgery procedures for special needs patients under general anesthesia.

MATRIX Parent Network & Resource Center
Phone:  (415) 884-3535
Matrix is a parent-run information and resource center helping families in Marin, Napa, Solano and Sonoma counties. Bilingual and bicultural staff are available in all four counties to serve Latino families.

National Institute of Art & Disabilities
Phone: (510) 620-0290
NIAD (National Institute of Art and Disabilities) is an innovative visual arts center assisting adults with developmental and other physical disabilities.

NextStep Fitness Inc
Phone: (310) 363-1698
NextStep is a state-of-the-art outpatient fitness center that brings the most cutting edge training methods, procedures, and technologies to rehabilitation for spinal injury, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and traumatic brain injury victims in the greater Los Angeles County. A California Non-Profit Corporation, the goal of NextStep Fitness, Inc. is to create a fitness environment for individuals with physical disabilities - where everyday fitness & wellness is available and supported in a state-of-the-art facility.

The Orion Fund
Phone: (510) 652-1883
The Orion Fund's mission is to award grants to California college students facing serious health crises to assist them in completing their educational goals. Each year we provide grants for uncovered medical costs, medical technology, educational costs and living expenses. We ask for grantees to submit proof of current college enrollment, financial need and verification of medical condition.

Parents Helping Parents
Phone: (408) 727-5775
PHP's mission is to help children with special needs receive the resources, love, hope, respect, health care, education, and other services they need to reach their full potential by providing them with strong families, dedicated professionals, and responsive systems to serve them.

(909) 558-6384
PossAbilities is a FREE community outreach program developed by the Loma Linda University Medical Center East Campus (LLUMCEC). Its goal is to offer disabled individuals who were born with or have suffered a permanent physical injury a sense of community and provide activities and practical help to integrate them back into life-once again giving them opportunity for becoming valuable members of our communities. 

Ralph's Riders Foundation
Phone: (424) 241-3591
Ralph's Riders Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to enabling people living with spinal cord injury and paralysis to achieve their highest level of independence, health and personal fulfillment by providing peer guidance, resource information and a supporting network within the community.

River Cats Independence Field
2450 Meadowview Road at the Samuel C. Pannell Meadowview Community Center, Sacramento, California
Phone: (916) 808-6045
River Cats Independence Field is a fully-accessible baseball field made of a rubberized surface ideal for players with disabilities that use either manual or power wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, or no assistive devices, to "Play Ball"! Join one of their new baseball leagues for youth with either physical or mental disabilities, new wheelchair softball league for youth, power baseball league for youth that use electric powered wheelchairs, or one of their adult leagues for people with disabilities.

Rowell Family Empowerment of Northern California
Phone: (530) 226-5129
RFENC provides services to assist families of children with special health care needs to access familycentered, community-based, culturally competent health care. There are staff members who speakSpanish.

 Rubicon Legal Services
Through direct representation, counseling and advocacy Rubicon Legal Services provides vital legal assistance to very low-income people in the East Bay. Most of our clients live with incomes below the federal poverty line, are living with disabilities, including mental illness, or are seeking to achieve financial independence through employment but face multiple barriers to successfully finding jobs and advancing careers.

SCI-FIT (Dublin, CA )
Phone: (925) 846-1848
The mission of SCI-FIT (Spinal Cord Injury Functional Integrated Therapy) is to provide the most comprehensive, post-traditional, exercise based therapy for those individuals who have suffered a debilitating injury. SCI-FIT maximizes the potential for each individual suffering from spinal cord injuries and other neurological disorders by utilizing strategic exercises and providing the proper stimulation for an optimal functional outcome.

Sharp HealthCare Foundation HeadNorth grant
Phone: 1-800-827-4277
 Sharp HealthCare Foundation HeadNorth grant is available for spinal cord injury survivors to receive funding and support for important equipment and services — from wheelchairs and exercise equipment to home modifications. Grants are provided to patients overcoming a traumatic spinal cord injury who are legal San Diego County residents with a demonstrated financial need.  If you are eligible and would like to apply, please fill out our application (PDF).

Smile Partners
Phone: (818) 314-0101
Contact via email
Smile Partners is a "Mobile Dental Hygiene Service" dedicated to serving patients with a wide variety of challenges, including those with complex medical conditions. Because we are a mobile service, we come to you. There is no need to move patients away from any necessary medical equipment or the safety of their familiar environment.
Debra Olsen, RDHAP is a dental hygienist in alternative practice with special training and licensing to treat outside the dental office. She can visit and treat people in their own home, bedside, chairside or where ever the patient is most comfortable.

Spinal Cord Injury: Research, Resources, and Community Programs
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 751 South Bascom Avenue, San Jose, California, 95128
Phone: (408) 885-2002
The Rehabilitation Research Center (RRC) at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC) strives to meet the needs for information, education and support for injured persons and their families. The RRC staff are also involved in research activities to enhance the lives of those affected by SCI.

Support for Families of Children with Disabilities
Phone: (415) 920-5040
Since 1982, Support for Families of Children with Disabilities has offered information, education, and parent-to-parent support free of charge to families of children with any kind of disability or special health care need in San Francisco.

Tarjan Center Service Inclusion Project
Phone: (310) 825 5054
The Tarjan Center Service Inclusion Project strives to make service and volunteerism equally accessible to people with and without disabilities. Maintains list of California disability resources

Phone: (415) 733-0990
Toolworks has many different programs and services, many of which are designed to meet the unique educational, vocational and support needs of adults with disabilities.

Triumph Foundation

Phone: (661) 803-3700
Triumph Foundation is a 501c(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to inspire individuals with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) to triumph over their disabilities and to keep moving forward with their lives by pushing themselves to get better every day. The cornerstone of our outreach is giving newly injured people Care Baskets that are like tool-kits which provide information and resources about the many organizations, assistance programs, and activities that exist to help people with an SCI with their new beginning and to enable them to keep living their lives to the fullest potential. We are also involved within the SCI community by taking leadership roles in support groups, helping people plan home modifications for wheelchair accessibility, assisting people with financial constraints to get needed equipment & supplies, expanding Disabled Sports & Fitness opportunities, and providing mentorship & advocacy.

Variety - The Children's Charity of Southern California
Phone: (323) 655-1547
Variety - The Children's Charity is to provide life-saving and life-enriching assistance to abused, addicted, physically-challenged, neglected, and/or underprivileged children throughout Southern California.


6. Colorado

6.1. Centers for Independent Living

Colorado Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

6.2. Spinal Cord Injury Model System Center (SCIMS)

Rocky Mountain Regional Spinal Injury System
Craig Hospital, 3425 S. Clarkson St., Englewood, Colorado, 80113
Phone: (303) 789-8306

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports innovative projects and research in the delivery, demonstration, and evaluation of medical, rehabilitation, vocational and other services to meet the needs of individuals with SCI.

NIDILRR awards SCI Model Systems Center grants to institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care and provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life. Grants are awarded in five-year cycles.

Each SCI Model Systems Center contributes to the SCI Model Systems Data Center, participates in independent and collaborative research, and provides information and resources to individuals with SCI, their family and care givers, health care professionals and the general public.

6.3. State Disability Resources

Disability Services
Phone: (303) 866-2557
Office of Adult, Aging and Disability Services fosters independence to Coloradans through access to seamless and responsive personalized service. The office focuses on services and programs benefiting older adults, people with disabilities, and veterans and veterans’ spouses requiring skilled nursing and domiciliary care. The following programs serve Coloradans with disabilities.

Boulder Area Accessible Trails and Natural Sites
Twenty-one sites and twenty-two trails are covered in detail in the guide book. We describe each location in terms of its natural and cultural history attractions, available facilities like bathrooms and accessible picnic areas, and analyze its difficulty of access. We also supply a fold out color map of each site.

Division Of Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: (303)318-8571
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation assists individuals whose disabilities result in barriers to employment to succeed at work and live independently

Division of Wildlife Accessibility Information for Individuals with Disabilities

Home Care Colorado
Phone: (303) 692-2800
This site has information on agencies providing care services in the home or community for Colorado Medicaid clients. Home care includes services such as nursing care, help with bathing, dressing, using the bathroom, eating, remembering things, housekeeping and other activities.

Larimer County Senior & Disabled Services
Phone: (970) 498-7750
Food, Medical & Financial Assistance Programs

6.4. Additional Programs or Resources

Adaptive Adventures
Phone: 303.679.2770
Adaptive Adventures has something for everyone. We offer progressive programs for children, teens, adults, as well as service members (active duty and veteran) who have been severely injured in Iraq and Afghanistan or other conflicts. We offer programs that cover a wide-range of physical disabilities including people with spinal cord injuries, amputations, Cerebral Palsy, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), spina bifida, and visual impairment.

A.V. Hunter Trust
Phone: (303) 399-5450
The A.V. Hunter Trust has a reach that is state-wide and includes the urban, suburban and rural areas of Colorado. The Trust provides Grants to qualifying nonprofit organizations offering community and human services to assist those in need and Funds for Individuals who need assistance to purchase Durable Medical Equipment

Assistive Technology Partners
Phone: (303)-315-1280
ATP is a compilation of services, projects, activities, and research dedicated to enhancing access to assistive technology at home, school, work and play for individuals with disabilities, their families, employers, and professionals providing services.

Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center
Phone: (970) 453-6422
The Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center (BOEC) is a national leader in experiential education serving all people, while ensuring that the outdoors is accessible to those with special needs.

Canine Partners of the Rockies
Phone: 303-364-9040
Canine Partners of the Rockies' mission is to positively impact the lives of Colorado residents with disabilities by placing highly skilled service dogs with individuals who have mobility limiting conditions and therapy dogs with professionals who provide therapeutic services to people with disabilities. CaPR also is dedicated to educating the public about the role assistance dogs play in the lives of people with disabilities.

Challenge Aspen
Phone: (970) 923-0578
Challenge Aspen provides recreational and cultural experiences for individuals who have mental or physical "disabilities".

Colorado AgrAbility Project
Phone: (970) 491-5648
Promotes success in agriculture for people with disabilities or other physical challenges and their families.

Colorado Coalition for the Medically Underserved
Phone: (719)242-5994 
CCMU is committed to access to affordable, timely, quality health care for everyone in Colorado.

Colorado Cross Disability Coalition
Phone: (303) 839-1775
CCDC provides advocacy services and legal resources for people with disabilities. Organization is run and directed solely by people with disabilities

Colorado Fund for People with Disabilities
Phone: (303) 733-2867
The Colorado Fund for People with Disabilities (CFPD) was established to develop a supplemental needs trust. The purpose of the trust is to protect a person's Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid from being impacted should they receive funds that would make them ineligible for these or other public benefits.

El Grupo Vida
Phone: (303) 335-9875
Grupo VIDA is a network of families who have children with disabilities or special needs.

Employment Works
Phone: (303)691-9339   
Since 1960, Employment Works has advocated for people with disabilities and for their inclusion as vital members of the workforce. We envision options and choices for people with disabilities as they seek and maintain employment that suits their choices, abilities and preferences.

Family Voices of Colorado
Phone: (855) 877-1747
Family Voices of Colorado is a chapter of the national, grassroots organization composed of families and friends who care for and about our children with special health care needs. For assistance in Spanish call El Grupo Vida: 303-904-6073

 Friends of Man
Phone: (303) 798-2342
Provides financial assistance with wheelchairs, prostheses, eyeglasses, hearing aids, medications, and medical bills

Greeley Center for Independence
2780 28th Ave, Greeley, Colorado, 80634
Phone: (970) 339-2444
The Greeley Center for Independence provides places of growth, transition and encouragement, where people with temporary and permanent disabilities can reach toward their maximum potential of personal independence and wellness.

Home Builders Foundation of Metro Denver
Phone: (303) 551-6721
The Home Builders Foundation is committed to helping people with physical disabilities and financial need in the metro Denver area by making quality home modifications so they can live independently in their homes. The work is performed by a community of caring building professionals, suppliers and volunteers.

Ignite Adaptive Sports
Phone: 303-506-8007
501(c)3, nonprofit, located at the beautiful Eldora Mountain Resort, just 21 miles from Boulder, CO. Ignite Adaptive Sports provides safe, fun and affordable instruction in alpine and cross-country skiing, snowboarding and snowshoeing to people with cognitive and physical disabilities to enhance their quality of life.

Kids Mobility Network
Phone: (303) 242-8281
Based in Denver, Colorado, Kids Mobility Network, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that is changing the lives of children with disabilities by providing durable medical equipment ("DME") such as walkers and wheelchairs to children whose families are underinsured or uninsured.

Legal Center for People with Disabilities and Older People
Phone: (800) 288-1376
The Legal Center is an independent public interest non-profit specializing in civil rights and discrimination issues.

Magic Moments
Phone: (303) 607-1005
Magic Moments produces original musical theater that includes amateurs, special needs, and professional performers of all ages fostering an environment of acceptance, growth, learning and support for our members and the larger community.

Parent to Parent of Colorado
Phone: (877) 472-7201
Connecting families of sons and daughters with disabilities or special healthcare needs in communities across Colorado. They have a toll free information and referral line in English and Spanish

PEAK Parent Center
Phone: 719-531-9400
The mission of PEAK Parent Center is to provide training, information and technical assistance to equip families of children birth through age twenty-six including all disability conditions with strategies to advocate successfully for their children.  

 Rebuilding Together Colorado
Phone: (720) 524-0840
Rebuilding Together Colorado and its network of sponsors and volunteers provide crucial home repairs, safety modifications and energy efficiency upgrades to qualified homeowners and community centers in need.

Telluride Adaptive Sports Program
Phone: (970) 728-5010
A 501 (c) 3 dedicated to enriching the lives of people with physical and cognitive disabilities by providing therapeutic recreation opportunities that develop life skills, encourage personal growth, and promote independence. TASP's main activities include the adaptive ski program operating daily during the winter at the Telluride Ski Area and a mix of focused summer sports programs.

Wilderness On Wheels Foundation
Phone: (303) 403-1110
Wilderness On Wheels Foundation operates a model wilderness-access facility which makes a Colorado mountain environment accessible to all.

7. Connecticut

7.1. Centers for Independent Living

Connecticut Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

7.2. Spinal Cord Injury Model System

Gaylord Specialty Healthcare, a network site of Spaulding New England Spinal Cord Injury Center (SNERSCIC)
P.O. Box 400, Wallingford, Connecticut, 06492
Phone: (203) 284-2835

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports innovative projects and research in the delivery, demonstration, and evaluation of medical, rehabilitation, vocational and other services to meet the needs of individuals with SCI.

NIDILRR awards SCI Model Systems Center grants to institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care and provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life. Grants are awarded in five-year cycles.

Each SCI Model Systems Center contributes to the SCI Model Systems Data Center, participates in independent and collaborative research, and provides information and resources to individuals with SCI, their family and care givers, health care professionals and the general public.


7.3. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Gaylord Hospital, Inc. - Rehabilitation Division
Gaylord Farm Road
Wallingford, CT 06492
Phone: 203-284-2888

7.4. State Disability Resources

Bureau of Rehabilitation Services
Phone: (800) 537-2549
Our mission: to create opportunities that allow individuals with disabilities to live and work independently.

Connecticut Department of Social Services - Programs for People with Disabilities
Phone: (800) 842-1508

Connecticut Tech Act Project
Phone: (800) 537-2549
The Connecticut Tech Act Project provides information and advocacy services to you regarding assistive technology issues. The project's goal is to make sure that Connecticut's residents (all ages) with disabilities get access to assistive technology.

Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities
Phone: (800) 842-7303
The Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities is an independent State agency created to safeguard and advance the civil and human rights of people with disabilities in Connecticut.

7.5. Additional Programs or Resources

Phone: (860) 563-6011
AccesSolutions serves people with disabilities who need financial assistance to make accessibility modifications to their homes or apartments.

Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center
Phone: 800445CPAC
The CT Parent Advocacy Center, Inc. (CPAC) is a statewide nonprofit organization that offers information and support to families of children with any disability or chronic illness, age birth through 21.

Corporation for Independent Living
Phone: (860) 563-6011
CIL is a nonprofit housing development corporation. Our products include community housing for people with developmental disabilities, accessible homes for people with physical disabilities, affordable multifamily housing as well as homes for first time home buyers of low income.

Easter Seals Connecticut-Rhode Island
Phone: (800) 874-7687
Easter Seals Connecticut-Rhode Island creates solutions that change the lives of children and adults with disabilities or special needs, their families and communities.

LOF Adaptive Skiers
To build lasting confidence and fulfillment through exposure and professional training in recreational and competitive water and snow skiing to both children, adults and veterans with disabilities.

Phone: 203-513-8424
Moving With Health Oriented Physical Education, Inc. supports, promotes and provides physical activity, after therapy, and nutrition education programs to individuals with disabilities and their families. MovingWithHOPE is a 501(c)3 charity in Shelton, CT, that specializes in securing scholarship funds for individuals with complicated brain and spinal injuries, allowing them to participate in year-round activity therapy programs. These programs include strength and conditioning to improve balance, gait and mobility; transfer skills; fall prevention training; emotional well-being; and reduction of secondary health risks such as obesity, diabetes, and heart and cardiovascular issues.

Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of Connecticut
Phone: (860) 523-4951
The mission of PLAN is to assist families in planning for the future of their disabled family member and to provide continuity of services after the principal advocate/care-givers have died or are unable to continue.

Rewarding Work
The Rewarding Work website gives older people and individuals with disabilities the choice of hiring staff directly and allows them control of the process of hiring personal assistants. The site also provides private agencies a resource to assist in recruitment of direct support professionals and other staff. You can get names, contact information, and availability of direct care workers and agencies that provide respite services or personal care, review their experience, and learn if they are available to work mornings, days, evenings, overnight, or weekends.

The New England Assistive Technology Marketplace
Phone: (860) 242-2274
TTY: (860) 286-3113
NEAT was established to provide information and access to equipment and devices that can change the lives of people of all ages, with all types of disabilities, both temporary and permanent.


8. Delaware

8.1. Centers for Independent Living

Delaware Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

8.2. State Disability Resources

DATI - Delaware Assistive Technology Initiative
TTD: 302-831-4689
The Delaware Assistive Technology Initiative (DATI) connects Delawareans who have disabilities with the tools they need in order to learn, work, play and participate in community life safely and independently.

Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DSAAPD)
Phone: (800) 223-9074
The Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DSAAPD) provides a broad range of programs and services in Delaware.

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Our mission is to provide opportunities and resources to eligible individuals with disabilities, leading to success in employment and independent living.

8.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Adam Taliaferro Foundation
(609) 502-0424 
Provides emotional, financial and educational support to student-athletes who suffer catastrophic head or spinal injuries in sanctioned team events in New Jersey, Pennsylvania or Delaware. The foundation also provides educational and financial support related to the research, prevention and care of such injuries.

Disabilities Law Program
Phone: (302) 575-0690
Phone: (800) 773-0606
The Disabilities Law Program is a special project of Community Legal Aid Society, Inc. and is designated by the Governor as the Protection and Advocacy agency in Delaware. This program provides advocacy services to Delaware residents with physical or mental disabilities.

Easter Seals Delaware and Maryland's Eastern Shore
Phone: 302-324-4444
Easter Seals Delaware & Maryland's Eastern Shore provides exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities.


9. District of Columbia

9.1. Centers for Independent Living

District of Columbia Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

9.2. Spinal Cord Injury Model System Center (SCIMS)

National Capital Spinal Cord Injury Model System 
MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital | MedStar Health Research Institute 
Phone: 202-877-1694 

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports innovative projects and research in the delivery, demonstration, and evaluation of medical, rehabilitation, vocational and other services to meet the needs of individuals with SCI.

NIDRR awards SCI Model Systems Center grants to institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care and provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life. Grants are awarded in five-year cycles.

Each SCI Model Systems Center contributes to the SCI Model Systems Data Center, participates in independent and collaborative research, and provides information and resources to individuals with SCI, their family and care givers, health care professionals and the general public.

9.3. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

MedStar National Rehabilitation Network
102 Irving Street NW, Washington, District of Columbia, 20010
Phone: (202) 877-1000

9.4. State Disability Resources

Aging and Disability Resource Center Information and Assistance
Phone: (202) 724-5626
Here you can find programs, information and services about long term care for older adults (60 and older) and persons with intellectual and physical disabilities. This website describes ADRC; provides limited direct access to resources, services, information, events; and provides information about and/or answers to a wide range of questions and concerns related to long term care.

Department on Disability Services
The Mission of the Department on Disability Services is to provide innovative, high quality services that enable people with disabilities to lead meaningful and productive lives as vital members of their families, schools, workplaces and communities in every neighborhood in the District of Columbia.

Office of Disability Rights
The mission of the Office of Disability Rights (ODR) is to ensure that every program, service, benefit, and activity operated or funded by the District of Columbia is fully accessible to, and usable by, people with disabilities. ODR is responsible for oversight of the District's obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act as well as other federal and local disability rights laws.

Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Phone: (202) 442-8400
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program provides vocational and rehabilitative services to individuals with disabilities to help them prepare for, secure, regain or retain employment.

9.5. Additional Programs or Resources

Assistive Technology Program for the District of Columbia
Phone: (202) 547-0198
The ATPDC is committed to improving the District of Columbia's capacity to provide appropriate assistive technology devices and services for all Washingtonians with disabilities.

Capital Adaptive Rowing Program
The Capital Adaptive squad consists of eight rowers and numerous volunteers who practice and compete on a regular basis. Practices are held three times a week (Monday and Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings) with supplemental sessions for the team's "high performance" athletes, who have aspirations to compete on the para-rowing world stage.

Caring Communities
Phone: (410) 549-5707
Caring Communities has now grown into a well-known and widely respected service organization offering disability-related activities and events for thousands within the entire disabilities community in MD, DC and Virginia.

Caring Communities Respite Care Registry
Phone: (410) 549-5707
online and searchable Respite Registry in the Baltimore/Washington Area. The CARING NETWORK respite care registry provides families and caregivers with relief from the ongoing demands of providing care for their loved one with special needs.  Caring Communities offers respite provider training for persons 16 years and older.

Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (CRAB)
Phone: 410-266-5722
provides sailing instruction to SCI guests and their family members or caregivers free of charge in Annapolis. Their Adaptive Boating Center features a state of the art learning center and floating docks with boarding equipment that will allow CRAB volunteers to board guests with any disability.

DC Shares
Phone   (202) 332-2595
DC Shares serves low income District residents with disabilities who are unable to get the durable medical equipment they need. DC Shares provides electric wheelchairs, manual wheelchairs, walkers, canes, shower benches and other durable medical equipment free of charge to those who are uninsured, underinsured, or have no other means of obtaining these devices.

Disability Partnerships
We are a community-based 501c3 nonprofit whose work is based on a partnership model. We collaborate with partners in multiple sectors—nonprofit, federal, and private—to develop programs and activities in the focus areas of affordable accessible housing, health and wellness, education and economic empowerment. Our organization believes that persons with physical disabilities can do more than just survive with a disability—they can thrive as people who live with physical disabilities. Disability Partnerships Adaptive Grant will provide grants to persons with a physical disability who live in the Washington, DC Metro area. Grants are to be used for a single item of adaptive equipment and are limited to $200 each.

Easter Seals Greater Washington Baltimore Region
Phone: (800) 886-3771
Easter Seals mission is to create solutions that change lives of children and adults with disabilities or other special needs and their families.

Help-Your-Self, Inc.
Help-Your-Self, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to enhancing accessibility for people with disabilities by providing practical knowledge and tools to improve people's potential for growth and community participation. We provide tools and services to enable independent living, community integration, reduce barriers, and educate to prevent injuries.

HSC Foundation
Phone: (202) 454-1220
The HSC Foundation is dedicated to improving access to services for individuals who face challenging social and health care barriers due to disability, chronic illness, or other circumstances that present unique needs.

Phone: (301) 562-5360 Ext. 4
MetroAccess is a shared-ride paratransit public transportation service. This WMATA service provides accessible transportation to people with disabilities who are unable to use accessible fixed route service such as Metrobus or Metrorail.

Rebuilding Together of Washington D.C.
Phone: (202) 965-2824
Rebuilding Together of Washington, DC's mission is to preserve and revitalize homes and communities, assuring that low-income DC homeowners-- particularly those with disabilities-- can live in warmth and safety with independence and dignity.

rollDC - Wheelchair Accessible Taxi Service in DC
Phone: (202) 544-1213
Contact: Yellow Cab
Phone: (202) 398-0500
Contact: Royal Cab
After an initial testing phase, Royal Cab and Yellow Cab of D.C. are providing accessible taxi service in D.C. with professionally trained drivers. Each company has 10 Toyota Sienna mini-vans equipped with ramps. If you cannot use a standard sedan taxi and need a taxi in D.C., this service is for you! Contact the companies directly to request a trip. You can reserve your trip up to a week in advance.

SCI Resource Guide - Greater Metropolitan Washington Area
The 2010-2011 SCI Resource Guide, 4th Edition, is a publication of the SCI Consortium - Greater Metropolitan Washington Area. This handy guide contains specific information for your health and wellness, community living needs, equipment and supply requirements and a listing of sports and recreation groups in the area. (Click link at bottom of page to download the PDF file)

Social Security Disability Law
400 South Maple Ave, Suite 210 Falls Church, VA, District of Columbia, 22046
Phone: (703) 536-7778
Contact: Sheri R. Abrams, P.C., Attorney at Law
Social Security Disability Law Preparation of Wills, Living Wills, Health and Financial Powers of Attorney. Serving VA , DC, and MD

Special Needs and Disabilities Services
Phone: (301) 881-3700
JSSA offers top quality counseling and therapy services, hospice care, older adult services, special needs services, career services, adoption services and more. Our non-sectarian services are available in convenient locations throughout the Washington Metropolitan area.

The Eric Fund
The Eric Fund is an organization that provides grants for assistive technology and equipment to help children and adults with disabilities in the metropolitan Washington D.C. area live on their own terms in the community.

The Lazarus Foundation
Phone: (410) 531-8485
The Lazarus Foundation is a community-based non-profit computer recycling organization located in Columbia, Maryland

University Legal Services
Phone: (202) 547-0198
University Legal Services is a private, non-profit organization that serves as the District of Columbia's federally mandated protection and advocacy system for the human, legal and service rights of people with disabilities. All services are offered free of charge to eligible individuals in accordance with ULS' available resources and policies.

Phone: (202) 296-8563
Yachad is a Jewish nonprofit housing and community development organization based in the District of Columbia. Services are provided to everyone regardless of religion, race, gender or sexual orientation. We repair single family homes and work on community and commercial development projects throughout the year. We also have a program in the summer that builds accessibility ramps for people with disabilities. We do this work at no cost to the homeowner.

10. Florida

10.1. Centers for Independent Living

Florida Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

10.2. Spinal Cord Injury Model System Center

South Florida Spinal Cord Injury Model System
University of Miami, Miami, FL
Telephone: 305-243-4497

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports innovative projects and research in the delivery, demonstration, and evaluation of medical, rehabilitation, vocational and other services to meet the needs of individuals with SCI.

NIDILRR awards SCI Model Systems Center grants to institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care and provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life. Grants are awarded in five-year cycles.

Each SCI Model Systems Center contributes to the SCI Model Systems Data Center, participates in independent and collaborative research, and provides information and resources to individuals with SCI, their family and care givers, health care professionals and the general public.

10.3. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital 
3901 University Boulevard South, Jacksonville, FL 32216
Phone: 904-345-7256

James A. Haley Veterans Hospital - SCI/D
13000 Bruce B. Downs Boulevard
128 SCI Center
Tampa, FL 33612
Phone: 813-972-2000

Miami VA Healthcare System - Spinal Cord System of Care
1201 Northwest 16th Street
Miami, FL 33125 
Phone: 305-324-4455 

Orlando Health Outpatient Rehabilitation
100 West Gore Street, Orlando, Florida, 32801
Phone: (407) 841-8911

Orlando Health Rehabilitation Institute
818 Main Lane, Orlando, Florida, 32801
Phone: 321-843-7422

UF Health Shands Rehab Hospital
4101 Northwest 89th Boulevard
Gainesville, FL 32606
Phone: 352-265-5491 

10.4. State Disability Resources

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: (800) 451-4327
An employment resource for businesses and people with disabilities. Our mission is to enable individuals with disabilities to obtain and keep employment.

Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology
Phone: (888) 788-9216

Florida Department of Health - Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Program
Toll Free: 800-342-0778
The mission of the Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Program is to provide all eligible residents who sustain a traumatic brain or spinal cord injury the opportunity to obtain the necessary services enabling them to return to their community.

James Patrick Memorial Work Incentive Personal Assistant Services
Phone: (850) 575-6004
In 2008 the Florida Legislature created the James Patrick Memorial Work Incentive PAS Program for persons with all types of disabilities who need help with 2 activities of daily living.

Miami-Dade Park and Recreation Information For People With Disabilities
Phone: 305-755-7848
Learn about programs, facilities, and get information on the Leisure Access Foundation

The Able Trust
Phone: (888) 838 ABLE
Phone: (850) 224-4493
The Able Trust, also known as the Florida Governor's Alliance for the Employment of Citizens with Disabilities, has as its mission to be the leader in providing Floridians with disabilities fair employment opportunities through fundraising, grant programs, public awareness and education.

10.5. Additional Programs or Resources

Access Life
Phone: (352) 455-9926
Access Life is a Christian organization that organizes disability expos as well as operates the Fishing with Friends program for people living with disabilities. Their mission is to connect people impacted by disabilities to Christ honoring churches, organizations, resources and people within their community

Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Resource Center
3491 Gandy Blvd., Suite 209
Pinellas Park, FL 33781
Phone: (866) 313-2940
Provides brain and spinal cord injury survivors, family members, caregivers, friends and professionals with educational information and resources needed to support them in the community. They serve Florida residents. 

CORE-Center of Recovery & Exercise
Phone: 407-951-8936
The Center of Recovery & Exercise is committed to providing a comprehensive activity based neurorecovery program developed specifically for individuals with spinal cord injuries and other related disorders to achieve optimal functional recovery, health and independence. The CORE program utilizes exercise science fundamentals in combination with state-of-the-art rehabilitative equipment and highly skilled trainers in a safe, supportive, goal oriented environment.

Disability Rights Florida
Toll Free: (800) 342-0823
On Line Intake Form (deemed mose efficient)
Disability Rights Florida is the designated protection and advocacy system for individuals with disabilities in the State of Florida. Any Floridian with a disability-related issue is eligible to receive Disability Rights Florida services.

Florida Disabled Outdoors Association
Phone: (850) 201-2944
Since it's inception in 1990, the FDOA has promoted accessible recreation to persons with disabilities as well as the general public through special events, newsletters and community education. FDOA has also assisted in compliance of the Americans with Disabilities Act and worked closely with many state, local and private organizations to develop, enhance and/or support recreation opportunities for the disabled across Florida and other states.

AdventHealth Sports Med and Rehab
Phone: (407) 303-7600
Florida Hospital Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Wellness Program offers safe and effective personalized fitness programs with one-on-one personal training by our highly trained professional staff. We offer general lifestyle and weight management programs, as well as specialized wellness programs for cardiac patients, adolescents, seniors, spinal cord injury patients, and those with Parkinson's disease. Our staff will keep you up-to-date with the latest nutritional and educational information that will benefit your workout routine and lifestyle.

Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Resource Center
3491 Gandy Blvd., Suite 209
Pinellas Park, FL 33781
Phone: (866) 313-2940
Provides brain and spinal cord injury survivors, family members, caregivers, friends and professionals with educational information and resources needed to support them in the community. They serve Florida residents. 

Jack Keller Inc. REALTORS
Phone: (727) 586-1498
Specializes in the sale of wheelchair-accessible homes in West-Central Florida

New Horizon Loan (NHL) Program
Phone: 1-844-353-2278
The New Horizon Loan (NHL) Program is an alternative assistive technology finance program under the Assistive Technology Act of 2004, Section 4 (e)(2)(A) designed to assist individuals with disabilities to borrow money at reasonable interest rates for the purchase of assistive technologies. Our New Horizon Business Loan Program is a similar program that can assist qualified persons with disabilities who are seeking employment through self-employment opportunities. These are low interest rate loan programs that may offer below market interest rates that can help keep your loan payment low along with no prepayment penalty features.

Quantum Leap Farm
(813) 920-9250
Quantum Leap Farm is a Nonprofit Therapeutic Equestrian Program Serving Active and Veteran Military and Civilian Adults with Mental & Physical Disabilities. Quantum Leap Farm is located in Odessa, Florida and serves the Tampa Bay area.

Shake-A-Leg Miami
Phone: 305-858-5550
Shake-A-Leg Miami (SALM) is a registered non-profit organization that has partnered with the City of Miami for more than two decades. During those 20 years, SALM has come to be known as South Florida's premier,​community boating center, offering programs and activities year-round, seven days a week.

Tampa Thunder
The Tampa Thunder Power Wheelchair Soccer team is a Tampa wheelchair soccer club.  Founded in 2004, the Tampa Thunder has played in over 150 games and competed in over 25 regional and national tournaments since it's inception.  The Tampa Thunder is currently ranked third in the nation.

The Woody Foundation
Phone: (305) 586-3107
The Woody Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization formed in 2011 to raise funds for the recovery of people with spinal cord injuries. The namesake of The Foundation – James "Woody" Beckham suffered his spinal cord injury making a rugby tackle in January 2011. His family and friends have bonded together to support Woody by making donations to local charities which help others with similar spinal cord injuries. Provide "Woody Packs" filled with assistive devices for those with SCI

Mind Body and Soul Solutions

To help those with chronic illnesses and disabilities by providing them with vital information, necessary medical supplies, and modifications to enhance their quality of life. We understand the challenges faced by individuals living with chronic conditions or disabilities, and we are committed to offering them the support they need to thrive.


11. Georgia

11.1. Centers for Independent Living

Georgia Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

11.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center - SCI
950 15th Street
Augusta, GA 30901
Phone: 706-823-2216

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite (CHOA)
1001 Johnson Ferry Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30342-1600
Phone: 404-785-4458

Day Rehabilitation Program at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite
993-F Johnson Ferry Road
Suite 260
Atlanta, GA 30342
Phone: 404-845-1300

Shepherd Center, Inc.
2020 Peachtree Road NW
Atlanta, Georgia, 30309
Phone: (404) 352-2020

11.3. Spinal Cord Injury Model System Center (SCIMS)

Southeastern Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System
Shepherd Center, Inc.
2020 Peachtree Road NW, Atlanta, Georgia, 30309
Phone: (404) 352-2020  

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports innovative projects and research in the delivery, demonstration, and evaluation of medical, rehabilitation, vocational and other services to meet the needs of individuals with SCI.

NIDILRR awards SCI Model Systems Center grants to institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care and provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life. Grants are awarded in five-year cycles.

Each SCI Model Systems Center contributes to the SCI Model Systems Data Center, participates in independent and collaborative research, and provides information and resources to individuals with SCI, their family and care givers, health care professionals and the general public.

11.4. State Disability Resources

Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund Commission
Phone: (888) 233-5760
The Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund Commission improves the quality of life of Georgians with traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries by distributing funds and resources, and making policy recommendations to enhance statewide infrastructure. Up to $10,000 available for an adapted van. Please contact the Commission directly.

Georgia Advocacy Office, Inc.
Phone: (800) 537-2329
The Georgia Advocacy Office (GAO) is a private non-profit corporation. Its mission is to work with and for oppressed and vulnerable individuals in Georgia who are labeled as disabled or mentally ill to secure their protection and advocacy.

Georgia Housing Search
Phone: (877) 428-8844
Our purpose is to provide information on the availability of affordable rental housing throughout the State in an Internet friendly environment.

Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
The Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Division provides a variety of individual services to persons with disabilities in preparation for their employment in the competitive labor market and to employers seeking to retain valuable employees with disabilities or hire qualified individuals for their workforce. Visit their website to locate an office near you. 

gTRADE, Georgia's Assistive Technology Equipment Exchange Program
gTRADE is an online database where persons may list assistive technology items for sale, donation, or things they need.


11.5. Additional Programs or Resources

ALS Technology Loan Closet
ALS TLC is a technology loan closet for individuals who have been diagnosed with ALS and other rare neuro-muscular disorders. ALS TLC's goal is to raise the necessary funds and acquire technology that will improve independence and the overall quality of life of those in need. We are building a loan closet through partnerships, fundraising, financial donations and donated technologies. All donations are tax deductible. Individuals will be able to request to check out technology for loan from the ALS TLC for a small fee. Each check out is for 90 days but can be renewed for additional periods. All technology checked out is required to be returned to the ALS TLC. ALS TLC is also building a scholarship fund to help with the purchase of technology, home modification expenses or medical bills.

American Association of Adapted Sports Programs
Phone: (404) 294-0070
The American Association of AdaptedSports™ Programs, Inc. is a Georgia-based nonprofit organization that builds interscholastic sports leagues for students with physical disabilities or visual impairments in grades one through 12, comparable to programs commonly available only to students without disabilities.

Angel Flight
Phone: (877) 426-2643
Phone: (770) 452-7958
Angel Flight arranges free air transportation for people that have a medical need that can't be filled in their local area. Angel Flight serves primarily patients who are traveling from, to or through the states of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and the Carolinas. Our organization believes that the cost of travel should never stand in the way of receiving medical care.

Camp Twin Lakes
Phone: (404) 231-9887
Camp Twin Lakes is a place for children and adults with special needs to share common experiences and have fun and adventure - exploring nature, discovering their own abilities, mastering new skills, and enjoying newfound friends - just like all campers.

Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access
Phone: (800) 726-9119
Development, evaluation, and utilization of assistive technology and accessible environments.

Easter Seals East Georgia
Phone: (866) 667-9695
Easter Seals East Georgia assists people with disabilities and other special needs to maximize opportunities for employment, independence and full inclusion into Society.

Easter Seals Middle Georgia
Phone: (478) 275-8850
mission is to provide vocational rehabilitation and other services to people with disabilities and other barriers to enable them to live lives of independence and dignity through meaningful work.

Easter Seals North Georgia
Phone: (404) 943-1070
Easter Seals North Georgia offers comprehensive early education and care programs, early intervention therapy and mental health services, family support initiatives, Autism services, our Foster Grandparents program, and direct financial assistance through our Champions for Children program.

Easter Seals Southern Georgia
Phone: (800) 365-4583
Easter Seals Southern Georgia creates solutions that change the lives of children, adults and families with disabilities or special needs by offering a variety of programs and services that enable individuals to lead lives of equality, dignity and independence.

Easter Seals West Georgia
Phone: (706) 660-1144
The mission of Easter Seals West Georgia, Inc. is to provide quality services which enable individuals with disabilities or special needs and their families to achieve their maximum potential.

Families of Children Under Stress (FOCUS)
Phone: (770) 234-9111
FOCUS offers emotional, informational, and physical support to families with children with disabilities or ongoing medical needs.

Friends of Disabled Adults and Children (FODAC)
Contact page
Phone: (770) 491-9014
Fax: (770) 491-0026
With a strong network of volunteers and partners, FODAC provides refurbished equipment and services for adults and children with disabilities to improve their overall quality of life. Over the years, our model to assist individuals with disabilities has remained the same: to provide free or low-cost wheelchairs and other durable medical equipment, vehicle and home adaptations and more. Above all, our staff is like a family that works together to make every day a little easier, and a little more affordable, for people in need.

Georgia Tools For Life
2 Peachtree Street, Suite 35-415, Atlanta, Georgia, 30300
Phone: (404) 894-0541
Tools for Life increases access to appropriate assistive technology devices and assistive technology services for all Georgians with disabilities so they can live, learn, work, and play independently in communities of their choice.

Nobis Works
Nobis Works is among Georgia's largest nonprofit community rehabilitation programs serving youth & adults with disabilities and other barriers to employment. The Nobis Works' Job Training and Employment services include: Vocational Education, Work Evaluation, Employment Services, Supported Employment, Skills Training & Enrollment/Eligibility.

Parent to Parent of Georgia
Phone: (800) 229-2038
Parent to Parent provides support and information to parents of children with disabilities.

Rebuilding Together Atlanta
Phone: 404-505-5599
Rebuilding Together Atlanta (RTA) is a non-profit organization striving to preserve and revitalize houses and communities in Metro Atlanta.  As an affiliate of Rebuilding Together, our mission is to preserve affordable housing by bringing volunteers and communities together to rehabilitate the homes of low-income homeowners.  We work to assure that low-income homeowners, particularly older adults, military veterans, people with disabilities and families with children, live in warmth, safety and independence.

Rebuilding Together - Warner Robins
Phone: (478)-929-1476
Our mission is to preserve affordable housing by bringing volunteers and communities together to rehabilitate the homes of low-income homeowners in Warner Robins, Georgia. Rebuilding Together believes the disabled and elderly should be allowed to remain in their own homes whenever possible.

Touch the Future
Phone: (770)-934 8432
Touch the Future, Inc. is dedicated to providing affordable computers, durable medical equipment and assistive technology to individuals who are disabled, seniors, Veterans or from disadvantaged communities. We also support other nonprofit organizations, educational programs and others who serve our service populations.  Touch the Future's expertise and services are as affordable as they are vital to successful independence within the community.  We are your one stop shop for computer and AT needs.

Variety of Georgia
Phone: (770) 956-7460
Our mission is to aid and enhance the lives of children in need who may be challenged by physical and/or mental disabilities, poverty, abuse or neglect.


12. Hawaii

12.1. Centers for Independent Living

Hawaii Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

12.2. State Disability Resources

Aging and Disability Resource Center

Adult and Community Care Services Branch
The Adult and Community Care Services Branch (ACCSB) provides protective services for vulnerable adults and home and community-based services to prevent premature institutionalization of clients.

All-Terrain Wheelchair and Beach Access Mat
Phone: (808) 692-5750
The Landeez All-Terrain Wheelchair is available seven days a week for persons with disabilities through the Department of Parks and Recreation

Disability and Communication Access Board
Phone: (808) 586-8121
The Board's primary functions are to: Serve as a public advocate of persons with disabilities, establish guidelines for the design of buildings and facilities, issue administrative rules for the utilization of communication access services, and administer the statewide program for the issuance of parking placards to disabled persons.

Hawaii Disability Rights Center
Phone: (800) 882-1057
The mission of the Corporation is to protect and promote the human, civil and legal rights of individuals with disabilities through the provision of information and advocacy.

Hawaii Housing Finance & Development Corporation
Phone: (808) 587-0620
"HCDCH .... bringing people together to make housing dreams come true."

Neurotrauma Office
Phone: (833) 333-5133 
Contact: Neurotrauma Helpline
Information and assistance regarding severe chronic disability of a person that is attributable to an injury to the central nervous system, such as traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury, and likely to continue indefinitely.

Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: (808) 586-5167
Vocational Rehabilitation is a State-Federal partnership program that provides services to help people with physical or mental impairments to attain successful employment outcomes.

12.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Assistive Technology Resource Centers of Hawaii
Phone: (808) 532-7111
Contact: Toll-free Neighbor Islands
Assistive Technology Resource Centers of Hawaii (ATRC), is a statewide, non-profit committed to ensuring access to assistive technology (AT) for persons with disabilities.

Center on Disability Studies
Phone: (808) 956-5850
The mission of the CDS is to support the quality of life, community inclusion, and self-determination of all persons with disabilities and their families.

Kauai Ocean Recreation Experience, or KORE, is designed to help both Kauai residents and their families who are physically challenged and/or have special needs, to get back into the ocean with the assistance of trained professionals.

Special Parent Information Network
Phone: (808) 586-8126
The Special Parent Information Network (SPIN) is a parent to parent organization in Hawaii that provides information, support and referral to parents of children and young adults with disabilities and the professionals who serve them.

Therapeutic Horsemanship of Hawaii
Phone: (808) 342-9036
Therapeutic Horsemanship of Hawaii is a nonprofit 501 C(3) organization which provides recreational horseback riding and pony cart driving for handicapped children and adults.

13. Idaho

13.1. State Disability Resources

DisAbility Rights Idaho
Phone: (866) 262-3462
Assisting people with disabilities to protect, promote, and advance their legal and human rights, through quality legal, individual, and system advocacy.

Idaho Assistive Technology Project
Phone: (800) 432-8324
Services include training and technical assistance, information and referral, used equipment recycling program, advocacy services, and a low-interest loan program.

Idaho Commission on Human Rights
Phone: (888) 249-7025
To provide for execution within the state of the policies embodied in the federal fair employment practice acts banning discrimination based on race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age (40 and over) and disability. In addition, in housing, the Commission works to ensure freedom from discrimination based on disability.

Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: (208) 334-3390
Vocational Rehabilitation assists many individuals with disabilities to go to work. With VR assistance, these individuals have overcome numerous obstacles and disability related barriers to achieve employment.


13.2. Centers for Independent Living

Idaho Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

13.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Idaho Assistive Technology for All
At Idaho AT4ALL, you can find used assistive technology for loan, for sale, or for giveaway. You can also find equipment from local lending programs that can be borrowed or demonstrated before you decide to buy.

Idaho Assistive Technology Project
The Idaho Assistive Technology Project (IATP) is a federally funded program administered by the Center on Disabilities and Human Development at the University of Idaho.  Our goal is to increase the availability of assistive technology devices and services for older persons and Idahoans with disabilities.

Idaho Backcountry Veterans
(208) 995-4725
A nonprofit organization located in Caldwell, Idaho. Our main focus is to connect Disabled Veterans and their families with outdoors experiences. These experiences include hunting trips, fishing trips, camping, shooting and anything outdoor related.

Idaho Elks Rehab
(208) 489-4592
Idaho Elks Rehab awards two types of grants to support physical rehab efforts in Idaho: Community Rehab grants and Local Lodge grants. Community Rehabilitation Grants are awarded to Idaho 501 (c) (3) organizations to help assure the availability of quality physical rehabilitation services in communities throughout the state. Projects could include state-of-the-art equipment used in physical rehab, staff education or training, research, or program development as related to rehab

Idaho Parents Unlimited, Inc.
Phone: (800) 242-4785
Idaho Parents Unlimited, Inc. is dedicated to the enhancement of the quality of life for individuals with disabilities and their families. In pursuance of this goal, Idaho Parents Unlimited, Inc. will develop and support projects and activities that provide educational opportunities and disseminate information to individuals with disabilities, their families and other interested individuals with disabilities.

Opportunities Unlimited
Phone: (800) 272-3701
OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED, INC. operates as a private, nonprofit organization for the purpose of providing evaluation, training, employment, education, placement and support services to individuals with emotional, physical and developmental disabilities, including people with severe disabilities and people who are disadvantaged.

Sun Valley Adaptive Sports (SVAS)
Phone: (208) 726-9298
Our winter and summer programs attract youth, adults, veterans, and adaptive sports superstars from around the country. Our children's programs reach youth of all ages with varying types of disabilities. SVAS is recognized as one of the country's "winter destination" ski programs that provide adaptive ski lessons and equipment to disabled veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

14. Illinois

14.1. Centers for Independent Living

Illinois Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

14.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities


Memorial Medical Center - Regional Rehabilitation Center
701 North First Street, Springfield, Illinois, 62781
Phone: (217) 788-3302

Veterans Healthcare Administration Edward Hines
Fifth Avenue and Roosevelt Road, Hines, Illinois, 60141
Phone: (708) 202-4777

14.3. Spinal Cord Injury Model System Center (SCIMS)

Midwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System (MRSCIS) 
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab 

Location: Chicago, IL
Telephone: 844-355-2253

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports innovative projects and research in the delivery, demonstration, and evaluation of medical, rehabilitation, vocational and other services to meet the needs of individuals with SCI.

NIDILRR awards SCI Model Systems Center grants to institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care and provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life. Grants are awarded in five-year cycles.

Each SCI Model Systems Center contributes to the SCI Model Systems Data Center, participates in independent and collaborative research, and provides information and resources to individuals with SCI, their family and care givers, health care professionals and the general public.

14.4. State Disability Resources

City of Chicago Services for People with Disabilities
Information about disability resources, employment services, disability awareness and etiquette training, accessibility compliance, public information and education and youth employment programs for people with disabilities (Including home modifications program).

Disabled Outdoor Opportunities
Phone: 618-435-8138, ext. 4
Contact: Jay Williams; Email: 

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources is committed to providing greater access and more programs for persons with disabilities. They want to make it easier for disabled individuals to hunt, fish and pursue other outdoor activities.

Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS)
Phone: (800) 843-6154
DRS works in partnership with people with disabilities and their families to assist them in making informed choices to achieve full community participation through employment, education, and independent living opportunities.

Family Resource Center on Disabilities
Phone: (312) 939-3513
Family Resource Center on Disabilities provides support, information, and training to parents of children with disabilities and special health care needs.

HomeMod Program
Phone: (312) 744-7054
Sponsored by the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD), the HomeMod program provides financial assistance to qualifying individuals with disabilities for structural alterations that increase the accessibility of homes or apartments.

14.5. Additional Programs or Resources

Access Living Youth Center
Phone: (312) 640-2100
We've got REAL information for your REAL life with a disability: stuff about dating, activism, getting news, disability pride, participating in Chicago events.

Adaptive Adventures
Phone: 303.679.2770
Adaptive Adventures has something for everyone. We offer progressive programs for children, teens, adults, as well as service members (active duty and veteran) who have been severely injured in Iraq and Afghanistan or other conflicts. We offer programs that cover a wide-range of physical disabilities including people with spinal cord injuries, amputations, Cerebral Palsy, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), spina bifida, and visual impairment.

AgrAbility Unlimited
Phone: (800) 500-7325
AgrAbility Unlimited offers education and assistance in identifying ways to accommodate disabilities, eliminate barriers, and create a favorable climate among rural service providers for people with disabilities.

Anixter Center
Phone: (773) 973-7900
Anixter Center is a leading provider of high-quality vocational, residential and educational options, substance abuse prevention and treatment, and health care. Anixter Center is an advocate for the rights of people with disabilities to be full and equal members of the community.

Assistive Technology Exchange Network
ATEN - the Assistive Technology Exchange Network - since 1995 has been accepting used technology items from private donors for transfer to Illinois schools, which serve children with disabilities. In partnership with the Illinois Office of Rehabilitative Services (ORS), ATEN provides computers to adults with disabilities.

BACKBONES exists to provide free support for people with spinal cord injury and their families. Through our network we facilitate telephone, in-person, or web-based connections and encourage growth by the sharing of experiences and ideas. As a host to events, BACKBONES creates an inviting atmosphere where people can ask questions, learn from each other informally, and make lasting friendships. BACKBONES is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Chicago ADAPT
Contact via email
Grassroots activists who advocate the rights of people w/disabilities

Chicago Disability Transit
Phone: 1-888-968-7282
Chicago Disability Transit provides a critically needed service to the disability, health care, senior and business communities. Founded by people with disabilities, Chicago Disability Transit is dedicated to providing specialized transportation services.

Deer Path of Huntley
Phone: 847-515-1800
Deer Path of Huntley is the only affordable assisted living community for adults 22 to 64 with physical disabilities in the northwest Chicago suburban area. Deer Path will combine the opportunity to enjoy residential apartment home living with the availability of personal assistance, help with medications, and a variety of convenience and support services.

Durable Medical Equipment Exchange
The mission of Infinitec's DME project is to provide a durable medical equipment resource to benefit children and adults with permanent or temporary disabilities, and to provide an outlet for individuals to donate or sell durable medical equipment. The Durable Medical Equipment Exchange is a service that connects people with disabilities to organizations, companies and individuals who have available durable medical equipment they can use.

Eden Supportive Living
Phone: (217) 903-5900
Eden Supportive Living offers an innovative approach to assistive living housing by focusing its services for physically disabled individuals ages 22-64. By combining apartment-style housing with customized personal care and other services, residents can live independently while enjoying the freedom of a 24-hour support staff.

El Valor
Phone: (312) 666-4511
El Valor is a non-profit community-based organization that has two Children & Family Centers, a Technology Center, a Vocational Rehabilitation Center, and six Community Residence Homes for adults with disabilities. Over 200 staff and hundreds of volunteers help provide services to children, families, and adults with disabilities through programs that support adults with disabilities, promote early child development, enrich youth, strengthen families and encourage leadership.

Equip for Equality
Phone: (800) 537-2632
The mission of Equip for Equality is to advance the human and civil rights of children and adults with physical and mental disabilities in Illinois. Se Habla Español

Family Support Network of Illinois
Phone: (309) 693-8981
The mission of the Family Support Network is to unify individuals with disabilities and their families to advocate for funding, services, and community resources that strengthen and support the individual and the family directly by responding to their individual needs and empowering them to live in their own homes.

Illinois Assistive Technology Program
Phone: (800) 852-5110
Contact: IL only
Phone: (217) 522-7985
Illinois Assistive Technology Program (IATP) is a not-for-profit agency that promotes the availability of assistive technology (AT) services and programs for people with disabilities.

Illinois Independent Living Center and Katharine Manor Apartments (IILC/KM)
Phone: (630) 357-0077
Naperville, Illinois
Illinois Independent Living Center and Katharine Manor Apartments (IILC/KIM) is a 501(c)3 organization located in Naperville, Illinois.  IILC/KM is an affordable, barrier-free housing alternative specifically designed for persons with mobility disabilities who are able to live independently and direct their own care.  IILC/KM also offers homemaker services through an in-house Homemaker Program.

Chicagoland Funding Sources
Funding sources for various needs in the Chicagoland area.

Midwest Special Needs Trust
Phone: (888) 671-1069
Midwest Special Needs Trust (MSNT) provides trust services for persons with disabilities. Special needs trusts are a type of trust specifically designed for individuals with disabilities. If properly structured and administered, special needs trusts do not affect an individual's eligibility for benefits such as SSI or Medicaid. In addition, MSNT administers the Charitable Trust. Funds of the Charitable Trust are used to provide assistance to individuals with disabilities who meet eligibility and income criteria.

NextSteps Chicago Spinal Cord Injury Rehab Center
Phone: (708) 467-0657
NextSteps Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Rehabilitation Center is the first non-profit exercise facility devoted to the rehabilitation and overall wellness of Chicagoland SCI victims. NextSteps' mission is to provide the Chicagoland SCI community with affordable, dynamic, and progressive spinal cord injury rehabilitation while utilizing technologically advanced equipment and personalized functional exercise therapy and training methods.

Seguin Services
Phone: (708) 863-3803
Seguin Services is a not-for-profit agency that offers programs that enable children and adults with disabilities from around the country to fulfill their dreams of happiness, productivity and independence.

Special Needs Chicago, Inc.
Phone (630) 668-9999
Offer non-emergency transit for people with disabilities and seniors in wheelchair accessible vehicles throughout Chicago and the suburbs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year..

Specialized Care for Children
(800) 322-3722
University of Illinois at Chicago's Division of Specialized Care for Children provides FREE care coordination for families of children with special health care needs.

The LIFE Center
Phone: (312) 238-1000
The LIFE Center strives to help you live life fully! Our growing collection of books, videos, magazines, and multimedia learning resources is geared toward people with disabilities and their families.

Variety of Illinois
Phone: (312) 822-0660
Variety – The Children's Charity's mission is to provide life-saving and life-enriching assistance to children challenged by physical and mental disabilities, poverty, abuse and neglect.

Winning Wheels
Phone: (815) 537-5168
Winning Wheels is one of the few rehabilitation facilities in the nation to combine the treatment regime typically associated with a rehabilitation hospital and the daily personal care provided by a residential facility. Winning Wheels strives to decrease dependency on institutional care through comprehensive rehabilitation services tailored to individual circumstances.


15. Indiana

15.1. Centers for Independent Living

Indiana Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

15.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana, Inc.
4141 Shore Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46254
Phone: (317) 329-2000

15.3. State Disability Resources

Division of Disability & Rehabilitative Services
The Division of Disability, Aging & Rehabilitative Services (DDARS) strives to inform, protect, and serve older adults and individuals with disabilities and their families.

Indiana Assistive Technology Act (INDATA)
Project at Easter Seals Crossroads provides information and access to assistive technology, at no charge, for Hoosiers with disabilities. These statewide services are derived through the Indiana Assistive Technology Act (INDATA) state/federal grant and include: device demonstrations, device loans, recycled computers, reutilized assistive technology equipment, alternative financing resources, and educational trainings and conferences. 

Vocational Rehabilitation Services
The Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation provides quality, individualized services to enhance and support people with disabilities to prepare for, obtain or retain employment.

15.4. Additional Programs or Resources

Indiana Family to Family
Phone: 844-323-4636
Indiana Family to Family is Indiana's Family-to-Family Health Information Center (F2F HIC). ​F2F HICs are family-staffed organizations that assist families of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and the professionals who serve them. Because they are staffed by family members who have first-hand experience navigating the maze of health care and education services and programs for CYSHCN, they are positioned to uniquely help families.

Breaking New Ground Resource Center
Phone: (800) 825-4264
the primary source for information and resources on rehabilitation technology for persons working in agriculture.

Indiana Disability Rights - Protection and Advocacy Services
4701 N. Keystone Ave., Suite 222, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46204
Local Phone:  (317) 722-5555
Contact via email:
Toll Free Phone: (800) 622-4845, Toll Free TTY: 800.838.1131

Indiana Resource Center for Families with Special Needs
Phone: (800) 332-4433
The mission of IN*SOURCE is to provide parents, families and service providers in Indiana the information and training necessary to assure effective educational programs and appropriate services for children and young adults with disabilities.

Pushing Forward Inc.
Phone: 502-802-7866
Pushing Forward Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to assisting low-income individuals with traumatic spinal cord injuries and their families. Available funding is used to alleviate the financial cost of residential wheelchair ramps, minor home modifications and DME equipment. Their goal is to improve access to items needed to live as independently as possible and improve quality of life for traumatic SCI residents living in Kentuckiana. Pushing Forward serves residents of the following Indiana counties: Clark and Floyd Kentucky: Jefferson, Oldham and Bullitt.

Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana Sports Program
The Rehab Hospital of Indiana Sports Program is dedicated to providing competitive and non-competitive athletic opportunities to individuals with physical disabilities to enhance quality of life, promote physical fitness, introduce recreational and wheelchair sports and challenge participants to perform at a competitive Level.

Turnstone Center for Disabled Children and Adults
Phone: (260) 483-2100
Turnstone is a provider of therapeutic, recreational, educational and support services to persons with disabilities and their families in Allen County and northeast Indiana.

Phone: (317) 974-4123
ArtMix of Indiana has a mission to educate through quality arts experiences. ArtMix provides access to the arts for people with disabilities as a means of education, self-expression, and community engagement. 


16. Iowa

16.1. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities


5406 Merle Hay Road
Johnston, IA 50131
Phone: 515-727-8750

16.2. Centers for Independent Living

Iowa Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

16.3. State Disability Resources

Disability Rights IOWA
Phone: (515) 278-2502
Disability Rights IOWA aims to defend and promote the human and legal rights of Iowans who have disabilities and mental illness. We promote safety, opportunity, access, and self-determination for all Iowans

Iowa Office of Persons with Disabilities
Phone: (888) 219-0471
The Division of Persons with Disabilities exists to promote the employment of Iowans with disabilities and reduce barriers to employment by providing information, referral, assessment and guidance, training, and negotiation services to employers and citizens with disabilities.

Iowa Program for Assistive Technology
Phone: (800) 779-2001
IPAT works to increase access and acquisition of assistive technology (AT) devices and services statewide through awareness, training, and policy work. IPAT supports Iowa Able Foundation's alternative loan program, Iowa Easter Seals' AT demonstration center and recycling programs, and the CDD Disability Resource Library's AT loan program.

Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Phone: (800) 532-1486
Our mission is to work for and with individuals with disabilities to achieve their employment, independence, and economic goals.

16.4. Additional Programs or Resources

Adaptive Sports Iowa
Phone: (888) 777-8881 Ext. 115
Adaptive Sports Iowa believes sport and recreational opportunities should not be inhibited by physical impairments. We strive to create, organize, and promote these opportunities to serve the population of Iowa.


Another Way Sports
Phone: (515) 523-0004
Contact form
"Our goal is to get more disabled people active through promoting sports opportunities for disabled people."  

Camp Courageous
Phone: (319) 465-5916
Camp Courageous of Iowa is a year-round respite and recreational facility for individuals of all ages with disabilities.

Center for Disabilities and Development
Phone: (877) 686-0031
As the only tertiary program of its kind in Iowa, we are a resource for people of all ages who have disabilities of all kinds. In addition to serving people from Iowa, we are a resource for people from neighboring states and beyond.

Disability Rights IOWA
Tel: (515) 278-2502 Toll Free (800) 779-2502
Disability Rights IOWA is a federally funded program that will protect and advocate for the human and legal rights of individuals with disabilities and/or mental illness.  Disability Rights IOWA will support people with disabilities to secure their rights and full participation as citizens through a program of self-advocacy education, information and referral, non-legal advocacy, and legal and systems advocacy.

Iowa Able Foundation
(888)222-8943, ext 225
The Iowa Able Foundation helps Iowans with disabilities, their families and older Iowans access adaptive devices/equipment and home modifications through its loan programs. Iowa Able offers an alternative financial solution by providing loans with flexible terms to help individuals increase their independence at home, at work, and in the community. This statewide, nonprofit program will loan funds for any item, piece of equipment or product that is used to improve an individual's quality of life.

Iowa Compass
Phone: (800) 779-2001
Iowa's statewide information and referral service for people with disabilities, their families, their service providers and other members of the community.

Midwest Special Needs Trust
Phone: (888) 671-1069
Midwest Special Needs Trust (MSNT) provides trust services for persons with disabilities. Special needs trusts are a type of trust specifically designed for individuals with disabilities. If properly structured and administered, special needs trusts do not affect an individual's eligibility for benefits such as SSI or Medicaid. In addition, MSNT administers the Charitable Trust. Funds of the Charitable Trust are used to provide assistance to individuals with disabilities who meet eligibility and income criteria.

Rebuilding Together Greater Des Moines
Phone: (515) 284-7403
Rebuilding Together is the leading volunteer organization that, in partnership with the community, rehabilitates the homes of low-income homeowners, particularly the elderly, disabled, and families with dependent children. There is no cost to qualified homeowners for the services provided.

Respite Connection
Phone: (402) 341-6559
Respite Connection connects family caregivers with a volunteer who provides the caregiver some time off to run errands or relax. Volunteers come usually once a week for up to 4 hours.

The Health Equipment Loan Program (H.E.L.P.)
Phone: (712) 328-2825
Collects, maintains, & lends durable medical equipment (such as walkers, wheelchairs, commodes, crutches, bath benches, etc.). H.E.L.P. provides for those having a need for medical equipment, but lack funds or insurance for new equipment, & do not qualify for Medicare or Medicaid. The program is also available for persons who need to borrow an equipment item for a short period of time.

Variety – The Children's Charity of IOWA
Phone: (515) 243-4660
Variety – The Children's Charity of IOWA helps Iowa's children in need. Programs supported by Variety benefit children's hospitals, youth at risk, children with disabilities and more – everything from funding programs to the purchase of medical equipment.

Wheelchair Basketball Thursdays
Phone: (888) 777-8881

Wheelchair basketball is basketball adapted for those with physical disabilities. Participants use sports wheelchairs rather than their typical everyday chairs. Rules are mostly the same, with the addition of chair fouls. Our adult wheelchair basketball practices are drop-in. Participants may come and go as they wish, and registration is not required. Please join the Iowa Renegade Wheelchair Basketball Facebook group for updates and changes regarding weekly practices.

There is no participation fee for participants.

Adaptive Sports Iowa provides sport-wheelchairs to all participants. Participants can also bring their own.

17. Kansas

17.1. Centers for Independent Living

Kansas Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

17.2. State Disability Resources

Assistive Technology for Kansans
Phone: (800) 526-3648
Assistive Technology for Kansans (ATK) helps persons with disabilities find ways to live and work as independently as possible through the use of assistive devices and services.

Kansas Housing Resources Corporation
Phone: (785) 217-2001
Kansas Housing Resources Corporation offers affordable housing opportunities to first-time homebuyers, renters, senior citizens, and other individuals with special needs who otherwise might not be able to afford quality housing.

Kansas Telecommunications Access Program
800-KAN DO IT (800-526-3648)
The Kansas Telecommunications Access Program (TAP) can provide you with a telephone specifically designed to help you with any difficulties. TAP provides these specialized telephones FREE to those that qualify. Kansas residents with existing telephone service and income below $55,000 per year will qualify if they also have trouble hearing, seeing, speaking, remembering, walking, or holding a telephone. Ask for the Sesame solution. Sesame is an optimal smartphone solution for people who have limited, or no use of their hands to control a smartphone and are able to make small head movements.

Rehabilitation Services
Phone: (888) 369-4777
Help people with disabilities achieve employment and self-sufficiency.

17.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Beach Center on Disability
Phone: (785) 864-7600
Since 1988, the Beach Center has conducted research, prepared doctoral and masters' students, and provided technical assistance, information, and referral services to families and individuals with disabilities throughout Kansas and the world.

communityworks, inc.
Phone: (913) 789-9900
communityworks, inc. is a nationally recognized service provider for individuals with disabilities. Our staff assists people with disabilities to live, work and play in the community by setting up support systems that gives control back to the consumer.

Disability Rights Center of Kansas
Phone: (877) 776-1541
DRC is the Official Protection and Advocacy System for Kansas and is a part of the national network of federally mandated and funded protection and advocacy systems. As such, DRC advocates for the rights of Kansans with disabilities under state or federal laws (ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, Federal Medicaid Act, Kansas Act Against Discrimination, etc.)

Families Together
Phone: (888) 815-6364
Phone: (800) 499-9433
Contact: Toll Free Spanish Line
Families Together is a statewide non-profit organization serving families in Kansas which include a son or daughter with a disability.

Kansas AgrAbility Project
Phone: (800) 526-3648
The purpose of Kansas AgrAbility is to provide information and resources to help Kansas farmers with disabilities locate and access appropriate assistive occupational technologies.

Midwest Special Needs Trust
Phone: (888) 671-1069
Midwest Special Needs Trust (MSNT) provides trust services for persons with disabilities. Special needs trusts are a type of trust specifically designed for individuals with disabilities. If properly structured and administered, special needs trusts do not affect an individual's eligibility for benefits such as SSI or Medicaid. In addition, MSNT administers the Charitable Trust. Funds of the Charitable Trust are used to provide assistance to individuals with disabilities who meet eligibility and income criteria.

OCCK is a not-for-profit Kansas corporation dedicated to helping people with physical or mental disabilities remove barriers to employment, independent living, and full participation in their communities.

The Capper Foundation
(785) 272-4060
The Capper Foundation Easter Seals is a community resource providing services to enhance the independence of people with physical disabilities, primarily children.


18. Kentucky

18.1. Centers for Independent Living

Kentucky Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

18.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Frazier Rehab Institute
220 Abraham Flexner Way, Louisville, Kentucky, 40202
Phone: (502) 562-3457


18.3. State Disability Resources

Hart Supported Living Program
The Hart-Supported Living program is for Kentuckians with disabilities to request funds for supports so they can live in their homes and communities and avoid institutionalization.

Kentucky Assistive Technology Loan Corporation
Phone: (877) 675-0195
The Kentucky Assistive Technology Loan Corporation (KATLC) offers low interest loans through its lending partner, Fifth Third Bank, for qualified applicants who need any type of equipment or home modification that will increase a person's mobility or enable them to become more independent.

Kentucky Assistive Technology Service
Phone: (800) 327-5287
It consists of a statewide network of organizations and individuals connecting to enhance the availability of assistive technology devices and services to improve the productivity and quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: (800) 372-7172
The Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation assists eligible individuals with disabilities achieve their employment goals.

Kentucky Protection and Advocacy
Phone: (800) 372-2988
We are advocates working together with people who have disabilities to promote and protect their legal rights. Through our information and referral services, we try to answer questions about your rights under disability laws.

Personal Care Attendant Program
The Personal Care Attendant Program helps severely physically disabled adults who are at risk of being institutionalized to live in their own homes and communities by subsidizing costs of personal attendant services.

State Health Insurance Assistance Program
Phone: (877) 293-7447
The Kentucky State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) provides information, counseling and assistance to seniors and disabled individuals, their family members and caregivers. This service is provided at no charge by local, well-trained counselors.

18.4. Additional Programs or Resources

AHEAD Kentucky Scholarships
Phone: (270) 824-1869
The Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) offers two $500 scholarships for undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in a Kentucky Postsecondary Institution during the award period. Students need to be nominated by a disability support services officer at the applicant's institution.

Arts for All Kentucky
Phone: 270-792-0023
Arts for All Kentucky provides arts and education programs that allow people with disabilities to fully participate in the arts.

Assistive Technology Exchange List
Phone: (800) 327-5287
Buy and/or sell used equipment.

Cardinal Hill Easter Seals Foundation
Adaptive Recreation promotes healthy and active lifestyles with the goal to improve the overall quality of life for people with physical disabilities through education, exposure to adaptive equipment and adaptive recreation experiences in the community.

Friends For Michael, Inc. Spinal Cord Injury Organization
Phone: (502) 532-7071
Contact: Cindy Norton
A non-profit 501(c)(3), volunteer based, organization that raises funds primarily for spinal cord injury research, grants for victims and their families, spinal cord injury prevention/awareness education and scholarships for locally active high school graduates.

Kentucky AgrAbility
Phone: (800) 333-2814
to provide education and technical assistance to agriculture operators and farm family members who face the challenges of a disability.

Kentucky Special Parent Involvement Network
Phone: (800) 525-7746
KY-SPIN, Inc. (Kentucky Special Parent Involvement Network) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to promoting programs which will enable persons with disabilities and their families to enhance their quality of life.

Michael Feger Paralysis Foundation
Phone: (502) 321-3160
The Michael Feger Paralysis Foundation provides assistance and educational materials to people effected by spinal cord injury and disease.

Midwest Special Needs Trust
Phone: (888) 671-1069
Midwest Special Needs Trust (MSNT) provides trust services for persons with disabilities. Special needs trusts are a type of trust specifically designed for individuals with disabilities. If properly structured and administered, special needs trusts do not affect an individual's eligibility for benefits such as SSI or Medicaid. In addition, MSNT administers the Charitable Trust. Funds of the Charitable Trust are used to provide assistance to individuals with disabilities who meet eligibility and income criteria.

Pushing Forward Inc.
Phone: 502-802-7866
Pushing Forward Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to assisting low-income individuals with traumatic spinal cord injuries and their families. Available funding is used to alleviate the financial cost of residential wheelchair ramps, minor home modifications and DME equipment. Their goal is to improve access to items needed to live as independently as possible and improve quality of life for traumatic SCI residents living in Kentuckiana.

19. Louisiana

19.1. Centers for Independent Living

Louisiana Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

19.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Touro Rehabilitation Center
1401 Foucher Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70115
Phone: (504) 897-8560
Contact via email

19.3. State Disability Resources

Crime Victim Reparations
Phone: (225) 342-1500
Victims of violence and their families must deal with emotional, physical, and financial aftermath of crime. The Louisiana Crime Victims Reparations Fund helps innocent victims and their families when they have no other means of paying for the financial cost of crime. The fund is administered by the Crime Victims Reparations Board under the jurisdiction of the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement The money in the fund comes from people who break the law.

Louisiana Assistive Technology Access Network
Phone: (800) 270-6185
LATAN assists individuals with disabilities to achieve a higher quality of life and greater independence through increased access to assistive technology as part of their daily lives. "Stand Up, Louisiana!" is LATAN's unique new program to assist individuals with disabilities to achieve enhanced quality of life and greater independence through access to AT by providing temporary loans of standing frames (also called standers) to eligible Louisiana residents with paralysis caused by a stroke, brain injury, or spinal cord injury.


Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund
Phone: (888) 891-9441
Louisiana's Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund Program provide services in a flexible, individualized manner to Louisiana citizens who survive traumatic head or traumatic spinal cord injuries. The TH/SCI program enables individuals to return to a reasonable level of functioning and independent living in their communities.

Vocational Rehabilitation Program
Vocational Rehabilitation, the flagship program of Louisiana Rehabilitation Services, is a one-stop career development program that offers individuals with disabilities a wide range of services designed to provide them with the skills, resources, attitudes, and expectations needed to compete in the interview process, get the job, keep the job, and develop a lifetime career.

19.4. Additional Programs or Resources

Greater New Orleans Therapeutic Riding Center
Phone: (504) 466-9960
The Greater New Orleans Therapeutic Riding Center is a non-profit organization that was founded to help provide a fun and therapeutic experience for individuals with physical, emotional and learning disabilities.

Advocacy Center
Phone: (800) 960-7705
the Advocacy Center protects and advocates for the human and legal rights of persons living in Louisiana who are elderly or disabled.

Families Helping Families of Louisiana
FHF is an organization of families who because of their own experience, are aware of and committed to reaching out to other families who have members with special needs. Special needs include physical, mental, emotional, behavior and/or education issues.

JoJo's Hope
Phone: (504) 385-0046
JoJo's Hope is a charitable organization which offers swimming and aquatic activity programs that are adapted to meet the need of individuals with mental or physical limitations. The therapeutic programs are specially designed for those with Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Spinal Bifida, Autism, Down's Syndrome and other disabilities. JoJo's Hope's water safety programs are approved by the American Red Cross.

Recreation Resource Guide for the Gulf South Region
The Child Life Department at Children's Hospital New Orleans has developed a summer camp, adaptive sports, and accessible recreation resource guide for children with disabilities and chronic illnesses in the Louisiana area.

Samaritan Multi-Services Centered on Living (SMCL) Foundation & Associates
Phone: (504) 450-4010
Formed to improved the quality of life for military veterans and citizens with disabilities, as well as others who are economically challenged. With a home base in New Orleans, La, SMCL received it’s Louisiana State Charter as a non-profit and designated 501 (c)(3) in August of 2007. In the spirit of being public servants, SMCL develops and conducts Adaptive/Paralympic Sports and other multi services.


20. Maine

20.1. Centers for Independent Living

Maine Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

20.2. State Disability Resources

Independent Living Services Program
The Independent Living Services (ILS) Program assists people who have significant disabilities to live more independently in their homes and communities. The program provides and arranges needed IL services subject to the availability of funds. The program is also an advocacy program for people with disabilities and their families

Maine Aging and Disability Services
(207) 287-9200 or (800) 262-2232
The Office of Aging and Disability Services (OADS) supports Maine's older and disabled adults by providing Adult Protective, Brain Injury, Other Related Conditions, Intellectual and Developmental Disability, Long Term Care, and Aging and Community services to the people of Maine.

Maine Bureau of Rehabilitation Services
Phone: (800) 698-4440
BRS strives to bring about full access to employment, independence and community integration for people with disabilities.

Maine CITE
Phone: (207) 621-3195
Maine CITE is a statewide program designed to help make assistive and universally designed technology more available to Maine children and adults who have disabilities.

Maine Disability Resources

MaineCare for Workers with Disabilities
Maine Medicaid has a new option that allows someone with a disability to earn more and keep Medicaid. In the past, people lost their Medicaid if they earned too much.

Vocational Rehabilitation
A program that helps people who have disabilities to get and keep a job

20.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Contact via email
Maine's Online News Magazine and Resource Guide for People With Disabilities.

Accessibility & Disability Resources

A directory of resources and information for Mainers with disabilities.

ALLTech: Maine Educational Center for Assistive Technology & Software
207-321-6080 x3314
ALLTECH serves individuals with a wide range of disabilities including persons who have cognitive, communication, motor, and vision difficulties. We can come to you directly or virtually, as ALLTECH is skilled in distance technologies and can provide some services remotely. We provide high quality and timely professional services. 

Alpha One
Phone: (800) 640-7200
Alpha One annually assists more than 6,000 people of all ages, including children and the elderly, with a range of disabilities: mobility impairments, traumatic brain injury, deafness, blindness, other vision and hearing impairments, developmental disabilities, mental illness, and AIDS. For more than three decades, Alpha One has been responsive to the needs of individuals with disabilities, initiating, advocating for, and implementing systems change to overcome the barriers that prevent people with disabilities from living independently.

Disability Rights Center
Phone: (800) 452-1948
Disability Rights Center (DRC) is Maine's protection and advocacy agency for people with disabilities. It is a non-profit agency, independent of state and federal government.

Maine Adaptive Sports & Recreation
Phone: (800) 639-7770
Maine Adaptive is the largest year-round adaptive recreation program in the state of Maine for adults and children with physical disabilities. Maine Adaptive provides over 3500 lessons winter and summer, free of charge, thanks to the generous support of individuals, businesses, corporations and foundations that sustain Maine Adaptive every year.

Maine AgrAbility
Helping Maine farmers with chronic health conditions and disabilities gain more control over their lives, continue to farm successfully, and live independently.

Maine Parent Federation/SPIN
Phone: (800) 870-7746
Through our projects, individuals can receive information about: specific disabilities, parenting issues, education, services, support groups and other resources available to assist families and professionals within the home, school and community. Staff at SPIN provide one-on-one information to parents and professionals concerning needed services, educational rights, and specific disabilities through a toll free statewide telephone number

Phone: (800) 640-7200
If money stands between you and the adaptive equipment you need or want, the mPower loan may be the solution. mPower is more than an ordinary loan program. mPower loans are made at low interest rates with longer repayment schedules, reducing monthly payments. Loans of $250 to $100,000 are available to Maine residents only.

Pine Tree Society
Phone: (207) 443-3341
Since it was established in 1936, Pine Tree Society has offered thousands of Maine children and adults with disabilities a wide variety of programs. Our services are determined by individual need, but the goal is always the same - to help each person we serve attain maximum independence and an improved quality of life.

Powering Education Scholarship
Phone : (207) 619-9274
Applicants must: have a documented disability, Attending/attended a high school in the state of Maine, B average or 3.0 GPA, Acceptance letter from post-secondary institution.

Rebuilding Together-Lincoln County
Work to keep low-income homeowners safe, warm, and living independently, especially the elderly and disabled. To qualify for assistance from Rebuilding Together, the homeowner must live on a low-fixed income and live and own the home for which repairs are needed. The work will be performed for homeowners who are financially or physically unable to complete this work on their own.

UCP of Maine
Phone: 1.877.603.0030
UCP of Maine is now a Disability Resource Network- providing information, programs, services and support for clients and other members of their community. UCP of Maine serves children and adults with a wide range of disabilities

21. Maryland

21.1. Centers for Independent Living

Maryland Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

21.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Adventist HealthCare Rehabilitation, Inc.
9909 Medical Center Drive
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-864-6005

Kennedy Krieger Children's Hospital Spinal Cord Outpatient Center at Maple Lawn11830 West Market Place
Suite P
Fulton, MD 20759
Phone: 667-205-4290

Kennedy Krieger Children's Hospital, 801 Outpatient Center
801 North Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: 443-923-9200

Kennedy Krieger Institute
801 North Broadway, Baltimore, Maryland, 21205
Phone: (888) 923-9222

University of Maryland Rehabilitation & Orthopaedic Institute (UM ROI)
2200 Kernan Drive
Baltimore, MD 21207
Phone: 410-448-2500

21.3. State Disability Resources

Access for All
Phone: (410) 260-8095
Contact: Natalie Veeney Ford
Maryland is making a special effort to insure that all DNR facilities and programs are accessible to visitors with disabilities. This web page provides a link to an alphabetical listing of state public lands that provide accessible amenities. For your convenience, we also provide a link to accessible outdoor recreational opportunities on public lands

Attendant Care Program
Phone: (410) 767-6025
Contact: Rhonda Simms
It provides financial reimbursement to individuals with long-term or severe physical disabilities who require attendant services such as in-home assistance with personal care, household chores, and transportation.

Phone: (301) 883-5656
Call-A-Cab is a transportation assistance program that provides mobility at a reduced cost for senior (age 55 and over) and/or disabled Prince George's County residents. This program allows eligible residents to purchase coupon books that can be used to pay for rides with participating cab companies when Metrobus, Metrorail, and/or Call-A-Bus are not available.

Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (CRAB)
Phone: (410) 266-5722
Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (CRAB) is dedicated to making the thrill of sailing a reality for physically and developmentally disabled individuals. We operate out of Sandy Point State Park at the western end of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and maintain an office in Annapolis, MD.

Homeownership for Individuals with Disabilities Program
Phone: (800) 638-7781
The Homeownership for Individuals with Disabilities Program is offered through the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) and is available statewide.

Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services
Phone: (888) 554-0334
The mission of the Division of Rehabilitation Services is to provide leadership and support in promoting the employment, economic self-sufficiency and independence of individuals with disabilities.

Maryland Home Modifications Directory
The Home Modifications Directory is a guide that provides useful information on home modification resources throughout the State of Maryland including: Equipment Supplies, Funding Sources and Loan Programs, Home Assessment/Equipment Evaluations, Information and Referral, Licensed Home Improvement Contractors, and Volunteer Organizations.

Maryland Technology Assistance Program
Phone: (800) 832-4827
The specialists at MD TAP furnish information and consultation on assistive technology (AT) to aid individuals with disabilities, their family, friends and advocates, state agencies and employers. The Maryland Assistive Technology Guaranteed Loan Program, operated by the Maryland Technology Assistance Program, makes available loans to purchase assistive technology for Maryland residents with disabilities.

21.4. Additional Programs or Resources

Assistive Technology Loan Fund Programs
Contact: Michael Dalto
Individuals are servied by the ATLF through low-interest loans for home improvements, automobile purchase and modification, and equipment such as wheelchairs, electronic scooters, hearing aides, and assistive technology devices.

Bennet Blazers, Physically Challenged Sports and Recreation Program
Phone: (443) 923-7844
Kennedy Krieger’s Physically Challenged Sports Program is home to the Bennett Blazers. Bennett provides year round, weekly exercise and sports programs for children with predominately physical disabilities.  Bennett is located in Baltimore, but serves over a hundred children per year from Maryland, southern Pennsylvania and northern DC suburbs.  The program focuses on developing abilities in very young children (about 2 years old and up) as well as providing competitive sports on a Paralympic model for older athletes.

Blue Ridge Adaptive Snow Sports, Inc. (BRASS)
Phone: (717) 642-8282 Ext. 3479
Blue Ridge Adaptive Snow Sports, Inc. (BRASS), a chapter of Disabled Sports USA, is a non-profit [501(c)(3)] organization whose mission is to enhance the lives of people with disabilities through adaptive snow sports and recreational opportunities.

Caring Communities
Phone: (410) 549-5707
Caring Communities has now grown into a well-known and widely respected service organization offering disability-related activities and events for thousands within the entire disabilities community in MD, DC and Virginia.

Caring Communities Respite Care Registry
Phone: (410) 549-5707
online and searchable Respite Registry in the Baltimore/Washington Area. The CARING NETWORK respite care registry provides families and caregivers with relief from the ongoing demands of providing care for their loved one with special needs.  Caring Communities offers respite provider training for persons 16 years and older.

Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (CRAB)
Phone: 410-266-5722
provides sailing instruction to SCI guests and their family members or caregivers free of charge in Annapolis. Their Adaptive Boating Center features a state of the art learning center and floating docks with boarding equipment that will allow CRAB volunteers to board guests with any disability.

Determined2heal Foundation
A 501(c)3 nonprofit formed by Josh Basile after suffering a C4-C5 spinal cord injury. Determined2heal's website provides strategic information to help simplify the difficult transition families of newly injured patients face when dealing with paralysis.

Disability Partnerships
We are a community-based 501c3 nonprofit whose work is based on a partnership model. We collaborate with partners in multiple sectors—nonprofit, federal, and private—to develop programs and activities in the focus areas of affordable accessible housing, health and wellness, education and economic empowerment. Our organization believes that persons with physical disabilities can do more than just survive with a disability—they can thrive as people who live with physical disabilities. Disability Partnerships Adaptive Grant will provide grants to persons with a physical disability who live in the Washington, DC Metro area. Grants are to be used for a single item of adaptive equipment and are limited to $200 each.

Downtown Sailing Center
Phone: (410) 727-0722
The Downtown Sailing Center (DSC) is an 11-year-old, award winning, non-profit, 501 (c)(3) community sailing center offering area residents sailing instruction and access to sailing without the cost of private ownership and boat maintenance. The DSC's many sailing programs include junior sailing day and overnight camps, outreach programs for Baltimore City youth and disabled individuals, adult lessons, open recreational sailing, charters, and racing.

Easter Seals Delaware and Maryland's Eastern Shore
Phone: (800) 677-3800
Easter Seals Delaware & Maryland's Eastern Shore provides exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities.

Easter Seals Greater Washington Baltimore Region
Phone: (800) 886-3771
Easter Seals mission is to create solutions that change lives of children and adults with disabilities or other special needs and their families.

Esther M. Smith Scholarships
Phone : (410) 742-9911
Applicants must be graduating seniors with a disability as accepted defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) who attended in Wicomico County; must be nominated by their school principal, guidance counselor or teacher; must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 and have been accepted for admission as full-time students at an accredited four-year college or university or a two-year education or career training institution.

Gudelsky Exceptional Swim Program
Phone: (301) 622-1780
Contact: Melanie & Herbert Dubin
This swim program is for children, teens and adults with physical, orthopedic-related disabilities. Professional staff members (a coordinator, physical therapist and adaptive water instructors) and volunteers work with participants. Individuals interested in participating must complete medical forms to apply.

Help-Your-Self, Inc.
Help-Your-Self, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to enhancing accessibility for people with disabilities by providing practical knowledge and tools to improve people's potential for growth and community participation. We provide tools and services to enable independent living, community integration, reduce barriers, and educate to prevent injuries.

Inwood House
Phone: (301) 649-6595
Inwood House is a unique residential community, designed specifically for adults who have a disability. We are an apartment community which rents only to persons who are disabled or elderly. In a world full of choices, we just may be that special place you are looking for! Make us your new home! Or join our team of volunteers who create goodwill and good times.

Disability Rights Maryland
Phone: 410-727-6352
Toll Free: 1-800-233-7201
TTY: 410-235-5387
Disability Rights Maryland is a private, non-profit organization advocating to improve the lives of Marylanders with disabilities. Their services are aimed at helping people with disabilities pursue opportunities to participate fully in all aspects of community life, and champion their rights to self-determination, dignity, equality, opportunity, and freedom from discrimination and harm.

Maryland Ravens
Phone: (410) 825-5359
Maryland Ravens, Inc. offers activities (such as wheelchair basketball, wheelchair softball, and our youth/school outreach program) for the physically challenged which assists in building self-esteem, self-confidence, independence, and self-motivation.

Maryland Therapeutic Riding
Phone: (410) 923-6800
With the help of hundreds of volunteers and generous community contributors, MTR strives to improve the lives of special needs riders of all ages using a high quality program.

Project Reboot
Phone: (301) 762-9672
Project Reboot accepts computer equipment from individuals and companies, refurbishes them and then donates the refurbished equipment to other organizations and individuals. There is no cost for this service to the donor.

Rebuilding Together Montgomery County
Phone: (301) 933-6030
Rebuilding Together Montgomery County is a volunteer organization that works in partnership with the community to address the needs of low-income homeowners, primarily the elderly, disabled, and families with children. RTMC performs home repairs and home modifications such as the installation of wheelchair ramps and grab bars to improve safety and accessibility.

The Coordinating Center
Phone: (410) 987-1048
The Coordinating Center coordinates all services that individuals with complex medical needs and disabilities must have to be fully included at home and in the community. We do this by partnering with individuals and families, health care and other service providers as well as funders in a dynamic program of comprehensive care coordination.

The League for People with Disabilities
Phone: (410) 323-0500
The League is a pivotal and pioneering agency committed to offering annually more than 1,800 individuals with multiple, physical, cognitive and neurological disabilities the opportunities to gain independence through a comprehensive continuum of vocational, rehabilitative, educational, medical, wellness and social services.

The Parents' Place of Maryland
Phone: (410) 768-9100The Parents' Place is a Maryland nonprofit organization that provides information to Maryland families of children with all disabilities and special health care needs. We are the statewide Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) and the Family-to-Family Health Information Center.

Volunteers for Medical Engineering V-LINC
Contact page
(secure email portal)
Phone: 410-554-9134
V-LINC creates technological solutions to improve the independence and quality of life for individuals of all ages with disabilities in Maryland.

22. Massachusetts

22.1. Centers for Independent Living

Massachusetts Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

22.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital (SRH)
300 First Avenue
Charlestown, MA 02129
Phone: 617-952-5877

VA Boston Healthcare System - West Roxbury Division
1400 VFW Parkway, West Roxbury, Massachusetts, 2132
Phone: (617) 323-7700

22.3. Spinal Cord Injury Model System Center (SCIMS)

Spaulding New England Regional Spinal Cord Injury Center
at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
Boston, MA
Telephone: 617-952-6174

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports innovative projects and research in the delivery, demonstration, and evaluation of medical, rehabilitation, vocational and other services to meet the needs of individuals with SCI.

NIDILRR awards SCI Model Systems Center grants to institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care and provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life. Grants are awarded in five-year cycles.

Each SCI Model Systems Center contributes to the SCI Model Systems Data Center, participates in independent and collaborative research, and provides information and resources to individuals with SCI, their family and care givers, health care professionals and the general public.

22.4. State Disability Resources

Adult Supported Living Program Overview
The Adult Supported Living Program enables individuals age 18 and over who have a physical disability in combination with a secondary disability to begin or continue living independently in the community with case coordination support. The program utilizes the independent living philosophy in which the individual consumer has the right and responsibility to take risks and make informed choices.

Assistive Technology Program
The Assistive Technology Program (ATP) is part of MRC's Community Services Program. Our goal is to improve the ability of individuals with significant disabilities to live independently through the use of assistive technology.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts disability services

Department of Conservation and Recreation, Universal Access Program
Phone: (413) 461-7126 
The Department of Conservation and Recreation Universal Access Program is dedicated to providing outdoor recreation opportunities in Massachusetts State Parks for visitors of all abilities. The program offers specialized recreation equipment for use at beaches and skating rinks and offers year-round adaptive recreation programs.

Home Care Assistance Program
Phone: (800) 223-2559
The Home Care Assistance Program provides homemaker services to eligible disabled adults who are functionally limited in meeting their own nutritional and environmental needs. The assistance of a homemaker helps individuals maintain their independence in the community.

Home Modifications Loan Program
Phone: (857) 939-7227
Contact: Susan Gilliam
The HMLP provides loans for access modifications to the principal residence of elders, adults with disabilities and families with children.

 Massachusetts Accessible Housing Registry (MassAccess)
The Mass Accessible Housing Registry is a free program that helps people with disabilities find rental housing in Massachusetts, primarily accessible and barrier-free housing.

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
Phone: (617) 204-3600
MRC promotes dignity for individuals with disabilities through employment and independent living in the community.

MassMATCH Assistive Technology Website
MATCH is the official website of the Assistive Technology Act Program funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration and implemented by the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission. It provides comprehensive information about the availability and funding of assistive technology in Massachusetts.

Phone: 877-508-3974

Programs include:

  • REquipment which offers free gently-used, refurbished wheelchairs and other DME to people who need it. Delivery is available.  
  • GetATstuff Massachusetts. Here you can look for or list Assistive Technology devices for sale or for free. This online public database reflects the inventory of devices currently available.


Vocational Rehabilitation Services
MRC's Vocational Rehabilitation Program assists individuals with disabilities to obtain and maintain employment.

22.5. Additional Programs or Resources

Adaptive Sports New England
Phone:  (617) 690-9103
The mission of Adaptive Sports New England is to increase participation
in sports among New England youth and young adults who have visual or
mobility impairments.

All Out Adventures
Phone: (413) 584-2052
All Out Adventures is committed to providing year-round inclusive outdoor programming in the New England region. Our summer programs take us out on pristine lakes and into tranquil forests. When the snow falls, our winter programs create opportunities to enjoy the outdoors during the colder months.

Commonwealth Community Care (Formerly Boston's Community Medical Group) 
Phone: (866) 610-2273
A not-for-profit, primary medical group providing comprehensive, primary care for adult persons living with complex physical disabilities.

Cape Organization for Rights of the Disabled (CORD)
Phone: (800) 541-0282
The Cape Organization for Rights of the Disabled (CORD) has been aggressively working since 1984 to advance the independence, productivity, and integration of people with disabilities, including deaf and hard-of-hearing people, into mainstream society.

Community Boating, Inc.
Phone: (617) 523-1038 
CBI developed adaptive sailboats, and equipment to serve individuals with special needs! Persons with disabilities and their guests will have the use of accessible sailboats and transfer equipment, staff assistance to get in and out of the boats, and sailing instruction.

Disability Law Center
Phone: (800) 872-9992
The Disability Law Center (DLC) is the Protection and Advocacy agency for Massachusetts. DLC is a private, non-profit organization responsible for providing protection and advocacy for the rights of Massachusetts residents with disabilities.

Family TIES of Massachusetts
Phone: (800) 905-8437
Family TIES of Massachusetts is a statewide information and parent-to-parent support project for families of children with special needs and chronic illness.

Good News Garage
Phone: (877) 448-3288
The Good News Garage Donated Vehicle Program, in cooperation with the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC), provides refurbished donated vehicles to people with disabilities in Massachusetts who otherwise could not afford to purchase their own. Cars will be used to transport the client to employment.

H.A.L.O. Foundation
Phone: (617)423-4256
The Help A Little One Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for children with neurological impairment. H.A.L.O. fulfills requests that enrich or make life easier for children in pediatric nursing homes and supports families who care for their children at home.

Institute for Community Inclusion
Phone: (617) 287-4300
ICI is committed to developing resources and support for people with disabilities and their families, fostering interdependence, productivity, and inclusion in school and community settings.

Jack Trottier Foundation for Spinal Cord Injury
Location: Tyngsboro, MA
The Jack Trottier Foundation mission is to positively impact individuals living with a spinal cord injury to create independence, access new and innovative opportunities, and provide resources that promote a better quality of life. They offer Quality of Life Grants for New Englanders who have sustained a traumatic spinal cord injury for equipment and modification needs. 

Journey Forward
Phone: (781) 828-3233
Journey Forward is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to bettering the lives of those who have suffered a Spinal Cord Injury through an intense exercise program.

Legal Planning for Special Needs In Massachusetts: A Family Guide to SSI, Guardianship, and Estate Planning
A practical guide to legal planning for parents of children with special needs. In a relaxed, conversational style, Attorney Barbara D. Jackins explains the essentials of SSI, guardianship, and estate planning when there is a family member with a disability. Although some of the materials are specific to Massachusetts, most of the strategies discussed are valid in any state.

Massachusetts Accessible Housing Registry
The MassAccess Housing Registry helps people to find affordable housing in Massachusetts. A key feature of the Registry is to highlight homes for people with disabilities who need accessible or barrier-free housing.

Partners for Youth with Disabilities
Phone: (617) 556-4075
Partners for Youth with Disabilities, Inc. (PYD) is committed to empowering young people with disabilities to reach their full potential for personal development. We do this by providing high-quality one-to-one and group mentoring programs where adult mentors with disabilities act as positive role models and provide support, understanding, and guidance for youth as they strive to reach their personal, educational, and career goals.

PATH-WAY Providing Access to Happiness Scholarship 
PATH-WAY is a not-for-profit organization created, designed, organized and committed to elevating the lives of individuals with varying degrees of abilities. Scholarship recipients must have a physical disability, which may include but not limited to, neuromuscular disorders or musculoskeletal impairments such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, SMA, dystonia, osteogenesis imperfecta, spinal cord injury, or amputee and must be a resident of MA, NH, or ME. 

Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of Massachusetts
Phone: (617) 244-5552
PLAN of Massachusetts provides planning and trust management services that ensure that the financial, social, and legal needs of individuals with disabilities are met now and in the future.

 Rewarding Work
Phone: 1-866-212-9675
The Rewarding Work website gives older people and individuals with disabilities the choice of hiring staff directly and allows them control of the process of hiring personal assistants. The site also provides private agencies a resource to assist in the recruitment of direct support professionals and other staff. You can get names, contact information, and availability of direct care workers and agencies that provide respite services or personal care, review their experience and learn if they are available to work mornings, days, evenings, overnight, or weekends.



23. Michigan

23.1. Centers for Independent Living

Michigan Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

23.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital
235 Wealthy Street SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49503
Phone: 800-528-8989

Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan
261 Mack Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, 48201
Phone: (313) 745-9753

Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan Sterling Heights Center
33464 Schoenherr Suite 100
Physical Therapy
Sterling Heights MI 48312
Phone: 586-264-1043

RIM Novi
42005 West Twelve Mile Road, Novi, Michigan, 48377
Phone: (248) 305-7575

23.3. State Disability Resources

Disability Benefits 101
Use DB101's online benefits planning Calculators to get ready for a change in your work or benefits, or to learn how benefits rules might apply to you.

Michigan Disability Resource Directory
directory to help individuals and families locate disability services in an easy-to-use resource directory.

Michigan Rehabilitation Services
Phone: (800) 292-4200
The mission of Michigan Rehabilitation Services is to assist individuals with disabilities into employment and self-sufficiency.

Motz County Park
Motz County Park in Clinton County just won the highly competitive Da Vinci Award from the Multiple Sclerosis Society for its universal access design throughout the park. Every facility in this park is fully accessible including every picnic table, every walkway, every room in the bathhouse, all water fountains, the fishing pier, etc.

State Disability Assistance
State Disability Assistance (SDA) provides cash assistance to eligible  disabled adults. If you are the caretaker of a disabled person or are age 65 or older, you may be eligible for SDA.

23.4. Additional Programs or Resources

Assistive Technology of Michigan
47451 Avante Drive, Suite A, Wixom, Michigan, 48393
Phone: (248) 348-7161
Assistive Technology of Michigan provides comprehensive assistive technology services including on-site evaluations, custom design and development, equipment recommendations, equipment set-up and training, and follow-up

Attendant Care Services of Michigan
Phone: (586) 228-9991
Attendant Care Services of Michigan provides non medical home care. They specialize in Spinal Cord Injuries, Catastrophic and Hospice Care. Long term care or short term respite relief is available seven days-a-week, including holidays. Attendant Care Services of Michigan provides helpful and necessary services that reduce the difficult, time consuming, and often stressful aspects of personal home care.

Challenge Mountain
Phone: (231) 535-2141
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the physically impaired, mentally challenged, and at risk youth achieve their maximum potential through outdoor therapeutic recreation.

Don't Just Sit There Foundation
The Scholarship Fund for Spinal Cord Injury Recovery, with the help of the Pioneers for Peace, selects individuals with spinal cord injuries from violence who are committed to their recovery and their community. Recipients train at the Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan's Center for SCI Recovery (CSCIR), three days per week/three hours per day, for up to one year.

Michigan AgrAbility
Phone: (800) 956-4106
Michigan AgrAbility helps people with disabilities employed in agriculture continue to farm and live independently.

Michigan Alliance for Families
Phone: (800) 552-4821
Michigan Alliance for Families provides information, support and education to families of children and adults with disabilities from birth to age 26 who are in the educational system.

Michigan Assistive Technology Loan Fund
Phone: (800) 678-4968
The Michigan Assistive Technology Loan Fund allows people with disabilities and seniors (or their family members) to purchase assistive technology devices or services, including modification of vehicles and homes. Loans may also cover cost of training to use the purchased equipment, warranties, and service agreements.

Michigan Disability Rights Coalition (MDRC)
Phone: (517) 333-2477
MDRC is a state-wide network of individuals and organizations that advances the issues of Michigan's disability community through grassroots activism, public education and advocacy.

Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service
Phone: (517) 487-1755
People with disabilities have to deal with a wide variety of issues. We try to answer any questions you may have relating to disability. We have experience in the following areas: discrimination in education, employment, housing, and public places; abuse and neglect; Social Security benefits; Medicaid, Medicare and other insurance; housing; Vocational Rehabilitation; HIV/AIDS issues; and many other disability-related topics.

Michigan Employment Loan Fund
Phone: (800) 828-2714
The mission of the Michigan Employment Loan Fund is to reduce or eliminate barriers to employment through low-interest loans. Financial loans can be used to buy employment-related equipment and training to use the equipment.  Potential borrowers represent those interested in self-employment, those needing assistive devices to maintain, increase, or enhance employment, and those who require equipment to engage in telecommuting employment arrangements with an employer.

National Staffing and Home Care
Phone: (734) 449-9050
National Staffing and Home Care provides spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury home care including ventilator care for consumers Southeastern Michigan. They specialize in private duty care up to 24 hours per day/7 days per week.

Occupational Planning and Placement Inc.
PO Box #665, Boyne City, Michigan, 49712
Phone: (231) 582-2293
Contact: Adolph W. Cwik, MA, CRC, CCM, LBSW, LPC
Phone: (231) 590-6877
Certified Case Manager

The Frank Law Firm, PC
26645 WEST TWELVE MILE ROAD, Suite 207, SOUTHFIELD, Michigan, 48034
Phone: (248) 945-1900
Fax: (248) 945-9119
Contact via email
The specific focus of this practice lies in the areas of Michigan No-Fault insurance coverage, catastrophic accidents involving spinal cord and closed head injury victims, and in Probate Court actions to protect the legal rights of such persons.

Trust Fund for Children with Special Needs
Phone: (517) 241-7420
The Trust Fund helps pay for services and projects for children with special health care needs not provided by other health care funds. The Fund helps with the purchase of equipment and services that promote optimal health, mobility, and development, enhancing the lives of children and their families.

Walk The Line To SCI Recovery
Phone: (248) 827-1100
"Walk The Line"combines the expertise of physician directed training programs with experienced, knowledgeable certified trainers to help each client reach their goals for RECOVERY. "Walk The Line" is an exercise based recovery program.

Wheelchair and Adaptive Sports
Phone: (800) 528-8989
If you're interested in wheelchair and adaptive sports, Mary Free Bed offers a variety of athletic programs for patients and community members. Those with mobility impairments can reap the same benefits of athletic activity and competition as the able-bodied enjoy. And, research proves that participating in sports and other recreation programs goes beyond the repair of the physical – athletic and leisure activities also have marked psychological and social advantages for people with disabilities.

Wheelchair Hockey League (WCHL)
Phone: (734) 560-3890
Contact: Commissioner Dean Olivas
The purpose of this league is to provide an appropriate means for persons in wheelchairs to have the opportunity to play hockey, and have the chance to engage in the competition and excitement of the sport. Our League includes players in manual and electric wheelchairs.

24. Minnesota

24.1. Centers for Independent Living

Minnesota Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

24.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Mayo Clinic Hospital - Rochester, St. Marys Campus
1216 Second Street SW
St. Mary's Hospital - PMR
Rochester, MN 55902
Phone: 507-266-2809

Minneapolis VA Health Care System Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders Center (MVAHCS)
One Veteran's Drive
Minneapolis, MN 55417
Phone: 612-467-3707

Regions Hospital/Rehabilitation Center
640 Jackson Street
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Phone: 651-254-0099

SMDC Medical Center - Miller-Dwan Rehabilitation Services (MDRS)
502 East Second Street, Duluth, Minnesota, 55805
Phone: (218) 786-2850

24.3. State Disability Resources

Consumer Support Grant Program
The Consumer Support Grant (CSG) program is a state-funded alternative to Medicaid home care services of home health aide, personal care assistance and/or private duty nursing. Through cash grants, the CSG Program provides consumers with greater flexibility and freedom of choice in service selection, payment rates, service delivery specifications and employment of service providers.

Family Support Grant Program
The Family Support Grant (FSG) Program provides state cash grants to families of children with disabilities. The goal of the program is to:
- Prevent or delay the out-of-home placement of children
- Promote family health and social well being by facilitating access to family-centered services and supports

Home Accessibility Resources
Seniors and younger persons with disabilities often need changes made in their homes so they can live there more safely and independently. These resources provide advice on how to make homes more accessible and identify financing that may help cover costs.

Home care services
Home care offers medical and health-related services and assistance with day-to-day activities to persons in their home. Home care can provide short-term care for persons moving from a hospital or nursing home back to their home or continuing care to persons who have ongoing needs.

 Home and community-based waivers
Medicaid Home and Community-Based Service (HCBS) waivers afford states the flexibility to develop and implement community alternatives for Medicaid-eligible persons with disabilities and chronic health care needs who would otherwise receive services in a hospital, nursing facility or Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DD).

 Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities
MA-EPD allows working persons with disabilities to qualify for MA under higher income and asset limits than regular MA.

Minnesota DNR Open the Outdoors Program
Information on access to state parks, trails, and other outdoor resources, as well as hunting and fishing licenses for people with disabilities.

Minnesota Rehabilitation Services
Phone: 888GETJOBS
Rehabilitation Services helps people with disabilities to achieve their employment and independent living goals.

Minnesota STAR Program
Phone: (888) 234-1267
STAR informs Minnesotans about issues of assistive technology, opens the door to assistive technology for the citizens of Minnesota through state and federal legislation, works with state agencies and builds/maintains community collaborative and communication efforts.

Minnesota State Council on Disability
Phone: (800) 945-8913
The Minnesota State Council on Disability is an agency that advises, provides technical assistance, collaborates and advocates to expand opportunities, improve the quality of life and empower all persons with disabilities.

 STAR Technology Exchange (STARTE)
The goal of STARTE hosted by the Minnesota STAR Program is to put AT equipment that is not currently being used into the hands of someone who can benefit from it.

Minnesota Access to Communication Technology (formerly the TED Program
Phone: (800) 657-3663
The Minnesota Access to Communication Technology Program provides telephone equipment to people who are deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, speech impaired or have a physical disability and need adaptive equipment in order to use the phone. The equipment is loaned out at no cost as a long-term loan.

24.4. Additional Programs or Resources

Accessible Space, Inc.
Phone: (651) 645-7271
Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI), a nonprofit organization which provides accessible, affordable housing, supportive living opportunities and rehabilitation services for adults with physical disabilities and brain injuries, as well as seniors.

Capable Partners
Phone: (763) 439-1038
The Vision and Mission of Capable Partners is to create a well known and respected Twin Cities based non-profit organization of sport persons whose mission is to volunteer their time and talents to provide hunting, fishing, and related opportunities for the physically challenged.

Closing The Gap
Phone: (507) 248-3294
Closing The Gap, Inc. is an organization that focuses on assistive technology for children and adults with special needs through its bi-monthly newspaper, Resource Directory, annual international conference, extensive Web site and on-line service, Solutions.

Courage Center
Phone: (888) 846-8253
We are a Minnesota-based rehabilitation and resource center that advances the lives of children and adults experiencing barriers to health and independence. We specialize in treating brain injury, spinal cord injury, stroke, chronic pain, autism and disabilities experienced since birth

Courage Center Scholarship for People with Disabilities
Phone: (763) 520-0553
The Courage Center awards scholarships up to $2,500 for post-secondary students in Minnesota who have a sensory impairment or physical disability Applicants will need to identify how a scholarship will support their educational aspirations and career goals.

Disability Linkage Line
Phone: (866) 333-2466
The Disability Linkage Line (DLL) is a FREE Information, Referral and Assistance service that helps persons with disabilities connect to services and programs in Minnesota.

Our mission is achieved through a dedicated and passionate staff who envision providing SCUBA training and diving opportunities to those individuals who feel SCUBA diving is unattainable due to physical and cognitive challenges and to develop continuing relationships and overcome obstacles to SCUBA diving for individuals with disabilities.

Goodwill/Easter Seals Minnesota
The mission of Goodwill/Easter Seals Minnesota is to assist people with barriers to education, employment and independence in achieving their goals.

Helping Paws
Phone: (952) 988-9359
Helping Paws of Minnesota, Inc., is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to further the independence of individuals with physical disabilities (other than blindness or deafness) through the use of a service dog. As part of this mission, Helping Paws trains and places service dogs with individuals with disabilities in the state of Minnesota and surrounding areas.

Lend A Hand Up
Lend A Hand is a program of Dakota Medical Foundation (DMF) that helps caring community members raise funds for families experiencing a medical crisis. The program provides fundraising resources, online giving options and matching funds to inspire and compound giving. 100% of contributions to Lend A Hand are distributed to eligible families living in Cass County, ND, Clay County, MN, or one of the following cities in Becker County, MN: Lake Park, Audubon, Detroit Lakes.

Minnesota Broken Wing Connection
Phone: (888) 752-9373
The Minnesota Broken Wing Connection, a small non-profit, was formed to help the disabled discover, or rediscover, the great outdoors and how to get back out there. This has been accomplished by our becoming a national resource center and a Minnesota learning center for the physically challenged who are looking for other options in life.

Minnesota Disability Law Center
Phone: (800) 292-4150
The Minnesota Disability Law Center (MDLC) addresses the unique legal needs of persons with disabilities. MDLC provides free civil legal assistance to individuals with disabilities on legal issues that are related to their disabilities.

Minnesota PowerHockey League
Phone: (763) 535-4736
The Minnesota PowerHockey League, is a division of the U.S. EWHA (Electric Wheelchair Hockey Association). We continue to look for more players so that we can build and expand our league. For more information, please contact the MPHL.

Rebuilding Together Twin Cites
Phone: (651) 776-4273
Rebuilding Together Twin Cites serves low-income homeowners in the seven-county metro area whose homes are in need of repair or have fallen behind in basic exterior and interior maintenance.

Simon Technology Center
Phone: (952) 838-9000
The Simon Technology Center is dedicated to making the benefits of technology more accessible to children and adults with disabilities.

True Friends
Phone: (952)852-0101
A MN based five camp location organization serving children and adults with disabilities. We offer resident camps, day camps, respite services, national and international travel for people with disabilities, a therapeutic riding program, conference & retreat facilities, and much more.

VSA Arts Minnesota
Phone: (612) 332-3888
V S A arts of Minnesota promotes quality, accessible arts experiences for people with all types of disabilities.

We Can Ride, Inc.
Phone: (952) 934-0057
The We Can Ride program, founded in 1982, offers therapeutic horseback riding and cart driving to disabled children and adults.

Wilderness Inquiry
Phone: (800) 728-0719
Wilderness Inquiry (WI) is a non-profit organization that focuses on getting people from all walks of life to personally experience the natural world. Many trips are especially geared for individuals with disabilities.

25. Mississippi

25.1. Centers for Independent Living

Mississippi Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

25.2. State Disability Resources

Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services
Phone: (800) 443-1000
It is the mission of the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services (MDRS), to provide appropriate and comprehensive services to Mississippians with disabilities in a timely and effective manner. Programs and services assist individuals with disabilities to gain employment, retain employment and/or to live more independently.

Mississippi Project START
Phone: (800) 852-8328
Project START provided access to and the acquisition of Assistive Technology to Mississippians of all ages and all disabilities.  Through our Device Loan, Device Reutilization and Computer Refurbishment Program Project START increases access to appropriate assistive technology devices.  Our services allow Mississippians with disabilities, an opportunity to live, learn, work and play independently in the community of their choice.

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: (800) 443-1000
The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation provides services to assist eligible individuals in overcoming the limitations imposed by physical or mental disabilities while maximizing their potential for employment.

Spinal Cord Injury/Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund Program
Phone: (601) 853-5322
The goal of the Trust Fund Program is to assist individuals who are severely disabled by traumatic spinal cord injury or traumatic brain injury to resume activities of daily living and to reintegrate into the community with as much dignity and independence as possible.

25.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Angel Flight
Phone: (877) 426-2643
Phone: (770) 452-7958
Angel Flight arranges free air transportation for people that have a medical need that can't be filled in their local area. Angel Flight serves primarily patients who are traveling from, to or through the states of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and the Carolinas. Our organization believes that the cost of travel should never stand in the way of receiving medical care.

Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities
Toll Free Phone: (800) 721-7255
It is the mission of the Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities to expand opportunities and enhance the quality of life for children, adolescents and adults with disabilities and their families and empower these individuals to reach for their full potential in every aspect of life and to be a voice for families, advocates, consumers and professional representing the interests and needs of people with disabilities.

Disability Rights Mississippi
Phone: (800) 772-4057
The mission of Disability Rights Mississippi is to promote, protect and advocate for the legal and human rights of all people with disabilities, and to assist them with full inclusion in home, community, education and employment.

Partnership for Prescription Assistance
Phone: (888) 477-2669
PPARxMS is a program that connects qualified, low-income people with discount prescription drugs, direct from the pharmaceutical manufacturer.

T.K. Martin Center for Technology and Disability
Phone: (662) 325-1028
In order to empower individuals with disabilities through leading edge technologies the T.K. Martin Center for Technology & Disability maintains a state of the art clinical, research and training program focusing modern technologies, in a comprehensive and integrated manner, to the needs of persons with disabilities.

26. Missouri

26.1. Centers for Independent Living

Missouri Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

26.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Ability KC
3011 Baltimore Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64108
Phone: 816-751-7700

Mercy Rehabilitation Hospital - St. Louis14561 North Outer Forty Road
Chesterfield, MO 63017
Phone: 314-881-4000

Spinal Cord Injury Service Line St. Louis Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
One Jefferson Barracks Drive, Spinal Cord Injury Line (128JB), Department of VA Medical Center, St. Louis, Missouri, 63125
Phone: (314) 894-6677

26.3. State Disability Resources

Missouri AT Recycling Program
Phone: (866) 655-6703
Missouri Assistive Technology (MoAT) has three programs that give consumers access to reusable assistive technology. These reuse programs create an opportunity for those who need AT to obtain it at low cost or no cost. Often assistive technology devices, adaptive equipment and durable medical equipment (DME) may be available through Recycle and Reuse programs.

Missouri Assistive Technology
Phone: (816) 231-7166   Outside Kansas City area: 1-866-201-3829
The mission of Missouri Assistive Technology is to increase access to assistive technology for Missourians with all types of disabilities, of all ages.

Missouri Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: (877) 222-8963
Putting people first means ensuring that the Missouri Division of Vocational Rehabilitation provides the highest quality of employment-oriented services to Missourians with disabilities.

 St. Louis Office on the Disabled
Phone: (314) 622-3686
The Office on the Disabled assists the City's being in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Office also assists the City in making it one that welcomes people of all disabilities as full and equal participants in the community.

Telecommunication Access Program (TAP)
(800) 647-8557.
Missouri's Telecommunication Access Program (TAP) provides equipment to qualifying individuals who have difficulties using the phone or internet because of a disability.  Ask for the Sesame solution Sesame is an optimal smartphone solution for people who have limited, or no use of their hands to control a smartphone and are able to make small head movements.  

26.4. Additional Programs or Resources

Decision Point Consulting, Inc.
Phone: (636) 207-8751
An organization which offers a variety of services including, case management, consulting, comprehensive assessments and psychotherapy. Decision Point Consulting is dedicated to easing the burden of individuals and families who are coping with aging, health-related, or mental health issues.

Gateway Legal Services
Phone: (888) 782-8380
Gateway Legal Services is a non-profit legal-aid law firm dedicated to helping the poor and disabled and consumers who have been defrauded or wronged.

Midwest Special Needs Trust
Phone: (888) 671-1069
Midwest Special Needs Trust (MSNT) provides trust services for persons with disabilities. Special needs trusts are a type of trust specifically designed for individuals with disabilities. If properly structured and administered, special needs trusts do not affect an individual's eligibility for benefits such as SSI or Medicaid. In addition, MSNT administers the Charitable Trust. Funds of the Charitable Trust are used to provide assistance to individuals with disabilities who meet eligibility and income criteria.

Missouri AgrAbility Project
Phone: (800) 995-8503
The goal of AgrAbility is to provide assistance and resources to farmers with disabilities that allow them to continue farming.

Missouri AHEAD Guidebook
This book has been written to help students with disabilities achieve access into postsecondary education institutions and find success once they are enrolled.

Missouri Coalition for Quality Care
Phone: (888) 262-5644
The mission of MCQC is to improve the quality of care and quality of life of residents in long-term care facilities and recipients of in-home care.

Missouri Parents ACT (MPACT)
Phone: (800) 743-7634
MPACT is a statewide parent training and information center serving all disabilities. Our mission is to ensure that all children with special needs receive an education that allows them to achieve their personal goals.

Missouri Protection & Advocacy Services
Phone: (800) 392-8667
MO P&A is a Federally mandated system in the state of Missouri which provides protection of the rights of persons with disabilities through legally based advocacy.

Phone: (636) 931-2011
Contact: Kim Sternemann
We are fighting so people with disabilities can live in the community with real supports instead of being locked away in nursing homes and other institutions.

ShowMe Aquatics & Fitness
Phone: (636) 896-0999
ShowMe Aquatics & Fitness is a collaborative non-profit organization that provides freedom of movement through inclusive, person-centered recreational and therapeutic programs to people of all ages and abilities. Aqua Ability Program provides aquatic therapy at five locations in the greater St. Louis area.

Phone: (314) 961-0679
Contact: Michelle Steger
We are fighting so people with disabilities can live in the community with real supports instead of being locked away in nursing homes and other institutions.

St. Louis Wheelchair Athletic Association
Phone: (314) 775-2512
St. Louis Wheelchair Athletic Association (SLWAA) is a not for profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides wheelchair sports to individuals with permanent physical disabilities in St. Louis, MO and the surrounding areas for Missouri and Illinois.

Starkloff Disability Institute
The Starkloff Disability Institute has as its mission to create a world that welcomes all people with disabilities by empowering them, by influencing the non-disabled, by serving as liaison between the two groups, and by working toward a goal of economic independence through employment. Founded in 2003 by Max & Colleen Starkloff and David Newburger, the Starkloff Disability Institute works on changing societal attitudes and perceptions about people with disabilities through activities that send a positive message about living with disability in order to create a world that welcomes disabled people.

27. Montana

27.1. Centers for Independent Living

Montana Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

27.2. State Disability Resources

Disability Services Division
The mission of the Disability Services Division (DSD) of the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services is to provide services that help Montanans with disabilities to live, work and fully participate in their communities.

Montana Telecommunications Access Program
Phone: (800) 833-8503
The Montana Telecommunications Access Program is an agency of the government of Montana that offers assistive equipment and services to Montanans whose disabilities make it hard for them to use the phone.

Montana Vocational Rehabilitation Programs
Phone: (877) 296-1197
Our mission is to promote work and independence for Montanans with disabilities.

Phone: (877) 243-5511
Montana's comprehensive resource center for Assistive Technology (AT) devices, information, training, evaluations, and other AT related supports. MonTECH Financial Loan Program assists Montanans with disabilities in obtaining assistive technology devices and services through low interest financial loans.

27.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Disability Rights Montana
Toll-free (800) 245-4743
The Mission of Disability Rights Montana is to protect and advocate for the human, legal, and civil rights of Montanans with disabilities while advancing dignity, equality, and self-determination.


28. Nebraska

28.1. Centers for Independent Living

Nebraska Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

28.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

CHI Health - Immanuel Rehabilitation Institute (IRI)
6901 North 72nd Street, Omaha, Nebraska, 68122
Phone: (402) 572-2295

Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital
5401 South Street, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68506
Phone: (402) 489-7102

28.3. State Disability Resources

Assistive Technology Partnership
Phone: (888) 806-6827
The Assistive Technology Partnership (ATP) is dedicated to helping Nebraskan's with disabilities, their families and professionals obtain assistive technology devices and services since 1989.

Disabled Persons and Family Support (DPFS) Program
Phone: (800) 358-8802
The Disabled Persons and Family Support (DPFS) Program coordinates and purchases services and items to assist employed adults with disabilities to maintain their independence. The Program also helps families keep family members with disabilities in their homes.

Nebraska Health and Human Services System (HHS) - Disability Programs

Nebraska Respite Network
Phone: (866) 737-7483
The purpose of the Nebraska Respite Network is to establish a statewide system for the coordination of respite resources that serve the lifespan.

28.4. Additional Programs or Resources

At AT4ALL you can find equipment for loan, for sale, or for giveaway. You can also find equipment from local lending programs to try out before you buy.

Disability Rights Nebraska
Toll-Free: 1 (800) 422-6691
 Disability Rights Nebraska was created to assist individuals with disabilities and their families in protecting and advocating for their rights. From its beginning, DRN has promoted the principles of equality, self-determination, and dignity of persons with disabilities.

Easter Seals Nebraska
800-650-9880 (toll-free)
Easter Seals Nebraska provides exceptional services to help ensure all people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to live, learn, work and play.

Heartland Equine Therapeutic Riding Academy
Phone: (402) 359-8830
16 therapy horses, 11 PATH certified instructors, and over 100 students. We also offer services in Therapeutic Riding, Hippotherapy, Horses for Heroes and Therapeutic Carriage Driving. HETRA is a non-profit 501c3 organization, and is currently the only PATH Premier Accredited Therapeutic Riding center in Nebraska! HETRA serves a variety of clients including children and adults with disabilities such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, brain tumors, head or spinal cord injuries, visual impairment, autism, developmental delays and strokes.

 HELP Adult Services
Phone: (402) 341-6559
The organization focuses mainly on those in need with low or moderate income, and offers service to all persons with disabilities and/or a chronic illness regardless of race, religion, gender, or ethnic origin. There is no prequalification to use our services, everyone is eligible. This organization is an advocate, ready and waiting for those who suddenly find they need assistance. Support is also provided to family members who find they need respite and assistance.

Loan Programs Helping Nebraskans with Assistive Technology
Phone: (800) 650-9880
Easter Seals Nebraska, as part of a cooperative agreement with the Assistive Technology Partnership and First National Bank of Omaha, is able to offer alternative financing to qualifying Nebraskans with disabilities. These funds are available at a low interest rate, and specifically set for the purpose of purchasing approved equipment, assistive technology devices, and services.

Midwest Special Needs Trust
Phone: (888) 671-1069
Midwest Special Needs Trust (MSNT) provides trust services for persons with disabilities. Special needs trusts are a type of trust specifically designed for individuals with disabilities. If properly structured and administered, special needs trusts do not affect an individual's eligibility for benefits such as SSI or Medicaid. In addition, MSNT administers the Charitable Trust. Funds of the Charitable Trust are used to provide assistance to individuals with disabilities who meet eligibility and income criteria.

Nebraska AgrAbility
Phone: (800) 471-6425
Nebraska AgrAbility helps individuals with disabilities overcome barriers to continue in their chosen profession in agriculture.

Quality Living, Inc.
Phone: (402) 573-3700
At QLI, we believe rehabilitation after a spinal cord injury must include more than the traditional therapies and physical care. To achieve long term success, a third and crucial element must be addressed-rebuilding the spirit. It is this element that makes QLI's Tri-Dimensional Rehabilitation(r) model so unique. What good is restored health without restored hope? Our innovative clinical approach, exceptional facilities and dedicated staff recreate rehab by blending the best of medicine, education and psychology to meet each individual's physical, mental and emotional needs.

Phone: (800) 652-0033
At TechConnectors you can find equipment for loan, for sale, or for giveaway. You can also find equipment from local lending program to try out before you buy it.

The Health Equipment Loan Program (H.E.L.P.)
Phone: (402) 341-6559
Collects, maintains, & lends durable medical equipment (such as walkers, wheelchairs, commodes, crutches, bath benches, etc.). H.E.L.P. provides for those having a need for medical equipment, but lack funds or insurance for new equipment, & do not qualify for Medicare or Medicaid.

29. Nevada

29.1. Centers for Independent Living

Nevada Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

29.2. State Disability Resources

Disability RX Prescription
1 - 866- 303-6323 Option 7
Assist disabled Nevadans with the cost of prescription medicines to qualified individuals with disabilities who have reached the coverage gap (donut hole)..

Office of Disability Services
Phone: (775) 687-4452
The purposes of this chapter are: 1. To relieve persons with disabilities from the distress of poverty; 2. To encourage and assist persons with disabilities in their efforts to render themselves more self-supporting; and 3. To enlarge the opportunities of persons with disabilities to obtain education, vocational training and employment.

Programs for Persons with Physical Disabilities and Related Conditions

Rehabilitation Division
Phone: (775) 687-1900
The Rehabilitation Division provides services for people with disabilities to help enable them to work and live independently.

29.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Phone: (800) 852-1256
CareMeridian is the innovative leader in providing personalized care and proactive health management to the catastrophically ill and injured in an environment that is responsive to our clients and rewarding to our employees.

Nevada Care Connection Resource Centers
The Nevada Care Connection Resource Centers were established in 2006 to help people become aware of their choices, empowering them to make informed decisions, and easily access public and private services and programs.  We strive to provide friendly, welcoming places where anyone can come for information and assistance regarding public benefit programs and other services available to plan for long-term care needs

Nevada Disability Advocacy & Law Center
Phone: (888) 349-3843
Nevada Disability Advocacy and Law Center (NDALC) is Nevada's federally mandated protection and advocacy system for the human, legal, and service rights for individuals with disabilities.

Nevada P.E.P.
Phone: (800) 216-5188
PEP is Nevada's statewide parent training and information center for families who have children with disabilities and the professionals who support them.

Rebuilding Together Southern Nevada
Phone: 702.259.4900
Rebuilding Together Southern Nevada (RTSNV) is a nonprofit organization that provides free home repairs and accessibility modifications  for low-income homeowners.   We RTSNV provides services to seniors, disabled Americans, veterans and families of active duty service members, individuals and multigenerational families, so that they may continue to live safe and independent lives.    Services are provided at no cost to qualified homeowners.

Arts for all Nevada
Phone: (775) 826-6100
Arts for All Nevada is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in Reno, seeking to integrate the exploration of arts and culture into the lives of all, starting with our own community. We offer a variety of quality fine art classes to the public, implement art programs in the school systems, and steward  the historic Lake Mansion responsibly as a community center for exploration of arts and culture. While our emphasis is on those who have a disability, are disadvantaged, at-risk, or underserved by the arts, we recognize that every individual in our community has a role to play in the arts. People of all ages, skill levels, backgrounds, and experience can find their place at Arts for All Nevada, as our classes and programs focus on a variety of different art movements and media including visual art, creative movement, drama, and literary expression. We envision a world unified by the arts, where communities engage, create, and grow together.

30. New Hampshire

30.1. Centers for Independent Living

New Hampshire Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

30.2. State Disability Resources

Assistive Technology in New Hampshire, ATinNH
Phone: (800) 238-2048
ATinNH is New Hampshire's state assistive technology program. The goal of the program is to increase access to assistive technology solutions through equipment re-use, explorations, loans, and low cost funding alternatives. ATinNH also sponsors trainings, classes, and workshops on how to use, develop and implement assistive technology solutions.

Governor's Commission on Disability
Phone: (800) 852-3405
The Commission's goal is to remove the barriers, architectural or attitudinal, which bar persons with disabilities from participating in the mainstream of society.

Medicaid for Employed Adults with Disabilities
Medicaid for Employed Adults with Disabilities (MEAD) program provides Medicaid coverage to adults with disabilities who are working and who would not otherwise be financially eligible for Medicaid. MEAD was designed to allow individuals with disabilities to increase their working income and have higher resource limits.

NH State Library Services to Persons with Disabilities
Phone: (800) 491-4200
The Talking Books Program exists to meet the reading needs and interests of New Hampshire residents who are physically unable to see, handle or process printed material comfortably.

NH Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: (800) 339-9900
Vocational Rehabilitation assists persons with disabilities to achieve their employment goals. Vocational Rehabilitation is a joint State/Federal program that seeks to empower people to make informed choices, build viable careers, and live move independently in the community.

Established in 2000, ServiceLink is a statewide network of locally administered community-based resources for seniors, adults with disabilities and their families. ServiceLink is a free information, referral, and assistance, with local offices in 13 communities and with many satellite offices throughout New Hampshire. ServiceLink answers questions and connects users to the appropriate services that support healthy and independent living.

30.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Crotched Mountain
Phone: (603) 547-3311
Founded in 1953, Crotched Mountain Foundation is a nonprofit, charitable organization serving children and adults with disabilities and their families. Through specialized education, rehabilitation, community and residential support services, we renew hope and restore lives for thousands of people annually throughout New England and New York. Our 1,400-acre campus includes a school, hospital, outpatient clinic, aquatic center, residences, athletic complex and the nation's longest accessible trails in a mountainside environment. Our community-based services include assistive technology, care management and residential services, located throughout New England and New York.

Disabilities Rights Center
Phone: (800) 834-1721
The DRC provides information, referral, advice, and legal representation and advocacy to individuals with disabilities on a wide range of disability-related problems.

Easter Seals New Hampshire
Phone: (800) 870-8728
Easter Seals New Hampshire, one of the most comprehensive Easter Seals affiliates in the nation, assists more than 18,000 children and adults with disabilities and their families annually through a network of more than a dozen service sites around the Granite State and in Vermont.

Good News Garage
Phone: (603) 669-6937
Good News Garage creates economic opportunity by providing affordable and reliable transportation options to people in need.

Harry Gregg Foundation 
Phone: (603) 547-3311
The Harry Gregg Foundation provides financial assistance to improve the lives of people in New Hampshire with physical, intellectual, or emotional disabilities.

New England Healing Sports Association (NEHSA)
Phone: (603) 763-9158
NEHSA, located at the base of Mount Sunapee in Newbury, NH, provides year-round adaptive sports programs to persons with physical and/or cognitive disabilities. NEHSA offers such activities as skiing, snowboarding, and kayaking.

Assistive Technology in New Hampshire (ATinNH)
Phone: (603) 397-7251
The goal of ATinNH, the assistive technology program in New Hampshire, is to increase access to assistive technology through the creation and support of consumer driven systems for the provision of state-of-the-art assistive technology products and services for citizens with disabilities in the state of New Hampshire.

Northeast Passage
Phone: (603) 862-0070
The mission of NORTHEAST PASSAGE is to create an environment where individuals with disabilities can recreate with the same freedom of choice, quality of life, and independence as their non-disabled peers.

PATH-WAY Providing Access to Happiness Scholarship 
PATH-WAY is a not-for-profit organization created, designed, organized and committed to elevating the lives of individuals with varying degrees of abilities. Scholarship recipients must have a physical disability, which may include but not limited to, neuromuscular disorders or musculoskeletal impairments such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, SMA, dystonia, osteogenesis imperfecta, spinal cord injury, or amputee and must be a resident of MA, NH, or ME. 

People First of New Hampshire
Phone: (800) 566-2128
A non-profit organization directed by people who have disabilities for the purpose of self-advocacy

The CareGivers, Inc.
Phone: 603-622-4948
The CareGivers, Inc. mission is to assist the frail, elderly, and disabled in order that they may maintain their independence and dignity through the spirit of volunteerism. The agency provides non-medical support to members of the Greater Manchester and Nashua areas. The CareGivers provides a personal presence for individuals who have little or no personal contact with others. We provide service to individuals who may not receive aide through the human service system and do not qualify for government-assisted programs or sliding fees. We also provide service to those individuals who may be receiving assistance from other agencies, but have additional needs that have gone unmet.

UpReach Therapeutic Riding Center
Phone: (603) 497-2343
UpReach Therapeutic Riding Center is an educational, nonprofit program dedicated to improving the physical, emotional, and psychological development of challenged children and adults, through progressive therapies, specifically those centered around the horse.


31. New Jersey

31.1. Centers for Independent Living

New Jersey Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

31.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Bacharach Institute for Rehabilitation
61 West Jimmie Leeds Road
Pomona, NJ 08240
Phone: 609-748-5460

JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute
65 James Street
Edison, NJ 08818-3059
Phone: 732-321-7051

Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation, Inc.
1199 Pleasant Valley Way to, West Orange, New Jersey, 7052
Phone: (973) 731-3600

31.3. Spinal Cord Injury Model System Center (SCIMS)

New Jersey

Northern New Jersey Spinal Cord Injury System
Kessler Foundation Research Center, West Orange, New Jersey
Phone: (973)-324-3576

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports innovative projects and research in the delivery, demonstration, and evaluation of medical, rehabilitation, vocational and other services to meet the needs of individuals with SCI.

NIDILRR awards SCI Model Systems Center grants to institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care and provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life. Grants are awarded in five-year cycles (the current cycle is 2016-2021).

Each SCI Model Systems Center contributes to the SCI Model Systems Data Center, participates in independent and collaborative research, and provides information and resources to individuals with SCI, their family and care givers, health care professionals and the general public.


31.4. State Disability Resources

Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund Program
Phone: (800) 335-3863
A financial assistance program for NJ families whose children have experienced an illness or condition which is not otherwise covered by insurance, State or Federal programs, or other sources, such as fundraising. Families are invited to call us

Disability Law: A Legal Primer—Sixth Edition covers such vital areas as the Americans with Disabilities Act, architectural and transportation barriers, early intervention services, special education, estate planning, housing, Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, vocational rehabilitation, surrogate decision-making and more. available for free download, may be ordered in single copies or in multiple quantities for law firms, schools, agencies and organizations. Orders may be placed through the Foundation's website,, or by calling 1-800-FREE LAW.  

Disability Rights New Jersey
(609) 292-9742
DRNJ provides: information and referral, technical assistance and training, individual and system advocacy, legal and non-legal advocacy, and outreach and education.

DiscoverAbility / NJ WorkAbility
Phone: (888) 285-3036
The NJ WorkAbility Program offers full New Jersey Medicaid health coverage to people with disabilities who are working, and whose earnings would otherwise make them ineligible for Medicaid.

Division of Disability Services
Phone: (888) 285-3036
The Division of Disability Services administers programs that allow people with different types of disabilities to live more independently in the community and in many cases avoid the need to move into an institution. Offer a disability resource guide available in English and Spanish on their website

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Phone: (609) 292-5987
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services is here to help individuals with disabilities that are having trouble finding or holding a job because of their disability. If you have a disability that is preventing you from working, or which is endangering your present employment, you may wish to submit a referral for services.

New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord Research
Phone: (609) 292-4055
The Commission was created to encourage and promote significant, original research projects in New Jersey through the funding of approved research projects at qualifying research institutions in the State. In addition, the Commission will establish and maintain, in conjunction with the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, a central registry of all persons who sustain spinal cord injuries.

Personal Assistance Service Program - PASP
Phone: 877-354-9944
The PASP is a personal care assistance program that provides up to 40 hours per week of routine, non-medical personal care assistance to adults with permanent physical disabilities between the ages 18-70 who are employed, preparing for employment, attending school or involved in community volunteer work and who are able to self-direct their own services.

Personal Preference Program
Telephone: 1-877-354-9944
The New Jersey Personal Preference Program (PPP) offers an alternative way for NJ FamilyCare Plan A members who qualify for the Personal Care Assistant (PCA) services benefit to remain in their home and active in their community, and does not require the use of a home health care agency.  

31.5. Additional Programs or Resources

Abilities of Northwest Jersey
Phone: (908) 689-1118
Abilities of Northwest Jersey Inc., is a private, not-for-profit 501(c) 3 community rehabilitation program providing vocational training and employment services since 1974 to the disabled and disadvantaged population of Warren, Hunterdon and Morris counties.

Accessible Services from NJ TRANSIT
This guide provides a description of the accessible services available to people with disabilities and senior citizens. In this section, you'll find information on: Accessible rail stations and train cars, Lift-equipped and kneeling buses, Accessible light rail stations and vehicles, Access Link ADA Paratransit, and County Paratransit.

Adam Taliaferro Foundation
: (609) 502-0424
Provides emotional, financial and educational support to student-athletes who suffer catastrophic head or spinal injuries in sanctioned team events in New Jersey, Pennsylvania or Delaware. The foundation also provides educational and financial support related to the research, prevention and care of such injuries.

Aging and Disability Resource Connection
The Aging and Disability Resource Connection serves as a visible and trusted source of information on long term services and supports for persons of all incomes.

Central Jersey Spinal Cord Association
17 Jefferson Avenue, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 8903
Phone: (732) 220-0870
The Central Jersey Spinal Cord Association is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1987 by Kevin Hoagland that is run by all-volunteer board of directors. CJSCA has no paid employees. CJSCA raises money for spinal cord research, provides financial assistance to people with spinal cord injuries in central New Jersey for adaptive equipment, and home/vehicle modifications, and provide advocacy for people with disabilities.

Chore Service
The Chore Service helps senior homeowners age 60 and over, as well as homeowners with disabilities of all ages to remain safe and secure in their homes by performing minor household repairs that they can neither do themselves nor get anyone else to do. Services are provided by Chore crews of volunteer handypersons, many of whom are seniors themselves. There is no charge for Chore's services, but clients are expected to pay for the parts necessary to complete the repair.

Community Health Law Project
Phone: (973) 275-1175
Provides legal and advocacy services, training, education, and related activities to persons with disabilities and the elderly and to organizations representing their interests, with an emphasis on those most vulnerable and needy.

Community Options, Inc.
Phone: (609) 951-9900
Community Options provides housing, support services and advocacy assistance to help empower people with disabilities.

Family Resource Associates
Phone: (732) 747-5310
Family Resource Associates (FRA) is a New Jersey non-profit agency located in Shrewsbury, helping children, adolescents and people of all ages with disAbilities to reach their fullest potential. FRA connects individuals to independence through modern therapies and advanced technology. Acknowledging the powerful influence of the family, we remain committed to them by offering both support and education.

Family Voices of New Jersey
Phone: (973) 642-8100
We provide information, assistance and outreach in working toward better health care systems for families of children with special health care needs in New Jersey. Family Voices tackles medical issues affecting special children such as managed care, insurance issues, SSI, and new changes in special education. We have videos, literature, and a national and statewide newsletter-all of which are free.

Jack Scura Fund
The Jack Scura Fund is offering a $5000 scholarship to disabled high school seniors who will be enrolling in an undergraduate program in the fall or are currently enrolled. Applicants must be an incoming or current student of an undergraduate program of a New Jersey college or university and have any kind of disability. Student must have a 3.2 and above GPA (based on a 4.0 scale). Special attention will be given to applicants who have tremendous resumes or Curriculum Vitae. Must have proof of disability documentation.

New Jersey Self-Help Group Clearinghouse
Phone: (800) 367-6274
The New Jersey Self-Help Clearinghouse is a non-profit, statewide organization funded through the Division of Mental Health Services, that helps people find and form self-help support groups.

Push to Walk
Phone: (862) 200-5848
Contact via email
Push to Walk is a physical training program in Riverdale, New Jersey that provides external stimulation to the dysfunctional nervous system that results from a spinal cord injury. Their mission is to improve the quality of life for people with spinal cord injuries through recovery and exercise training in a one-on-one relationship between client and trainer.

Rebuilding Together Jersey City
(201) 988-3392
Rebuilding Together Jersey City (RTJC) is a nonprofit organization that helps preserve and revitalize houses and communities of low-income households. The all-volunteer organization works in collaboration with communities and local businesses to help rehabilitate homes and ensure that the owners live in warmth, safety, and independence. 

Rebuilding Together North Jersey
Phone: 201-447-8886
Rebuilding Together provides critical repairs and home modifications – at no cost to the homeowner – thanks to the work of generous volunteers and financial donations from organizations, corporate sponsors and individuals.

Rewarding Work
The Rewarding Work website gives older people and individuals with disabilities the choice of hiring staff directly and allows them control of the process of hiring personal assistants. The site also provides private agencies a resource to assist in recruitment of direct support professionals and other staff. You can get names, contact information, and availability of direct care workers and agencies that provide respite services or personal care, review their experience, and learn if they are available to work mornings, days, evenings, overnight, or weekends.

Roxey Ballet
T : 609-397-7616
Roxey Ballet is a world-class, all-inclusive contemporary ballet company that uses dance to build community and cultural bridges. The company maintains a full schedule of local, national, and international touring. Roxey Ballet was incorporated in 1995 as a New Jersey non-profit organization whose mission is to deliver artistic and cultural excellence through professional dance performances, residencies, educational programs, workshops, and master classes. The company takes pride in its multicultural and all-inclusive organization, fostering a creative environment of growth for all. Roxey Ballet is fully accessible to those with disabilities.

Phone: (732) 747-5310
TECHConnection provides assistive technology solutions and computer resources for everyone.


32. New Mexico

32.1. Centers for Independent Living

New Mexico Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

32.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Lovelace Rehabilitation Hospital
505 Elm Street NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87102
Phone: (505) 727-4781

New Mexico VA Health Care System
1501 San Pedro Boulevard SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87108
Phone: (505) 256-2849

32.3. State Disability Resources

Aging & Disability Resource Center
Toll-Free: 800-432-2080
Assist elders, persons with disabilities and caregivers to find services and resources to help them live well and independently. Information about long-term care options, prescription assistance programs, and home and community-based Medicaid waivers

Governor's Commission on Disability
Phone: (505) 827-6465
The New Mexico Governor's Commission on Disability is committed to improving the quality of life of all New Mexicans with disabilities by addressing social integration, economic self-sufficiency, political resolve, physical and program accessibility, and full participation in the benefits of life and rights of all individuals.

New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)
Contact via email
The purpose of the New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) is to help people with disabilities achieve a suitable employment outcome.

New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority
Phone:( 505) 843-6880
Housing New Mexico, also known as New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA), is a self-supporting quasi-governmental entity that provides financing to make quality affordable housing and other related services available to low- and moderate-income New Mexicans. Using funding from housing bonds, tax credits and other federal and state agencies, Housing New Mexico provides resources to build affordable rental communities, rehabilitate aging homes, supply down payment assistance and affordable mortgages, offer emergency shelter and administer rental assistance and subsidies. Housing New Mexico partners with lenders, REALTORS, nonprofit organizations, local governments, tribal communities and developers throughout the state to make these programs and services available to all eligible New Mexicans. To learn more, watch the video below.

New Mexico Technology Assistance Program (NMTAP)
Phone: (800) 866-2253
The New Mexico Technology Assistance Program (NMTAP) offers free services to New Mexicans with disabilities to help them get the assistive technology (AT) they need.

32.4. Additional Programs or Resources

Access Loan New Mexico
Phone (505)566-5827
The San Juan Center for Independence offers an alternative loan program, Access Loan New Mexico (ALNM), for New Mexico citizens over the age of 18. Access Loan New Mexico is a statewide, low interest loan program that allows a New Mexico resident with a disability to purchase assistive technology or make home modifications so that he or she can live more independently or productively.

Phone: (505) 449-4026
Adelante offers a wide variety of services to meet the needs and goals of people with disabilties. We offer vocational and life skills training, community living services, volunteer opportunities, and employment to over 600 New Mexicans with disabilities. Adelante, which means 'forward' in Spanish, describes our approach to supporting people with disabilities.

Community Options, Inc.
Phone: (609) 951-9900
Community Options provides housing, support services and advocacy assistance to help empower people with disabilities.

Disability Rights New Mexico
Phone: (505) 256-3100
Phone: (800) 432-4682
Disability Rights New Mexico – DRNM -  is a private, non-profit organization whose mission is to protect, promote and expand the rights of persons with disabilities. We are the designated protection and advocacy program for New Mexico, and as such we have authority under federal law to pursue legal, administrative and other remedies on behalf of persons with disabilities.

Parents Reaching Out
Phone: (505) 247-0192 or Toll Free in NM at (800) 524-5176
Parents Reaching Out is a statewide non-profit organization that works with parents, caregivers, educators and other professionals to promote healthy, positive and caring experiences for New Mexico families and children.

Rebuilding Together Albuquerque
(505) 750-7115
We are dedicated to renovating the homes of low-income homeowners who are elderly or disabled, so they may continue to live in comfort with dignity and independence. We unite volunteers from all walks of life to help people in need. All repairs and services are paid for by Rebuilding Together Albuquerque.

Rebuilding Together Sandoval County
(505) 896-3041
Rebuilding Together Sandoval County (RTSC) brings volunteers, businesses, civic groups and government agencies together to help rehabilitate the houses of resident homeowners living on low incomes. All repairs and modifications are provided at no cost so that qualified seniors, families with children, people with disabilities and veterans may live at home in safe, dry, warm, and healthy homes.

33. New York

33.1. Centers for Independent Living

New York Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

33.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

James J. Peters VAMC - Spinal Cord Injury Service (JJP VAMC)
130 West Kingsbridge Road
SCI room 1E-32
Bronx, NY 10468
Phone: 718-584-9000

Inpatient Acute Rehab Unit at Syracuse VA Medical Center
800 Irving Avenue
Fourth Floor, S Wing
Syracuse, NY 13210
Phone: 315-425-2684

Mount Sinai Rehabilitation Center (CAM)
5-17 East 102nd Street
New York, NY 10029
Phone: 212-241-4477

The Strong Rehabilitation Center - Clinton Crossing
4901 Lac De Ville Bouelvard, Building D, Suite 250, Rochester, New York, 14620
Phone: (585) 341-9000

University of Rochester, Strong Memorial Hospital Rehabilitation Unit (URMC)
601 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, New York, 14642
Phone: (585) 275-6345

33.3. Spinal Cord Injury Model System Center (SCIMS)

New York

Mount Sinai Hospital Spinal Cord Injury Model System
Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY
Telephone: 212-659-9369

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports innovative projects and research in the delivery, demonstration, and evaluation of medical, rehabilitation, vocational and other services to meet the needs of individuals with SCI.

NIDILRR awards SCI Model Systems Center grants to institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care and provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life. Grants are awarded in five-year cycles (the current cycle is 2016-2021).

Each SCI Model Systems Center contributes to the SCI Model Systems Data Center, participates in independent and collaborative research, and provides information and resources to individuals with SCI, their family and care givers, health care professionals and the general public.

33.4. State Disability Resources

Access to Home Program
Providing funds to help New Yorkers make homes and apartments accessible. 

Accessibility in NYC Parks
NYC Parks strives to help all New Yorkers discover how New York City's about 29,000 acres of parks can enrich their lives, promoting physical and emotional well-being, and providing venues for fitness and peaceful respite for the widest possible audience.

The Adele Friedman Housing Accessibility Fund
Phone: (212) 400-8201
The Adele Friedman Housing Accessibility Fund (the "Fund") was established in 2016 by the Fair Housing Justice Center (FHJC) for the purpose of providing targeted financial assistance to benefit low and moderate income persons with disabilities who need reasonable modifications made to the housing they occupy to make it accessible.

Center for Assistive Technology
Phone: (716) 836-1168
 CAT's multi-disciplinary client service team provides AT assessment and training services to People with Disabilities in the eight counties of Western New York. They also receive referrals from other regions when the client's needs are exceedingly complex. CAT operates the Western New York Region's Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities (TRAID) program.

Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP)
This Medicaid program provides services to chronically ill or physically disabled individuals who have a medical need for help with activities of daily living (ADLs) or skilled nursing services.Services can include any of the services provided by a personal care aide (home attendant), home health aide, or nurse.Recipients have flexibility and freedom in choosing their caregivers.

Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs
Phone: (518) 549-0200
The Justice Center is committed to supporting and protecting the health, safety, and dignity of all people with special needs and disabilities through advocacy of their civil rights, prevention of mistreatment, and investigation of all allegations of abuse and neglect so that appropriate actions are taken.

Medicaid Buy-In Program for Working People with Disabilities
Phone: (888) 224-3272
Contact: Statewide Technical Assistance Line
The Medicaid Buy-In program offers Medicaid coverage to people with disabilities who are working, and earning more than the allowable limits for regular Medicaid, the opportunity to retain their health care coverage through Medicaid.

Mobility Management Resource Guide
The Resource Guide is a One Stop Shop to learn about various programs, services, and existing conditions that could improve mobility and transportation opportunities for people with disabilities and older adults throughout New York City. It can be used by a diverse audience, including community based organizations, city project managers, individuals with disabilities, caseworkers, and travel trainers.

NY Connects
Phone: 1-800-342-9871
NY Connects is your trusted place to go for free, unbiased information and assistance. We can help you link to long term services and supports, such as home care, transportation and meals. Our goal is to help individuals remain in their homes as long as possible. Serves older individuals and individuals with disabilities of all ages. We can help families, caregivers, and professionals

NYC Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities
212-NEW-YORK (Out-of-City)
The Office provides information on accessible programs, accessible transportation, employment, health services, activities and other resources to the over 800,000 New Yorkers with disabilities and the millions of people with disabilities visiting New York City every year.
1-877-428-8844 (toll free) is a FREE public service provided by New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR). allows people to locate housing that meets their individual and family needs at a rent they can afford. It can be accessed online 24 hours a day and is supported by a toll-free, bilingual call center available Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 8:00 pm EST.

The Western New York Regional TRAID Center
Phone: (800) 522-4369
This project provides information and referral services and assistive technology information to consumers and service providers in the Western New York region.

TRAID-IN Equipment Exchange Program
The TRAID-In Equipment Exchange Program "matches" or connects people who have assistive devices they no longer need with people with disabilities who could use those devices. The program is available to New York State residents only, and is free of charge.

Transit Research Accessibility Center (TRAC) is designed to educate people about the ADA required accessible features of fixed route buses. The APP applies only to the Albany, NY area at this time but the training videos are relevant nationwide regarding ADA transit requirements. TRAC blog for additional information...

Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities
Phone: (800) 222-5627
The Mission of the Office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities (VESID) is to promote educational equity and excellence for students with disabilities while ensuring that they receive the rights and protection to which they are entitled; assure appropriate continuity between the child and adult services systems; and provide the highest quality vocational rehabilitation and independent living services to all eligible persons as quickly as those services are required to enable them to work and live independent, self-directed lives.

33.5. Additional Programs or Resources

Able Newspaper
Phone: (516) 939-2253
Phone: (718) 792-3533
Able Newspaper is an established, widely known publication in the disability community; a monthly newspaper that is published for, by and about the disabled, with the focus on the Able.

Center for Assistive Technology
Phone: (716) 836-1168
The Center for Assistive Technology, housed within the School of Public Health and Health Professions at the University at Buffalo, conducts research, education, and service to increase knowledge about assistive devices for persons with functional impairments of all ages.

Community Options, Inc.
Phone: (609) 951-9900
Community Options provides housing, support services and advocacy assistance to help empower people with disabilities.

Consumer Directed Choices
Phone: (518) 464-0810
CDChoices is an enrolled provider within the New York State Medicaid- funded program called Consumer Directed Personal Assistance (CDPA). As a provider of consumer self-direction, CDChoices empowers independence and advocates for people with disabilities, seniors, and their families. CDChoices partners with qualified consumers of all New York counties to provide fiscal intermediary services.

Consumer Directed Services
Phone: (718)233-3312
This agency assists consumers with finding a personal care assistant, offers a free newsletter and free services to consumers and Personal Care candidates

Citizens United to Remove Barriers (C.U.R.B.)
Citizens United to Remove Barriers (C.U.R.B.) is a local, non-profit organization which gives the physically challenged a chance to live a life free of barriers. Funding is provided for wheelchair ramps and lifts in and around the homes of those in need within Nassau County.

Destination:Accessible provides first-hand, detailed accessibility information of leisure locations (museums, theaters, parks, restaurants, kid=friendly venues and other popular places) . We offer information on parking, grounds, entrances, ease of navigation, elevators, steps, ramps, food services, restrooms, seating and anything else pertinent to someone with a mobility challenge. We are not a review site, like Yelp or Trip Advisor. All of our destinations has been personally visited by us. We do not tell anyone where to go. We simply want them to "know before they go," what they will find when they get there, in order to have the best experience possible. Most of our venues are on Long Island and the NY Metro area. 

Disabled In Action
Post Office Box 30954, Port Authority Station, New York, New York, 10011
Phone: (718) 261-3737
Fax: (718) 261-3737
A civil rights organization committed to ending discrimination against people with disabilities.

Easter Seals New York
Phone: (800) 727-8785
Easter Seals New York provides programs and services to children and adults with disabilities and other special needs, and their families. Our goal is to help individuals with special needs gain dignity, equality and independence.

Phone: 646-233-4507
GallopNYC is a non-profit organization based in New York City that offers therapeutic horsemanship programs to children and adults with disabilities.

Helen Hayes Hospital Smart Apartment
The Smart Apartment is an interactive model that replicates a typical home, but with one very important difference: it is equipped with an array of assistive technology that enables individuals with disabilities to control their surroundings. This state-of-the-art interactive Smart Apartment located on the hospital campus, the first of its kind, gives patients and community members the opportunity to experience a variety of devices that may help them live autonomously in their own homes.

Independent Living, Inc
Newburgh: (845) 565-1162
Middletown: (845) 342-1162
Monticello: (845) 794-3322
Since 1987, Independent Living, Inc. has served as a common voice for persons with disabilities living in our community. As a freestanding, locally controlled, nonprofit agency operated by people with disabilities, we offer a wide range of programs and services dedicated to ensuring universal access and opportunity in every aspect of community life.

Our efforts are directed to individuals of all ages having any disability, as well as to families, businesses, agencies, and municipalities. We are committed to the universal elimination of physical and attitudinal barriers, as well as assisting individuals with disabilities to successfully make the transition from system-dependency to independence.

Independent Living, Inc. has touched the lives of literally thousands of people. Having a uniquely recipient-based perspective and approach to addressing disability issues, we have consistently exemplified cost-effective ways of improving the quality of lives of persons with disabilities. Every year, our Centers provide a diversity of important resources to residents of our community.

Jackson-Stricks Scholarship Fund
Phone: (212) 687-5030 Ext. 17
The Jackson-Stricks Scholarship Fund provides financial aid to a physically challenged person for academic study or vocational training that leads to independent living.

Motion Project Quality of Life Grant Program
The Motion Project Quality of Life Grant Program enables our foundation to offer grant awards to qualifying individuals. The grant award they receive will help them obtain critical items such as rehabilitation therapy, home and vehicle modifications, and medical equipment. Motion Project Foundation, formerly Wheels With Wings Foundation, funds Quality of Life Grants for residences of the 17 counties that comprise the Western New York Region of New York 

Neighborhood Legal Services
Phone: (716) 847-0650
Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc. (NLS) is a not-for-profit agency located in Buffalo, New York. NLS provides free legal services to persons with low-income and persons with disabilities. It also provides a wide range of technical assistance and support services. While the majority of its services are provided within Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans and Wyoming Counties, New York, NLS also provides disability-related services for all of Western New York and operates both a Statewide and National Assistive Technology Advocacy Project to assist persons with disabilities and the advocates and agencies that serve them.

New York City ADAPT
Phone: (212) 727-0789
Contact: Nadina LaSpina
We are fighting so people with disabilities can live in the community with real supports instead of being locked away in nursing homes and other institutions.

New York State's Accessible Housing Registry
Phone: (212) 674-2300 Ext. 1788
This website provides information about accessible housing located throughout New York State. Persons with disabilities, as well as their advocates, can search for housing by location (town, zip code, county and major metropolitan areas), and/or by specific income, age, or disability requirements to obtain comprehensive information about housing opportunities that may meet their needs.

Parent to Parent of New York State
Phone: (866) 727-6970
a place where families of individuals with special needs and the professionals who support them can meet and share information.

Rebuilding Together Dutchess County
(845) 454-7310
Our mission is to assure that low-income homeowners, particularly those who are elderly, with disabilities, or have school-aged children live in warmth, safety, and independence.

Rebuilding Together Long Island
(516) 541-7322
Rebuilding Together Long Island, Inc. is a program to repair and rehabilitate the homes of poor, elderly and disabled homeowners. It brings together people of all faiths and walks of life in an effort to assist people in need. It is non-partisan, non sectarian and non-profit. Rebuilding Together Long Island, Inc. performs repairs in the following areas: electrical, plumbing, wall repair, weather-stripping, lock-smithing, carpentry, painting, glazing and home modifications including wheelchair ramps.

Rebuilding Together Mohawk Valley
Phone: (315) 280-8083
Rebuilding Together Mohawk Valley is an organization in which volunteers fix up the homes of Mohawk Valley residents who are unable to do the work themselves. Repairs and renovations differ from house to house. The work may include: painting, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, weatherization, clean-up, yard work and other necessary repairs. Applicants must be low-income, elderly or disabled persons who live in the Utica area and both own and live in their home.

Rebuilding Together NYC
 Rebuilding Together NYC is a nonprofit organization that repairs the homes of low - income and at - risk homeowners, particularly elderly, physically challenged, families with children and/or veterans. All services completed are free of charge and cover all five boroughs of New York City.

Rebuilding Together Saratoga County
Rebuilding Together Saratoga County is a volunteer driven, registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization that brings communities and volunteers together to make free repairs to the homes of low income property owners, particularly the elderly, disabled and veteran, allowing them to live in warmth, safety and independence while respecting their dignity.

Rochester NY ADAPT
Phone: (585) 546-7510
Contact: Bruce Darling
We are fighting so people with disabilities can live in the community with real supports instead of being locked away in nursing homes and other institutions.

Phone: (212) 496-1300
Since its founding, Sinergia has remained faithful to its twin goals. The first and most immediate is to provide service coordination, information, and support to families and individuals in need. The second, long-term goal is to provide families and individuals with the means of self-empowerment, ultimately enabling them to become their own advocates and directly assist other families.

STRIDE Adaptive Sports
Phone: (518)598-1279
STRIDE Adaptive Sports is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides over 8,000 adaptive sport and recreation lessons each year to individuals with disabilities, focusing on youth and Wounded Warriors.

The Advocacy Center
Phone: (800) 650-4967
The Advocacy Center is a non-profit organization located in New York State that educates, supports, and advocates with people who have disabilities, their families, and circles of support.

The Independence Foundation
Phone: (716) 685-3976
The Independence Foundation is dedicated to providing support and assistance to physically disabled individuals so that they may live independent, self-directed lives. It is our goal to provide opportunities for the physically disabled in accessible housing (partnering with People Inc.), employment, social activities, community involvement, and recreation. Also sponsor college scholarship for people with physical disabilities.

Top Chef Meals
Phone: (914) 372-7080
Contact: Westchester Office
Phone: (212) 905-5060
Contact: Manhattan Office
Top Chef Meals offers affordable customized meal service delivered throughout New York State for less than $7.00 per meal. Our nutritious meals are freshly prepared by chefs using only the finest ingredients the market has to offer. This unique service lets you choose your entree and pair it with your choice of two side dishes. The meals are then immediately flash frozen to seal in their flavor. Delivered to you frozen the very next day. All you have to do is heat and eat... 20% discount for all seniors, disabled and homebound

Wheels of Progress
Phone: (347) 645-3265
Their mission is to create affordable, accessible supportive housing and provide transformative environments, education, and experiences for people living with a spinal cord injury or other physical disabilities. By combining apartment-style housing with personal care and services, residents will be able to live independently with dignity and privacy.

34. North Carolina

34.1. Centers for Independent Living

North Carolina Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

34.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Atrium Health, Carolinas Rehabilitation
1100 Blythe Boulevard, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28203
Phone: (704) 355-4300

ECU Health Medical Center (VMC Rehab)
2100 Stantonsburg Road, Greenville, North Carolina, 27835
Phone: 252-847-0441

WakeMed Rehab
3000 New Bern Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27610
Phone: 919-350-8000

34.3. State Disability Resources

Durham Area Transit Authority ACCESS Taxi Cab Program
The DATA ACCESS taxicab program provides ACCESS customers greater freedom and mobility. This program offers ACCESS customers the option of using taxicab service for their transportation needs at a cost of half the regular taxicab fare. ACCESS customers can call for taxicab service during ACCESS operation hours and have that service provided shortly thereafter instead the 24 hours waiting period required by ACCESS. Taxi cab coupons may only be used during ACCESS operation hours. The taxicab program does not allow ACCESS customers to travel outside the DATA ACCESS service area.

NC Office on Disability and Health (NCODH)
Phone: (919) 843-3531
The NC Office on Disability and Health (NCODH) works to promote the health and wellness of persons with disabilities in North Carolina through an integrated program of policy, practice and research.

North Carolina Assistive Technology Program
Phone: 919-855-3500
The North Carolina Assistive Technology Program (N C A T P) is a state and federally funded program that provides statewide assistive technology services to people of all ages and abilities.

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services -Programs for People with Disabilities

North Carolina's Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Contact via email
N.C. Vocational Rehabilitation provides counseling, training, education, medical, transportation, and other support services to persons with physical or mental disabilities in order to help them become independent or job-ready or both.

34.4. Additional Programs or Resources

Angel Flight
Phone: (877) 426-2643
Phone: (770) 452-7958
Angel Flight arranges free air transportation for people that have a medical need that can't be filled in their local area. Angel Flight serves primarily patients who are traveling from, to or through the states of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and the Carolinas. Our organization believes that the cost of travel should never stand in the way of receiving medical care.

Arts Access Inc of Raleigh, NC
Phone: (919) 833-9919
We advocate for arts accessibility throughout the Triangle area of North Carolina; provide audio description for theatre patrons who are blind or have low vision; refer arts administrators to sign language interpreters; and provide accessibility training to arts organizations and arts accessibility information to the public.

Back to Independence Rehab, LLC
BTI Rehab offers specialized, post-hospitalization neuro fitness training and aquatic exercise sessions with our exercise physiologists to continue improvement after, between, or in conjunction with occupational and physical therapy. Our program incorporates postural correction, weight-bearing/gravitational loading, motor control training, patterned gait training, and much more!  Our recovery team is comprised of specialized trainers that know how to get every one out of their wheelchair, promote neuroplasticity, and exercise for paralysis recovery and health benefits.   BTI rehab has a wide variety of equipment to perform activity based therapies. Also offers monthly peer support groups, group workouts, aquatic therapy and occupational therapy.
Back to Independence Rehab, LLC
4801 Chastain Ave, Suite 194
Charlotte, NC 28217
Phone (980) 272-7105Fax 800-974-4542

Buncombe County Medical Society Foundation - Project Access
Phone: (828) 274-6989
BCMSF Project Access is an innovative physician volunteer initiative providing access to comprehensive medical care for low-income uninsured Buncombe County residents.

Carolina Crash
Phone: (704) 355-1063
The Carolina Crash is a wheelchair/quad rugby team for men and women. Quad Rugby is a collision sport as well as a paralympic medal sport since it's debut at the 1996 Games in Atlanta, GA. The Crash is the only Western, NC quad rugby team and one of only two programs in the state.

Disability Rights North Carolina
Phone: (877) 235-4210
Disability Rights helps people across North Carolina gain access to services and opportunity through its advocacy and legal expertise. We regularly challenge systems and society to create positive change and improve the lives of people with disabilities.

Easterseals UCP North Carolina & Virginia
Phone: (800) 662-7119
Easter Seals UCP's array of services includes child development centers, therapy, community inclusion services, residential living, supported employment, in-home and community-based supports, respite care, disability benefits counseling, information and referral, and advocacy.

Family Support Network of North Carolina
Phone: (800) 852-0042
Family Support Network of North Carolina promotes and provides support for families with children who have special needs through its family support services; education and outreach activities; research and evaluation; and other projects.

North Carolina AgrAbility
Phone: 336-340-2970
The mission of NC AgrAbility is to educate and assist farmers, ranchers, farmworkers and their family members engaged in production agriculture who are living with disabilities to enable them to stay actively engaged in production agriculture, agriculture-related occupations, and/or daily life.

Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte 
Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte is an affiliate of the National Rebuilding Together working to preserve affordable home ownership and revitalize communities. Our vision is safe homes and communities for everyone. In Charlotte, Rebuilding Together mobilizes community volunteers and contractors to provide repairs that make homes safer, healthier, more accessible and more energy efficient for elderly, low-income, disabled and veteran homeowners.

Rebuilding Together of the Triangle
(919) 341-5980
Rebuilding Together of the Triangle seeks to make a sustainable impact on preserving and revitalizing homes and communities, assuring that low-income homeowners, from the elderly and disabled to families with children, live in warmth, safety, and independence.

R L Mace Universal Design Institute
the Ronald L. Mace Universal Design Institute (The Institute) is a non-profit organization based in North Carolina dedicated to promoting the concept and practice of accessible and universal design. The Institute's work manifests the belief that all new environments and products, to the greatest extent possible, should and can be usable by everyone regardless of age, ability, or circumstance. The Institute advances the concept of universal design in all design disciplines, including housing, public-use buildings, outdoor and urban environments and related products.

The Exceptional Children's Assistance Center (ECAC)
Phone: (800) 962-6817
The Exceptional Children's Assistance Center is a private non-profit parent organization committed to improving the lives and education of ALL children through a special emphasis on children with disabilities. 

35. North Dakota

35.1. Centers for Independent Living

North Dakota Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

35.2. State Disability Resources

Disability Services Division
Phone: (800) 755-8529

Home and Community-Based Care
Phone: (800) 451-8693
North Dakota provides home and community-based services through several programs, which each serve different needs.

ND Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation provides training and employment services to individuals with disabilities so they can become and remain employed.

North Dakota State Library Disability Services
The North Dakota State Library provides books and magazines that are found in public libraries in formats accessible to patrons who are blind, visually and physically impaired, and/or have reading disabilities. The Dakota Radio Information Service (DRIS), available in the western half of the state, provides access to North Dakota newspapers and a syndicated radio reading program.

35.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Family Voices of North Dakota
Phone: (888) 522-9654
Family Voices, a national grassroots network of families and friends, advocates for health care services that are family-centered, community-based, comprehensive, coordinated and culturally competent for all children and youth with special health care needs; promotes the inclusion of all families as decision makers at all levels of health care; and supports essential partnerships between families and professionals

Interagency Program for Assistive Technology (IPAT)
Phone: (800) 265-4728
The purpose of IPAT is to provide education, consultation, and referral to people with disabilities so they can access assistive technology (AT) devices and services.

Lend A Hand
Lend A Hand is a program of Dakota Medical Foundation (DMF) that helps caring community members raise funds for families experiencing a medical crisis. The program provides fundraising resources, online giving options and matching funds to inspire and compound giving. 

North Dakota Association for the Disabled
Phone: (888) 578-6323
The North Dakota Association for the Disabled is a nonprofit, charitable organization founded by concerned citizens for the purpose of assisting people with mental and physical disabilities in the state of North Dakota, many of whom are not eligible for services from other agencies.

North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities
Promote the health and wellness of North Dakota citizens with disabilities and prevent or lessen the effects of secondary conditions associated with disabilities

North Dakota Protection & Advocacy Project
Phone: (800) 472-2670
Contact via email
The Protection & Advocacy Project (P&A) is a state agency whose purpose is to advocate for, and protect the legal rights of, people with disabilities.

Possibilities Grant
The Possibilities Grant was established for the sole purpose of purchasing assistive technology devices and services for people residing in North Dakota and Moorhead, MN 

Prescription Assistance Program
Toll Free: 1-877-460-9996
The Prescription Assistance Program is designed to advocate on behalf of clients facing difficulty obtaining prescription medication. Our program works directly with healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies  to reduce the cost of your prescription medication.

Prescription Connection for ND
Phone: (701) 328-2440
Web site designed to help low-income, uninsured North Dakota residents get free or discounted brand-name medicines.

Rebuilding Together Fargo – Moorhead Area
Phone/fax – 701-356-RTFM (7836)
Rebuilding Together Fargo – Moorhead Area's mission: Together we Transform the lives of low-income homeowners by improving the safety and health of their homes and revitalizing our community. We do this by offering home repair and renovation services, free of charge, to low-income families with an emphasis on helping the elderly, people with disabilities and Veterans.

Rebuilding Together *Greater Bismarck/Mandan Area,
701-221-3232 (please leave a message)
Serving low-income homeowners, especially the elderly, people with disabilities and families with children, Rebuilding Together works in partnership with local corporations; foundations and civic, educational, religious and community organizations to “rebuild” houses and communities. All of the work is performed by volunteer laborers, utilizing donated materials and resources, at no cost to the homeowner with the work being done on a one-day blitz, usually on the first Saturday in May.


36. Ohio

36.1. Centers for Independent Living

Ohio Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

36.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Martha Morehouse Medical Plaza
2050 Kenny Road
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-293-7079

Summa Rehab Hospital
29 North Adams Street
Akron, OH 44304
Phone: 330-572-7300

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Rehabilitation Services
1228 Dodd Hall
480 Medical Center Drive
Columbus, OH 43210-1290
Phone: 614-293-4734

VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System - Medical Rehab
10701 East Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44106
Phone: 216-791-3800

36.3. Spinal Cord Injury Model System Center (SCIMS)


Case Western Reserve University and the MetroHealth System's Northeast Ohio Regional Spinal Cord Injury System (NORSCIS) were awarded a five-year grant to be a Spinal Cord Injury Model System by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) (grant #90SIMS0007-01-00). The 18 affiliated Model System centers throughout the United States are responsible for gathering and submitting data on new traumatic spinal cord injuries (SCI) to the national spinal cord database. In addition, NORSCIS conducts site specific research studies on SCI and collaborates with other model centers on various research projects. 

36.4. State Disability Resources

Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: (800) 282-4536
This is the program that provides individuals with disabilities the services and support necessary to help them attain and maintain employment. Disabilities may include either physical, intellectual, mental health, or sensory disabilities. Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services are customized for each individual through assessments and one-on-one meetings with professional VR counselors


STABLE Accounts
STABLE Accounts give people with special needs more independence and financial security. A STABLE Account is an investment account available to eligible individuals with disabilities. STABLE Accounts are made possible by the federal Achieving a Better Life Experience ("ABLE") Act. STABLE Accounts allow individuals with disabilities to save and invest money without losing eligibility for certain public benefits programs, like Medicaid, SSI, or SSDI. Earnings in your STABLE Account are not subject to federal income tax, so long as you spend them on "Qualified Disability Expenses."

36.5. Additional Programs or Resources

Abilities First
Phone: (513) 423-9496
Abilities First continues to lead the way in providing services for children and adults with disabilities, developmental delays and other special needs in Southwest Ohio.

Assistive Technology Ohio
Phone: (800) 784-3425
AT Ohio's mission is to help Ohioans with disabilities acquire assistive technology.

Building Blocks for Kids
Phone: 513-770-2900
The Building Blocks for Kids' mission is to improve the quality of life for children with health-related needs that are not being met due to a lack of insurance, government funding, and/or family resources. We assist our families by finding alternative resources for them and/or by providing financial assistance for the need. However, even when funds are scarce, the fact that we continually try to find resources for our families gives them hope that there is still someone out there trying to help them after so many doors have been closed in their face.

Cleveland Metroparks Institute of the Great Outdoors
Phone: (216) 341-1704
Contact: Toni Moore - Secretary
The Cleveland Metroparks Institute of the Great Outdoors (IGO) offers a wide variety of adaptive outdoor adventures throughout the year.

Dancing Wheels Company & School
Phone: 216.432.0306
Considered one of the premier arts and disabilities organizations in the U.S., Dancing Wheels is a professional, physically integrated dance company uniting the talents of dancers both with and without disabilities.

Disability Rights Ohio
614-466-7264 or 800-282-9181
At Disability Rights Ohio, we provide legal advocacy and rights protection to a wide range of people with disabilities. This includes assisting individuals with problems such as abuse, neglect, discrimination, access to assistive technology, special education, housing, employment, community integration, voting and rights protection issues.

Easter Seals Central and Southeast Ohio
Phone: 740 773-1273
Easter Seals provides exceptional services for people with disabilities or special needs and their families to live, learn, work and play in their communities. 

Easter Seals of Mahoning, Trumbull and Columbiana Counties
Phone: 330 758-5503
Easter Seals of Mahoning, Trumbull and Columbiana Counties pledges to help persons with disabilities or special needs live with Equality, Dignity and Independence. 

Easter Seals TriState
Phone: (513) 281-2316
Easter Seals TriState empowers individuals with disabilities and disadvantages to more fully live, learn, work and play in our communities.

 Family Voices of Ohio
Phone: (419) 251-8190
Family Voices aims to achieve family-centered care for all children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities. Through this national network, Family Voices provides families tools to make informed decisions, advocates for improved public and private policies, builds partnerships among professionals and families, and serves as a trusted resource on health care.

Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley
Phone: 937 461-4800
At Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley, we empower people with disabilities and other needs to achieve independence and enhance their lives on a daily basis.

Maximum Accessible Housing of Ohio
Phone: 216-231-7221
The mission of Maximum Accessible Housing of Ohio (MAHO) is to provide and promote accessible housing solutions for people with physical mobility disabilities.

MetroHealth Benjamin S. Gerson Family Resource Center

Phone: Local 216-778-2388, or toll-free 866-339-9775
The Benjamin S. Gerson Family Resource Center serves individuals who have experienced a life-altering illness or trauma, and their families. They provide information related to educational resources, support services and community agencies that provide disability services in greater Cleveland. Their services are provided to people who have spinal cord injury, stroke, brain injury and orthopedic disabilities.

Ohio AgrAbility
Phone: 614-292-0588
Ohio AgrAbility promotes success in agriculture for Ohio's farmers and farm families coping with a disability or long term health condition.

Ohio Handcycle Network
Contact via email
The Ohio Handcycle Network rides with all levels of experience. We always welcome new riders and new places to ride. There are no membership fees, no one who is considered in charge. It is just a group of friends who share the same passion for riding, and who enjoy allowing others to try this healthy experience. We also work with several places that rent Handcycles so that anyone can enjoy a ride.

Ohio Wheelchair Network
Contact via email
This site is dedicated to those who base their lives on wheels. Here you can communicate with your peers and learn from those who have succeeded.

Parker's Purpose Foundation
PHONE:  (419) 334-7275
Any family who has a minor (18 and under) with a life altering illness or disability that is in an immediate financial crisis due to unforeseen medical expenses. Families who live in Ohio will be first priority in providing assistance but will extend outside the state if deemed necessary.

PLAN (Planned Lifetime Assistance Network) of Southwest Ohio
Phone: (513) 821-6111
PLAN's objective is to step in where families do in terms of coordinating care and assisting individuals over their lifetimes. PLAN's aim is to become a sort of surrogate family member for people with disabilities - a surrogate who has detailed planning and background information and an established trusting relationship with the person.

Modcon Living Ohio
Phone: (614) 258-6392
Their Safe at Home program offers quality emergency repairs and home modifications, helping low- income homeowners, with priority to seniors and physically disabled individuals live in safe and healthy homes. Services are provided by dedicated volunteers, professional contractors, and staff at no cost to qualified homeowners.

Rebuilding Together Dayton
tel: 937.223.4893
We provide home repairs at no cost for low-income, elderly homeowners living in Montgomery County, with a preference to those in their homes for a minimum of 10 years. We also provide urgently needed safety updates, such as wheelchair ramps, grab bars, and hand-rails, by skilled tradespeople. We work with volunteer groups throughout the year to complete small projects for low-income elderly homeowners or in low-income neighborhoods.

Rebuilding Together Northeast Ohio
Phone: 330.773.4100
Rebuilding Together is a nonprofit year-round program that helps repair and rehabilitate the homes of low-income, elderly, disabled and veteran homeowners. We do not construct new homes, but work with existing housing bringing volunteers from all walks of life and all faiths together to help eligible recipients remain warm, safe, and dry in their homes.

Recreation Unlimited
Phone: (740) 548-7006
Recreation Unlimited Farm and Fun is a not-for-profit organization with the mission of providing year-round programs in sports, recreation and education for individuals with disabilities while building self-confidence, self-esteem and promoting positive human relations, attitudes, and behaviors.

Recycled Equipment Donated for Independence (REDI)
Phone: (937) 341-5202
purpose is to provide donated durable medical equipment to increase the independence of residents in Montgomery County who have short or long term disabilities.

The Ryan Shazier Fund for Spinal Rehabilitation
The mission of The Ryan Shazier Fund for Spinal Rehabilitation is to give those with spinal cord injuries and their caregivers the support, resources and funding they need to live independent and meaningful lives. The Golden Window Program is a stipend-based support system for individuals with spinal cord injuries who reside in Western PA, Eastern Ohio (including Columbus), and Northern WV.

Special Kids Therapy
(419) 422-5607
(Scholarship applications are for an individual child living in the State of Ohio) Special Kids Therapy is proud to offer scholarships to financially support children with special health needs and their families with the cost of non-traditional therapies or activities that are not covered by insurance. We encourage all families, regardless of financial status, to apply for our special needs scholarship. Scholarships are not intended for everyday medical expenses, medical needs, insurance premiums, prescription costs, or schooling. They are intended for outside experiences and activities that enrich the life of the child.

The Adaptive Adventure Sports Coalition (TAASC)
Phone: (614) 293-4963
The Adaptive Adventure Sports Coalition (TAASC) is a non-profit organization located in Columbus, Ohio that was established to offer individuals with disabilities opportunities to participate in adventure activities.

Three Trackers
Phone: (216) 556-0787
The Three Trackers of Ohio is an adaptive sports network for NE Ohio. Our group hosts many activities year round. Winter months are downhill skiing adventures. We are based at Brandywine Ski Resort. We welcome anyone who would like to try this sport and see how enjoyable adaptive skiing can be. Summer months are filled with kayaking, handcycling, and picnic fun.

Art Possible Ohio (formerly VSA arts of Ohio
Phone: (614) 241-5325
Art Possible Ohio promotes arts, education and creative expression involving children and adults with disabilities, thereby strengthening the human spirit and improving the quality of life for all.

Zane's Foundation
Through fundraising efforts and outside community grants, Zane's Foundation will provide funding assistance to families in Northeast Ohio with children who have disabilities so that they may receive necessities not covered by insurance, government agencies or other organizations.  Through various community outreach programs we aim to educate and increase awareness of disabilities and special needs.  Zane's Foundation does not discriminate.  We cover a vast range of disabilities while other organizations are more target-specific.


37. Oklahoma

37.1. Centers for Independent Living

Oklahoma Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

37.2. State Disability Resources

ADvantage Services
(918) 933-4900
The ADvantage Program of the Home-and Community-Based Services provides Medicaid services to help people stay at home instead of going to a nursing home. The program assists frail elders and adults who have physical disabilities. A person must first qualify for Medicaid, a low income service, prior to receiving ADvantage.

Oklahoma ABLE Tech
Phone: (800) 257-1705
Oklahoma ABLE Tech's Mission is to help individuals with disabilities gain access to assistive technology so that they can achieve their greatest potential.

Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services
Phone: (800) 845-8476
The primary agency dedicated to disability services in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Disability Resource Guide
Program descriptions and contact information designed to help Oklahomans solve disability-related problems.

Oklahoma Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Phone: (800) 523-0288
The library provides free services to Oklahomans who are blind, visually impaired, learning disabled, or have a physical limitation that makes it difficult to use regular printed matter. Reading materials on cassette or in braille and the equipment needed to read these materials are provided and maintained at no cost to the patron.

The Oklahoma Equipment Connection
Phone: (888) 885-5588
The OEC lists pre-owned assistive technology devices in a "want-ad" posting and consumers contact and arrange purchase of the item directly from the owner. The OEC is a free service to help Oklahomans with disabilities acquire affordable, used assistive technology to help meet their needs.

Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: (800) 487-4042
Vocational rehabilitation (VR) programs offered by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Division of Visual Services help Oklahomans with disabilities get jobs in careers of their choice.

37.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Phone: (405) 239-2525

WovenLife offers a Child Development Program for children ages birth through five-years-old, an Adult Day Health Center for adults and seniors, and onsite Speech, Physical, and Occupational Therapy.

All programs are inclusive to people living with or without a disability

Midwest Special Needs Trust
Phone: (888) 671-1069
Midwest Special Needs Trust (MSNT) provides trust services for persons with disabilities. Special needs trusts are a type of trust specifically designed for individuals with disabilities. If properly structured and administered, special needs trusts do not affect an individual's eligibility for benefits such as SSI or Medicaid. In addition, MSNT administers the Charitable Trust. Funds of the Charitable Trust are used to provide assistance to individuals with disabilities who meet eligibility and income criteria.

Oklahoma Adaptive Sports Association
Phone: 405-553-1377
OKASA is committed to sponsoring and supporting recreational and competitive events including basketball, track and field, swimming, road racing, table tennis, weight-lifting, and water sports. In most sports, competitions are available at the local, regional, national, and international levels.

Oklahoma Disability Law Center
Phone: (800) 880-7755
The Mission of the Oklahoma Disability Law Center, Inc. is to protect, promote and expand the rights of people with disabilities.

Oaklahoma Foundation for the Disabled
Phone: 405-842-6636
We begin each morning with specialized transportation service to and from a client’s home. Our experienced and caring drivers travel throughout central Oklahoma an estimated 14,000 miles each month and cover many communities and several counties. Each bus and van is designed to accommodate the special needs of our clients, particularly those with wheelchairs. Bus service begins at 7:00 a.m. and ends at 5:30 p.m. Based on a client’s needs, we can arrange on-site access to physical, occupational and speech therapists. To provide such a full range of activities and services we maintain a 1:4 staff-client ratio. We employ a social worker and an activities director, and benefit from advice from professional dietitian and nurse consultants. All staff are qualified and tested according to state regulations.

Rebuilding Together OKC
Phone: (405) 607-0464
Rebuilding Together OKC, a 501(c) 3 organization, rebuilds lives and neighborhoods by making homes safe, warm, and dry for low-income senior citizens in the Oklahoma City metro area. Through our Safe, Warm, and Dry Program and our Community Rebuild Partners, we provide  home repairs at no cost to the homeowner that foster safer mobility and independence, changing the lives of our older adult neighbors every day.

Revitalize T-Town
Phone: 918.742.6241
Revitalize T-Town is a 501c(3) organization that provides free home repairs for low-income Tulsa homeowners. All repairs focus on safety, security and weatherproofing.

The purpose of Sooner SUCCESS is to promote a comprehensive, coordinated system of health, social and educational services for Oklahoma children and youth with special their Community.  Sooner SUCCESS addresses barriers by promoting community capacity and infrastructure spread in communities and at regional and state levels. 

Sterling Thomas Push Push Pray is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit foundation with the mission to inspire hope, empower and enrich the quality of life of individuals living with spinal cord injury. They help survivors with responding to and overcoming the many challenges of facing disability providing the knowledge and tools needed to move forward, thrive and adapt to a changed way of life. Their focus is on promoting: Hope, Dignity, Support, Navigation, Education, Quality of Life, Physical Activity, Mobility, Accessibility and Inclusion.
They provide grants that promote self-sufficiency, quality of life, recreation and exercise/physical activity.







38. Oregon

38.1. Centers for Independent Living

Oregon Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

38.2. State Disability Resources

Clackamas County Services for People with Disabilities
Phone: (503) 655-8640
Social Services is dedicated to helping people in need live with self-reliance and independence, and offers many opportunities for all county residents to be socially engaged.    For seniors and people with disabilities, low income residents and veterans, we offer many programs that help support our community and provide people with the information and resources they need to be healthy and safe.

Clackamas County Family Caregiver Support Program
Family Caregiver Support is a community-based program that helps families and caregivers who need temporary relief from the demands of providing ongoing care for a person with special needs. The Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP) helps unpaid family caregivers who are seeking relief from the demands of caregiving by providing emotional support, respite care stipends, educational classes, information and access to other programs.

Adaptive & Inclusive Recreation from Portland Parks and Recreation
Phone: (503) 823-4328
Offering community-based recreation activities and leisure services specially designed for children, teens, and adults who have a disability and/or special needs. Our services are designed to assist people in developing and using their leisure time in ways that enhance their health, well-being, and independence.

Lane County Area Agency on Aging and Disability Services
Phone: (541) 682-4038
The mission of S&DS is to advocate for seniors and persons with disabilities and provide to them quality services and information that promote dignity, independence, and choice.

Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services
Phone: (503) 988-3646
Network of Care is Multnomah County's comprehensive, Internet-based community resource for the elderly and people with disabilities, as well as their caregivers and service providers.

NorthWest Senior & Disability Services
Phone: (800) 469-8772
As the designated Area Agency on Aging and Disability Services for Clatsop, Marion, Polk, Tillamook and Yamhill counties, NWSDS develops and maintains a comprehensive and coordinated service system to meet the needs of seniors and people with disabilities.

Oregon Department of Human Services - Services for People with Disabilities
Phone: (800) 282-8096
we offer information about services for seniors and people with physical disabilities. We have also included information about aging, health related issues, receiving and providing caregiving services, how to get legal, housing, food and financial help; and support and advocacy for older Oregonians.

Oregon Office on Disability and Health
Phone: (800) 452-3563 Ext. 1205
The Oregon Office on Disability and Health improves the health and wellness of people with disabilities through health promotion, surveillance, dissemination, and policy development activities that address health disparities and secondary conditions.

Oregon Prescription Drug Program
OPDP is a state-sponsored prescription discount card program. OPDP offers a free discount card. All Oregonians may join. There is no cost to enroll.

Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation Division
Oregon's Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (OVRS) assists Oregonians with disabilities to achieve and maintain employment and independence.

Transportation Reaching People (TRP)
Phone: (503) 655-8604
Transportation Reaching People (TRP) serves older people and people with disabilities needing transportation to medical and social services appointments, for personal business and shopping, and also for recreational rides. Volunteer drivers provide door-to-door transportation using their own vehicles. TRP also has a van for riders needing wheelchair accessibility.

Washington County Disability, Aging & Veteran Services
Phone: 503-846-3060
Creating options for older persons and people with disabilities involves assessing needs; planning and coordinating services; developing services, advocating for their needs; and delivering and monitoring social and health services. We perform these functions to enable persons to live as independently as they can for as long as possible. We are especially concerned about the risk of losing their independence.

38.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Access Technologies
Phone: (800) 677-7512
Access Technologies, Inc. is a nonprofit organization specializing in Ergonomic Risk Assessments, Assistive Technology Evaluations, and Technology Training Services. We work with government, business, education, health service organizations, and individuals to provide accessible and cost-effective ergonomic and technology solutions.

Blanche Fischer Foundation
Phone: (503) 246-4941 BFF makes direct grants on behalf of individuals with physical disabilities living in Oregon. The aid may relate directly to the disability or may less directly foster independence.

Camp Attitude
Phone: (541) 367-3420
Camp Attitude is a non-profit organization, committed to meeting the challenges of providing a positive camping experience for disabled children and adults. It is located on 34 acres of flat, riverfront land in Foster, Oregon.

Disability Rights Oregon
503-243-2081 or 1-800-452-1694
Disability Rights Oregon (DRO) promotes Opportunity, Access and Choice for individuals with disabilities by assisting them with legal problems directly related to their disabilities.

Easter Seals Oregon
Phone: (800) 556-6020
Easter Seals Oregon provides services to children and adults with disabilities and other special needs, helping them to live with equality, dignity and independence.

Incight Scholarship(971) 244-0305
The Incight Scholarship is only open to students who are permanent residents of, or attending college in Oregon or SW Washington. You must have a documented disability.  This can be any type of disability as it is defined by the ADA, DSM-V, IDEA, or other governing body. This scholarship is intended for students with disabilities who have demonstrated outstanding community involvement and motivation to attend higher education. Grades are taken into account during the evaluation process but are not a deciding factor.

Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp
Phone: (503) 452-0062
offer children and adults with disabilities an opportunity to leave behind their routine lives and taste the freedom of the outdoors - to go beyond limits that they, and others, have set for them. They provide a caring, welcoming environment where campers are challenged to do their best, yet their special and personal needs are met.

Oregon Adaptive Sports
Phone: 541-848-9390
Oregon Adaptive Sports exists to provide life-changing outdoor recreation experiences to individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities and, concurrently, to provide their families with the education and skills to enjoy these experiences together.

Oregon Statewide Assistive Technology Program

Phone: 503-361-1201

Oregon's Statewide Assistive Technology Program is a part of a national network of technology-related assistance programs to increase access to assistive technology (AT) devices and services for individuals with disabilities and their families. Their services include device loans, training and technical assistance, AT demonstrations, funding information, and equipment reutilization resources. 

Oregon Technology Access Program
The Oregon Technology Access Program (OTAP) provides training, information, technical assistance and resources regarding the uses of technology for children with disabilities. OTAP services are available to anyone concerned with the needs of Oregon's children with disabilities from birth to age twenty-one.

Phone: 503.287.4260
QUAD Inc. fosters personal independence for low-income people with severe physical disabilities. We accomplish our mission by providing affordable, barrier-free housing and a unique model of resident-directed shared attendant care services at four buildings throughout the Portland, Oregon area. Designed for—and with the input of—people who count on a wheelchair for mobility, these desirable apartments and services provide for a highly functional, accessible home living environment where residents take charge of their own personal care needs.

Rebuilding Together Washington County
Phone: (503) 644-4544
Rebuilding Together Washington County, Inc., is a non-profit housing rehabilitation organization dedicated to partnering with the community to repair and rehabilitate the houses of the low-income homeowners in Washington County, Oregon. Preference is given to elderly, those with disabilities and families with dependent children homeowners. All our work is performed free of charge to qualified, selected homeowners.

Rotary Club of Portland's Wheels of Power program
Phone: (503) 228-1542
Electrically powered wheelchairs are made available to needy, handicapped individuals at no cost. Recipients are chosen based on the fact that a chair will allow them to contribute back to the community.

Unlimited Choices
Phone: (503) 234-6167
Unlimited Choices is a community-based, private, nonprofit organization serving the cities of Beaverton, Gresham, and Portland, Oregon, the city of Vancouver, Washington, as well as communities within Clark and Multnomah Counties. The Mission is to remove barriers and create more affordable, accessible housing for low-income people with physical disabilities. The Focus is to promote independence, empowerment, safety and dignity for individuals of all ages with physical disabilities.

39. Pennsylvania

39.1. Centers for Independent Living

Pennsylvania Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

39.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital
414 Paoli Pike, Malvern, Pennsylvania, 19355
Phone: (610) 251-5400

Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network (GSRN)
850 South Fifth Street
Allentown, PA 18103-3308
Phone: 610-776-3351

Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania/Penn Institute for Rehabilitation Medicine (HUP/PIRM)
1800 Lombard Street
Philadelphia, PA 19146
Phone: 215-893-2579

Magee Rehabilitation Hospital
1513 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19102
Phone: (215) 587-3000

Magee Riverfront
1500 South Columbus Boulevard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19147
Phone: (215) 218-3900

 Penn State Health Rehabilitation Hospital
1135 Old West Chocolate Avenue
Hummelstown, PA 17036
Phone: 717-832-2600

WellSpan Specialty Services dba WellSpan Surgery and Rehabilitation Hospital
55 Monument Drive
York, PA 17403
Phone: 717-812-6100

39.3. Spinal Cord Injury Model System Centers (SCIMS)


University of Pittsburgh Model Center on Spinal Cord Injury (UPMC-SCI)
UPMC Rehabilitation Institute, Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412-232-7949

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports innovative projects and research in the delivery, demonstration, and evaluation of medical, rehabilitation, vocational and other services to meet the needs of individuals with SCI.

NIDILRR awards SCI Model Systems Center grants to institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care and provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life. Grants are awarded in five-year cycles.

Each SCI Model Systems Center contributes to the SCI Model Systems Data Center, participates in independent and collaborative research, and provides information and resources to individuals with SCI, their family and care givers, health care professionals and the general public.

39.4. State Disability Resources

Pennsylvania State Parks - Accessible Areas and Facilities
Phone: (888) 727-2757
The Pennsylvania Bureau of State Parks has a long-standing commitment to meeting the needs of people with disabilities. Because of the large resource base that state parks administers - over 277,000 acres - visitors with disabilities often use parks as locations to hunt, fish and enjoy the outdoors.

Attendant Care Program
Phone: (800) 757-5042
The purpose of the Pennsylvania Attendant Care Program is to enable individuals with physical disabilities to perform activities of daily living. Consumers have ultimate control of their attendant care services including the right to recruit, hire, train, supervise, pay and, if necessary, terminate their attendants.

Independence Waiver
Toll free 1-866-286-3636
If you are an adult with a severe physical disability, the Independence Waiver may be able to help you live or remain in the community and remain as independent as possible.

Keystone Renovate & Repair Loan Program
R&R loans can be used to pay for repairs and improvements that increase the basic livability of the home, including additions and construction, that makes the home safer, more energy efficient, or more accessible to people with disabilities or people who are elderly.

Library For the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Phone: (800) 242-0586
The Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (LBPH) provides on free loan recorded books and magazines, equipment to play the recordings, large print books, and described videos. Western Pennsylvania residents of any age who are unable to read standard print materials because of a visual disability, physical disability, or physically-based reading disability may be eligible to receive this service.

Medical Assistance for Workers with Disabilities
Phone: (800) 692-7462
MAWD lets Pennsylvanians with disabilities take a fulfilling job, earn more money and still keep their full medical coverage. With MAWD you can keep Medicaid while you work, even if your earnings increase above the limits for other Medicaid programs.

Pennsylvania Employment Resource Guide for Persons with Disabilities
Contact: Carol Tooker
The Pennsylvania MIG project developed the Work Incentive Planning Assistance (WIPA) Program in order to promote employment among those receiving SSI/SSDI benefits. WIPA produced this newsletter which seeks to succinctly list services available to individuals with disabilities who wish to work.

Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation provides individualized services to assist people with disabilities to pursue, obtain, and maintain satisfactory employment.

Pennsylvania's Assistive Technology Lending Library
Phone: (877) 722-8536
Pennsylvania's Assistive Technology Lending Library is a free service that loans assistive technology devices to people with disabilities. It's available to Pennsylvanians of all ages and disabilities.

Pennsylvania's Initiative on Assistive Technology (PIAT)
Phone: (800) 204-7428
Contact: PIAT's information and referral hotline
PIAT's priority activities include the development, implementation, and monitoring of laws, policies, practices, and organizational structures to improve access to assistive technology for all Pennsylvanians with disabilities and older Pennsylvanians.

Services for Pennsylvanians with Disabilities

Telecommunication Device Distribution Program (TDDP)
Pennsylvania's Telecommunication Device Distribution Program (TDDP) provides specialized equipment, FREE, to eligible Pennsylvanians who have disabilities which impede them from having independent access to telephone services. People with disabilities includes people who are deaf, hard of hearing, speech impaired, blind or have visual problems, have physical disabilities or intellectual disabilities. Ask for the Sesame solution Sesame is an optimal smartphone solution for people who have limited, or no use of their hands to control a smartphone and are able to make small head movements.  


39.5. Additional Programs or Resources

Access Home Modification Program
Phone: (800) 822-1174
The Access Home Modification Program provides mortgage loans to assist persons with disabilities or who have a family member(s) living in the household with disabilities who are purchasing a home that needs accessibility modifications. This program provides a deferred payment loan, with no interest, and no monthly payment.

Phone: (724) 832-8272
Contact via email
accessAbilities is a nonprofit organization that provides home-based services for children, adults, and seniors with disabilities in Armstrong, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties.

Adam Taliaferro Foundation
 (609) 502-0424
Provides emotional, financial and educational support to student-athletes who suffer catastrophic head or spinal injuries in sanctioned team events in New Jersey, Pennsylvania or Delaware. The foundation also provides educational and financial support related to the research, prevention and care of such injuries.

AgrAbility for Pennsylvanians
Phone: (814) 863-7490
AgrAbility staff provides direct services for farmers and farm family members with a disability or long-term health condition who want to remain in production agriculture.

Canine Partners For Life
Phone: (610) 869-4902 Ext. 221
Canine Partners For Life (CPL) trains and places assistance dogs with individuals with mobility impairments to help increase their independence and quality of life.

Carousel House
Phone: (215) 685-0160
Carousel House is dedicated to providing socialization, recreational and educational services to persons with disabilities who reside throughout the Philadelphia area. It is the first of its kind in the United States sponsored by a municipality. The year-round program is conducted within a 6.4 acre indoor and outdoor complex which includes a picnic area, an accessible garden, playground, and a fitness track. The state-of-the-art, air conditioned indoor facility, includes an auditorium, meeting room, computer lab, gymnasium, exercise room with wheelchair accessible weight equipment, arts and crafts room, fully equipped kitchen, game room, first aid station and swimming pool with an adjustable floor.

Center for Assistive Technology
Phone: (412) 647-1310
At CAT, we strive to provide you with commercially available or customized assistive technologies that will help you interact to the greatest possible extent with your family, in your workplace, and in your community.

Community Options, Inc.
Phone: (609) 951-9900
Community Options provides housing, support services and advocacy assistance to help empower people with disabilities.

Disability Rights Pennsylvania
Phone: (215) 238-8070
Disability Rights Pennsylvania (DRN) is a statewide, non-profit corporation designated as the federally-mandated organization to advance and protect the civil rights of adults and children with disabilities. DRN works with people with disabilities and their families, their organizations, and their advocates to ensure their right to live in their communities with the services they need, to receive a full and inclusive education, to live free of discrimination, abuse and neglect, and to have control and self-determination over their services. DRN works to ensure that people with disabilities have equal and unhindered access to employment, transportation, public accommodations, and government services; to enforce their rights to vocational, habilitative, post-secondary educational, health, and other services; and to protect them from abuse and neglect.

Easter Seals Eastern Pennsylvania
Phone: (610) 289-0114
Easter Seals Eastern Pennsylvania (ESEP) provides quality services to children and adults with disabilities, and support to their families.

Easter Seals Southeastern Pennsylvania
Phone: (215) 879-1000
Easter Seals of Southeastern Pennsylvania serves Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties in an effort to maximize the independence of children and adults with disabilities.

Easter Seals Western and Central Pennsylvania
Easter Seals provides exceptional programs and services to ensure that people with disabilities or other special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities. We provide programs in Pittsburgh, Franklin, Oil City, Johnstown, Somerset, Altoona, State College, York & Harrisburg.

Fighting Back Scholarship Program
The Fighting Back Scholarship Program, (FBSP), was created in 1989 to assist individuals who have suffered a life-changing illness or injury, and are without the finances needed to participate in a rehabilitative exercise program. Our first mission is to provide financial scholarships to be used for individualized exercise rehabilitation. These scholarships are awarded based on financial need to those who have demonstrated the attributes consistent with our mission statement.

Inglis Foundation
Phone: (866) 246-4547
Inglis Foundation works with people with physical disabilities to create and provide practical solutions so they may pursue their life goals. Services include long-term care and a scope of community-based services that include wheelchair accessible housing, community employment services, care management, attendant care, an adult day program and mobility equipment.

JEVS Supports for Independence
JEVS Supports for Independence has three service segments: Attendant Care, Home Health Care, and Fiscal/Payment Agent Services. We provide quality Personal Assistance Services that allow people to remain in their homes by empowering them to manage and direct the delivery of their own care.

Kevin Kitchnefsky Foundation
Phone (570) 836-1240
Offers individual K Grants. These special awards are designed to help offset the costs of equipment, therapy, caregiver respite, fees and/or medical bills incurred as a result of a spinal cord injury. Open to any resident of Pennsylvania who has suffered a spinal cord injury.

Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania
Phone: (800) 986-4550
Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania is a network created by families for families of children and adults with special needs. We connect families in similar situations with one another so that they may share experiences, offer practical information and/or support.

Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF)
Phone: (877) 693-7271
PA Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF) is a non-profit organization that provides low-interest loans to people with disabilities and older adults so that they can buy the assistive technology devices and services they need. Offer loans or grants for assistive technology for persons with disabilities

Philadelphia PowerPlay
Phone: (610) 259-6977
Contact: Pat Hilferty
mission is to provide a community based competitive athletic experience for people who use power wheelchairs in their daily lives.

Rebuilding Together Harrisburg (Greater)
(717) 232-2557
Rebuilding Together Greater Harrisburg's (RTGH) mission is to preserve and revitalize houses and communities, assuring that low-income homeowners, from the elderly (over the age of 60) and disabled to families with children, live in warmth, safety, and independence. In partnership with local greater Harrisburg communities (including Dauphin, Cumberland, Perry and parts of York Counties), our goal is to make a sustainable impact. We make this impact through providing necessary repairs free of charge to existing homeowners. These necessary repairs often include home modifications, roofing, plumbing, and electrical repairs and/or improvements - our goal is to provide a warm, safe and dry environment for low-income homeowners, enabling them to live independently and with dignity.

Rebuilding Together Philadelphia
RTP is a local, independent affiliate of Rebuilding Together, Inc., the nation's leading nonprofit organization providing critical home repairs, modifications, and improvements for America's low-income homeowners. Home modifications for older adults and people with disabilities are priorities, and have become a routine component of our work scopes. Volunteer Occupational Therapists have been instrumental in helping RTP develop a sophisticated process for assessing and improving the safety of the home. By adapting living spaces, volunteers help homeowners remain as mobile and independent as possible

 Recycled Equipment Exchange Project (REEP)
Phone: (800) 633-4588
REEP is a free statewide service for people with disabilities, their families, friends, service providers and other interested individuals. Equipment in the REEP listing can range from simple home adaptations, to wheelchairs, to computers and software.

The Ryan Shazier Fund for Spinal Rehabilitation
The mission of The Ryan Shazier Fund for Spinal Rehabilitation is to give those with spinal cord injuries and their caregivers the support, resources and funding they need to live independent and meaningful lives. The Golden Window Program is a stipend-based support system for individuals with spinal cord injuries who reside in Western PA, Eastern Ohio (including Columbus), and Northern WV.

Self Determination Housing Project of Pennsylvania
Phone: (610) 873-9595
The mission of SDHP is to promote self-determination and control in housing for people with disabilities in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The SDHP Website provides information and resources that empower people with disabilities in Pennsylvania to have control over their housing choices.

Steel City Starz
Phone: (412) 826-2703
Contact: Leah Gray
Join one of only 14 all-women's competitive wheelchair basketball teams in the USA. Any female with a lower-extremity impairment is eligible to play. Participants must use a wheelchair to play, but do not need to be an everyday wheelchair user. The team is always looking for new members!

Three Rivers Adaptive Sports
Phone: (412) 848-8896
TRAS, a non-profit organization, is comprised of individuals with physical challenges, health care professionals, and able bodied individuals. These members all volunteer many hours toward one goal - to educate and provide quality year-round sports and recreational opportunities for individuals with disabilities, their families and friends. Over the past years, TRAS has grown to provide a variety of adaptive sports and recreational activities for individuals with disabilities. Activities include: camping and canoeing; kayaking; water skiing; snow skiing; cycling; paint ball and many more.

Variety – The Children's Charity
Our programs and services are designed to best address the children's physical, social, medical, educational, and recreational needs without regards to economic status, race, creed, gender, or type of disability.

Variety- The Children's Charity- Pittsburgh
Phone: (412) 747-2680
Contact: Sandra R. Thompson, Director of Programs and Community Outreach
Variety the Children's Charity of Pittsburgh assists children with mental and physical disabilities and other health challenges, 21 years of age & under, in a ten county area of southwestern Pennsylvania: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Lawrence, Washington, and Westmoreland.

40. Puerto Rico

40.1. Centers for Independent Living

Puerto Rico Centers For Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling


40.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

VA Caribbean Healthcare System - Spinal Cord System of Care
10 Casia Street
San Juan, PR 00921-3201
Phone: 787-641-3692

40.3. State Disability Resources

Assistance in Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam
The Adult Programs in the Territories provide monthly cash payments eligible to financially deprived aged, blind and disabled persons in Guam, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. These payments help with food, shelter, clothing, and other daily living needs. The individual or couple must also be within applicable income and resource limits.



40.4. Additional Programs or Resources

APNI Apoyo a Padres

 SER de Puerto Rico
la Sociedad de Educación y Rehabilitación (SER) de Puerto Rico -- The Association for Education and Rehabilitation of Puerto Rico


41. Rhode Island

41.1. Centers for Independent Living

Rhode Island Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

41.2. State Disability Resources

ATEL - RI Adaptive Telephone Equipment Loan Program
Phone: (401) 276-0875
The ATEL program provides telephone equipment to residents of the State of Rhode Island who have hearing, speech or neuromuscular (unable to dial or hold a receiver) impairments.

Office of Rehabilitation Services
Phone: (401) 421-7005
The goal of the Office of Rehabilitation Services is to assist persons with disabilities to become employed and to live independently in the community.

RIde Program
Phone: (401) 784-9553
To serve individuals with disabilities who are unable to use regular bus service, RIPTA provides ADA Paratransit Services through the RIde Program, which RIPTA coordinates and manages statewide.

41.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Accessible Rhode Island
Phone: (401) 944-3949
Contact: Marie Perna
This list includes restaurants, museums, cinemas and cultural sites that have been surveyed according to the guidelines for identifying accessibility outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Hard copies of Accessible Rhode Island are available

Assistive Technology Access Partnership
Phone: (401) 462-7873
ATAP increases knowledge about and access to Assistive Technology.

Easter Seals Rhode Island
Phone: 401-284-1000
Easter Seals provides exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities

Rewarding Work
The Rewarding Work website gives older people and individuals with disabilities the choice of hiring staff directly and allows them control of the process of hiring personal assistants. The site also provides private agencies a resource to assist in recruitment of direct support professionals and other staff. You can get names, contact information, and availability of direct care workers and agencies that provide respite services or personal care, review their experience, and learn if they are available to work mornings, days, evenings, overnight, or weekends.

Rhode Island Parent Information Network
Phone: (800) 464-3399
The Rhode Island Parent Information Network (RIPIN) is a statewide, nonprofit agency that provides information, training, support and advocacy to parents seeking help for their children.

Sail To Prevail
Phone: 401-849-8898
Sail To Prevail creates opportunities for disabled children and adults to overcome adversity through therapeutic sailing.
Operating in several states, Sail To Prevail teaches over 1,500 people with disability the skills of sailing in our fleet of specially adapted sailboats each year. The measurable outcomes demonstrate self-confidence, leadership and teamwork. First time and experienced sailors are welcome at Sail To Prevail. Our program is available to all people with disabilities and has programs designed to meet specific needs.

TechACCESS of Rhode Island
Phone: (800) 916-8324
TechACCESS of RI is a private, not for profit resource center that serves people with disabilities who are interested in assistive technology. Assistive Technology is any device which helps a person with a disability function better at home, work, school, or in the community.


42. South Carolina

42.1. Centers for Independent Living

South Carolina Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

42.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Prisma Health Roger Peace Rehabilitation Center
701 Grove Road, Greenville, South Carolina, 29605
Phone: 864-455-6155

Prisma Health North Greenville Hospital
Highway 276 (807 N. Main Street.), Travelers Rest, SC 29690
Phone: 864-455-9224

Roper Rehabilitation Hospital (RRH)
316 Calhoun Street
Charleston, SC 29401
Phone: 843-724-2639

42.3. State Disability Resources

Anderson County Disabilities & Special Needs Board
Phone: (864) 260-4515
The Anderson County Disabilities and Special Needs Board (ACDSNB) serves people in Anderson County with Mental Retardation/Related Disabilities and Autism(MR/RD)and people with Head and Spinal Cord Injuries(HASCI) in Anderson & Oconee Counties.

Disabilities & Special Needs Board of Charleston County
Phone: (843) 805-5805
The Disabilities Board of Charleston County is part of a state-wide network of County Disabilities boards contracted by the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (SCDDSN) to provide services and supports to people with mental retardation, autism, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, and related disabilities.

Florence County Disabilities and Special Needs Board
Phone: (800) 340-4028
FCDSNB provides services throughout Florence County that bring out the best in people while promoting opportunities, broadening their abilities and supporting choices. More than 800 people are being served throughout the county in a variety of support services and programs that include day services for children, employment opportunities, residential services, leisure activities, and family support services.

Greenville County Disabilities and Special Needs Board
Phone: (864) 288-1907
The Greenville County Disabilities and Special Needs Board provide programs and services to consumers from birth through adult. Day services details programs for Early Intervention, child development, adult development as well as individual rehabilitation support. Adult development also includes vocational skills from workshop settings, to supported employment to work training. Services provided in family supports include Service Coordination to help make sure consumers get the help they need, assistance with Medicaid waivers, respite care, companion care, and attendant care.

Horry County Disabilities and Special Needs
Phone: (843) 347-3010
The agency provides and coordinates services for persons with Mental Retardation and related disabilities or with Autism or who have sustained a Head or Spinal Cord Injury.

Laurens County Disabilities and Special Needs Board
Phone: (864) 682-2314
LCDSNB is a public, non-profit agency, which serves individuals with developmental disabilities, head and spinal cord injuries, and autism and their families in all areas of Laurens County. Our goal is to offer opportunities for people with disabilities to reach their full potential.

Richland/Lexington Disabilities and Special Needs Board
Phone: (803) 252-5981
The Richland/Lexington Disabilities and Special Needs Board supports people with autism, mental retardation and related disabilities, head injuries, spinal cord injuries and similar disabilities and promotes their pursuit of life goals and their presence, participation, and inclusion in the community.

South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs
Phone: (888) 376-4636
Assist people with disabilities and their families through choice in meeting needs, pursuing possibilities and achieving life goals, and minimize the occurrence and reduce the severity of disabilities through prevention.

South Carolina Assistive Technology Project
Phone: (803) 935-5263
Our goal is to enhance independence, productivity and quality of life for all South Carolinians through access to assistive technology devices and services.

Phone: (843) 747-0007
Tel-A-Ride is a specialized curb-to-curb transportation service that is available to persons with disabilities who are unable to use the local public bus service. All Tel-A-Ride vehicles are wheelchair lift-equipped. Tel-A-Ride services all of Peninsula Charleston, and portions of James Island, West Ashley, Mt. Pleasant, Sullivan's Island, Isle of Palms, and North Charleston.

Tri-Development Center of Aiken County
Phone: (803) 642-8800
MISSION STATEMENT is twofold in purpose: to provide, promote and coordinate community services in Aiken County for individuals with autism, head and spinal cord injuries, and mental retardation, to maximize independence, safeguard and support human rights and dignity, and achieve community inclusion; and to provide education and resources to the public to help in the understanding and prevention of autism, head and spinal cord injuries, and mental retardation.

York County Board of Disabilities & Special Needs
Phone: (803) 628-5999
Services and supports available to consumers include service coordination, early intervention for infants to three-year-olds, respite, companion care, individualize rehabilitation supports, community residential services, sheltered workshop activities, and supported employment.

42.4. Additional Programs or Resources

Angel Flight
Phone: (877) 426-2643
Phone: (770) 452-7958
Angel Flight arranges free air transportation for people that have a medical need that can't be filled in their local area. Angel Flight serves primarily patients who are traveling from, to or through the states of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and the Carolinas. Our organization believes that the cost of travel should never stand in the way of receiving medical care.

Babcock Center Foundation
Phone: (803) 799-1970
provide residential and vocational support to more than 1,100 individuals with developmental disabilities, autism, spinal cord and head injuries and related lifelong disabilities

Charles Lea Center
Phone: (864) 585-0322
mission is to be the organization dedicated to supporting people with disabilities and special needs where they live, work and play.

Easter Seals South Carolina
Phone: (800) 951-4090
Easter Seals provides services to children and adults with disabilities and other special needs, and support to their families. Easterseals South Carolina offers educational scholarships to deserving disabled students who desire to complete their college education and to become productive citizens.

Family Connection of South Carolina
Phone: (800) 578-8750
Family Connection is a support network for families who have children with special needs. Founded in 1990, we're here to help thousands of children in South Carolina reach their potential by providing parent-to-parent connections, linking families to community resources, and sponsoring a number of educational and support programs.

H. A .L. T. E. R. (Handicapped Athletes Learning To Enjoy Riding)
Phone: (864) 576-0316
H. A .L. T. E. R. is an affordable Therapeutic Horseback Riding program which has served handicapped residents of Spartanburg (and surrounding counties) and students at the South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind since 1987.

Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities
Phone: (866) 275-7273
Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities, Inc. (P&A) is authorized by state and federal law to protect the rights of people with disabilities in South Carolina. P&A promotes this mission by enabling individuals to advocate for themselves, by speaking on their behalf when they have been discriminated against or denied a service to which they are entitled, and by promoting policies and services which respect their choices.

Touch the Future
Phone:  (864) 367 0831
Touch the Future, Inc. is dedicated to providing affordable computers, durable medical equipment and assistive technology to individuals who are disabled, seniors, Veterans or from disadvantaged communities. We also support other nonprofit organizations, educational programs and others who serve our service populations.  Touch the Future's expertise and services are as affordable as they are vital to successful independence within the community.  We are your one stop shop for computer and AT needs.


43. South Dakota

43.1. Centers for Independent Living

South Dakota Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

43.2. State Disability Resources

Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS) Program
(605) 773-3195
The Assistive Daily Living Services Program provides personal attendant services, case management, consumer preparation and ancillary services such as skilled nursing and emergency response services to individuals with quadriplegia

DakotaLink: South Dakota's Technology Related Assistance Services Program
Phone: (800) 645-0673
DakotaLink is a statewide program of resources and supports that enable individuals in South Dakota greater access to assistive technology devices and services, to maintain independence, to explore funding options, and to become educated about assistive technology issues.

South Dakota Division of Rehabilitation Services
Phone: (605) 773-3195
Mission Statement: To assist individuals with disabilities to obtain employment, economic self-sufficiency, personal independence and full inclusion into society.

43.3. Additional Programs or Resources

South Dakota Advocacy Services
Phone: (800) 658-4782
protect and advocate the rights of South Dakotans with disabilities through legal, administrative, and other remedies.

South Dakota Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities
Phone: (800) 210-0143
The mission of South Dakota Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities is to advocate for the full inclusion of all individuals of all ages with disabilities in all aspects of society.

South Dakota Parent Connection
Phone: (800) 640-4553
South Dakota Parent Connection, Inc., is a Parent Training and Information Center. We are a non-profit organization formed by parents, educators, and services personnel to provide information and training to parents of children with disabilities or special health care needs throughout the state of South Dakota.

44. Tennessee

44.1. Centers for Independent Living

Tennessee Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

44.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Memphis VA Medical Center
1030 Jefferson Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee, 38104
Phone: (901) 577-7373

44.3. State Disability Resources

Division of Rehabilitation Services
The Department of Human Services' Division of Rehabilitation Services helps persons with disabilities become self-sufficient, gain employment, or receive timely and accurate decisions on their applications for disability benefits.

Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability
Phone: (615) 741-2056
Protects the rights, meets the needs, and preserves the dign Tennesseans and adults with disabilities needing home and community services through visible and effective advocacy, leadership, and stewardship.

Tennessee Technology Access Project
Phone: (800) 732-5059
The Tennessee Technology Access Project (TTAP) provides Tennesseans who have disabilities with comprehensive information related to assistive technology including: Resources for Assistive Technology, Devices and Services, Information About the Funding of Devices and Services, Resources for Advocacy Services, Statewide Systems Change Initiatives/Activities, Assistive Technology Centers.

Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Phone: (615) 313-4891
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is a federal and state-funded program providing services to help individuals with disabilities enter or return to employment. It is designed to assist individuals of work age with physical and/or mental disabilities compete successfully with others in earning a livelihood.

44.4. Additional Programs or Resources

Angel Flight
Phone: (877) 426-2643
Phone: (770) 452-7958
Angel Flight arranges free air transportation for people that have a medical need that can't be filled in their local area. Angel Flight serves primarily patients who are traveling from, to or through the states of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and the Carolinas. Our organization believes that the cost of travel should never stand in the way of receiving medical care.

Community Options, Inc.
Phone: (609) 951-9900
Community Options provides housing, support services and advocacy assistance to help empower people with disabilities.

Phone: 866.992.4568
Controls4Control is a program offered by Empower Tennessee, via funding from the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation, that provides individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) with financial resources to equip their personal vehicles with hand controls so that they may attain their goals for independent living.

Disability Rights Tennessee

Phone: (800) 342-1660
DRT provides services to people with disabilities across the state with numerous issues, including employment discrimination, safety in schools, abuse and neglect, and access to community resources and services.

Easter Seals Tennessee
Phone: (800) 264-0078
The mission of Easter Seals Tennessee is to create solutions that change the lives of children and adults with disabilities or other special needs and their families.

Family Voices of Tennessee
Phone: (888) 643-7811
Operates the Tennessee Family-to-Family Health Information Center for families who have children with special health care needs: disability, chronic illness, physical or mental health conditions. Their purpose is to provide training or assistance to families in navigating various service systems, including Medicaid and TennCare, SSI for Children, Title V (Children's Special Services), Early Intervention (TEIS), and other programs.

Midwest Special Needs Trust
Phone: (888) 671-1069
Midwest Special Needs Trust (MSNT) provides trust services for persons with disabilities. Special needs trusts are a type of trust specifically designed for individuals with disabilities. If properly structured and administered, special needs trusts do not affect an individual's eligibility for benefits such as SSI or Medicaid. In addition, MSNT administers the Charitable Trust. Funds of the Charitable Trust are used to provide assistance to individuals with disabilities who meet eligibility and income criteria.

People First of Tennessee
Phone: (615) 256-8002
Tennesseans with disabilities, regardless of severity, have a friend in People First. Members advocate for themselves and others through public and private speaking, and the organization teaches self-advocacy skill to high school students with disabilities. People First also offers training in public speaking, rights and responsibilities, independent living, supported employment, and works to support legislation to help Tennesseans with disabilities.

Tennessee AgrAbility
Phone: 865-200-4527
The AgrAbility Project provides individualized services on the farm or at the work setting to help disabled individuals return to farming, the community and independent living.

Tennessee Disability Coalition
Phone: (615) 383-9442
The core purpose of the Coalition is to work for systems change and to advocate public policies that ensure every person with a disability has the freedom and opportunity to exercise individual decisions that affect his/her own life, welfare and personal dignity.

Tennessee Respite Coalition
Respite is temporary relief for caregivers and families. It is a service in which care is provided to individuals with disabilities and other special needs.


45. Texas

45.1. Centers for Independent Living

Texas Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

45.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

DHR Health
5403 Doctors Drive
Edinburg, TX 78539
Phone: 956-362-3550

Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Spinal Cord Injury Care Line
2002 Holcombe Boulevard,
Houston, Texas, 77030
Phone: (793) 794-7128

South Texas Veterans Health Care System - Spinal Cord Injury Center
7400 Merton Minter Street
San Antonio, TX 78229
Phone: 210-617-5300 

Texas Rehabilitation Hospital of Fort Worth
425 Alabama Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76104
Phone: 817-820-3400

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas D/B/A: UT Southwestern Inpatient
5323 Harry Hines Boulevard
Dallas, TX 75390-8883
Phone: 214-648-8718

Veterans Affairs North Texas Healthcare System Dallas Medical Center/Spinal Cord Injury Service
4500 South Lancaster Road, Spinal Cord Injury (128),
Dallas, Texas, 75216
Phone: (214) 857-1757

45.3. Spinal Cord Injury Model System Centers (SCIMS)


There are currently two Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems Centers (SCIMS) in Texas.

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports innovative projects and research in the delivery, demonstration, and evaluation of medical, rehabilitation, vocational and other services to meet the needs of individuals with SCI.
NIDILRR awards SCI Model Systems Center grants to institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care and provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life. Grants are awarded in five-year cycles. Each SCI Model Systems Center contributes to the SCI Model Systems Data Center, participates in independent and collaborative research, and provides information and resources to individuals with SCI, their family and care givers, health care professionals and the general public

45.4. State Disability Resources

Aging and Disability Resource Center
Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC) were created to simplify access to long-term care by providing one point of contact for people who need help.

Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services
The Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services program help persons with spinal cord and brain injuries receive intensive therapies to increase independence.

Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities
Phone: (512) 463-5739
Here you will find resources and information on disabilities including committee members and law, publications, ADA, key laws, goals and recommendations, disability history, disability policy, parking, and statistics. You can also learn about local committees around the state. The Disabilities Committee presents numerous awards each year for outstanding achievements made by and for Texans with disabilities.

Programs/Services for Adults and Children with Medical/Physical Disabilities

Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Services for adults with disabilities to help prepare for, obtain, retain or advance in employment. Services for youth and students with disabilities to help prepare for post-secondary education and employment opportunities.

45.5. Additional Programs or Resources

ADAPT of Texas
Phone: (512) 442-0252
Contact: Stephanie Thomas
ADAPT of Texas is a grassroots disability rights group. We are fighting so people with disabilities can live in the community with real supports instead of being locked away in nursing homes and other institutions.

Any Baby Can
Phone: 512-454-3743
Any Baby Can Child and Family Resource Center provides support for families caring for a child with special needs, therapies and support for children with, or at-risk for developmental delays, prenatal education to at-risk pregnant women, and childbirth, parenting and literacy programs for the community in general through the following programs. All services and materials are available in English and Spanish

Children's Association for Maximum Potential
Phone: (210) 292-3566
C.A.M.P., or Children's Association for Maximum Potential, enables children with disabilities to thrive in a recreational environment where safety and nurturing are primary. C.A.M.P. is a private, nonprofit agency that operates programs at a rustic camp setting in Center Point, Texas (between Kerrville and Comfort).

Disability Rights Texas
(800) 252-9108
Disability Rights Texas is the federally designated legal protection and advocacy agency (P&A) for people with disabilities in Texas. Our mission is to help people with disabilities understand and exercise their rights under the law, ensuring their full and equal participation in society.

Easter Seals Central Texas
Phone: (512) 478-2581
Easter Seals Central Texas creates solutions and changes lives of children and adults with disabilities and those who care for them.

Easter Seals Greater Houston
Phone: 713.838.9050
Founded in Houston in 1947, Easter Seals Greater Houston has always provided a variety of needed services to individuals of all ages with all types of disabilities and to their families in the five counties surrounding the Houston area. We are the only organization in the greater Houston area providing comprehensive services to individuals with cerebral palsy and all other types of disabilities and to their families.

Easter Seals North Texas
Phone: 888-617-7171
Easter Seals North Texas provides services for children and adults with disabilities and other special needs

Easter Seals Rio Grande Valley
Phone: (800) 728-5491
Easter Seals RGV's mission is to enable children and adults with disabilities to reach their highest level of independence where they live, learn, work and play.

Imagine Art
Phone: (512) 448-1540
Imagine Art is an Interfaith non-denominational Christian led organization, serving the spiritual and practical needs of a unique population - artists with disabilities.

Morgan's Wonderland
Phone: (210) 495-5888
Morgan's Wonderland is located in San Antonio and is the World's First Ultra Accessible Family Fun Park! This 25-acre park is an oasis of fun dedicated to special needs individuals, their families, caregivers & friends.

Neuro Fitness Foundation (NFF)
1361 W Euless Blvd., Euless, Texas, 76040
Phone: (817) 571-1323
The Neuro Fitness Foundation (NFF) programs are FREE of charge and designed to benefit individuals paralyzed due to spinal cord injury, Multiple Sclerosis, stroke, polio, head injury, Guilliean Barre Syndrome, Cerebal Palsy, Spina Bifida, Spinal Stenosis and many other neurological challenges. NFF is the first and only organization of its kind in the Dallas/Fort Worth area to offer these services.

Partners Resource Network (PRN)
Phone: (800) 866-4726
Their mission is to empower parents of children and youth with disabilities in their roles as parents, decision makers, and advocates for their children and to promote partnerships among parents and professionals.

Texas Adaptive Aquatics
(281) 324-4653
TEXAS ADAPTIVE AQUATICS (T.A.A.) features an outstanding adaptive water skiing program that allows people with physical and/or intellectual disabilities the opportunity to discover the thrill and excitement of water skiing, sailing, and kayaking.

Texas AgrAbility Project
Phone: (866) 601-6444
Staff members provide technical assistance, make referrals and arrange for on-site visits. The goal is to help disabled farmers and ranchers continue to be productive in their agricultural operations.

Texas Hearing and Service Dogs
Phone: (512) 891-9090
THSD is a non-profit organization that trains Service Dogs and Hearing Dogs to assist people with disabilities.

Texas Lions Camp
Phone: (830) 896-8500
Texas Lions Camp is a residential camping facility for children with physical disabilities, type 1 diabetes and cancer. The Camp is located on over 500 acres in the beautiful Texas Hill Country, and is designed to introduce the "Can Do" philosophy to children dealing with special medical conditions.

Texas Parent to Parent
Toll free: 866-896-6001
Texas Parent to Parent (TxP2P) is committed to improving the lives of Texas children who have disabilities, chronic illness, and/or special health care needs. TxP2P empowers families to be strong advocates through parent-to-parent support, resource referral, and education. In addition, TxP2P educates professionals about the unique needs of our children with the goal of improving care and opportunities for our children. Lastly, TxP2P is dedicated to championing the efforts of a diverse set of parent support groups and advocacy on behalf of our children's well-being.

Texas Technology Access Project
Phone: (512) 232-0740

TTAP promotes independence for people with disabilities through access to assistive technology.  Demonstrations, Loaner Program, Recycle/Reuse Program, Alternative Financing Counseling. Demonstration Centers throughout the State, 35 Day loans of assistive technology, Coursework designed for professionals supporting AT, Customized contracted Training

Phone: (512) 454-9912
ArtSpark Texas believes that arts experiences enhance the skills, confidence and quality of life for all people, and our goal is to ensure that these experiences are fully accessible, welcoming, engaging and respectful. 

Wheelchair Success Foundation Scholarships
Phone : (361) 882-9745
Purpose: To provide an opportunity for people permanently confined to a wheelchair to attend college or technical school. Applicants must be graduates or GED certificate holders who attended a Coastal Bend high school; permanently confined to a wheelchair; must maintain nine credit hours per semester with GPA of 2.5 while attending an accredited university, college or technical school.

Your Legacy Legal Care
Phone : (361) 882-9745
Purpose: This legal firm can assist residents of Texas with estate planning, setting up ABLE account, Special Needs Trust Funds, Medicaid Financial eligibility.  They serve the entire state

Houston Parks and Recreation- Adaptive Programs
Phone : (832) 395-7333
Purpose: They offer a comprehensive array of adaptive sports programs, open to public, accessible pool, rugby, tennis, pickleball, volleyball, Crew, lacrosse, soccer, basketball, boccai, bingo, line dancing, dance fit program, fitness program, air rifle, etc.  Funded by the Houston Parks & Recreation

Living HOPE- Wheelchair Association
Phone : (281) 764-6251
Purpose: Medical Equipment and Supplies, Disaster Team Information, Promoters of Quality of Life, Public Politics.  The organization was founded by people with SCI, they provide services and get involved in promoting rights to achieve our goals.  

Wheel With Me Adapt Fit 
Purpose: Fitness designed for wheelchair users by wheelchair users.  Wheel With Me Adapt Fit is a community for wheelchair users to support one another while creating longevity of our independence.  Wide Range of Fitness, Activity Tracking, Motivation & Meditation, Community Meet Ups, Free Resources, Webinars


46. Utah

46.1. Centers for Independent Living

Utah Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

46.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Community Rehabilitation Services at Sugarhouse Health Center
1138 East Wilmington Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84106
Phone: (801) 581-2221

Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital
85 North Medical Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84132
Phone: 801-646-8000

46.3. State Disability Resources

Division of Services for People with Disabilities
Phone: (800) 837-6811
Promote opportunities and provide support for persons with disabilities to lead self-determined lives. Support includes community living, day services, supported employment services, and support for people with disabilities and their families.

Utah State Office of Rehabilitation
Phone: (800) 473-7530
The mission of USOR is to assist individuals with disabilities to prepare for and obtain employment and increase their independence.

46.4. Additional Programs or Resources

AgrAbility of Utah
Phone: (877) 225-1860
AgrAbility of Utah is part of a national program administered through the United States Department of Agriculture, focused on promoting independence for members of the agricultural community who have disabilities resulting from injury, illness, aging, or other causes.

Art Access/VSA arts of Utah
Phone: (801) 328-0703
Through its Art Access programming, VSA arts of Utah is committed to providing quality arts activities for adults and children with disabilities as well as for those who represent other underserved communities.

Phone: (801) 355-7085
ASSIST Inc is a nonprofit Community Design Center founded in 1969. ASSIST provides architectural design, community planning and development assistance to nonprofit and community groups, and housing and accessibility design assistance to low income households or persons with disabilities.

Common Ground Outdoor Adventures
Phone: (435) 713-2108
Common Ground Outdoor Adventures' mission is to provide life-enhancing outdoor recreational opportunities for youth and adults with disabilities. We provide adaptive equipment and support, which enable people with 335 N 100 E Logan, UT 84321 (435) 713-0288 phone; (435) 713-2108 fax disabilities to participate in outdoor recreation alongside their peers. These experiences reduce stereotypes, raise awareness, and empower people to realize their full potential. Our trips are not only accessible physically but also financially.

Disability Law Center
Phone: (800) 662-9080
The Disability Law Center (DLC) is a private non-profit organization. We are designated as the Protection and Advocacy agency for the state of Utah to protect the rights of people with disabilities in Utah.

National Ability Center
Phone: (435) 649-3991
The National Ability Center is committed to the development of lifetime skills for people of all ages and abilities by providing affordable outdoor sports and recreational experiences in a nurturing environment.

Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund
Phone: (877) 488-3233
Support quality affordable housing options that meet the needs of Utah's individuals and families, while maximizing all resources. Utahns served by the fund include those with low-incomes, first-time home buyers, residents with special needs such as the elderly, developmentally disabled, physically disabled, victims of abuse, and Native Americans.

TRAILS: Therapeutic Recreation & Independent Lifestyles
Phone: 801-581-2526
TRAILS is a comprehensive outreach program of the Rehabilitation Center at University of Utah Health Care, for individuals with spinal cord injury or disease that includes an SCI forum, recreational opportunities, and a peer support program.

The Utah Center for Assistive Technology
Phone: (888) 866-5550
The Utah Center for Assistive Technology acts as the hub or center point of assistive technology services statewide. There are branch resources available throughout the state and services are coordinated to ensure that devices and services are accessible to all Utahns with disabilities.

Phone: (801) 685-8214
Contact: Barbara Toomer
We are fighting so people with disabilities can live in the community with real supports instead of being locked away in nursing homes and other institutions.

Utah Assistive Technology Program
Phone: (800) 524-5152
We serve individuals with disabilities of all ages in Utah and the intermountain region. Our job is to provide AT devices and services, and train university students, parents, children with disabilities and professional service providers about AT.

Utah Parent Center
Phone: (800) 468-1160
The mission of the Utah Parent Center (UPC) is to help parents help their children with disabilities to live included, productive lives as members of the community.

47. Vermont

47.1. Centers for Independent Living

Vermont Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

47.2. State Disability Resources

Attendant Services Program
Phone: (802) 871-3043
The Attendant Services Program supports independent living for adults with disabilities who need physical assistance with daily activities. This is a "Consumer Directed Personal Care" Program. Program participants hire, train, supervise, and schedule their personal care attendant(s). The program participant is the employer, and the attendant's hourly wage is funded by the program.

Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living
Phone: (802) 241-2400
Assist older persons, children and adults with disabilities to live as independently as possible.

Essential Person Program in Vermont
Phone: 800-479-6151
The Essential Person Program helps you stay in your home by contributing to the cost of having someone live with you to provide essential care.

Home and Community Based Services Medicaid Waiver Program
Phone: (802) 241-2400
This program allows the State to use Medicaid funds to provide alternative services for people who would otherwise need admission to a nursing home.

Money Follows the Person Grant
Money Follows the Person (MFP) is a five-year federally-funded demonstration project for Vermont's Long-term Medicaid Choices for Care program. The statewide program helps people living in nursing facilities move into their communities with the supports they need. Transition funds, up to $2,500, helps provide items and services not covered by Medicaid

Office of Children With Special Health Needs
Phone: 800-660-4427 or 802-863-7338
The Office of Children With Special Health Needs (CSHN) provides a number of services to Vermont children - birth to age 21 - who have complex health conditions, and to their families.

Rural & Agricultural VocRehab (RAVR)
Phone: (802) 656-5433
Rural & Agricultural VocRehab (RAVR) provides health evaluation, counseling and assistance in employment and/or job maintenance for people with disabilities.

Vermont Assistive Technology Project
Phone: (800) 750-6355
Provide resource information and referral; training and support about AT to service providers; initiate changes in policies and state laws.

 Vermont Direct Care Worker Registry
A web-based resource operated by Rewarding Work Resources to connect agency and consumer employers with people wanting to do direct care work for elders and the disabled. Workers post information about their background and work preferences and employers can search for workers by location. The directory is free to all Vermonters although employers will need to get an access code from a local agency. The agencies with access codes can be found on the site.

VocRehab Vermont
Phone: (866) 879-6757
Assists Vermonters with disabilities to find and maintain meaningful employment in their communities.

47.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Disability Rights Vermont
Phone: (802) 229-1355
DRVT provides information, referral and advocacy services, including legal representation when appropriate, to individuals with disabilities throughout Vermont. DRVT also advocates to promote positive systemic responses to issues affecting people with disabilities.

Easter Seals Vermont
Phone: (802) 223-4744
Easter Seals provides exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities.

Good News Garage
Phone: (877) 448-3288
We live in a state where transportation can mean the difference between poverty and self-sufficiency. Good News Garage is addressing this need by collecting donated cars, trucks and vans, repairing them and offering them to qualified low-income Vermonters.

Northern New England AgrAbility Project
Phone: (800) 545-8920 Ext. 2800
Committed to supporting farm families affected by a disability to be productive and successful in agriculture.

Rebuilding Together Greater Burlington
Phone: (802) 860-9200
Rebuilding Together is a national volunteer organization that works to assure that low-income homeowners, particularly those who are elderly, disabled, or part of a family with children, live in warmth, safety, and independence. Volunteers descend on homes in the Greater Burlington area to paint, clean, fix leaking roofs, replace rotten steps, and do numerous other jobs that make those homes safe and secure.

Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports
Phone: (802) 786-4991
Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports is committed to furthering the equality and independence of individuals with disabilities by providing access and instruction to sports and recreational activities.

Vermont Coalition for Disability Rights
Phone: 1-800-639-1522
The Vermont Coalition for Disability Rights (VCDR) is a cross-disability advocacy organization that seeks to increase awareness of disability issues and effect systemic change through legislative and administrative processes.

Vermont Family Network
Phone: 1-800-800-4005
VFN has an extensive network of families, professionals, other agencies, and other resources to assist you. Our family support staff has extensive knowledge about children and families with special needs and many are parents of children with special needs themselves. We also have a network of families who are willing to share their personal stories and answer any questions you may have through our parent match program. Our Family Support Consultants offer peer parent matches to parents who have children, youth or adults with special needs, and have concerns they want to share with another parent.

VSA Arts of Vermont
Phone: (802) 655-7772
Contact: Judy Chalmer, Executive Director
VSA Arts of Vermont (VSAVT) is a non-profit oganization dedicated to making the world of the arts accessible to Vermonters of all abilities.

48. Virginia

48.1. Centers for Independent Living

Virginia Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

48.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Community and Outpatient Rehabilitation Services at Sugarhouse Health Center
1201 Broad Rock Boulevard, Richmond, Virginia, 23249
Phone: (804) 675-5000

48.3. Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems Center (SCIMS)

Virginia Consortium for SCI Care
Clinical Services at Sheltering Arms Institute
Inpatient Hospital Services: 804-877-4000
Outpatient Services: (877) 56-REHAB

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model System, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports innovative projects and research in the delivery, demonstration, and evaluation of medical, rehabilitation, vocational and other services to meet the needs of individuals with SCI.

NIDRR awards SCI Model Systems Center grants to institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care and provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life. Grants are awarded in five-year cycles.

Each SCI Model Systems Center contributes to the SCI Model Systems Data Center, participates in independent and collaborative research, and provides information and resources to individuals with SCI, their family and care givers, health care professionals and the general public.

48.4. State Disability Resources

Arlington County Disability Resource Guide
Phone: (703) 228-1700
This directory of services and resources for Arlingtonians with disabilities is designed as a source of information and assistance for people with disabilities, their families and friends, and all who work with them.

Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
Phone: (800) 552-5019
The Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, in collaboration with community partners, provides and advocates for resources and services to improve the employment, quality of life, security, and independence of older Virginians, Virginians with disabilities, and their families. Under Services to People with Disabilities, you'll find information on employment through vocational rehabilitation, the Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Disability Programs through our Disability Determination Services, and available services to enhance community living for persons with disabilities. There also is extensive information on assistive technology to benefit persons with disabilities and the State's network of Employment Services Organizations.

disAbility Law Center of Virginia
Phone: 800-552-3962 or 804-225-2042
We help with disability-related problems like abuse, neglect, and discrimination. We also help people with disabilities obtain services and treatment. All callers receive help with these problems. Individuals with problems, targeted in our program goals, may also receive advocacy services and/or legal representation.

Fairfax County Services for People with Disabilities
Phone: (703) 324-5421
The Department of Family Services' Disability Services Planning & Development (DSPD) promotes the self-sufficiency and well-being of people with disabilities through advocacy, education, and solution management so that people of all abilities can fully participate in our community.

Prince William County Committee for Persons with Disabilities
Phone: (703) 792-7649
The Prince William County Committee for Persons with Disabilities (PWC CFPD) was established in 1987 as an advisory group to the Board of County Supervisors (BOCS) on disability issues. Its primary purpose is to recommend to the BOCS ways and means by which the County may be more responsive to the needs of citizens with disabilities.

STAR - Specialized Transit for Arlington Residents
Phone: (703) 892-8747
Arlington's pre-arranged reserved trip paratransit service is STAR - Specialized Transit for Arlington Residents.

Therapeutic Recreation Prevention Intervention Office
Phone: (703) 228-4740
Provide Arlington County residents who are at-risk, have a disability, special need, and/or activity restrictions the opportunity to increase their quality of life through recreation and leisure pursuits, thereby achieving a fulfilling leisure lifestyle.

Virginia Assistive Technology System
Phone: (804) 662-9990
Contact: Robert Krollman
The Virginia Assistive Technology System (VATS) is a statewide systems change project established in 1990 and committed to improving the quality of life for all Virginians by increasing awareness and accessibility of assistive technology. Through a variety of consumer driven activities and programs, information and technical assistance are provided on devices, services and funding resources.

Virginia Easy Access
Phone: (800) 552-3402
Virginia Easy Access provides individuals and caregivers information about public benefits and programs and includes a variety of informative topics of interest to seniors and adults with disabilities. This website allows people to search for specific services in each community. Content includes imbedded links that lead the user to more information on every topic.

Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center
Phone: (800) 345-9972 
The Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center is the first state-owned and operated comprehensive rehabilitation center in the country. Staff at WWRC provide training and therapy to people with disabilities to enable them to re-enter the work force and live more independently. Services include: Assistive Technology Communication Services Occupational Therapy Outpatient Services Physical Therapy Physicians and Nursing Services Psychological Services Short Term Rehabilitation Unit (STRU) Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Program Supported Living Services (SLS). Also hosts ERGYS* 2 Rehabilitation System, a specially designed, computerized stationary bike uses low-level electrical stimulation to allow people with little or no voluntary leg movement to actively pedal a stationary bike.

48.5. Additional Programs or Resources

Accessible Virginia
-Promote accessibility and independence through information.
-Develop Web sites and guides on access data for persons with disabilities to improve their quality of life.
-Consult with other states to help develop Web sites and guides using our innovative format.
-Work cooperatively with businesses to create an awareness of a large, lucrative consumer market--the 54 million Americans with disabilities plus their families and friends.

AgrAbility Virginia
Phone: (800) 365-1656
AgrAbility Virginia helps individuals with disabilities overcome barriers to continue in their chosen profession in agriculture.

All Blessings Flow
Phone  -  434-422-8888
All Blessings Flow is a local faith-based non-profit organization that was founded to improve the quality of life of individuals living with disabilities. Our primary mission is to provide medical equipment free of charge to those in need in Charlottesville, Albemarle, and surrounding counties.

Arlington Virginia - Disability Topic Page
The resources on this page provide information about programs and services for people with disabilities within County government and the community.

Assistive Technology Loan Fund Authority
Phone: (866) 835-5976
The Assistive Technology Loan Fund Authority's (ATLFA) mission is to facilitate favorable credit financing of assistive technology for Virginians with disabilities. The ATLFA can help eligible applicants obtain low-interest loans for a wide variety of special equipment (i.e. assistive technology). This includes loans for wheelchairs, motorized scooters, Braille equipment, hearing aids, low vision aids, communication systems, environmental control devices, building and home modifications for accessibility or telecommunication devices for the deaf or other assistive technology.

Caring Communities
Phone: (410) 549-5707
Caring Communities has now grown into a well-known and widely respected service organization offering disability-related activities and events for thousands within the entire disabilities community in MD, DC and Virginia.

Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (CRAB)
Phone: 410-266-5722
provides sailing instruction to SCI guests and their family members or caregivers free of charge in Annapolis. Their Adaptive Boating Center features a state of the art learning center and floating docks with boarding equipment that will allow CRAB volunteers to board guests with any disability.

Clemyjontri Park
Phone: (703) 388-2807
CLEMYJONTRI PARK features a unique playground where children of all abilities can play side-by-side. It is a playground where every child is welcome. This park is a place where children who use wheelchairs, walkers or braces, or who have sensory or developmental disabilities, can have a parallel playground experience of fun and exploration.

Commonwealth Community Trust
Phone: (888) 241-6039
Commonwealth Community Trust (CCT) was established for Virginia residents to provide a convenient and economical way to have trust funds administered for people with disabilities that will supplement the benefits offered by entitlement programs. Our mission is to enhance government programs for the lifelong special needs of the beneficiary so that he or she can live securely.

Easterseals DC MD VA
Phone: (800) 886-3771
Children and adults with disabilities and special needs find highest-quality services designed to meet their individual needs when they come to Easter Seals. Teams of therapists, teachers and other professionals help each person overcome obstacles to independence and reach his or her personal goals.

Fairfax Falcons Paralympic Sports Team
Contact: Team Email
Contact: Ashley Haddow, Program Manager
a Fairfax County recreational Paralympic sports team providing individuals aged 6-22 a wide range of sports experiences, teamwork, and socialization skills. Youth from the Northern Virginia area are eligible to participate. Our primary sports are wheelchair basketball and track/field (ambulatory and wheelchair-based). We also do golf, football and other seasonal sports. Visit our blog for up-to-date information:

F.R.E.E. Foundation
Phone: 540-777-4929
The F.R.E.E. Foundation is a volunteer-led non-profit that provides mobility rehabilitation equipment to help people regain their mobility and independence. F.R.E.E. collects, sanitizes, repairs and gifts donated mobility equipment to uninsured and underinsured adults in Virginia. Examples of equipment include wheelchairs, walkers, canes, lifts, power wheelchairs, and bathroom transfer aids.

Help-Your-Self, Inc.
Help-Your-Self, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to enhancing accessibility for people with disabilities by providing practical knowledge and tools to improve people's potential for growth and community participation. We provide tools and services to enable independent living, community integration, reduce barriers, and educate to prevent injuries.

Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC)
Phone: (800) 869-6782
The Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center assists the families of children with disabilities through education, information and training.

Project Mend-A-House
Phone: 703-792-7663
For over 34 years, Project Mend-A-House volunteers have assisted seniors, veterans, the disabled, and low-income residents of Prince William County, Manassas and Manassas Park. Our volunteers have built dozens of wheelchair accessible ramps, modified doorways, secured flooring, repaired leaky faucets, restored electricity and made numerous basic home repairs.

Phone (804) 282-3605
RampsRVA provides a community service unlike any other nonprofit. We provide wheelchair ramps for permanent wheelchair users who qualify under the HUD income guidelines.

SCI Resource Guide - Greater Metropolitan Washington Area
The 2010-2011 SCI Resource Guide, 4th Edition, is a publication of the SCI Consortium - Greater Metropolitan Washington Area. This handy guide contains specific information for your health and wellness, community living needs, equipment and supply requirements and a listing of sports and recreation groups in the area. (Click link at bottom of page to download the PDF file)

Sentara Hilltop Therapy CenterPhone: (757) 333-7000
Sentara Hilltop Therapy Center is part of the Sentara Rehabilitation Network, providing specialized rehabilitation programs spanning the continuum of care from inpatient rehabilitation and sub-acute skilled rehabilitation to outpatient rehabilitation, and day rehabilitation. Also hosts ERGYS* 2 Rehabilitation System, a specially designed, computerized stationary bike uses low-level electrical stimulation to allow people with little or no voluntary leg movement to actively pedal a stationary bike.

Social Security Disability Law
White Granite Dr., Suite 306, Oakton, VA 22124
Phone: (571)-328-5795
Contact: Sheri R. Abrams, P.C., Attorney at Law
Social Security Disability Law Preparation of Wills, Living Wills, Health and Financial Powers of Attorney Serving VA , DC, and MD

Spinal Cord Injury Program at VCU Medical Center
PO Box 980661 Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, , Virginia,
Phone: (804) 828-0955
Contact: Dr. William McKinley
VCU provides a complete program of care for persons with SCI and their families.

Sportable Richmond Adaptive Sports and Recreation
Phone: (804) 340-2991
Sportable is a not for profit organization focused on providing recreation and sports opportunities for individuals with physical disabilities in the Richmond area. Our vision is to provide sports and recreation opportunities in a Competitive and recreational capacity. Individuals in the competitive category can enter as beginners or participate at the more advanced level, competing at the regional, national and international level The recreational category will focus primarily on indoor and outdoor activities and events, which can be enjoyed with fellow Sportable participants, as well as family and friends.

Therapeutic Adventures, Inc
Phone: (434) 295-3973
Contact via email
As a non-profit 501c3 charitable education organization, Therapeutic Adventures, Inc. is committed to providing greater access to adaptive outdoor recreation (Adaptive Snow Sports, Adaptive Water Sports, and Adaptive Wilderness Sports) -- our primary goal is to improve the quality of life of ALL persons by helping them achieve independence in the outdoor environments where adaptive adventure activities are offered and enjoyed. Therapeutic Adventures has developed a unique and integrative approach to instruction using: our Independence Plus Model, our adaptive Circle of Courage model, and our Adaptive Outdoor Skills Mastery System.

Virginia Power Soccer Association
Phone: (757) 482-4981
Power Soccer promises to open the door to competitive sports for power wheelchair users in Virginia and around the world.

Wheatland Farm
Phone : (703) 574-0511
Provide helpful services such as wheelchair detailing and repair, adaptive equipment lending, adaptive art and music classes, parent information and resources, therapeutic riding, a 4-H club and a specially designed children's hair well for moms, dads and siblings too! Available year round at Wheatland,  Francesco's Closet features an array of wheelchairs, adaptive equipment and toys for free loan to interested families. The closet also accepts donations of gently used equipment in good working order.

Wintergreen Adaptive Sports
Phone: (434) 325-2007
Wintergreen Adaptive Sports provides outdoor sports and recreational opportunities for persons with disabilities. We serve people of all ages and with all types of disabilities.  WAS offers adaptive instruction in alpine skiing, snowboarding, kayaking, and canoeing. Each summer at its Wounded Warriors Golf tournament, WAS holds an adaptive golf clinic. Safety, fun, and learning are the priorities in every activity.Wintergreen Adaptive Sports is an independent 501c3 non-profit based at Wintergreen Resort in Nelson County, Virginia. It is a Chapter of Disabled Sports USA and a Paralympic sports club.

49. Washington

49.1. Centers for Independent Living

Washington Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

49.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

St. Luke's Rehabilitation Institute
711 South Cowley Street, Spokane, Washington, 99202
Phone: (509) 838-4771

V.A. Puget Sound Health Care System
1660 South Columbian Way, Seattle, Washington, 98108
Phone: (206) 764-2502

49.3. State Disability Resources

Aged, Blind and Disabled Medical Programs

Aging and Disability Services
Phone: (800) 422-3263
The Aging and Disability Services Administration assists children and adults with developmental delays or disabilities, cognitive impairment, chronic illness and related functional disabilities to gain access to needed services and supports by managing a system of long-term care and supportive services that are high quality, cost effective, and responsive to individual needs and preferences.

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: (800) 637-5627
The mission of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) is "to empower individuals with disabilities to achieve a greater quality of life by obtaining and maintaining employment." Employment contributes to a person's ability to live independently, and DVR believes that every person has the right to work.
Phone: 1-800-201-4900
FindARide is a comprehensive database filled with unique transportation options that can fit your needs such as local shuttles, volunteer driver programs, medical transportation services. We have resources for everyone!
Transportation Resources Line
If you need more help then FindARide can give, we can help you find the best options to suit your needs through one-on-one transportation support. Our line is open from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. If we are unavailable, leave a voicemail and we will return your call within two business days. To learn more about this service, or to get help with transportation, please email us at, call 425-943-6760, ext. 2, or complete our online form.

King County Metro Accessible Services
Phone: (206) 205-5000
Metro is committed to providing King County residents and visitors with valued transportation services, and their services extend to customers with special needs due to age or disabilities. Metro provides ACCESS Transportation paratransit service for qualified customers, and 100% of Metro buses are accessible.

Washington State Accessible Outdoor Recreation Guide
Phone: (360) 902-8844
The state of Washington has long been a leader in providing accessible outdoor recreation. The accessible sites listed in this guide are managed by the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, the Washington Department of Natural Resources, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, and the Olympic National Park. Local or privately managed recreation sites are not included in the listing (except in a few cases where state grant funds were used to develop a site).

49.4. Additional Programs or Resources

Cascade Canoe & Kayak Racing Team
Phone: (425) 785-7419
Together, helping canoe/kayak athletes become powerful people. Cascade Canoe & Kayak Racing Team focuses on helping people with lower limb amputations and/or spinal cord injuries below T8 learn, train, and compete in Paracanoe Racing. Racing opportunities include regional, national, and international including Paralympic levels. We're a USA Canoe/Kayak Club and Paralympic Sports Club.

Disability Rights Washington
: (206) 324-1521 or in WA State: (800) 562-2702
Disability Rights Washington (DRW) is a private non-profit organization that protects the rights of people with disabilities statewide. Our mission is to advance the dignity, equality, and self-determination of people with disabilities. We work to pursue justice on matters related to human and legal rights.

Easter Seals Washington
Phone: (206) 281-5700
Easter Seals Washington creates solutions that change the lives of children and adults with disabilities or other special needs and their families.

Footloose Sailing Association
Phone: (206) 382-2680
Footloose Sailing Association offers sailing as a recreational and therapeutic outlet to people of all disabilities. We are dedicated to bringing independence on the water and competence in the sport of sailing to our members and disabled friends.

Minor Home Repair
Phone: (206) 448-5751
Our highly skilled Repair Technicians make minor plumbing, carpentry, and electrical repairs and install wheelchair ramps, grab bars and handrails. Available to homeowners of all ages in Seattle, Shoreline and Bellevue. Income eligibility required

Outdoors for All Foundation
Phone: (425) 462-0978
The Outdoors for All Foundation is a national leader and one of the largest nonprofit organizations providing year round instruction in outdoor recreation for people with physical, developmental, and sensory disabilities. Outdoors for All's year round programming includes snowboarding, snowshoeing, cross country and downhill skiing, cycling, hiking, in-line skating, river rafting, canoeing and kayaking, day camps, water skiing, rock-climbing, camping and Custom Events.

Phone: (888) 810-0745
PROVAIL offers a comprehensive range of services designed to expand opportunities for people with disabilities to live, work, and fully participate in the communities of their choice.

Pushing Boundaries
Phone: (425) 869-9506
Located in the heart of Puget Sound, Pushing Boundaries is Washington's only intensive exercise therapy center focused on regaining function in those paralyzed due to illness, injury, or other neurological disorders.

Quad Inc
Portland, OR
Phone: 503.287.4260
QUAD is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping physically disabled adults.
We accomplish our mission by providing a model of affordable housing that is barrier-free and allows individuals with disabilities to live independently. Each facility offers the unique feature of resident-directed shared attendant care services, and our wheelchair-accessible apartments are specially fitted to help residents live life comfortably.  

Spinal Cord Injury Transitions and Wellness Program
Phone: (206) 744-2060
Contact: SCI Transitions and Wellness Program Coordinator
The Spinal Cord Injury Transitions and Wellness Program is a health promotion program designed to address the needs of individuals living with spinal cord injury (SCI) as they transition from inpatient rehabilitation into the first two years of life after SCI.

The Taskar Center for Accessible Technology
The Taskar Center for Accessible Technology (TCAT) at the University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering develops and deploys technologies that increase independence and improve quality of life for individuals with motor and speech impairments. We aim to enhance access to everyday technologies through the development of user-focused novel interfaces, the addition of sensors and input devices to existing technologies, and promotion of accessible design best practices in engineering. TCAT engages in research collaborations, community outreach, and technology design, translation, and prototyping.

University of Washington Center for Technology and Disability Studies
Phone: (800) 841-8345
(UWCTDS) is the lead agency for WATAP. UWCTDS provides hands-on demonstrations and short-term loans of assistive technology devices to help potential users make informed decisions about using such devices and related services.

Utility Discount Program
Phone: (206) 684-0268
The Utility Discount Program provides reduced utility rates for income eligible families, seniors (age 65+), and persons with disabilities. Qualified applicants receive a 50% discount on their Seattle City Light bill. Those who are Seattle residents can also receive a reduced rate on their Seattle Public Utilities combined utilities (water, sewer, and garbage) bill.

Washington Access Fund
The Washington Access Fund is a nonprofit, Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) established by and for people with disabilities in Washington state.  The Fund provides low-interest loans and other financing services to help individuals with disabilities obtain the technologies and business equipment needed to live independently and to succeed at school, at work, at play and in the community -- including home and vehicle accessibility modifications.

Washington Assistive Technology Act Program
Phone: (800) 214-8731
WATAP—the Washington Assistive Technology Act Program—serves Washington residents of all ages with disabilities of all types, their families, employers and employment service providers, educators, health care and social service providers, and others seeking information about assistive technology (AT) and accessible information technology.

Washington PAVE (Parents Are Vital in Education)
Phone: (256) 565-2266
Washington PAVE is a parent directed organization that works with families, individuals with disabilities, professionals and community members in all walks of life and with all types of disabilities. Since 1979, PAVE has provided information, training and support for over 1,000,000 individuals with disabilities, parents and professionals.

Work Opportunities
Phone: (877) 778-2555
Work Opportunities offers a wide range of vocational services to meet the needs of the participants we serve

50. West Virginia

50.1. Centers for Independent Living

West Virginia Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

50.2. State Disability Resources

Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) Program
Telephone: (304)293-7331
The Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) Program, advances the health and well-being of children and youth with certain chronic, debilitating conditions by providing specialized medical care and care coordination services to children under 21 years of age who meet financial and medical eligibility criteria.

Division of Natural Resources Disability Services
Phone: (304) 558-3381
The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (DNR) strives to provide reasonable access to our programs and facilities to the physically challenged in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The DNR develops and maintains fishing access sites and hunting areas for the physically challenged. The Law Enforcement Section now offers Hunter Education classes designed for hunters with special needs.

West Virginia Assistive Technology System (WVATS)
Phone: 800-841-8436
The West Virginia Assistive Technology System (WVATS) is the designated lead agency that works to enhance the lives of all West Virginia residents with disabilities, including older West Virginians and the families of people with disabilities.  By providing access to and help with the acquisition of assistive technology devices and services, WVATS can offer West Virginians with disabilities an opportunity for choice, control and independence at home, work, school, play, and in their neighborhoods.

West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services
Phone: (800) 642-8207
The West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services helps people with disabilities prepare for, get, keep or advance in competitive employment. To accomplish that goal, we can provide a broad range of vocational rehabilitation services, such as quality job training, rehabilitation therapy and other support services to people with disabilities across the state. Our goal is to enable and empower people to live independently.


50.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Center for Excellence in Disabilities
Phone: (800) 841-8436
The Center for Excellence in Disabilities (CED) has supported people of all ages with developmental and other disabilities and their families in the movement from institutional to community settings; in the development of inclusive educational opportunities; in the preparation of professionals to meet the needs of those with the most severe disabilities and behavioral challenges; and in utilizing interdisciplinary, state-of-the-art services to support the health and related needs of people with developmental and other disabilities.

Challenged Athletes of West Virginia
Through their program, adaptive equipment and instruction are available for just about every disability group - 3 and 4 Track Skiing, Mono and Bi-Ski, Blind / Hearing-Impaired and Developmental Disabilities. All lessons are one on one and are flexible based on the needs of each skier.

Easter Seals West Virginia
Phone: (800) 677-1390
The Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center provides a variety of services for children and adults with disabilities and developmental delays. Our dedicated therapists, staff members and volunteers work as a team each day providing the best service options to help each person reach his or her fullest potential.

Fair Shake Network
304-766-0061 or 800-497-4746
The FAIR SHAKE NETWORK is an association of West Virginians dedicated to the belief that diversity makes our communities stronger. People with disabilities have the right to live, work, and play in their own homes and communities. The Fair Shake Network provides training and systems advocacy on issues affecting people with disabilities through statewide, grassroots, cross disability activities.

The Ryan Shazier Fund for Spinal Rehabilitation
The mission of The Ryan Shazier Fund for Spinal Rehabilitation is to give those with spinal cord injuries and their caregivers the support, resources and funding they need to live independent and meaningful lives. The Golden Window Program is a stipend-based support system for individuals with spinal cord injuries who reside in Western PA, Eastern Ohio (including Columbus), and Northern WV.

Stepping Stones
Phone: (304) 983-7837
Stepping Stones strives to help people with disabilities achieve their maximum level of independence. This mission is accomplished by offering programs in the areas of community participation, leadership skills, physical, mental, and emotional skills, self-esteem, and self-expression.

Transition/Diversion in West Virginia: A Navigator's Guide to Community Inclusion
Part of the Transitioning to Inclusive Communities (TIC) Project this "how-to" book is for "navigators," people who want to assist those who wish to move from a nursing facility to the community.

Disability Rights WV
Phone: (800) 950-9250
West Virginia Advocates (WVA) protects and advocates for the human and legal rights of persons with disabilities.

West Virginia AgrAbility Project
Phone: (800) 841-8436
a program established to help people with disabilities remain active in agriculture.

West Virginia Assistive Technology System Funding Guides
The Pathways to Funding Guide is designed to be a handbook for individuals seeking monetary support and services in West Virginia in regards to purchasing Assistive Technology.

West Virginia Parent Training and Information
Phone: (800) 281-1436
West Virginia Parent Training and Information (WVPTI) is a statewide cross disability, parent/professional, private non-profit group. WVPTI provides information to parents and other professionals who work with children with disabilities. Presentations are available for any interested group, organization, or agency.

51. Wisconsin

51.1. Centers for Independent Living

Wisconsin Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

51.2. CARF-Accredited Rehab Facilities

Department of Veterans Affairs-Zablocki Medical Center-Milwaukee, WI
5000 West National Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53295
Phone: (414) 384-2000

Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital Inpatient Rehabilitation Programs
9200 West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53226
Phone: (414) 805-3000

51.3. State Disability Resources

Cabins for people with disabilities-Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
There are nine cabins for people with disabilities in Wisconsin State Parks. There are rustic cabins at Copper Falls and Blue Mound state parks and cabins with more amenities at Mirror Lake, Buckhorn, High Cliff , Kohler-Andrae, and Potowatami state parks, Kettle Moraine State Forest--Southern Unit, and Richard Bong State Recreation Area.

Open The Outdoors
Phone: (608) 266-2621
"Open the Outdoors" is a nation-wide effort to provide disabled individuals with a user-friendly means of accessing recreation opportunities. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is committed to providing greater access and more programs for persons with disabilities. We want to make it easier for disabled individuals to hunt, fish and pursue other outdoor activities.

Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program (TEPP), Public Service Commission
The Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program (TEPP) helps people with disabilities buy specialized equipment they need in order to use basic telephone services. Ask for the Sesame solution Sesame is an optimal smartphone solution for people who have limited, or no use of their hands to control a smartphone and are able to make small head movements.  The Sesame Solution is either $100 or free (if your income is below a certain level) with a voucher. After you receive the voucher, contact RAZ Mobility to request a Sesame solution. The RAZ Mobility number is 1-800-729-0083. RAZ Mobility can also help you complete your application for a voucher.

Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: (800) 442-3477
Wisconsin's Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is a federal/state program designed to obtain, maintain, and improve employment for people with disabilities by working with VR consumers, employers, and other partners.

Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services - Disability Programs Index
Phone: (608) 267-9582
Contact: Dan Johnson, Physical Disabilities Resources Coordinator

Phone: 414-291-7520
The WisLoan program offers loans for assistive technology. The loans help people buy equipment such as hearing aids, modified vehicles, wheelchairs and ramps.

WisTech Assistive Technology Program
Phone: (608)-267-9582
WisTech provides information on selecting, funding, installing and using assistive technology. Assistive technology (AT) is any product or device that enables people with disabilities to improve their independence and quality of life in the community, at home, at work, and at school.

51.4. Additional Programs or Resources

AgrAbility of Wisconsin
Phone: (608) 262-9336
AgrAbility services are available to those individuals and their families who are engaged in farming or farm-related occupations and are coping with the effects of a disability. 

Movin' Out, Inc.
Phone: (877) 861-6746
Movin' Out, Inc. is a housing organization providing information and assistance, housing counseling, and gap financing for purchase and rehabilitation to Wisconsin households with a member who has a permanent disability.

New Horizons Un-Limited
Contact via email
A non-profit, 501 (c) 3 organization, we have a mission to make information and life experiences accessible to individuals with lifelong disabilities and their families. Since 1994 we have been providing access to informational and technological tools to ensure that people with disabilities may have access to all that life has to offer.

Opportunity Development Centers
Phone: (715) 424-2712
Contact: Carol Ulrich
ODC is a private not-for-profit rehabilitation agency serving the vocational needs of adults with disabilities primarily in Wood County.

Project Home
Phone: (608) 246-3737
Project Home has a reputation of excellence and a continuing pledge to helping those in need maintain the American dream of homeownership. This helped to shape our mission, which is to continue our commitment to improving the quality and affordability of housing for all low- to moderate-income individuals and families in both Dane and Green Counties.

Society's Assets
Phone: (800) 283-9877
HOME Program, offered by Society's Assets, makes funding available to homeowners with a disability (or to homeowners who have a family member with a disability residing in the house) for accessible home modifications. Society's Assets serves a five-county area in southeastern Wisconsin: Racine, Kenosha, Walworth, Rock, and Jefferson counties.

Wisconsin ADAPT
There are several locations in Wisconsin.  Please see their map at the above link with contact information by location.
We are fighting so people with disabilities can live in the community with real supports instead of being locked away in nursing homes and other institutions.

Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative
Phone: (800) 991-5576
The Mission of the Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative is to ensure that every child in Wisconsin who needs assistive technology (AT) will have equal and timely access to an appropriate evaluation and the provision and implementation of any needed AT devices and services.

Wisconsin Water Ski Federation Adaptive Water Skiing
Phone: 262-720-7031
Contact: Kurt Roskopf, Director Disabled Skiing Division

52. Wyoming

52.1. Centers for Independent Living

Wyoming Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Independent Living Branch, to provide, among other things, several core services:

Independent living skills training
Information and referral
Peer counseling

52.2. State Disability Resources

Vocational Rehabilitation Division
Phone: (307) 777-7389
Contact: Jim McIntosh
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Division has the responsibility to advance employment opportunities for persons with disabilities within the State.

Wyoming Assistive Technology Resources
Phone: (307) 766-2051
Contact via email
WATR's aim is to increase access to and acquisition of assistive technology in the areas of education, employment, community living, and IT/telecommunications.

52.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Parent Information Center
Phone: (800) 660-9742
The main goals and purposes of PIC are to help families better understand education issues as they relate to their child's disability, and to provide support and encouragement to parents as they face their child's journey through life. PIC's services are available to parents of children, age birth to 21, with any type of disability or chronic health need.

Rehabilitation Enterprises of North Eastern Wyoming (RENEW)
Founded in 1972, we are a diverse, community-based, people-driven organization with operations in Sheridan, Gillette and Newcastle, Wyoming. Since 1972, we've been providing services for people with disabilities.  RENEW is nationally accredited by CARF, the Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission, in the following services: Community Services: Community Housing; Community Integration; Job Development; Employment Services:  Job-Site Training

Teton Adaptive Sports
307 699 3554
Mission is to promote and support sports and recreation opportunities for people with disabilities living in and visiting the Greater Teton Area.

Wyoming AgrAbility
Phone: (888)989-9463.
The goal of Wyoming AgrAbility is to inform, educate, and assist ranchers, farmers, farm workers, and their families with disabilities, so they can continue to do what they love—ranching and farming.

Wyoming Assistive Technology for All
AT4ALL is the product of a collaborative effort with other states in our region to expand and enhance AT access and acquisition. We invite you to set up an account and return often to see what's new, what's available for sale, or what's available for short term loan.

Wyoming Family to Family
Phone: (307) 766-2764
This website is an online portal to high-quality, research-based information on improving the health of families and children with special health care needs.

Wyoming INstitute for Disabilities
Phone:  (307) 766-2761
WIND provides teaching, research, information services, and technical assistance to both the University and Wyoming at large. Its major functions include preparing university students to help persons with disabilities live and work in more inclusive communities and providing current information about the broad area of disabilities, particularly in the area of developmental disabilities, to Wyoming residents and professionals.

Wyoming Protection & Advocacy System
Phone: (307) 632-3496
P&A agencies have the authority to provide legal representation and other advocacy services, under all federal and state laws, to all people with disabilities (based on a system of priorities for services). All P&As maintain a presence in facilities that care for people with disabilities, where they monitor, investigate and attempt to remedy adverse conditions. These agencies also devote considerable resources to ensuring full access to inclusive educational programs, financial entitlements, healthcare, accessible housing and productive employment opportunities.

Wyoming Technology Access Program
Phone: (800) 937-4718
WYTAP is a loan program that offers interest buy-down for individuals who want to purchase assistive technology. Extended loan periods (up to sixty months) make it easier for people to buy the necessary AT equipment they need at little to no interest.