Help DeskHealth and Wellness after SCI/DHealth and Wellness by sub-topicBone Health

2.7. Bone Health

*Please note that the information offered through the Resource Center is provided for your general information and is not intended as medical advice. Please discuss any information of interest with your health care provider(s) to determine the information that is applicable to you, taking your individual circumstances into account. 

General Information

Heterotopic Ossification

  • Heterotopic Ossification:                                                     
    A pamphlet produced by Craig Hospital that describes the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of heterotopic ossification (HO) for individuals with SCI.


  • Bone Loss After Spinal Cord Injury (podcast -2022)
    As bone loss is common after Spinal Cord Injury, it is important for you to understand how best to prevent, monitor, and treat it. Join this podcast presented by Dr. Mandy Rounds and Dr. Cristina Sadowsky which discusses bone health after Spinal Cord Injury.Dr. Mandy Rounds is a researcher at Medstar National Rehabilitation Hospital and Medstar Health Research Institute in Washington DC. Her work focuses on improving quality of life for those had neurological injuries or disease. Dr. Cristina Sadowsky is Associate Professor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and is Clinical Director of the International Center for Spinal Cord Injury at Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, MD. 

  • Bone Loss After Spinal Cord Injury (2021) 
    This factsheet explains why bone loss happens to people with SCI, the risks for bone fracture, and how bone fractures can cause other health problems. The ways to treat bone loss and minimize the risk of having a fracture are outlined as well. Available in both English and Spanish and published by the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center. This content has been reviewed and approved by experts from the Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems (SCIMS), funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). 

  • Osteoporosis
    A pamphlet from Craig Hospital that discusses the risk of osteoporosis in individuals with SCI, it's diagnosis and treatment.

  • SCI Podcasts - American Spinal Injury Association
    The Bare Bones Podcast series is a patient version of the PVA Bone Health and Osteoporosis Management in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury: Clinical Practice Guideline for Health Care Providers. The series is co-hosted by Anita Kaiser and Wendy Murphy two women living with spinal cord injury.

New Mobility Magazine Article


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