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1.3. Roadside Assistance-Accessible Vehicles
Mobility Roadside Assistance
Headquartered in Seattle, Washington, Mobility Roadside Assistance has been providing mobility roadside services to wheelchair vans since 2013. With their Adaptive plan, you are guaranteed towing service if your wheelchair van breaks down, flat tire assistance, jump start assistance, and more. The Adaptive plan provides full coverage of one wheelchair van anywhere in the United States and Canada. It also offers lift and ramp service, lockout assistance, emergency fuel as well as travel planning assistance and discounts. The Adaptive plan per year costs $289.
Offered by mobility works, their roadside assistance program is called ProtectionWorks. This program offers mobility roadside service for one wheelchair van. They will provide wheelchair passenger transport, wheelchair assistance, towing assistance, and a $150 tire hazard benefit and a $250 auto deductible reimbursement. The prices are not listed on the site. You'll have to contact them for more information.
It may seem unfair that mobility roadside assistance services cost more, but do not let the costs steer you away from getting the protection you deserve. If your wheelchair van does break down, having a mobility roadside assistance plan ready to go well relieve massive amounts of stress, as well as money.