Help DeskSports, Recreation & FitnessAdaptive Exercise ResourcesWOWii Physical Activity Study-to Mid-Jan2019

9.13. WOWii Physical Activity Study-to Mid-Jan2019

Physical activity study at Baylor thru Mid January 2019


Time Sensitive Study! – Respond by January 4, 2019 – Compensation $60 - $100 – Apply if you have a Spinal Cord Injury C4 or below & Interested in Getting Physically Active

Physical inactivity is a leading cause of death for all Americans including those living with a spinal cord injury (SCI). Inquire now about enrolling in this innovative study  to identify effective approaches to help people with SCI get more exercise, funded by the National Institute for Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation (NIDILRR) and conducted by researchers at Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation, a leading inpatient rehabilitation hospital in north Texas.


The study, Workout on Wheels Internet Intervention (WOWii), is a four month program and participants will meet over Zoom weekly for 16 weeks and work through weekly online modules to start and stick with an accessible and individualized exercise program. Participants will be compensated for their time to attend fitness testing and complete surveys before and just after the 16-week program.


Please join the study and improve your physical fitness! If you are interested and to confirm eligibility please email, call, or text our study coordinator, Amber M. Lopez. She can be reached at:


Office phone: (214)820-5843

Project cell #: (469)844-8730


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